Session 11 June 2011

Understood. Even if meaning that I was, I wouldn't care anyway but I prefer to be aware of it.
The part of soul and illness reminds me the philosophy of Dr. Bach, homeopath creator of the Flowers of Bach: he said that all illness is coming from the soul. That the soul is ill before the body. That's why I believe in Homeopathy and use it, specially for my migraines. Homeopathy cured almost my migraine because I am sure my migraine was an illness from my soul. I don't know if you understand me. Than I take the flowers of Dr. Bach because they cure the soul, also.

loreta said:
I eat meat but I was vegetarian for the love of animals... I still feel sad when I see a truck with animals that are going to be killed and in what conditions my god. What can I do with this sadness that is still very strong sometimes? I there something I can do to palliate it? Or it will be always here. I really don't know.

What a pleasure to read the sessions.


There thread probably isn't the best place, but there is a "middle way" so to speak regarding the welfare of animals that are destined to be eaten. Temple Grandin is a big part of this movement. She even discusses the all-or-none animal advocates that simply demand we stop eating meat or turn everything into free, open range paradise for animals in her books. This is an unrealistic goal, and ignores what can be accomplished in the here and now. The middle way accepts we cannot end meat eating or commercial, high-volume production, but we can make animals lives as free from distress and fear as possible. She has worked tireless to improve the welfare of all animals in our food chain as she defines it -- lessening or eliminating pain, distress and fear. She certainly counts as a modern hero in my book (even if only in the here and now).
I have one question regarding why lizzards and grays don't like to eat people who smoke, I think C's didn't say why? Is it because of taste or something else?
Legolas said:
Windmill knight said:
I do love animals, by the way. But I also understand that while on this world we do not have a choice but to kill to feed. Maybe in a future better world we won't need to.

I agree, especially with a ketogene diet I'm getting sometimes questioned, why I eat that many animals and if I don't feel sorry for them. I come up then with an explanation that it is simply a fuel, to give to the body what is most natural to it, the best fuel as it in the session was put. Most often it then leads to factory farming. And with a maybe more macabre way explaining it, helping them to get earlier out of these terrible cages.

I always feel the same for animals ,as they are very often victims of the worst treatment by humans. When having to eat them, what I think is that -at least- they have some chance to run or defend themselves against their eaters. Plants can not run, not cry, not fight, and are mostly eaten alive. Also, by eating too many plants, many wild animals would be foodless. So by eating some animals, we give proper fuel to our bodies, and contribute better to nature. Let's say.. it is the "least evil" thing to do in that area.

Edit: added: After all, no matter what we eat, we are killing a living being. So there is no other option in order to have the best food for us. At least until we can materialize nutrients out of "nothing"
dannybananny said:
I have one question regarding why lizzards and grays don't like to eat people who smoke, I think C's didn't say why? Is it because of taste or something else?
Not sure, but the C's mentionned something about how smoking can increase your "frequency" or something. The frequency of smokers no longer correspond to their "tastes".
Geez guys, it was terrible hearing about all that HAARP workabout over your heads! Hope someone will find ways for increasing the protection, as you're already doing all the best to overcome the beaming and it's like it's never enough!

Thanks for sharing this session. The info about vegetarianism makes a lot of sense, especially nowadays that it looks more and more like any other propaganda i.e. anti-smoking and anti-colesterol parades. My thought just go to those souled being that are buying it for the illusion of better health... realizing that 'your body is only a machine that needs the best fuel' could be hard to swallow considering all the other lies we generally buy as 'spiritual'.
Wow, what a great session, thank you Laura and everyone who was involved. I totally agree with the vegetarian part, I tried the alkaline diet and it was the worst diet I ever tried in my whole life. I had absolutely no energy and I lost so much weight, I actually looked like an aneroxic. The meat is considered to be acidic so when I was on the diet I had to eliminate it completely. The vegetarian diet does not work for me at all. Speaking of cocroaches, actually my father is one of them. He eats the worst junk, pumped with chemicals, that you can think of. He is 72 years old and healthy like a fish. Unfortunately I did not inherit his genes. I have to eat healthy to stay healthy.

thanks again for the great session, I really enjoyed it
Thank you team for the new session! Much food for thought, yet again :)

Polonel said:
dannybananny said:
I have one question regarding why lizzards and grays don't like to eat people who smoke, I think C's didn't say why? Is it because of taste or something else?
Not sure, but the C's mentionned something about how smoking can increase your "frequency" or something. The frequency of smokers no longer correspond to their "tastes".

Perhaps this article can answer your question, Polonel?

Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?

A bit below the middle of the page it's where the Smoking section starts, with extracts from session transcripts.
The C's had told that Hitler was in complete control of the STS, and that made me think if your vegetarianism is not part of "to do the body more receptive to complete control" for part of STS to download their programs, therefore made him (and people copy him) a best receptacle when the wave arrives..apart from the fact that made us sick and weak.
Thank you for the great session. I've been board lurking for a long time, and the vegetarian debate really caught my interest since its a debate I get stuck in the middle of all the time. I do a lot of nutritional counseling and my patients flip out when I suggest eating more naturally raised meat. They are shocked that I'm not vegetarian and assume that this diet is better for the body and soul. I just tell them that something always has to die for us to eat, and that being mindful and grateful for our food is important. Then when I start talking about mycotoxins found in grains I see their eyes glaze over and their minds shut off... very few are interested in changing the view they have solidified as their "truth". Thanks to all of you for assisting in my on-going search for truth. Laura's description of the different personalities in this session was a very helpful way to grasp what is going on all around me.

Abrazos (hugs)
Galaxia2002 said:
The C's had told that Hitler was in complete control of the STS, and that made me think if your vegetarianism is not part of "to do the body more receptive to complete control" for part of STS to download their programs, therefore made him (and people copy him) a best receptacle when the wave arrives..apart from the fact that made us sick and weak.

Well, this brings up another topic imo. Cause there are theories about Hitler, that he was a vegetarian and also some other evil people (where it is claimed: Charles Manson and Pol Pot). And Hitler also loved animals at least his dog: Blondi. Well, it is still discussed controversially if he was or not, cause maybe people are not satisfied with that theory, cause vegetarians should be good people. As always, not to say that vegetarianism is always evil.

What an excellent session! Thank-you, to all involved. When these sessions come along, its like receiving a gift in the mail.

A number of people pointed out that this session provided "food for thought", which I thought summed up the heart of the whole veg/meat debate quite well. :lol:

Anyway. . .

A few points struck me while reading through all the posts. . .

whitecoast said:
Does that mean that it's possible that 4D humans in the future will one day eat 3D humans? Since 3D people aren't optimal nutrition for other 3D people, but are to those in 4D, will 4D people perceive 3D people the same way we perceive cattle and chickens today? One could make the argument that only the STS 4D humans will do such a thing, but given the lines of reasoning I've seen on the forum for eating 2D beings, they could be equally applied to eating 3D beings the next density over. :scared: Please tell me I'm wrong about this.

Well, reading the Wave and other materials should clear this up, I think. I see 3D people energetically feeding on 3D people all the time, right here and now. It's what bullies and psychopaths do. It follows that 4D people will be able to do this with more facility. I recall reading that sexual energy is also harvested. (Which I find a somewhat unsettling concept. What a way to dampen one's sex life!) —Keeping in mind that it's all about energy at the higher levels; feeding on actual flesh has been explained as only being necessary when 4D visits lower levels.


Regarding Gandhi. . .

I had the thought that in spite of his own beliefs and intentions, he might have been played. —If there is a program for everyone, then without understanding the roots of the problem, without knowing the nature of the psychopath, etc., then teaching passive resistance, and *really* believing that everybody was equal and had access to compassion, then such a giant bit of cultural programming might have been entirely within the design parameters of the 4D farmer. All of India kept like a barn yard? (To phrase it as somebody pointed out earlier), —where the chickens are ever-available to the predator and can be counted upon to not fight back.

A similar corruption appears in Jesus' message, if I understand things correctly; the whole, "Turn the other cheek", "What would Jesus do? (Suffer without complaint on a cross!)" programming. —Except the Dark Side had to wait for Jesus to die first before they could spin his message, as he seems to have had a lot more knowledge than Gandhi. He wasn't teaching from a point of knowledge-weakness.

loreta said:
Legolas said:
Windmill knight said:
I do love animals, by the way. But I also understand that while on this world we do not have a choice but to kill to feed. Maybe in a future better world we won't need to.

I agree, especially with a ketogene diet I'm getting sometimes questioned, why I eat that many animals and if I don't feel sorry for them. I come up then with an explanation that it is simply a fuel, to give to the body what is most natural to it, the best fuel as it in the session was put. Most often it then leads to factory farming. And with a maybe more macabre way explaining it, helping them to get earlier out of these terrible cages.

I eat meat but I was vegetarian for the love of animals... I still feel sad when I see a truck with animals that are going to be killed and in what conditions my god. What can I do with this sadness that is still very strong sometimes? I there something I can do to palliate it? Or it will be always here. I really don't know.

I think, while I do see the logic in Legolas' thinking, that this might also be somewhat evasive in a self-calming kind of way. Torture is torture, and stacking animals, like chickens in little cages, I find quite offensive when I allow my mind to look on the practice of factory farming without filters. In any case, those animals are grain and chemical fed, which diminishes the quality of the 'fuel'. I just can't go there, for several reasons, not the least of which being, "As Above, So Below". I have a vague notion that if I treat my food with respect, perhaps the predator stalking me will give the same consideration. I'd much rather live a free-range, chemical-free life and have my body die with respect if I have to go, (and we all must.) —All very STS thinking, I'm not pretending it isn't, but I hope this thinking is a stepping stone towards a point where I have access to the choice to become properly STO.

And so, in the interim, I think the solution is to kill with compassion.

Of course, giving free range lives and respect to the animals which are going to feed us is not as I see it, (and I may be wrong), viable when considering that there are 7 Billion mouths on the planet. My thinking, though, is that many, if not most, of those mouths are not at a point in their learning cycle where they would benefit fully from a meat-rich, cruelty-free diet anyway. How many people are emotionally, psychologically and spiritually ready to face the challenges of 4D? Many can barely navigate their highly controlled 3D lives as it is, and I suspect they will need to do a lot more grind-work through 3D before they are ready to graduate. I see shifting one's food choices as a kind of result of raising one's frequency.

I *think* that those who need meat and who choose to try to imagine life in the shoes (or hooves) of others when making their food choices, will have the chance to meet their dietary objectives and may do so without the need for factory farming. So few seem to care as it is, so it's not like the demand for respectfully raised meat is stretching supply over-much.

I've always found the idea, (as it is often discussed in philosophy courses), of trying to create a uniformly even and 'Just' society where everybody experiences the same lessons, kind of ridiculous. I don't think fits with the nature of reality.

Just some thoughts.

Thanks again for the session! :)

EDIT -fixing grammar.
RedFox said:
Daniello said:
Well, I'd just like to say, that after contemplating over this session, after a 2,5 half year period I stopped being a vegetarian. Today I took a bite of kind of poultry-sausage thing. Kind of a milestone. Well, thank you for the session.

That was a big step to take Daniello - let us know how it goes!

Of course :).
I was aware that this change in diet has to be gradual. The first day, as I mentioned, I tried only a thicker slice of a sausage. Maybe it was a placebo effect, but I felt an overwhelming flow of energy. The next day ( yesterday) I ate tuna as a part of a dinner. Then, I really felt boozed with energy. I felt ready even to do training excercises, which usually I was anxious of. What is more, I also put salami on a sandwich as a late-supper. Today I will try chicken and observe how my body reacts.
Intuition tells me, that my physical body is regenerating and regains necessary components.

What is essential, after contemplating and 'analysing' the content given in this session, I am aware of the mind programmes and a hypocrisy that I removed(dispersed?). They surely influence the whole prospect of being. I am really grateful to all beings who prepared this session.
"Help is on the way."

When I read that one sentence I feel reassured that out of all this will come some goodness and an end to the darkness. Thank you Laura and group for the hope.

Dodge the HAARPoons!

(edit; spelling)
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