Session 12 November 2016

SummerLite said:
kenlee in response to my post:

Reading that, I thought, have we (STO) won a battle in the higher realms? Has the help arrived like the C's said it would? And I didn't think I should mention this here. Maybe I'm afraid of wishful thinking. But now I've decided to share that with the most recent session. Maybe its the case. Don't mean to leave out the people on the ground level who contribute to this help. Wouldn't happen without the people after all.

Sometimes I wonder about this. In a way it might be us who is this help. What I mean is that what this group has been doing for many years, day after day after day, is perfecting itself to work more and more in concert with, or perhaps the becoming of a working partnership with different orders of reality and intelligence (that is, with a higher intelligence), via a kind of communication. We then broadcast this information into the greater information field by objectively evaluating world events at multiple levels. When the higher and lower orders of reality blend together the collective unconscious begins to see meaning in what's going on and begin to respond (from the point of view of conscience) along with a possible means to get out of this mess! It would not surprise me if Putin was able to "hear" this while contemplating/meditating and responding to this reality eventually shifting into it. Trump may be doing the same and it might even apply to those who will be becoming a part of his administration (even if they aren't saints!). It's an evolving process and even though Trump may be just tuning into it (via impulses of conscience) I think the possibility is still there open to him. With Clinton, however, there was never any possibility and never will be. Fwiw.

Brilliant! Thanks for elaborating on how this relationship works. Certainly makes sense.

I think is what the C's said as "butterfly wings" where every effort of every member helped in a way, and others "waking up", helping and bringing awareness and sharing in their own way, a considerable amount of people now knows the mainstream media is BS, and now you see all these alternative news sites, anti-vaccine sites, health sites, political sites etc etc and SOTT that puts it all together.
Alot of people, everyone of us are sending a signal in our small way it amounts to this timeline.
Been waiting for this session with bated breath!

Everybody I know seems to have voted for Hillary & I've been telling them I'd rather have an a**hole than a pedophile.

'Business as usual' is unconscionable, so I hope my tax money will kill fewer people in the future.

I've been thinking along the lines of Kenlee's comment for a few days. What if every thing we do to improve things increases the potential for a more positive future timeline? Including all the failed attempts? Including really small attempts? (Of course, in keeping with the prime directive that the help is asked for and not just some egotistical micromanaging on the part of the person 'helping.' We call that, "helping in quotes," in my family, lolz.) Maybe better possibilities are possible if we make the most of the now...

Laura: so glad to hear your leg(s?) is coming along!
Just started the Ketogenic Diet: Path to Transformation? thread so am about 4 years behind the timeline on (what you've gone public with) your health. There are so many products out there (like Cipro) that debilitate in the name of curing so I hope you make it to that physical feel-fantastic spot. That would be good for everybody!

Whole team: thanks alot!
Thanks for the session :)

I found this interesting regarding reiki and virii:

Session September 13 1997:

Q: Let me ask quickly, does giving Reiki to a person who has a bacterial or viral infection increase the potential of the infection? What is the effect?

A: Broad inquiry, but Reiki is best suited to conditions not microbially induced.

Q: Is it the case that you are actually feeding the microbes with energy?

A: Can, or effects can cancel each other out.

Q: What about when you are dealing with cancer... not, cancers are not microbial necessarily... but some have been shown to be microbial...

A: Microbially triggered.

Q: So cancers are microbially triggered?

A: Some.

Q: (V) As we practice Reiki, how do we know if we are doing the person more harm than good? How do we decide if we are going to make them sicker or better?

A: Ask if they are suffering from infection.

Q: What if they don't know? There are a lot of times that a person doesn't know.

A: True, but odds are in your favor.

Q: (V) So the viruses cannot be treated by etherical healing? Is there any method that will work other than Reiki?

A: Prayer.
Laura said:
MaroonSky said:
Thanks for the image Puck! It's fascinating. Does it need to be drawn in a certain direction?

Yes, it has to be drawn in a specific way. The instructions will be given in the reiki manual that I have created and is available to FOTCM members. That is discussed in the Reiki thread on the private FOTCM members board.

Je suis vivement intéressé par votre manuel REIKI... Merci Laura... Comment faire pour se le procurer ?...

I am very interested in your manual REIKI ... Thank you Laura ... How to get it? ...
Laura said:
Session Date: November 12th 2016

A: Good evening from Cassiopaea!

Q: (L) Two bible passages have been brought to my attention today. One is the passage from Revelations about the w-h-o-r-e of Babylon being dressed in scarlet and purple, and of course Hillary Clinton wore purple in her concession speech to Donald Trump. And now we have the lovely verse that Joe presented to me from the Apostle Paul. What does it say?

(Joe) It says, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:52)

An allusion to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the Bible now. I didn't expect that! And really quite a powerful 'signpost', especially if religion is an interest, hobby, or passion for people. I think it's really rather sad that people can't read 'the signs' because they are being mislead (by 'The Powers That Be', obviously, but mostly by their own stupidity and wishful thinking). It's not like that can't change.

I wonder if we all should be thinking of card games too now, especially in terms of a trump card. I don't play cards, but I wonder if Trump does, and if so, then which ones? He doesn't strike me as a poker player, but then, what would I know? It's fairly strange, but when I think of a trump; I don't think of the chess game (played by the elites), I think of cards. I wonder if (perhaps if/when he is President) he will invite Putin to a card game? Purely for relaxation purposes only. ;)

Definition of Trump Card:
(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led.
"declarer ruffs the opening lead and plays a trump"
a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage.

Apparently he can win a "trick". Maybe that was the election? But it's not "The Game"! :shock:

Laura said:
Q: (Joe) Did they give her the popular vote in an attempt to secure a win for her?

A: They are trying to foment revolution.


(L) What else about this crazy election?

(Chu) Was this a real miscalculation?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Chu) They really did want Hillary?

A: Yes


(Niall) What could have happened was similar to the leaks about Hillary's nomination for the Democratic party. An insider could have revealed these FBI docs and left the higher ups to...

A: Yes

Q: (L) What else about the election? The responses so far kind of wiped out all of my other questions.

(Joe) What are the chances of success of fomenting a revolution on this Hillary business?

A: Fair, but will likely fizzle.

Yep, fizzling, because it is based on a lie, and people know it. The 'precious snowflakes' are the only ones who seem oblivious as well as open to manipulation (they believe the lie). He really is their President, although not inaugurated as yet. The majority of people voted against Hillary, and that necessitated a for Trump vote, as he was the only other 'legitimate' - (as in sanctioned) candidate. But, he isn't President yet, and 'they' ('The Powers that Be', don't want him to be) they wanted Hillary. So, what will they do next?

A dirty bomb? How does a nation get out of that? It seems that Trump is in a state of siege. Now, he knows how Putin feels. And also Putin needs to learn how to play cards. :lol:
SummerLite said:
Oh! Forgot. I was coming down with flu like symptoms and immediately started taking concentrated, Elderberry syrup and it seems to have knoked it out along with Vit C. I highly recommend it.

Could be the Vit C as the main reagent, with Elderberry syrup as a ... 'back up' or adjuvent? I'm just saying. I'm a big fan of Vit C. It's a really interesting.
I was longing so much for this session after Trump´s election, thanks people for this gift.

C's answers did match with a good number of what has been shared here thanks to networking and reframing and debating every possible aspect of the "White" House´obscure dynamic. Thanks god the ordinary precautionary measures of Clinton's club et al have been, again, so miscalculated that it seems now that we might be in for some refreshing new versions of the titans battle.

I must admit I was one of those who thought of Trump as a clown, as I was being much conditioned by Bush´s former image, albeit under a new version more akin to our present reality shows, where everybody wants getting the upper voice in disguise of a pretentiously strong and bright character. As a European, I didn´t know Trump was already wellknown in certain important milieu since long time ago, I was just aware of the MSM indulgent craps being revisited over and over on tv channels. But after watching a couple of interviews on youtube, it struck me that this guy had much more than meets the eye, or at least didn´t fit with the super summarized official narrative.

Whatever may be Trump´s plans for the best of America´s people, he will hardly being able to keep at bay the psychopathic Establishment in the long run, but I´m awaiting with great interest their reaction to a situation with new unpredictable rules of the game on their desks. That is, at least I hope it will last for a fair while, and the longer the merriest. :knitting:
artofdream said:
Thanks for the session, and its transcription!

In regards of "seeing the man behind the curtain", it seems the PTB's wishfull thinking has reached/past the point where their acts are so disconnected from reality that people starts to notice.

And regarding Reiki, timely reminder! Time to practice again.

Interesting times ahead :D

Not such a bad idea, but not a good idea to 'give' energy to a parasite. Infections, negative entities etc. Of course they can use it. And it won't help you.
WIN 52 said:
Puck said:
This is the annuki symbol mentioned. I forget where I pulled it from, somewhere on the forum or from one of the wave books. It's purpose was collection and retention of energy where needed if I recall correctly.

Fascinating session though, thanks for sharing!

What would happen if people line danced these symbols?

Well that would be interesting. Worth an experiment, I think. A group experiment, of course.
Laura said:
MaroonSky said:
Thanks for the image Puck! It's fascinating. Does it need to be drawn in a certain direction?

Yes, it has to be drawn in a specific way. The instructions will be given in the reiki manual that I have created and is available to FOTCM members. That is discussed in the Reiki thread on the private FOTCM members board.

Why not to everyone? What harm can it do?
Thanks a lot for this timely session

Laura said:
Session Date: November 12th 2016


Q: (L) Well he's already picking some people that I consider to be quite questionable. His attitude towards Israel and the Palestinians is completely delusional.

A: Yes... It seems...

Q: (Galatea) He's playing everybody, I think. My impression is that everything he's been doing has just been an act, and he's secretly, covertly doing some good things. He's just being evil to be good.

A: Close. He knows what he is up against!


(Joe) Even though he's a businessman, he's been in political circles as well. He would know the way Washington works.

(Pierre) You know in this video about Trump over the past 30 years, what keeps coming back is this guy has been sticking to his ideas. He seems to...

A: Keep in mind that he is not a "green horn".


Q: (Joe) Is one of the main reasons that Trump and every other president who comes into power immediately goes and makes nice with Israel, has that got a lot to do with this Epstein guy and others like him who blackmail everybody? Essentially, does Israel control by blackmailing? It's not so much that Israel's our best friend, but...

A: Close. Watch closely for events that will reveal the "man behind the curtain."

Divide By Zero said:
Yep, in the sott radio chat we were talking about Reagan. He was pro worker, pro union- quickly turned.
How? Attempted assasination. Trump might get a close call or a hit to teach him that he's supposed to be a puppet.

I think that perhaps Trump will end up being a key element in the exhibition of the "man behind the curtain". If he has truly learned from previous experiences and knows the ground that is going to step on, he can give a first impression ("seem" as cass said) of not being a real threat to the PTB and gain a little his confidence. He must avoid the danger of being killed prematurely. But if he attains a sufficient power level, surround yourself with the right people at key points, and ensure access to critical information about plans of the PTB (perhaps due to another of his errors by despair), in a second or third phase perhaps he could reach the appropriate point to unleash an event of exhibition of the "man behind the curtain".
Are only thoughts... wait and see...
Divide By Zero said:
It has been used for phantom limb pain and other issues too!
Funny how when we learn more about the brain, the mumbo jumbo goes away. I've heard explanations for phantom limb as such that the "energy" of the limb still exists. Whatever it is, the brain makes it "real".

My mother-in-law and my brother (both now deceased) suffered from phantom pain and both had medication for it, which from what I gather fooled the brain into believing the limb was still there. The pain to them was very real at the time.

When I saw Pierre's mirror box I could see where it would be helpful with phantom pain and possibly replace medication once the brain pattern was established.
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