Session 11 June 2011


Thank YOU all at the Chateau for this latest session. And thank YOU all for doing that what you do best -keeping the TRUTH alive along with us!

And as always great responses/sharing from the forum members.

fwiw: I have to admit that I have been lacking in doing the EE for the past two to three weeks, but, something always seems to draw me to think like a hammer to get me back into the whole EE program (I work a 3rd shift and for the past month though it seems longer that we have been put on mandatory overtime):

I have gone to the bookstore and have been drawn to the philosophy section looking for Carlos Castaneda -because in the past that is where his books were placed, but now it is shelved in the "new age" section -if you are lucky to even find one of his books, but as I searched there was Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, and I was just thinking of Greek gods and that was the discussion at my work place. Along with the Universe seeks balance -Yin and Yang.

though I have not been doing the EE, and I do feel a brain fog persisting at times, but a lot of the discussions around the work place seems to be coming up in the Cs sessions, as it has in the past. I just find that a little intriguing.

And the reason I am writing this is that I have been trying to modify my diet for sometime now and one thing that I lack the most is the Iron (dark circles around the eyes) , though I do eat meat and as best as I can afford the natural grass fed type. I have a colleague that supplies me with free range chicken eggs. I have been taking magnesium; vitamin C; and some others that will take too long to write.

Divine Cosmic Mind keep the TRUTH energy flowing and keep ALL at the Chateau energetic and protected!
Bone broth is nutritious and good for you but for me that's beside the point, because it's YUMMY! :lol:

Also please don't be put off by expensive meat. One reason some meat is expensive is because it is quick to cook. Other cuts of meat are cheap because they have lots of connective tissue and therefore need more time to cook. Notice I said 'time' not 'effort'. It is a secret that few people seem to know that if cooked properly, cheaper cuts of meat are WAY more delicious than expensive cuts. Case in point, I recently bought a kilo of quick fry steak which if fried is less chewable than shoe leather. What I did was to boil the heck out of it for 1.5 hours with a large chopped up onion, then added some chopped up tomatoes, a dash of red wine and spices and reduced the whole thing down to a thickish sauce before serving. By then the meat was in a state where it literally fell apart in your mouth.

The secret here is that the connective tissue that is normally so hard to chew and therefore makes meat cheap, dissolves into a delicious liquid over extended boiling times and adds untold amounts of flavor and life-affirming goodness to the sauce. So, cheap meat, extended cooking times but no effort other than to keep an occasional eye on the level of water. :)
Laura said:
...At a certain point, one simply stops thinking about food as anything but fuel and intrusive, OCD type thoughts and cravings of all kinds also cease...
I am experiencing the first part of that statement for sure -- food as fuel. And most days 2 meals seems to be plenty. It isn't necessary to eat during less active hours. My grocery bill is returning to normal, too, because the "fuel" I am taking in now is expensive but also energy efficient -- I don't need as much. Food cravings are way down, but not gone yet. They are much easier to deal with now.

This way of eating, however, is very far out of step with everyone around me. It is difficult to believe that the world around me could be so far out of whack, at such a basic level, in spite of everything I had already learned. But the evidence continues to pile up. It is easier to adjust to the new diet than to adjust to all that it implies. Changing my diet somehow brings me face-to-face with the larger situation in a new way, making it harder to ignore than it ever was before.
Giray Khan the Brave said:
Bone broth is nutritious and good for you but for me that's beside the point, because it's YUMMY! :lol:

Also please don't be put off by expensive meat. One reason some meat is expensive is because it is quick to cook. Other cuts of meat are cheap because they have lots of connective tissue and therefore need more time to cook. Notice I said 'time' not 'effort'. It is a secret that few people seem to know that if cooked properly, cheaper cuts of meat are WAY more delicious than expensive cuts. Case in point, I recently bought a kilo of quick fry steak which if fried is less chewable than shoe leather. What I did was to boil the heck out of it for 1.5 hours with a large chopped up onion, then added some chopped up tomatoes, a dash of red wine and spices and reduced the whole thing down to a thickish sauce before serving. By then the meat was in a state where it literally fell apart in your mouth.

The secret here is that the connective tissue that is normally so hard to chew and therefore makes meat cheap, dissolves into a delicious liquid over extended boiling times and adds untold amounts of flavor and life-affirming goodness to the sauce. So, cheap meat, extended cooking times but no effort other than to keep an occasional eye on the level of water. :)

aha! so does that mean i don't have to eat shoe leather meat anymore? ;) thank's for the great tip Giray
Megan said:
Laura said:
...At a certain point, one simply stops thinking about food as anything but fuel and intrusive, OCD type thoughts and cravings of all kinds also cease...

I am experiencing the first part of that statement for sure -- food as fuel. And most days 2 meals seems to be plenty. It isn't necessary to eat during less active hours. My grocery bill is returning to normal, too, because the "fuel" I am taking in now is expensive but also energy efficient -- I don't need as much. Food cravings are way down, but not gone yet. They are much easier to deal with now.

Yep, same here: I've so long been struggling with food cravings, and now I'm actually returning to only eat when I'm hungry and not to think about food all day long.

moksha said:
Giray Khan the Brave said:
Bone broth is nutritious and good for you but for me that's beside the point, because it's YUMMY! :lol:

Also please don't be put off by expensive meat. One reason some meat is expensive is because it is quick to cook. Other cuts of meat are cheap because they have lots of connective tissue and therefore need more time to cook. Notice I said 'time' not 'effort'. It is a secret that few people seem to know that if cooked properly, cheaper cuts of meat are WAY more delicious than expensive cuts. Case in point, I recently bought a kilo of quick fry steak which if fried is less chewable than shoe leather. What I did was to boil the heck out of it for 1.5 hours with a large chopped up onion, then added some chopped up tomatoes, a dash of red wine and spices and reduced the whole thing down to a thickish sauce before serving. By then the meat was in a state where it literally fell apart in your mouth.

The secret here is that the connective tissue that is normally so hard to chew and therefore makes meat cheap, dissolves into a delicious liquid over extended boiling times and adds untold amounts of flavor and life-affirming goodness to the sauce. So, cheap meat, extended cooking times but no effort other than to keep an occasional eye on the level of water. :)

aha! so does that mean i don't have to eat shoe leather meat anymore? ;) thank's for the great tip Giray

Ha ha, finally goodbye to the shoe leather! :) Thanks for sharing, Giray!
Truth_evidence said:
Good evening to You all from Russia! My name is Antony.
I read all the sessions that have been since 1994. So, what I say - listen to me carefully!
Information that is given since 2000 does not carry any information - just around the bush all the shuffling. And nothing worth! and accurate! The most interesting thing is that you say thank you for these sessions, which are generally about NOTHING! Have you noticed that there is always a lot of rubbish about Nothing?
There's a lot of words she says in these sessions of Nothing, and then an affirmative YES from Cassiopaeans)
Earlier in 1994, was a constructive dialogue! There Cassiopaeans answered the questions and not just play "YES" all the way.

Where is the information that will be this fall? where is the information that will be the transformation of the space on Earh this fall and will affect not only America?
Enough talk about anything BUT THE TRUTH! There are things more important than your vegetarian diet, smoking and lifestyle of living а man!

You really need constant reincarnation? Your choice is Inside you!

Remember, the Truth is inside, not outside!And all the time long dark forces still hiding the truth! But the time to hide no longer exists, the light breaks through the darkness!

Funny how the Vegetarian Myth gets so much attention from the New Age fundie types, eh?

Information that assists in changing DNA, adjusting receivership capability for anyone who applies themselves is counted as nothing.

Notice that this person actually believes that there is going to be a "transformation" of the "space on Earh" this fall. There sure may be, but it isn't going to be very positive for many people according to the Cs.

Some days I feel like Cassandra.
Before I used to carefully read the C`s answers and sometimes neglect the questions or comments before the answers in a session. But now I realize that the questions and comments are just as important as the C's reply because if I remember correctly the C`s once said that the channeler or receiver is just as important as the source or transmitter. So just a 'Yes' from the C's can reveal a lot.
Lukas said:
Laura said:
Bluebird said:
Just a thought, but I wonder if meat being a good source of iron is a factor in providing protection.

Also with regards to smoking, I believe the Japanese have much higher rates of smoking per capita but also have a much lower incidence of lung cancer than western nations.

Thanks heaps for posting

The iron issue may be an important one since, as we know, iron can be a protection against abduction (as is described in fairy lore) and smoking definitely increases the iron carrying capacity of the blood. It seems that it may also enable the person to more easily transit densities under their own steam. Though, of course, some DNA modification may be necessary.

But, regarding that, I think we can notice that the DNA of most people on the planet has been thoroughly degraded via the eating of vegetables and grains, witness the horrifying increase of illnesses on our planet in lockstep with the increase of the vegetarian/grain diet.

So, the question is: does returning to our natural diet help our DNA to "switch over"? We've been talking about that a lot here because all of us have been noticing changes - some of them very subtle - in energy levels AND a significant increase in telepathic abilities. We also seem to have more control over ourselves in a number of ways. It seems that getting rid of the addictions that are fostered by opiate binding substances such as grains and dairy and some plant foods, is a big first step in mastery of one's mind and organism. At a certain point, one simply stops thinking about food as anything but fuel and intrusive, OCD type thoughts and cravings of all kinds also cease. That's just what we notice. We wonder what else may be going on in our bodies that is beneficial that matches these outward changes?

I would certainly added to that feeling better almost feel that I have 150% energy than before (when I have also practiced sports)

Controlling emotions is simply a lot easier
- Your hair grow faster
- Sharpened my eyesight
- Muscles grow faster
- Nails grow faster

Edit: added

Sometimes I think that when the Cs said "rejuvenate till youthful appearance" when referring to 4D transition, that the dietary changes are part of that process already here in 3D.
samy said:
Before I used to carefully read the C`s answers and sometimes neglect the questions or comments before the answers in a session. But now I realize that the questions and comments are just as important as the C's reply because if I remember correctly the C`s once said that the channeler or receiver is just as important as the source or transmitter. So just a 'Yes' from the C's can reveal a lot.
certainly true, i realized that a while back samy :) also, to really understand the complete context of the questions and get the full understanding behind it, i would recommend reading the forum posts talking about some of the topics of the transcripts (as much as you can), and reading the wave series books if you still haven't. cheers :)
samy said:
Before I used to carefully read the C`s answers and sometimes neglect the questions or comments before the answers in a session. But now I realize that the questions and comments are just as important as the C's reply because if I remember correctly the C`s once said that the channeler or receiver is just as important as the source or transmitter. So just a 'Yes' from the C's can reveal a lot.

also remember that it is normal in the beginning of a learning process that you have less knowlege and therefore
the answers will be different. when you are further, there will be automatically more answers with "yes"
simply because the person that asks has more knowlege then.
in an advanced stadium of a learning process you can better think things through on your own. and that seems to be one of the
prime goals that arise from the C's channel
Approaching Infinity said:
Truth_evidence said:
Remember, the Truth is inside, not outside!And all the time long dark forces still hiding the truth! But the time to hide no longer exists, the light breaks through the darkness!

Yep, the truth is inside. And my insides love bacon! :halo:


Actually, the truth of the outer world is outside. And the truth of the inner world is inside, but we cannot see inside ourselves without the help of mirrors. ;)
Laura said:
So, the question is: does returning to our natural diet help our DNA to "switch over"? We've been talking about that a lot here because all of us have been noticing changes - some of them very subtle - in energy levels AND a significant increase in telepathic abilities. We also seem to have more control over ourselves in a number of ways. It seems that getting rid of the addictions that are fostered by opiate binding substances such as grains and dairy and some plant foods, is a big first step in mastery of one's mind and organism. At a certain point, one simply stops thinking about food as anything but fuel and intrusive, OCD type thoughts and cravings of all kinds also cease. That's just what we notice. We wonder what else may be going on in our bodies that is beneficial that matches these outward changes?

That's interesting. "Telepathic abilities" happened recently also to me, that I knew in advance what is happening, or it is more like a certain feeling, or I had the same thoughts, which brought someone else up. Most often in connection with this group itself.
Laura said:
The iron issue may be an important one since, as we know, iron can be a protection against abduction (as is described in fairy lore) and smoking definitely increases the iron carrying capacity of the blood. It seems that it may also enable the person to more easily transit densities under their own steam. Though, of course, some DNA modification may be necessary.

But, regarding that, I think we can notice that the DNA of most people on the planet has been thoroughly degraded via the eating of vegetables and grains, witness the horrifying increase of illnesses on our planet in lockstep with the increase of the vegetarian/grain diet.

So, the question is: does returning to our natural diet help our DNA to "switch over"? We've been talking about that a lot here because all of us have been noticing changes - some of them very subtle - in energy levels AND a significant increase in telepathic abilities. We also seem to have more control over ourselves in a number of ways. It seems that getting rid of the addictions that are fostered by opiate binding substances such as grains and dairy and some plant foods, is a big first step in mastery of one's mind and organism. At a certain point, one simply stops thinking about food as anything but fuel and intrusive, OCD type thoughts and cravings of all kinds also cease. That's just what we notice. We wonder what else may be going on in our bodies that is beneficial that matches these outward changes?

I have began to smoke lately and to avoid almost lot of those products and I am feeling too some changes. A lot of changes, I think this is a beautiful learning year for me, and well, there are punches in my face but its part of the work, but it is interesting that some people are having a really bad time.
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