Session 12 November 2016

Thanks for the great new session. SOOOO glad Hillary did not get in...did not vote for either, but looks like maybe my impressions of Trump were a bit off. I guess " wait and see" is all we can do at this point. Things are getting really interesting for certain. Hope you guys get to feeling better soon.
Thank you all for this very interesting session!

So we have the 'big miscalculation' that the Cs said was coming; but seeing the 'man behind the curtain' is still to come (along with the nearing 'cosmic event')! Always something to look forward to. :halo:
The mirror box is pretty ingenious. Thanks for the picture and explanation, Pierre. Now I seem to remember an article about such therapies, I think it may have been carried on SOTT a while back.
Thank You for the session! Results are good mood and the info is energizing.

You can bet on Trump he won't make another Katrina-response disaster in the possible event of upcoming comet impact. He will seriously express condolences and then launch into action quickly, saving the people and take care of areas hit directly or indirectly [by fire, water, quakes]. This catastrophic event, if happens, I think will just make people stronger and unite the nation with the new hopefully strong president and praising his sober, right on time actions.
Kyoshirō said:
Thank you for having a new session with the C's. Their answers are really encouraging.

I've been looking over the weekend at some astrologers, clairvoyants, psychics who predicted the outcome correctly. In the evangelical community it is seen as God/Jesus picked this man himself as president and they are expecting the fullfillment of biblical endtime prophecy. There are some astrologers who saw Trump winning. But they see in his chart a possible assassination attempt occurring.

For example:
On the Health and Death of Donald Trump: Astrology, Prophecy, and Assassination
Trump Assassination? -- The Astro Aspects Of Donald Trump
Astrology of Trump Assassination

I don't want to spread fear, but you have to address possibilities, in order to deal with them.

Thanks again for the session and get well soon!

Those who conspire against Trump in this way will assassinate themselves, their life career, i think. There are high chances that their funny money-buddies, the "man behind the curtain" will be all revealed with the failed attempt for everyone to see.
Alleluia!!!! I'm feeling almost ecstatic. This session points to some hope for positive change amid the chaos. I've been unsure of placing any trust in the possibility of change for the better. Great questions and answers to keep our BS meters calibrated.

I really appreciate the questions on Reiki. I've been using it on my menopause issues lately. Hoping for improvement balancing hormones and metabolism problems. I've zapped parasites in the past but I will add this symbol to treating them :). I remember it from Soul Hackers but didn't want to use it out of ignorance.

This session made me feel like I have been on the right track in thinking and acting. I attribute this to the crystal network at work in our lives. I hope you are all feeling well very soon.

Thanks from my heart to everyone on this adventure.
Aragorn said:
Thanks for this very interesting session!

Reading the text from the Corinthians reminded me of a magnificent aria that G.F. Händel composed in his famous oratorio 'Messiah'. The aria is called 'The Trumpet Shall Sound' and is based on the same bible text. When you think about the recent events, and what Laura wrote recently about "the calm before the storm" the text does appear quite interesting, especially the part of "the last trumpet":

47. Accompagnato

Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.

(I Corinthians 15: 51-52)

48. Air

The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality.
The trumpet. . . da capo

(I Corinthians 15: 52-53)

As I remember from reading music history, composing the 'Messiah' was quite a cathartic and spiritual experience for Händel. It is said, that for months (or even years) before getting the inspiration for the 'Messiah', Händel was dry on ideas and he was ready to quit composing music. He was on the brink of total bankruptcy. But then, he suddenly got this "divine inspiration". He locked himself up in his room for two weeks, and worked like a maniac, hardly eating or drinking anything. In these two weeks he completed his masterwork (which is quite long btw).

So, who knows, perhaps Händel was channeling and tapping into the "information field" of possible future events. Here's one version:

Thank you Aragorn for the uplifting listen.... A beautiful way to start the day!
MaroonSky said:
Thank you so much for this post. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of changes that Trump will implement.
I don't recall ever reading about the an-nu-ki symbol. Could anybody point me in the right direction. In 2006 Laura had posted a link to the following website but it is no longer working.

It was covered in the book Soul Hackers. P.292. There was several chapters about Reiki.
Chu said:
The discussion about Trump reminded me of what Laura said a couple of years ago:

Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, I dunno. I suppose we'll find out! Okay, next thing that's on my mind: This afternoon I was responding to a post on the forum and the post was in the Political Ponerology book thread. As I was writing, it suddenly occurred to me that a problem that has been occupying my mind for many years suddenly became clear. The answer became clear. And the problem was this issue of communism vs. socialism vs. capitalism; the issue of which is best? Because of course I grew up in a capitalist system, but I see all the terrible things about it that have come to pass. I live now in a country that is largely socialist, and I see a lot of problems that exist in socialism. I've read a great deal about communistic systems, and I see that what happened in the communist countries didn't turn out too well. And I've read a lot of sociology, and I understand that without some kind of communism, early man would not have survived and evolved, so there’s a problem with how it was done in those communist countries. Even the early “Jesus people” practiced a form of communism, though fundies nowadays seem to have forgotten that. So, I've had this ongoing thing in my mind: Which part of which system to take and put together to make a so to say as close to perfect, benevolent system of economics and law that would serve humanity in the best way.

And it suddenly was clear to me that it depends on scale. I thought that what you need is at the family tribal level - and I say more tribal because it's like extended family, close friends, etc. and people who are bound to each other by bonds of friendship and affection - should function in the communistic pattern.

The next level would be the local community, or the town or whatever, which should function at the capitalistic level. Let's face it, there are things about capitalism that are very useful. People can go out from their homes and they make money for their families by work, there can be shops or factories or whatever that produce products that are then traded or bought/sold with other shops; then communities buy or sell or exchange with other communities, import, export, etc. The members of a family/tribe that work make money, bring it home and share equally all around, and several members of a family can work and take care of the whole family, including children, elderly, disabled.

So we've got communism at the family level or the tribal level, capitalism at the community level where communities interact with other communities, and then at the higher government level it should be socialism because then socialism can be a policy-making body. It should be a body that collects a certain amount of funds in the form of a wealth tax and a small poll tax to ensure that everybody has free water, electricity, healthcare, that there are roads, that there is garbage collection, clean air, clean water... In other words, if the wealth tax and poll tax goes to an overarching government, then that government would provide these services to all the communities. And also, there would be local militias supported by these collected funds. So it seems to me that if you have these three different systems operating at different levels – the three scales - I mean, does anybody see any flaw in this?

I started wondering about how the level above those would be like, between countries (assuming there were "countries" as defined today). And I thought of leaders who got killed (E.g. Kennedy, Chavez...), others who are doing some good (Putin), and those who are useless. This might be too simplistic, but it occurs to me that perhaps at the "multinational" level, a good system would also be capitalistic, provided that it respects the socialist principles within each country. In a sense, that's pretty much what Putin does. He thinks a lot like a capitalist, but defends his territory and his people at the same time. He acts like an honest but firm businessman. And, he doesn't seem to let his emotions color his actions (he does seem compassionate, but not to the point where he loses his rational thinking or gets caught up in details, or believes he is safe when he isn't, etc.). Now, I'm not saying that Trump will be the perfect leader or anything. A lot remains to be seen in that department. But he WOULD, in theory, fit the bill if he takes the US and sees it as a business:

A: He sees the waste of human resources as bad business.

So, not so much out of the kindness of his heart, necessarily, but just being pragmatic, a leader who is a capitalist could potentially help his people. For example, less money spent in creating wars/chaos, less power to companies like the big Food/Pharma industry that make people sick, etc. --> more money to create jobs inside the nation, more people working, more money into the economy, no "migrant problem", good business relations with other countries, etc.

Just a rough idea, FWIW! Obviously, reality is much more complex than that.


Well written. You have offered an image for an individual Aim and an Aim for society. The world envisioned in this way might well be one worth living, yes? A give and take that is mutually beneficial. Thank you I will be pondering on this....
What else is there to say except thank you chateau gang, for another informative session. Very interesting that the ptb tried to manipulate the voting figures to make it look like Killary got the majority of the popular vote. I really hope that someone somewhere can somehow get this info out to into the general public. I'll be informing my naive liberal acquaintances of this.
And I hope Chu and Laura get over their flu bug, or whatever bug it happens to be. :)
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