Session 11 June 2011

Session #960803

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three
things causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John C. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

IMO Rockefeller stands for money( physical possessions ) as opposed to Gandhi as a symbol of voluntary poverty
so its a bad day if you are attached to your ''stuff'' or a good day if you already don't ''own'' anything
dant said:

One thing to consider: The Tinfoil Hat could be thought of
as a concentrator or reflector depending on the trajectory
of the EM beam and its reflections, therefore the TH is not
a completely enclosed Faraday shield. I say 'concentrator',
because once the EM energy enters into the TH cavity, the
energy may bounce around several times within, potentially
increasing the absorption rate of the energy by the head?

Also, as noted in another thread or somewhere, the problem
of a Faraday shield may be of the inability to completely block
ELF and its carrier waves as ELF is known penetrate almost any

Yet, in another thread, it is recommended to use mulberry-based
silk, and I would presume a full-body covering, almost akin to that
of a Burka. But perhaps the most important covering is that of the
entire head, if it is not practical for a whole body cover.


Thx Dant answers a few questions for me and didnt no about ELF,something to ponder thank you for your reply. :)
Thanks you for the link SolarMother. I usually experience a feeling of suspension of time and then snapping back, especially when I do EE after work, less on weekends when I do a whole session earlier in the day. It was just longer this time. I have also been aware at times of a dialogue taking place, which I remember reading about in one of the threads. This was just a particularly long "absence" which surprised me. It definitely did not feel like going to sleep, but I could be wrong.
OrangeScorpion said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) It seems that higher soul potential has been historically associated with physical problems. It's like the soul, being a strong energy, expresses itself through the body, and if the soul is unhappy, or if the soul is ill at ease, or if it's in distress, or for some reason not at peace as it is very easy to be in this day and time when there is so much cruelty and insanity rampant on the Earth, that these people with higher soul potentials tend to have more physical problems and disabilities. Is that going in a proper direction?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, individuals with the soul potential whose soul afflicts the body with its issues need to really understand the body, give it optimal fuel, and learn how to deal with the soul issues themselves separately or in a soul-based way.

A: Yes.

I think that “learn how to deal with the soul issues themselves separately or in a soul-based way” means that the individuals with the soul potential should seek their own individual and specific way, general advice can't help your particular physical problem, so they must know your body,… but I don't know if I'm leaving something important.

English is not my mother tongue and don't quite understand the last sentence. Can anyone reword in other words?

On the other hand, I wonder if there is a thread that specifically addresses the issue of “soul potential” and its relationship to “physical problems and disabilities”.

Thanks in advance!

I tend to agree with your interpretation of the phrase but on the other hand we are a fragmented soul unit, then we would have things on common, at the base, but as individuals that have differences in the genetic body and the interface between body and soul, we have our particularities also.
OrangeScorpion said:
I think that “learn how to deal with the soul issues themselves separately or in a soul-based way” means that the individuals with the soul potential should seek their own individual and specific way, general advice can't help your particular physical problem, so they must know your body,… but I don't know if I'm leaving something important.

English is not my mother tongue and don't quite understand the last sentence. Can anyone reword in other words?

On the other hand, I wonder if there is a thread that specifically addresses the issue of “soul potential” and its relationship to “physical problems and disabilities”.

Thanks in advance!
I think that all disease originates at the soul level. The soul is not "at ease" in the body.
So knowledge of the body comes second; first you need to express your soul's desire!
In other words if the way you live and act does not aggree with your soul's purpose then
you will experience problems. If you persist in these thoughts and actions the soul's dis-ease
will be expressed by breakdown of the body.
Good evening to You all from Russia! My name is Antony.
I read all the sessions that have been since 1994. So, what I say - listen to me carefully!
Information that is given since 2000 does not carry any information - just around the bush all the shuffling. And nothing worth! and accurate! The most interesting thing is that you say thank you for these sessions, which are generally about NOTHING! Have you noticed that there is always a lot of rubbish about Nothing?
There's a lot of words she says in these sessions of Nothing, and then an affirmative YES from Cassiopaeans)
Earlier in 1994, was a constructive dialogue! There Cassiopaeans answered the questions and not just play "YES" all the way.

Where is the information that will be this fall? where is the information that will be the transformation of the space on Earh this fall and will affect not only America?
Enough talk about anything BUT THE TRUTH! There are things more important than your vegetarian diet, smoking and lifestyle of living а man!

You really need constant reincarnation? Your choice is Inside you!

Remember, the Truth is inside, not outside!And all the time long dark forces still hiding the truth! But the time to hide no longer exists, the light breaks through the darkness!
And in fact more important to each of you - to make a choice in the direction of the intangible in the next "life" - to refuse to transform into any solid plan (and thus evolve consciousness) and to stop your reincarnations. It is very important. True, every one of you decides he wants that or not - and while in terms of dense, living person.

Yes, and think, on this earth does a lot of people will be typed, who made an informed choice in their lives for the benefit of the intangible after his death, who do not need in your next life and even rich, healthy, king, president to be - he will deny from this.You think absolute majority is always right, but not herd if it is not a shepherd in that herd? Which, in its profit and benefit all the treats! and he wanted to spit on the evolution and improvement, it is important not to allow this improvement, otherwise it is the same as him? Take a spiritual and appreciate it more than material. Because there is nothing eternal in the material, the dense plane, but the spirit is eternal, so it was - so there is - and always will!

Make Your Choice! Stop reincarnations! Get out from the mess and evil of the universe!
Truth_evidence said:
I read all the sessions that have been since 1994. So, what I say - listen to me carefully!
Information that is given since 2000 does not carry any information - just around the bush all the shuffling. And nothing worth! and accurate! The most interesting thing is that you say thank you for these sessions, which are generally about NOTHING! Have you noticed that there is always a lot of rubbish about Nothing?


Truth_evidence said:
There's a lot of words she says in these sessions of Nothing, and then an affirmative YES from Cassiopaeans)
Earlier in 1994, was a constructive dialogue! There Cassiopaeans answered the questions and not just play "YES" all the way.

do you know the words "learning process "?

Truth_evidence said:
Where is the information that will be this fall? where is the information that will be the transformation of the space on Earh this fall and will affect not only America?

yes where is the information that will be this fall? you seem to know ?

Truth_evidence said:
Enough talk about anything BUT THE TRUTH! There are things more important than your vegetarian diet, smoking and lifestyle of living а man!

how do you know ? do you know anything about it ?

Truth_evidence said:
Remember, the Truth is inside, not outside!And all the time long dark forces still hiding the truth! But the time to hide no longer exists, the light breaks through the darkness!

how do you know ?
you don't seem to have done any work within (or at least it wasn't successful)

Edit: spelling
Truth_evidence said:
Good evening to You all from Russia! My name is Antony.
I read all the sessions that have been since 1994. So, what I say - listen to me carefully!
Information that is given since 2000 does not carry any information - just around the bush all the shuffling. And nothing worth! and accurate! The most interesting thing is that you say thank you for these sessions, which are generally about NOTHING! Have you noticed that there is always a lot of rubbish about Nothing?
There's a lot of words she says in these sessions of Nothing, and then an affirmative YES from Cassiopaeans)
Earlier in 1994, was a constructive dialogue! There Cassiopaeans answered the questions and not just play "YES" all the way.

Where is the information that will be this fall? where is the information that will be the transformation of the space on Earh this fall and will affect not only America?
Enough talk about anything BUT THE TRUTH! There are things more important than your vegetarian diet, smoking and lifestyle of living а man!

You really need constant reincarnation? Your choice is Inside you!

Remember, the Truth is inside, not outside! And all the time long dark forces still hiding the truth! But the time to hide no longer exists, the light breaks through the darkness!

Seems to me by you reading all the C's material that you are looking for the truth outside of you, does it not? That is why you fail to understand the C's message and teachings.
Truth_evidence said:
Remember, the Truth is inside, not outside!And all the time long dark forces still hiding the truth! But the time to hide no longer exists, the light breaks through the darkness!

Yep, the truth is inside. And my insides love bacon! :halo:
is not as good fresh pork :cool2:
Truth_evidence said:
And in fact more important to each of you - to make a choice in the direction of the intangible in the next "life" - to refuse to transform into any solid plan (and thus evolve consciousness) and to stop your reincarnations. It is very important. True, every one of you decides he wants that or not - and while in terms of dense, living person.

Yes, and think, on this earth does a lot of people will be typed, who made an informed choice in their lives for the benefit of the intangible after his death, who do not need in your next life and even rich, healthy, king, president to be - he will deny from this.You think absolute majority is always right, but not herd if it is not a shepherd in that herd? Which, in its profit and benefit all the treats! and he wanted to spit on the evolution and improvement, it is important not to allow this improvement, otherwise it is the same as him? Take a spiritual and appreciate it more than material. Because there is nothing eternal in the material, the dense plane, but the spirit is eternal, so it was - so there is - and always will!

Make Your Choice! Stop reincarnations! Get out from the mess and evil of the universe!

Looks like some critter got in through the cat flap. Maybe in another hundred reincarnations or so he'll be able to reach the knob. Or better yet, the door bell.
Truth_evidence said:
Good evening to You all from Russia! My name is Antony.
I read all the sessions that have been since 1994. So, what I say - listen to me carefully!
Information that is given since 2000 does not carry any information - just around the bush all the shuffling. And nothing worth! and accurate! The most interesting thing is that you say thank you for these sessions, which are generally about NOTHING! Have you noticed that there is always a lot of rubbish about Nothing?
There's a lot of words she says in these sessions of Nothing, and then an affirmative YES from Cassiopaeans)
Earlier in 1994, was a constructive dialogue! There Cassiopaeans answered the questions and not just play "YES" all the way.

Where is the information that will be this fall? where is the information that will be the transformation of the space on Earh this fall and will affect not only America?
Enough talk about anything BUT THE TRUTH! There are things more important than your vegetarian diet, smoking and lifestyle of living а man!

Truth_evidence if you are not interested in the work that we do here, please go elsewhere where your guidelines and warnings are estimated. If otherwise you are ready to step outside your own beliefs and self importance, please start showing a more reasonable/sensible/coherent aptitude; you sound quite noisy for the time being.

Thank you.
A Disturbance in the Force <- good point Disturbance in the force..
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