Session 10 February 2018

Much thanks for making the latest session available, always fascinating to glean new information.

Really nice to hear the C's giving Jordan Peterson his props. He is such a meticulous thinker, he'll analyse the very syntax of a question. Someone on Youtube described him as the Hendrix of talking, which really made me chuckle. I must admit I have been diving into his depth psychology lectures, I mean how can you turn down a free Degree level education online? He's providing an excellent service to others, and what's more he constantly appeals to people to work on themselves as hard as they can. Pick up your heavy load and carry it, and bear it with serenity and dignity. And watch yourself, 'cos there's always a little dark part of you that you don't yet really know. ;)

His work dovetails nicely with the inner work done here, it's just a different way in.

I'd send him a box of cigars, but he wouldn't smoke them.
Hello thanks for the new session.

So Wikipedia says that Psychokinesis, (psyche, "soul, spirit" and kinēsis, "movement") is the hypothetical capacity of the mind to influence matter and energy, without observable and challenging mechanical cause. space and time"... It's possible?

Last year the crew talked about Poltergeist and how consensus limits or the beliefs we have that something can not be done because science says it, for example, but as we have seen, science accepts that it has only an approximation to reality. Modern physics is already open to these concepts.

Fritjof Capra in his book "The physics of Tao" says:

In atomic physics, for example, the scientist can not play the role of a mere objective impartial observer but is involved and immersed in the world he observes. John Wheeler believes that this involvement of the observer is the most remarkable feature of the quantum theory and therefore has suggested replacing the word "observer" with "participate" he said: it is necessary to delete the old word "observer" and place in its place the participate. In a certain strange sense, the universe is a universe of participation ... "

And the participation according to the mystics consists of giving (information) and receiving (information). No one is isolated from this fact. Things happen when you have a clear intention to participate in the Universe. That is what the Buddhists speak in the Avamsaka Sutra, the description of the world as a perfect network of mutual relationships where all things and all events influence each other.

Nowadays quantum physics not only introduces the concept of participation also that of human consciousness and now speaks of space-consciousness to replace the old space-time ... everything happening in the vacuum or the electromagnetic field. (EMF the electro-magnetic field is formed of electric charges, which form an electric field and moving charges that form a magnetic field)

The concept of EMF is also associated with the concept of gravitational force. Thus the theory of relativity says that "where there is a solid body (matter) there will also be a gravitational field and this field will manifest as the curvature of the space surrounding that body." Matter can not be separated from its field of gravity and vice versa... "

"Material objects are not differentiated entities, said Fritjof, but are inseparably linked to their environment and their properties can only be understood in terms of their interaction with the rest of the universe. The particles are simple local condensations (thought) of the field / vacuum, concentrations of energy that come and go, thus losing their individual character and dissolving in the underlying field. Einstein said: "We can therefore consider matter as constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense ... In this new kind of physics there is no place for field and matter, for the field is the only reality."

Now, can you move an object using your field and the field of the object? maybe it's a matter of not believing that you can not.

Greetings and thank you for a most informative session! Going back to read it again as there is so much information to be gained, my thanks to all that participated!
Phew, another mind-blowing session. Thanks for another one, Chateau gang. To paraphrase Manitoban, the sessions just get more and more interesting. Imagine being able to change the past. Who woulda thought? The universe is full of endless surprises. :shock: :cool: :cool2:
Thank you for the session. So, to have childlike(but not childish) attention-consciousness is the way to go. Thanks again.
If time is an illusion, that we all agree on, then there is no time?

"Time - and what is 'now'? | Forum
Quote. Q: (SV) But, if there is no time? (L) It is all happening simultaneously. We are having all of these lifetimes at once. Q: (L) Is it that there can be more at one time and less at another? A: No.
[Search domain]"

So the time-continuum is actually the consciousness-continuum? Then this gravity map depicts the 'weight' of consciousness inherent upon and around that sphere?

I am tempted to do a search and replace on previous sessions, replacing "time" with "consciousness", and see what happens!
Is there a math of consciousness? Does math have symbols or functions for consciousness? Math obviously has space in x, y, z, 1, 2, 3 dimensions for space. Is math incomplete or wrong without consciousness?

This question came to mind when reading the introduction of The Idea Of History
The result of this reflection was that a theory of knowledge proceeding on the assumption that mathematics or theology or science, or all three together, could exhaust the problems of knowledge in general, was no longer satisfactory. Historical thought has an object with peculiarities of its own. The past, consisting of particular events in space and time which are no longer happening, cannot be apprehended by mathematical thinking, because mathematical thinking apprehends objects that have no special location in space and time, and it is just that lack of peculiar spatiotemporal location that makes them knowable.
The age of the messianic man?

In the past when the C's said "mission destiny profile prior encoding" of the Semitic genetic code structure What is a Semite? Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines, Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens... the Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light so that´s the why they want to get rid of superpowered energy.

There are innumerable researchers who have studied the psychology of Russian who agree that Russia was a perfect breeding ground for the Marxist ideology because the Russian population had a mystical idiosyncrasy. The Russian idiosyncrasy made possible the conjuncture so that Marxism will gain followers.

The German lawyer and philosopher Walter Schubart, for example, wrote in Europe and the Soul of the East:

"Marxism has only one peculiarity that finds an affinity to Russian feelings : the messianic core of communist doctrine. The Slav soul felt it with a fine sense of smell and took it for a starting point ... The Westerner feels his heart beat faster when he reviews his assets and in Russian there is a feeling that possessions possess us, that possessing means to be possessed, that spiritual freedom is drowned in the midst of wealth. "

Schubart of the German philosophical pessimistic current believed that Western civilization is in decline, but with "Western civilization" it referred very specifically to a certain human type: what he calls "Promethean" (Spengler, another pessimist, preferred to call it "Faustian"). This human type has prevailed in Europe since the Renaissance and the triumph of the religious revolution of Protestantism, in parallel to the scientific revolution with its technical applications.

Everything points, in Schubart's opinion, to the fact that the doors of the Johannine aeon (for St. John) are opening and then it will be when the messianic man will supplant the Promethean man. This messianic man said "feels called to establish on the earth a superior divine order, whose image it carries, as it were covered with a veil, in itself. He wants to realize the harmony he feels inside ".

But where does this human type prevail? Schubart thinks he found it in Russia.

The German philosopher Oswaldo Spangler pointed out in Decadence of the West in 1918: "The Russian soul, soul whose primary symbol is the infinite steppe, (remember Zoroastro) aspires to be undone and lost, an anonymous servant, in the world of the brothers ... the inner life of the Russian, mystic , feels the thought of money as sin.

I wonder, does the predicted return of Christ signify the age of the messianic man incarnated in Russia?
Thank you all for this session.
It confirmed me that wise men do know that they know nothing and are full of doubts
Much thanks for making the latest session available, always fascinating to glean new information.

Really nice to hear the C's giving Jordan Peterson his props. He is such a meticulous thinker, he'll analyse the very syntax of a question. Someone on Youtube described him as the Hendrix of talking, which really made me chuckle. I must admit I have been diving into his depth psychology lectures, I mean how can you turn down a free Degree level education online? He's providing an excellent service to others, and what's more he constantly appeals to people to work on themselves as hard as they can. Pick up your heavy load and carry it, and bear it with serenity and dignity. And watch yourself, 'cos there's always a little dark part of you that you don't yet really know. ;)

His work dovetails nicely with the inner work done here, it's just a different way in.

I'd send him a box of cigars, but he wouldn't smoke them.

(Joe) What do they think of Jordan Peterson?

A: Great soul.

'Great' in C'-speak doesn't necessarily mean what we mean by 'good' tho. The C's may deduce Genghis Khan as being a 'Great' soul because of 'great' accomplishments achieved.
Hello BlackCartouche,

You are right about ‘Great soul’ mean person’s accomplishment in this density but seems Jordan Peterson’s motive or desire is helping humanity. So, we perceived him as STO candidate.
But, Genghis Khan’s achievement come from ‘brutally’ that conquer, massacres, etc...
So, I understand he went to 4th density STS Realm.
You are right about ‘Great soul’ mean person’s accomplishment in this density but seems Jordan Peterson’s motive or desire is helping humanity.

I agree. "Great" is very open, probably to preserve people's Free Will in regards to this question. What remains is to study the 'fruits' of his labor, and at least for me personally, I appreciate greatly what he's doing.
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