Session 11 June 2011

Oxajil said:
jovichmk said:
Remember recent and still actual E-coli infection. About strange DNA of the E-Coli. And so many people died and still are from it. And yes the reason is plot , because its probably genetically modified bacteria. Maybe this is the connection about that C`s talked about

I actually had a lecture today concerning that issue. It seems that there are many types of E.Coli, and many types can occur. The thing is that these bacteria can exchange DNA or get DNA from another organism. This is called horizontal gene transfer. So the different E.Coli's are basically the same species, they just contain different virulence factors or DNA.

What I think is that the changes going on in these times, caused by the Wave, Elenin etc. could have some affect on small organisms as well, such as bacteria like the E.Coli. Perhaps it affected their ability of gene transfer, I dunno.
And there is the possibility, like you say that it could be genetically modified by the evil people, but it could also just be a part of all the 'strangeness' going on! Could be wrong as always, so for what it's worth.

I guess we could expect some more bacterial or viral infections going on, and it seems that the people who pay attention to their health and well-being could be the ones who'll survive. Cause I guess an E.Coli like that doesn't have to be deadly if your immune system is all up2date. (This is why I think that the spread of EE and introducing cooking classes will be of great help to others.)

please check this
anart said:
thorbiorn said:
Thank you Laura and friends for a session with lots to reflect on. That the almanac is about to turn the last page makes me wonder about what comes after the last page. Usually one has a new year celebration, but this time around?

Year Zero? (as in the grand cycle starts again)

I'm assuming Red Pill Press was contracted to start the design the new Almanac?
Thanks for this great session. The observations about vegetarians certainly jibes with my personal experience. You really can't talk to the committed ones, no matter how many facts you present. They love their suffering so much, it becomes a positive for them. The yoga craze has has caused a great deal of harm in this regard. Thre are lots of teachers out there who imply that the only way one really benefit from what can be a helpful form of exercise is to adopt the whole mindset.
Well, I'd just like to say, that after contemplating over this session, after a 2,5 half year period I stopped being a vegetarian. Today I took a bite of kind of poultry-sausage thing. Kind of a milestone. Well, thank you for the session.
Thank you for the great questions and posting the session. With this much going on with people and the planet, I only wonder what will happen if it increases in intensity even more.
Also, on a personal note though I have eaten meat my whole life, now I don't just feel its time for a smoke, I have the same urge to get a good piece of meat and fat too :)
Rabelais said:
Mrs. Peel said:
Interesting session. I was never into the vegetarian thing cause I just liked the taste of meat! :lol: That dang D'Adamo and his "type A = Vegetarian" thing really messed with me for a while.


I am also an "A" and was told, by a number of people, that according to D'Adamo straight veggie was the way for me to go. I knew that was BS at the time, since I had already tried a vegetarian diet a couple of decades earlier and realized fairly quickly on that it was not for me. That cast a pall over the validity of the entire blood-type diet fad for me. There was a time, though, when D'Adamo's word was near sacrosanct. I am glad that is behind us. Knowledge protects.

Well I'm a type A and I am definitely a carnivore. If I eat only vegetables, I feel like I haven't eaten at all, whereas the smallest slice of meat keeps me going all day.

Thank you for sharing the session, so many directions to look into :flowers: I felt quite tired and low myself all week, but the session makes me feel strangely hopeful :)
Peam said:
I don't think the C's meant that Gandhi was an OP because of what they said in this seesion. I could be wrong of course.

Session #960803

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three
things causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John C. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

Not at all, Rockefeller trade in material goods and may lose a great deal with the wave. Gandhi trade is human body and soul, how to raise "cattle" to be more palatable. which one do you think will have the best income in fourth density. ;)
Laurentien said:
Peam said:
I don't think the C's meant that Gandhi was an OP because of what they said in this seesion. I could be wrong of course.

Session #960803

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three
things causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John C. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

Not at all, Rockefeller trade in material goods and may lose a great deal with the wave. Gandhi trade is human body and soul, how to raise "cattle" to be more palatable. which one do you think will have the best income in fourth density. ;)

lizard;) on the suffering of others and so the matter seriously...
Seamas said:
Lately I've been thinking how much I would prefer to hunt for my supper, instead of raising it. I wonder if hunting and eating truly wild animals would help me to break my domestication and get more in touch with my "wildish nature". I've never hunted anything, so I'd be interested if anyone has any thoughts about this. Especially if you have tried both raising your own food and hunting for it.

We also raised most of our meat while I was growing up (cows, chickens, once in a while a pig) and my brothers hunt (deer, pheasant, rabbit). I stopped eating the meat that was hunted, as those animals are grazing in the genetically modified grain/corn fields.

I no longer live on a farm, but do buy grass fed beef, lamb & chicken. It's getting very difficult to find meat that is not fed the GMO grains here in the USA. And sometimes, those that claim all grass fed are likely,still supplementing the feed with grains. So if you do it yourself, you know exactly what the animals have been fed.

You are lucky to be able to still grow your own & IMO, it's a good idea if you continue to do that. Hunting is difficult if you are seasoned, being a novice, I'd probably be really hungry before I successfully killed some game. And then, what has it been eating? Where is it drinking its water?
Lilou said:
We also raised most of our meat while I was growing up (cows, chickens, once in a while a pig) and my brothers hunt (deer, pheasant, rabbit). I stopped eating the meat that was hunted, as those animals are grazing in the genetically modified grain/corn fields.

I no longer live on a farm, but do buy grass fed beef, lamb & chicken. It's getting very difficult to find meat that is not fed the GMO grains here in the USA. And sometimes, those that claim all grass fed are likely,still supplementing the feed with grains. So if you do it yourself, you know exactly what the animals have been fed.

Hunting is difficult if you are seasoned, being a novice, I'd probably be really hungry before I successfully killed some game. And then, what has it been eating? Where is it drinking its water?

All good points. I do feel very lucky to be able to raise my own food. The land is mostly wooded where I live, but there are still lots of conventional dairy farms growing GMO corn to feed their poor cows. They produce lots of run off that pollute the rivers and lakes as well. We found out about 10 years ago that the farm up the road from us is most likely polluting the water in our spring with nitrates and herbicides. After 10 years they've only gotten bigger, and the state ag agency has done nothing but deny that they are responsible. Its pretty frustrating. When we found out our spring was polluted we considered drilling a well, but we have no way of knowing that the deeper water isn't contaminated as well, so we opted for a barrage of water softeners and an RO filter for our drinking water. The animals get water that goes through the water filters (removes the herbicides or nitrates) but not the RO filter.

I agree with you also about how important it would be to know how to hunt in order to hunt successfully. One of the things I've been thinking of is that if there is a global catastrophe that wipes out most agriculture and the majority of the human population, the survivors might need to know how to hunt and forage to survive. It seems like one of those skills that should be learned while times are good, like learning how to swim before your boat is sinking under you. So in that regard I would say that you and your brothers are pretty lucky too. :)
Daniello said:
Well, I'd just like to say, that after contemplating over this session, after a 2,5 half year period I stopped being a vegetarian. Today I took a bite of kind of poultry-sausage thing. Kind of a milestone. Well, thank you for the session.

That was a big step to take Daniello - let us know how it goes!
RedFox said:
Daniello said:
Well, I'd just like to say, that after contemplating over this session, after a 2,5 half year period I stopped being a vegetarian. Today I took a bite of kind of poultry-sausage thing. Kind of a milestone. Well, thank you for the session.

That was a big step to take Daniello - let us know how it goes!

Ditto that. I'd also be curious what your body's reaction was to having meat for the first time in 2.5 years.
Oh thank you very muchly. Great work.

interesting to know that haarp is working on us all. i guess the knowing they are helps, so at least to control ur own negative thoughts.

i did find a company who sell EMF detectors, via a you tube vidoe by Dietrich Klinghardt's. they are called _

i am not afilliated with them and i dont selling the product. but they do sell a shielding fabric. sorry if this is posted already.

just thought i would share my findings. Would Mulberry silk be effective for protection?
This was an amazing session, thank you all for conducting, transcribing, and publishing it!

Caveo said:
Maybe I'm too critical. You can know that eating too much and poison has an bad effect on the body, but to know what is good for the body is something else. Then you really have to know how the body works.
The process of elimination does help to understand what is most likely good by helping us eliminate what research and experience shows to be bad.

Caveo said:
You can only see the world as it is when you don't have any beliefs and illusions
Well, learning is a progression, not flipping a switch from total ignorance to total objectivity. We can see more objectively than someone else without being 100% rid of beliefs and illusions.

Caveo said:
I understand that you want to do research and think about life. Of course it's a very interesting thing to do.
More than just interesting, striving for the truth is the only thing worth doing, when it is in you to do so.

Intothefield said:
I had a reiki master wich remarked on the importance of beeing "pure" to give treatments and work on higher spiritual level
It's ironic that it is, in fact, vegetables that leave a residue in your system, whereas meat and fat can pass cleanly without leaving a mess. So your body is "cleaner" and thus more "pure", in a sense, by not eating veggies.

Daniello said:
Well, I'd just like to say, that after contemplating over this session, after a 2,5 half year period I stopped being a vegetarian. Today I took a bite of kind of poultry-sausage thing. Kind of a milestone. Well, thank you for the session.
I'd recommend making the transition gradually, over the course of a few weeks. Perhaps do a modified Ultra Simple Diet (elimination diet) to make sure you're not sensitive to any particular meat as you're making the transition.

RedFox said:
moksha said:
A lot of them don't care about animal welfare also, the point is they feel they are right, they just KNOW being vegetarian is the right thing to do. no amount of objective evidence is going to change that. totally blind, i'm afraid.
Well, that's the thing. For them, maybe it isn't the wrong/blind thing to do. Just as a rabbit wouldn't eat meat (because it knows instinctively its 'wrong') why not them? They don't need to question - they have instincts and drives and that's all they need.
Follow the heard, follow there instincts.
Another thought is that their mental state is not in tune with the needs of their bodies, and even though they feel repulsed by the idea of eating animals because they identify with them, their body, being human, may still need the nourishment of meat. Unless their body is also somehow different and in tune with their spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development, and so their instincts are in tune with their body's needs. Ultimately it's hard to know except by research and experimenting to see what works for each of us. But I'd say it's safer to err on the side of caution and eat what the data shows to be healthy for most people, which is meat/fat instead of veggies, unless your body clearly indicates otherwise.
Thank you for all the work you have put into making the session available to us!

SAO said:
Another thought is that their mental state is not in tune with the needs of their bodies, and even though they feel repulsed by the idea of eating animals because they identify with them, their body, being human, may still need the nourishment of meat.

This is also a good possibility, osit. I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of people is not at all in tune with their bodies. How could they/we? After a lifetime of almost destroying it you can only lose complete perception of what's going on inside you, and from that point on, the intellect takes over what should belong to the body and you interpret your body's reaction within the frame of what you have been led to believe was healthy. It is amazing how one can try to fit a square piece of a puzzle into a round hole, and still believe it's the right piece. I sure know that well :)

Adding to the authoritarian personality type, another possibility is of a wounded individual, someone who finds in the way he/she eats, in the idea of being vegetarian and all that being vegetarian entails in his heads (spiritually evolved, defending animal rights, and so on...) a crutch. What he lacks inside from having been wounded is externally replaced by self identification with an ideal. The greater the lack, the more he/she will hold on to the ideal and defend it for dear life.

Another possibility could come, and following what was said in the session, from an overdeveloped sense of identification with animals. As I was thinking about it today, it came to mind that this could also be related to a need to des-identify (is that a word?) with one's own human species. A normal human being will develop a natural sense of empathy towards animals, even if faint in some cases. Also, when we see an animal killing another it doesn't disgust us because we know that it is in their nature. However, things change when observing a human killing another. This may partly be because we are humans, we also have a dark side and deep down, at some level, we also understand the killing. We understand sadism, vengeance, envy, and a myriad of other negative emotions because to one degree or another, we have also felt it at some point.

This deep understanding might be what repulses us, seeing in others what we know is also deep, deep down within us, even if in an infinitesimal scale (the sts/sto dynamic is still within). Animals won't produce the same reaction, we're not in their heads, bodies, hearts, we can fully detach from their actions because we don't have that same gut understanding (even if totally unconscious ) we have of our fellow humans' actions, which causes such repulse. It repulses us because we understand it, although we fundamentally disagree with it. The result could then lead to over identification with the animal in an attempt to escape the cruel human reality, particularly if there is narcissistic wounding, as in more direct personal experience of that cruelty. This would tie well with what truth seeker said in another thread:

truth seeker said:
I think I understand more fully what's going on with some vegetarians. I think the ones doing it for moral reasons have no real concern for health. That's probably obvious but I just realized this. I suppose I confused the lack of animal protein with health due to my own programming. I wonder if some people have had some deep wounding and attempt to fix the past because they were hurt so badly - they don't want to be responsible for hurting anyone the way they've been hurt?

So their vegetarian stance is a projection of their own wounded self upon animals. The meat eating population a projection of the wounding parent and therefore seen as the enemy. Being vegetarian allows them to uphold the image of the good child who can do no wrong.

The vegetarian/vegan diet (or dairy or whatever) further cements this inability to think (or having thought loops) properly by not supplying proper nutrients that would enable them to think outside the box. The box in this case being their own narcissistic wounding via their inability/unwillingness to accept responsibility.

On the other hand, detaching from our fellow humans could imply a hidden belief in, or quest for, gaining one's own superiority over our fellows by trying to find in the animal kingdom what we most aspire to see in our idealized concept of a human being. However, this would happen without any attempt to BE or even understand what it is to be fully human ourselves.

This could explain the presence of greater manifestations of empathy towards animals instead of humans that we observe in some vegetarians (and even non vegetarians for that matter). Or maybe it's none of the above and I've just gone into "nonsense thoughts land", always a possibility.
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