Session 11 June 2011

Laura said:
Peam said:
I don't think the C's meant that Gandhi was an OP because of what they said in this seesion. I could be wrong of course.

Session #960803

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three
things causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John C. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

I agree. I don't think they were suggesting that Gandhi was an OP but rather that he - and the rest of us who are oppressed - are thought of as "cattle" by some of those in higher densities.

I read it the same way. The discussion was going along the lines of "OPs 'care' about real cattle, rather than their 'fellow' humans". And then the Cs put a little twist on that by saying that Gandhi cared about human cattle.
Windmill knight said:
I do love animals, by the way. But I also understand that while on this world we do not have a choice but to kill to feed. Maybe in a future better world we won't need to.

I agree, especially with a ketogene diet I'm getting sometimes questioned, why I eat that many animals and if I don't feel sorry for them. I come up then with an explanation that it is simply a fuel, to give to the body what is most natural to it, the best fuel as it in the session was put. Most often it then leads to factory farming. And with a maybe more macabre way explaining it, helping them to get earlier out of these terrible cages.
Q: (Andromeda) But then we could eat vegetarians. [laughter]

A: Don't laugh! That has been the case for some groups at certain times and places. In fact, that is still the case in some dark circles extant on Earth today. As we once pointed out, higher density beings derive nourishment from some humans and human body products. Preferred are fat children and nonsmoking vegetarians.

No wonder the numbers of each of those groups seem to be growing.

About authoritarian personalities, this story seems to agree: Just yesterday I tracked down an old friend on Facebook. Hadn't heard from him in 20+ years. He was brought up in a non-religious, non-political Catholic household and had no interest in those things when I knew him, just music. His profile page was almost exclusively promotion of right-wing partisan Republican figures and organizations, including membership in an Evangelical church, no mention of music interest, nor any obvious musicians among his 200+ friends. I figured I wouldn't contact him after all.
Pai said:
In terms of the consistent 'Help is on the way' ending to these sessions and With our current understanding or model of the various motivations within the densities, this can't possibly refer to anyone or anything 'arriving' to sort things out and I take it we should consider this in the light of our higher selves, no?

It could be, yes. This is what Laura said in the last session:

Laura said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
Laura said:
A: Help is on the way! Goodbye!
Good to know.
Thanks for the memo 6th density STO :)

Keep in mind that WE may be that help...
In trying to fill the gaps regarding the "contradictory" sessions mentioning Gandhi I venture to think that as was interpreted in the last session He is/was a souled being, an individual learning his lessons and working towards STO, a 4th density candidate, not a completely STO being already, that may be the reason why the Cs give "Close" and "No" responses in the different sessions.

For what we know it seems there is no need for a total STO profile in order to graduate and continue learning, and maybe those who reach a total STO profile are on sixth density where the lessons regarding physicality have been completed, they are completely light beings in service to others, in fourth density there is variability of physicality but not lack of physicality, it's just another step towards it, once awareness of the two paths and hence a leveled field is achieved, osit.

So thinking of Gandhy as a complete STO being is not the key, he had his own lessons regarding this too, allthough compared with many in his realm (STS) He was advanced.
As for the HAARP issues that have been affecting people..The Tin Foil Hat Theory(Yes some think its crazy) might Help or net but it needs an airing..Its been eating away all day at me that it helped in the past as well as today..Also some people sware that it helps in areas with Wifi and large phone masts with sleeping..I dont have to mention the affects of wifi here as its been well documented,was just pulling at an idea like the Faraday cage for some protection maybe..just an idea and there was something about Tin in the ancient past to if only i could rememnber..

From The Wiki..Scientific Basis

The notion that a tin foil hat can significantly reduce the intensity of incident radio frequency radiation on the wearer's brain has some scientific validity, as the effect of strong radio waves has been documented for quite some time.[3] A well-constructed tin foil enclosure would approximate a Faraday cage, reducing the amount of (typically harmless) radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation inside. A common high school physics demonstration involves placing an AM radio on tin foil, and then covering the radio with a metal bucket. This leads to a noticeable reduction in signal strength. The efficiency of such an enclosure in blocking such radiation depends on the thickness of the tin foil, as dictated by the skin depth, the distance the radiation can propagate in a particular non-ideal conductor. For half-millimeter-thick tin foil, radiation above about 20 kHz (i.e., including both AM and FM bands) would be partially blocked, although tin foil is not sold in this thickness, so numerous layers of tin foil would be required to achieve this effect.
The effectiveness of the tin foil hat as electromagnetic shielding for stopping radio waves is greatly reduced by the fact that it is not a complete enclosure. Placing an AM radio under a metal bucket without a conductive layer underneath demonstrates the relative ineffectiveness of such a setup. Indeed, because the effect of an ungrounded Faraday cage is to partially reflect the incident radiation, a radio wave that is incident on the inner surface of the hat (i.e., coming from underneath the hat-wearer) would be reflected and partially 'focused' towards the user's brain. While tin foil hats may have originated in some understanding of the Faraday cage effect, the use of such a hat to attenuate radio waves belongs properly to the realm of pseudoscience.

A study by graduate students at MIT determined that a tin foil hat could either amplify or attenuate incoming radiation depending on frequency; the effect was observed to be roughly independent of the relative placement of the wearer and radiation source.[5] At GHz wavelengths, the skin depth is less than the thickness of even the thinnest foil.[citation needed]

Tin foil hats are seen by some as a protective measure against the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Despite some allegations that EMR exposure has negative health consequences,[6] at this time, no link has been verifiably proven between the radio-frequency EMR that tin foil hats are meant to protect against and subsequent ill health.

Electromagnetic hearing

Humans are able to detect modulated radio-frequency electromagnetic signals in the microwave range, hearing them as sounds. The perceived source of induced sound is located inside of or directly behind the head of the recipient, regardless of the location of the transmitter. The effect is believed to be caused by thermoelastic expansion of the brain exposed to microwaves.[8]

During the Cold War, electromagnetic hearing was clinically studied in the United States for applications including covert message transmission and use as a non-lethal weapon. As a declassified National Ground Intelligence Center document points out:

It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard "voices within one's head".
— [9]

In 1962, Allan H. Frey discovered that reception of the induced sound can be blocked by a patch of wire mesh (not foil) placed above the temporal lobe.
"Q: (L) That's really depressing though to think that we ARE the only balancing energy... out of 7 billion people on the planet?!"

I'm unspeakable grateful for this, that Laura & Crew can balance this energy. I' m sending all my sympathy for Them. Maybe this make Them even so little resistant to "HAARPening" ...

(I hope that don't make it worse ... ;)

best regards to everybody

I had the same thoughts, of those whom I know and
knew, and often-times had thoughts to try and convert
them, as if trying to save them from themselves. In
almost every case, I was met with negative reflections
that smacked right back at yours truly. The mote is
still in my eye.

But over time, having done research and checking with
SOTT regularly, one may learn one does not have the right
to molest another's free will and their karma, even when
asked; one must carefully consider the whole, before
attempting a response, if at all.

Having read The Odyssey, the chronicles of Ulysses, reminded
me of exactly that - the taking of actions without thoroughly
considering the consequences of that action and how the
universe might respond. OSIT.

Your conclusions may be on the right track. OSIT
Many thanks to Chateau Crew for sharing your current and future selves' wisdom and guidance :grad:

I greatly appreciate everything that you and everyone else is sharing here! Most enlightening and inspirational as usual. I can't even imagine how rough struggling against all the forces aimed against you actually is .. However, it is at the same time obvious that >You've got the Power! < and that we, the "cattle" would be pretty much completely lost without this guidance... I hope that at least attacks diminish and provide you all with a nice recuperating time out!
:rockon: :cool2:

Regarding vege-people I managed to receive a sarcastic "Nazi" remark and a nasty look recently by a vegan acquaintance apparently for relaying not-nice information on The Vegetarian Myth book. All this new information surely expands on possibilities involved behind such persons' make-up. Definitely something to update one's awareness and external considering efforts with. The irony in this world surely tends to be of fantastic proportions :umm:

All Best! :flowers:
Thanks for the interesting session Laura and family, I hope you get a beam proof roof soon.

zhenqing said:
Thank you for the session! As always, there is a lot to think about.

Laura said:
Q: (Galaxia) Why would it interfere with the mission?

A: If you know why you will anticipate and possibly make mistakes fatal to yourself. Let us just say that "they" know that harm to you would result in their own total destruction along a more negative timeline.

Q: (L) Well, if my death would bring about their destruction, then maybe it would be a good idea for me to check out, right? Well, isn't that what we want? (Belibaste) Why would it lead to their destruction?

A: Again, we cannot tell you all. But know that there is no chance for a positive outcome for Earth and the future without the presence.

Q: (L) So, there's no chance for a positive outcome without me, and yet my death would ensure their total destruction.

A: And all else!

Fascinating! And yet...

Laura said:
Q: (Perceval) Maybe it's got something to do with balance, ya know? The universe wanting balance. There's a higher power in the universe that allows things to play out as long as there's some kind of balance. But if you weren't here, then this world would be a completely dark, negative star, and there'd be some mechanism that would destroy it and everything associated with it.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) That's really depressing though to think that we ARE the only balancing energy... out of 7 billion people on the planet?! (Perceval) The only reason that the whole thing hasn't already gone up in smoke is because some few people are making an effort. It's rather magnanimous of the universe to consider such a small group of people[..]

It is depressing. I mean, what does it take for people to at least acknowledge that our world is on the verge of destruction? How much worse can it get until they will realize that? Most of them will probably die in ignorance anyway, not knowing what hit them. :(

I hope that you all are feeling much better now, Laura & the crew :flowers:

It is So depressing... I've come to terms with most people locked in as the 'window of oppertunity' has closed but that Laura and gang are the last guys standing with a real anchor in light :scared: It drives home how crucial objectivity is to spirituality. To the culture programmed mind it's sacrilegious to have this impressed, that all the spiritual clubs and love/ lighters aren't really pulling anything of substance. I know this should be old news hereabouts, it just bolds the point somehow with this session.

One thing to consider: The Tinfoil Hat could be thought of
as a concentrator or reflector depending on the trajectory
of the EM beam and its reflections, therefore the TH is not
a completely enclosed Faraday shield. I say 'concentrator',
because once the EM energy enters into the TH cavity, the
energy may bounce around several times within, potentially
increasing the absorption rate of the energy by the head?

Also, as noted in another thread or somewhere, the problem
of a Faraday shield may be of the inability to completely block
ELF and its carrier waves as ELF is known penetrate almost any

Yet, in another thread, it is recommended to use mulberry-based
silk, and I would presume a full-body covering, almost akin to that
of a Burka. But perhaps the most important covering is that of the
entire head, if it is not practical for a whole body cover.

Thanks for the great session. And a timely one too as I'm currently about 100 pages into the Vegitarian Myth that was recommended and it has been a shocking read. Many years ago I had an ex-girlfriend that gave me bulletin points on why I should become a vegitarian and she had some valid points and I tried it for a week, but I just knew then that there was no way I was going to stick to it. I've tried all kinds of diets and exercise routines and once I got over the need to look like some celebrity everything just kind of fell into place. Because of this site it is only now that I'm consciously really thinking about all of this. At this point in my life I really want deeper knowledge and understanding as to what I'm doing here in the first place and from years of searching no place has given better information. The session statement on this site being the balance is both shocking in its meaning, but believable considering that in this day and age with the internet, no one else provides this type of information or discussion. Even though I've told my friends and family about Laura's books and website, no one else seems to take it as seriously as I do. Everyone familiar with the work in this forum has observed the changes and know what kind of trials we're going through and even darker ones to come. I'm truly grateful for this forum and the sessions.
Thank you very much for the session. Very interesting! The beginning so mysterious. And the subject of vegetarianism very clear now, more clear. I was a vegetarian for the love of animals but now I am eating meat. So I was not fundamentalist, hopefully!

Thanks for sharing this session.

Also of note in regards to the tinfoil hat idea:

Aluminum toxicity has been recognized in many settings where exposure is heavy or prolonged, where renal function is limited, or where apreviously accumulated bone burden is released in stress or illness. Toxicity may include: encephalopathy (stuttering, gait disturbance, myoclonic jerks, seizures, coma, abnormal EEG) osteomalacia or aplastic bone disease ( associated with painful spontaneous fractures, hypercalcemia, tumorous calcinosis ) proximal myopathy, increased risk of infection, increased left ventricular mass and decreased myocardial function microcytic anemia with very high levels, sudden death.

Aluminum is a known neurotoxin (nerve poison) and I doubt it's a good idea to wrap it around your head.

It's with this knowledge that I decided to refrain from using a hooka for tobacco smoking as hot coals are placed on aluminum foil to light the tobacco.

Just my two cents fwiw...
Legolas said:
Windmill knight said:
I do love animals, by the way. But I also understand that while on this world we do not have a choice but to kill to feed. Maybe in a future better world we won't need to.

I agree, especially with a ketogene diet I'm getting sometimes questioned, why I eat that many animals and if I don't feel sorry for them. I come up then with an explanation that it is simply a fuel, to give to the body what is most natural to it, the best fuel as it in the session was put. Most often it then leads to factory farming. And with a maybe more macabre way explaining it, helping them to get earlier out of these terrible cages.

I eat meat but I was vegetarian for the love of animals... I still feel sad when I see a truck with animals that are going to be killed and in what conditions my god. What can I do with this sadness that is still very strong sometimes? I there something I can do to palliate it? Or it will be always here. I really don't know.

What a pleasure to read the sessions.

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