Session 11 June 2011

Once again, so exciting to be a part of this. Thanks to the crew for your hard work! It is always very humbling to hear a bit of the behind the scenes regarding the constant attack you are under to explore and share this information. This strength and sacrifice is truly an inspiration.

I have a few chapters left of Gods of Eden (timely read with regards to the new central banking info in Libya and Tea Party/C Street power players in the States) before I join in on the Odyssey exercise, and I can hardly wait! Also, the discussion about vegetarianism and the two "types" expounded on by Laura has played a central role in my lessons of late. A recent discussion regarding the topic framed it with regards to paradigm shifts. Having adhered to born again christian, athiest, vegan, and other programs at different points in my life, I notice that with each new paradigm comes a sense of joy and celebration at having pulled back another layer of the onion toward objective truth. Always, the universe is bigger, more complex, more varied, more exciting than previously thought possible. This celebratory feeling remains strong even when the upheavals bring pain. I think this comes from an inherent understanding that these programs or paradigms reflect only the best of our "information gathering" on a constant quest to understand the self and the universe better.

Conversely, the slavish type mentality approaches paradigm shifts with trepidation, fear and anger. This leads directly to "shoot the messenger" smear campaigns, and deep dives further into illusion. It's all about control. The lessons about how these two types interact have been brought into sharper and sharper focus thanks to the minds working here.
Laurentien said:
Peam said:
I don't think the C's meant that Gandhi was an OP because of what they said in this seesion. I could be wrong of course.

Session #960803

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three
things causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John C. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

Not at all, Rockefeller trade in material goods and may lose a great deal with the wave. Gandhi trade is human body and soul, how to raise "cattle" to be more palatable. which one do you think will have the best income in fourth density. ;)

I don't quite understand what you mean by that Laurentien. I took the C's quote to mean that if or when the wave arrives, a bad day for someone would be going under, and a good day would indicate riding the wave to 4d. As to which type of person would have the best income in fourth density, well for one thing they'd have to get there first and for another thing maybe 'income' is a 3d concept which doesn't quite apply the same way in 4d?
Here's another session where Gandhi was mentioned.
December 17, 1994
Q: (F) We all are still STS?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I still don't understand about Eddie... (DM) Would you please explain to me what service to others entails?

A: Complete lack of concern for self.

Q: (L) Well, that's a real tough one. (DM) It would be like being Mahatma Gandhi, is this correct?

A: Closer.
[quote author=M4N4MK1]
interesting to know that haarp is working on us all. i guess the knowing they are helps, so at least to control ur own negative thoughts.

i did find a company who sell EMF detectors, via a you tube vidoe by Dietrich Klinghardt's. they are called _[/quote]Yes, they sell some good detectors indeed. But does anybody know the specifics of the HAARP EM attacks? Since the Cs said that it could be directed extremely precisely, it must be rather advanced. I guess ELF is heavily involved because they have to span great distances and pass many hindrances, the known HAARP installation(s) could produce such a signal, and ELF is a weapon.
I'm really wondering if anomalies on the 300 Hz scale would be noticed if one undertook some measurements.

[quote author=M4N4MK1]i am not afilliated with them and i dont selling the product. but they do sell a shielding fabric. sorry if this is posted already.[/quote]There are hundreds of companies selling shielding materials. But in order to shield, one must know exactly which frequencies and which kind of radiation. You cannot just pick one shielding material randomly. ELF is not easy to shield.
Regarding Gandhi, there was also this:


(T) I want to ask this question, if it has already been asked, somebody stop me, what is the total STO profile? (L) Total lack of concern for self.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in other words, you don't do anything or think anything in terms of fulfilling or doing for self. You always think in terms of doing or fulfilling for others. (T) Damn, I've got a long way to go then... (Chorus) Don't we all! (J) Was Gandhi?
A: No.
Q: (T) Mother Theresa?
A: No. Political deceptions.

I have to say that although I didn't think Gandhi was an STO being, I still admire him so I was quite shocked with the latest suggestion that he was in fact an OP. That's how I interpreted it, given the context... On the other hand, if an OP can accomplish what he did, then that kind of gives hope to anyone who has ever wondered if they are OPs themselves!

The other big shock was that Laura and/or the group are the only balance towards the negativity of the planet, without which it would all be destroyed! :scared: The scary thought is not so much the possibility of destruction, which by now is kind of a given (and yes quite depressive), but that there really is no one out there apart from this tiny group with enough knowledge, good intentions and 'soul weight' to count as some sort of counterbalance! I also thought it was very interesting that this was brought up while the Odyssey thread was discussing the 'council of gods' in which Zeus or a 'sky father' acts as a judge or guardian of universal balance, while two other gods sponsor or attack the hero. Now we know why Poseidon could not kill Odysseus!

The bit about vegetarians I didn't find surprising. I too had noticed in the past that strict veggies tend to be fanatical.

Added: And thank you for the session! :cool2:
Sirius said:
[quote author=M4N4MK1]
interesting to know that haarp is working on us all. i guess the knowing they are helps, so at least to control ur own negative thoughts.

i did find a company who sell EMF detectors, via a you tube vidoe by Dietrich Klinghardt's. they are called _
Yes, they sell some good detectors indeed. But does anybody know the specifics of the HAARP EM attacks? Since the Cs said that it could be directed extremely precisely, it must be rather advanced. I guess ELF is heavily involved because they have to span great distances and pass many hindrances, the known HAARP installation(s) could produce such a signal, and ELF is a weapon.
I'm really wondering if anomalies on the 300 Hz scale would be noticed if one undertook some measurements.

[quote author=M4N4MK1]i am not afilliated with them and i dont selling the product. but they do sell a shielding fabric. sorry if this is posted already.[/quote]There are hundreds of companies selling shielding materials. But in order to shield, one must know exactly which frequencies and which kind of radiation. You cannot just pick one shielding material randomly. ELF is not easy to shield.

We shouldn't push everything on HAARP now, since they said HAARP-like, it not must be nesseserly HAARP

Q: (L) What kind of interference?

A: HAARP-like beamed at you.

Q: (L) And how long has this been going on?

A: Off and on for some time.

My 2cents
Very exciting and amazing session! Thank you so much, Laura and everyone! :) :) :) :)
anart said:
Great session - fantastic information. So, 6D is withdrawing. No way you'd convince the 'crop circle' crowd who is taking these pitiful imitation crop circles as the real thing. Talk about the blind leading the blind. The vegetarian information makes perfect sense - in so many ways.

Totally agree. This is one of the more exciting recent sessions, a lot of interesting topics to think about.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks for this very interesting session. I was sad the C's said the Crop Circles were coming to an end. They were rather comforting as it felt like 6D was nearby.

"A: Gandhi "cared" about the human cattle like himself."

I thought the C's meant he cared for all humanity.

The vegetarian diet is fascinating. I could never really become one fully, but my sister and two nieces are. One is a vegan because she doesn't like cruelty to animals and the other is always sick or sleeping. They tend to be superior in attitude and its always a challenge when they come to dinner.

I was violently sick about 10 days ago - vomiting all day and took about 4 days to recover. It was after a Reiki group session and while it maybe be due to detoxing I'm having some nagging doubts. My family have started saying why go when you're always sick the next day. I have no answer to this anymore and my confidence in Reiki is diminishing.
Lorraine said:
"A: Gandhi "cared" about the human cattle like himself."

I thought the C's meant he cared for all humanity.

Yes, this statement was a bit ambiguous. I also initially interpreted it as caring for all humanity, that is assuming that we are all cattle.

Lorraine said:
I was violently sick about 10 days ago - vomiting all day and took about 4 days to recover. It was after a Reiki group session and while it maybe be due to detoxing I'm having some nagging doubts. My family have started saying why go when you're always sick the next day. I have no answer to this anymore and my confidence in Reiki is diminishing.

Do you mean that every time you go to that Reiki session you become sick? If so, that doesn't sound good at all. You might want to do a search on the forum on Reiki and Reiki symbols, you will find that some branches of Reiki have been highly corrupted and are therefore dangerous. Depending of your teacher's or some of the attendants' Reiki lineage, you may be getting some really mixed and possibly not so good energy there, so it is really importnat to check the lineage. Also, I think it is worth to consider that a Reiki gathering, due to its energetic exchange, also has the potential to be a feeding ground for people with less noble, even if not fully conscious, intentions.
Hope you're feeling better!
Does that mean that if I am kind with animals I may be an OP? I mean, I have no preferences, of course ofr the animals by the fact that sometimes they can't defend themselves, as for weak people like little children being abused by bullies. It was not importat for me before until O got to learn more about others' feelings. Of course sometimes I offend others very bad because they make me angry or because I just have to be sincere in the right situations. Lost of mind and sometimes as has not been lately, impulsive. But it is important to know that of course I like meat, I just like it lol even with my dislike to animal abuse, I can't see how they kill them, but I can eat it.

Incredible session, I just inspired myself to change my phrase. I knew that I was waiting for something, life didn't let me to detox myself, and I saw that with EE life was a little hard sometimes, and with the detox it may be too. But I see that maybe it was not even EE, maybe my diet because sometimes I have days I would consider as hard, but before that day I had an EE full session and well, sometimes I have a little explosion but for the other things I work perfectly without emotional problems.

Is this HAARP beaming over all of us? I had a sad night the other day but I felt like an stupid, I mean, there was no purpose to be sad, not a coherent and real beneficial purpose.
Windmill knight said:
Regarding Gandhi, there was also this:


(T) I want to ask this question, if it has already been asked, somebody stop me, what is the total STO profile? (L) Total lack of concern for self.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in other words, you don't do anything or think anything in terms of fulfilling or doing for self. You always think in terms of doing or fulfilling for others. (T) Damn, I've got a long way to go then... (Chorus) Don't we all! (J) Was Gandhi?
A: No.
Q: (T) Mother Theresa?
A: No. Political deceptions.

I have to say that although I didn't think Gandhi was an STO being, I still admire him so I was quite shocked with the latest suggestion that he was in fact an OP. That's how I interpreted it, given the context... On the other hand, if an OP can accomplish what he did, then that kind of gives hope to anyone who has ever wondered if they are OPs themselves!

I was quite shocked as well. Maybe the C's comment of “good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi” meant an OP gaining an individuated soul straight away at the beginning of the next cycle as opposed to an OP having to continue into the next cycle as they are. Hard to tell.

Whatever happened to the 'karmic and simple understandings'? It seems like the goalposts keeps on getting closer together. :shock:
Gertrudes said:
Lorraine said:
"A: Gandhi "cared" about the human cattle like himself."

I thought the C's meant he cared for all humanity.

Yes, this statement was a bit ambiguous. I also initially interpreted it as caring for all humanity, that is assuming that we are all cattle.

Lorraine said:
I was violently sick about 10 days ago - vomiting all day and took about 4 days to recover. It was after a Reiki group session and while it maybe be due to detoxing I'm having some nagging doubts. My family have started saying why go when you're always sick the next day. I have no answer to this anymore and my confidence in Reiki is diminishing.

Do you mean that every time you go to that Reiki session you become sick? If so, that doesn't sound good at all. You might want to do a search on the forum on Reiki and Reiki symbols, you will find that some branches of Reiki have been highly corrupted and are therefore dangerous. Depending of your teacher's or some of the attendants' Reiki lineage, you may be getting some really mixed and possibly not so good energy there, so it is really importnat to check the lineage. Also, I think it is worth to consider that a Reiki gathering, due to its energetic exchange, also has the potential to be a feeding ground for people with less noble, even if not fully conscious, intentions.
Hope you're feeling better!

Hi Gertrudes

I was happy with the lineage.

The group I've known for about 8 years. Its just lately since I've become very interested in Sott and Laura's teachings that I seem to be getting this trouble. I don't know if I'm becoming fanciful. It's all very confusing since I've known the girls for so long.
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