Session 11 June 2011

Thank You Laura,Ark and Crew something to chew on indeed,The Paleo diet,Veggies and the Question of meat has been fully explored in this session and on my own mission for changing my diet totally and nice the Crew tool a fully informed approach to the subject as a whole and the answers from the C`s where inciteful.
I was thinking the relation about psychopaths being sick. Maybe if the soul needs a potential body, maybe the body with that potential, it would serve for a developed soul and to form a psychopath, I mean, if here on the universe is balance maybe the 6% is equal to the another little percent of developed souls.

I had the idea that maybe, if that's the case some may born to develope in the STO mode and others in the STS mode that we may see as psychopaths, because it may be a sould deepest than a psychopath's mind.
Peam said:
I don't think the C's meant that Gandhi was an OP because of what they said in this seesion. I could be wrong of course.

Session #960803

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three
things causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John C. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

I agree. I don't think they were suggesting that Gandhi was an OP but rather that he - and the rest of us who are oppressed - are thought of as "cattle" by some of those in higher densities.
Dear All

Thank you for one more session!!!!

It is hard to read that you suffer and you are under attack almost each day and I can not even imagine whit what you face but I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU! OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
Each you session is full of new information and each time I read it open's some new doors in my life, as I ask my self some questions that would never appear or crossed my mind, if it was not for your guys!!

All the best to you all and looking forward to read!


Brunauld said:
Does that mean that if I am kind with animals I may be an OP?

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't think this is what was meant in the session. :)

I think the point was that there are people who protect animals and regard animals as better than their fellow humans, not that a love of animals equals OP status.

On a personal note, I love animals too. There are days, after being out in public, that I'll come home and hug my dog, and I do regard my dog as a fellow being and a companion. I do prefer the company of my dog and cat over being with certain people, because those individuals are toxic, not for any other reason.

There are animals that I view as too close to human beings, or that show a form of intelligence that I can't see as food: mountain gorillas use a form of sign language (Koko the gorilla uses human sign language, but its been found that she wouldn't be able to if her species didn't use a form of it.), whales and dolphins communicate with sound (and I've met a few that I would swear can hear me 'thinking'.), octopi have been found to be as smart as dogs, and I've met some animals one on one that showed flashes of understanding that I could never see as 'food'.

That isn't the same as putting animals above humans, osit.
Lorraine said:
I was happy with the lineage.

The group I've known for about 8 years. Its just lately since I've become very interested in Sott and Laura's teachings that I seem to be getting this trouble. I don't know if I'm becoming fanciful. It's all very confusing since I've known the girls for so long.

fwiw you may want to re-read the part of the Wave where Laura discusses the pool turning green (and how it related to the people/groups in her life at the time).
In short, if it is making you sick you need to take a hard look at it.
[quote author=Gimpy]not that a love of animals equals OP status. [/quote]

I agree.

What was being investigated was that the motivation some people have for refusing to eat meat and kindness toward animals is from a subconscious/instinctive recognition of one's own kind, rather than a truly conscious decision from a higher awareness as they might convince themselves and others.

[quote author=Brunauld]Does that mean that if I am kind with animals I may be an OP?[/quote]

If A implies B it does not necessarily follow that B implies A.
Thank you for the session! As always, there is a lot to think about.

Laura said:
Q: (Galaxia) Why would it interfere with the mission?

A: If you know why you will anticipate and possibly make mistakes fatal to yourself. Let us just say that "they" know that harm to you would result in their own total destruction along a more negative timeline.

Q: (L) Well, if my death would bring about their destruction, then maybe it would be a good idea for me to check out, right? Well, isn't that what we want? (Belibaste) Why would it lead to their destruction?

A: Again, we cannot tell you all. But know that there is no chance for a positive outcome for Earth and the future without the presence.

Q: (L) So, there's no chance for a positive outcome without me, and yet my death would ensure their total destruction.

A: And all else!

Fascinating! And yet...

Laura said:
Q: (Perceval) Maybe it's got something to do with balance, ya know? The universe wanting balance. There's a higher power in the universe that allows things to play out as long as there's some kind of balance. But if you weren't here, then this world would be a completely dark, negative star, and there'd be some mechanism that would destroy it and everything associated with it.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) That's really depressing though to think that we ARE the only balancing energy... out of 7 billion people on the planet?! (Perceval) The only reason that the whole thing hasn't already gone up in smoke is because some few people are making an effort. It's rather magnanimous of the universe to consider such a small group of people[..]

It is depressing. I mean, what does it take for people to at least acknowledge that our world is on the verge of destruction? How much worse can it get until they will realize that? Most of them will probably die in ignorance anyway, not knowing what hit them. :(

I hope that you all are feeling much better now, Laura & the crew :flowers:
RedFox said:
Lorraine said:
I was happy with the lineage.

The group I've known for about 8 years. Its just lately since I've become very interested in Sott and Laura's teachings that I seem to be getting this trouble. I don't know if I'm becoming fanciful. It's all very confusing since I've known the girls for so long.

fwiw you may want to re-read the part of the Wave where Laura discusses the pool turning green (and how it related to the people/groups in her life at the time).
In short, if it is making you sick you need to take a hard look at it.

Thanks for your advice RedFox - it is kind of looking at me between the eyes isn't it. I just didn't want to accept it. I'll take another look at the Wave.

Thanks again :)
Gimpy said:
Brunauld said:
Does that mean that if I am kind with animals I may be an OP?

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't think this is what was meant in the session. :)

I think the point was that there are people who protect animals and regard animals as better than their fellow humans, not that a love of animals equals OP status.

Yes I believe that was what was implied.:flowers:

I think what they mean is someone who is more able to sympathize with the suffering of animals, and be more aware and concerned of their suffering rather than the suffering of their own fellow human beings.
However, I believe it is important that we are able to sympathize both with animals and humans - if only on different levels.
Thanks guys. I'm off to bed to EE and deal with the anxiety these transcripts seem to bring me. :/ Much work to be done. I'm glad help is on the way... and here already for us now ;)
I'm just gonna thank all of you brave and good beings for sharing this knowledge with the rest of us. Even though I'm hiding in the background and don't post much on the forum I'm following it very closely. There is much food for the thoughts on several levels in this statement and in the new session. Thanks once again
Galatea said:
Gimpy said:
Brunauld said:
Does that mean that if I am kind with animals I may be an OP?

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't think this is what was meant in the session. :)

I think the point was that there are people who protect animals and regard animals as better than their fellow humans, not that a love of animals equals OP status.

Yes I believe that was what was implied.:flowers:

I think what they mean is someone who is more able to sympathize with the suffering of animals, and be more aware and concerned of their suffering rather than the suffering of their own fellow human beings.
However, I believe it is important that we are able to sympathize both with animals and humans - if only on different levels.

Yes. My ex, for example, absolutely loved animals but in general held human beings in contempt. I could never understand how she could be so sympathetic towards dogs or lamb, yet the suffering of entire nations brought by wars seemed to be kind of an annoyance for her. Or something to say 'that's too bad' and shake the head in disapproval, but without any deeper feeling about it. She explained this away by saying that animals were always innocent, while people were not.

I do love animals, by the way. But I also understand that while on this world we do not have a choice but to kill to feed. Maybe in a future better world we won't need to.

Laura said:
I don't think they were suggesting that Gandhi was an OP but rather that he - and the rest of us who are oppressed - are thought of as "cattle" by some of those in higher densities.

I see. I think I prefer that interpretation. Even if Gandhi wasn't as pure and good as we usually think of him, I find it really hard to think of him as an OP.
Many thanks to Laura and the team for this fascinating session :)

It's great to have some further clarification on the vegetarian issue. I actually flirted with a vegetarian diet myself some years back when I started to try and 'get healthy' and chose this path really after all the mainstream propaganda targeting the 'dangers' of too much meat, animal fats etc. My health was in very bad shape at this point but I definitely felt much worse upon going vegetarian. I never, ever felt 'full' and was weak and shaky all the time as well as permanently tired. I initially thought that this must be due to seem kind of detox effect.

I was craving meat and thought this must be because i was 'addicted' and this craving was something I had to overcome. However, it didn't take long before I realised that there was something seriously wrong with this way of eating, at least for me and thus (fortunately) gave up on the idea.

I was then very disheartened about a year ago to find that my wife was thinking about going vegetarian or even vegan, mainly due to the influence of a Tibetan Buddhist group which she sometimes attends. Fortunately, serendipity intervened when she was given a free ticket to a Weston. A price conference in London which a friend of ours organised. Thank goodness she paid attention and returned open jawed and absolutely sold on the benefits of a high animal fat diet. :wizard:

As was mentioned in the session it's tragic to think of these pockets in India where millions think they're adding to their enlightenment through diet and they're literally a feeding ground for the STS gang. These sessions seem to send home again and again how all the woes on this planet are due to ignorance, plain and simple.

Actually, this session really provoked a deep sadness in me after reading it, particularly these excerpts:

Q: (L) That's really depressing though to think that we ARE the only balancing energy... out of 7 billion people on the planet?! (Perceval) The only reason that the whole thing hasn't already gone up in smoke is because some few people are making an effort.

A: 6D has begun to withdraw from the fray.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean by, "withdraw from the fray"?

A: As we have pointed out before, the crop circles were an almanac. The last page is soon to turn.

To think that these 'few people' have had everything conceivable thrown at them in terms of obstacles and attacks whilst at the same time, the rest of humanity are so programmed and distracted as to ignore or deride perhaps the only physical evidence of higher thought forms left me feeling somewhat overwhelmed by 'the terror of the situation' if you like.

In terms of the consistent 'Help is on the way' ending to these sessions and With our current understanding or model of the various motivations within the densities, this can't possibly refer to anyone or anything 'arriving' to sort things out and I take it we should consider this in the light of our higher selves, no?
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