Session 13 May 2017

I've just made a donation via paypal, I hope the therapy goes well for you Laura.

As for the Cs comment of everyone will speak English, I wondered if it was a joke referring (if I remember correctly) to one of the French Brexit negotiating team saying they were going to start negotiating Brexit speaking in French instead of English.
angelburst29 said:
Laura said:
(Pierre) My thinking was that we have stem cells. They are this raw material that depending on the needs of our body, we can use to build any kind of tissue: neurons, muscle, etc. So, why do we need to get our stem cells in our blood although we already have stem cells in our body - especially in our bone marrow? Maybe we can ask a simple question first. When you are too sick, you are not able to properly use your stem cells, is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Okay, the mechanism is blocked. So this therapy helps you to overcome this blockage?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) And to mobilize the stem cells, because in the bone marrow they're kind of dormant...

A: And part of the attack from 4D STS is aimed at exactly that.

Does anyone understand how the stem cell process becomes blocked in people who are sick, as Pierre mentions? Is it related to mitochondrial dysfunction, or what's going on exactly?

Also, could this be part of why parabiosis works as described in the following articles, or are they like apples and oranges?
Prenez bien soin de Vous Laura, vous êtes dans mes prières ainsi que les membres du Chateau et ceux du forum Cassiopéa...
Merci Chu pour avoir confirmer la bonne réception du don...

Take good care of You Laura, you are in my prayers as well as the members of the Chateau and those of the forum Cassiopéa ...
Thank you Chu for confirming the good reception of the gift ...
Thank you for this latest amazing session. Like others have said, I am sure we can raise the money for the stem cell therapy. An attack on you is an attack on us all and as you are always in the frontline, it is no wonder that the attacks are often at Laura and the Chateau. We as a group will prevail and I will donate more as means allow. Let us know if it is urgent right now or if we can space it out over time.

Dear Laura you have been the cause of positive change for so many for so long, it is only right and fair that we can give back and help you make a positive change in your health.
Your light shines on us all and if it has become dimmed, then we must do what we can to brighten it back up again.
Today is pay day so an extra check to FOTCM NC is "in the mail" :lol: Best wishes for success in your treatment and a speedy recovery. :flowers:
I'm very happy that Laura will try the treatment. I hope it goes all perfect and I will pray for you. Crystal power! ;)

Some thoughts I am having since I've read the session and the stem cells issue...

Wasn't it curious enough that dubya a.k.a. the secret government a.k.a. 4D STS vetoed it?

In 2001, President George W. Bush restricted federal funding for research on stem cells obtained from human embryos because the technology required the destruction of human life. “At its core, this issue forces us to confront fundamental questions about the beginnings of life and the ends of science,” Bush said.

“My position on these issues is shaped by deeply held beliefs,” he said. “I also believe human life is a sacred gift from our creator.”

Bush’s ban limited government funding for research on embryonic stem cells — which have the potential of curing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and Parkinson’s — to already existing stem cell lines. Federal dollars could not be used to start any new cell lines or to conduct research on any newly derived cell lines.



Just some food for thought.

My opinion is that they may have vetoed it because it was good for humanity but of course I am not sure and I hope it is not wishful thinking of mine.

What do you think? Have somebody research about it as for giving us some worthy link to read or video to watch?
As I understand it, embrionic stem cells are taken from umbilical cords. I think that ban was a little bit hysterical, though certainly, there should be regulations.
Laura said:
Session Date: May 13th 2017


(Pierre) I have a few questions. In one of the last sessions, it was mentioned an "irresistible force" and an "immovable object", remember? What was the irresistible force, and what was the immovable object?

A: Deep State vs. Russia

Q: (Pierre) So it was not Trump. So did Trump cave in to the Deep State?

A: Seemingly...

Q: (Pierre) So here they're suggesting that he's acting as if he's caving in and throwing bones to the Deep State, but deep inside...

(L) Or throwing meat to the wolf.

(Pierre) Yes. But actually he didn't cave in, but is trying to further his agenda...

A: Not completely. But the game is not over.


Q: (Pierre) Well, so it's that. People got scared. That's a documented thing. The first leaks from Macron's servers was those documents from a NATO/CIA-sponsored foundation in France that was pushing for a lot of migration and a lot of mosques and stuff. I was wondering if his main mission is to bring in migrants and stir things up to lead towards a civil war?

A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) They sure have a sense of humor, but I'm not sure that will be the only consequence...

(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

A: Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.

Q: (Joe) That's been the goal for a long time.

(L) That means that Trump is a real thorn in their flesh because he's kind of an isolationist and a nationalist. He wants to go the opposite way, and that's why they wanted to get rid of Le Pen. And anybody else who's a nationalist is basically a "bad guy". The only good guys are the ones who do what the US says. Do they really realize how weak they are? I mean, their own country is falling apart. Their own infrastructure is going to the dogs. The education of their people is deplorable. The health of their people is deplorable. The death rate... They're not paying attention to ANY of those things, and yet they're trying to rule the world? That's not a very good example to set.

A: Psychopaths are "reality blind".

Laura said:
Session Date: November 12th 2016


Q: (Joe) Is one of the main reasons that Trump and every other president who comes into power immediately goes and makes nice with Israel, has that got a lot to do with this Epstein guy and others like him who blackmail everybody? Essentially, does Israel control by blackmailing? It's not so much that Israel's our best friend, but...

A: Close. Watch closely for events that will reveal the "man behind the curtain."


(L) Anything else?

A: Things are developing nicely. Help is close.

The Cs have repeatedly said that the SAS-4D and PTB plans will fail at the end, especially since they are "reality blind". This does not mean that its power must be underestimated under severe danger.
In this context, I wonder what exactly "Everyone will speak English!" mean, as this can be literally interpreted as a sure future event (as some have done here) but may also be referring to a clear plan seen as "reality blind" from a part of the game board (PTB), and that in the end might not end as they expect.
In fact I remember that in another session (I have not found which) Cs said something as that anglo-american culture will end up being in oblivion (although this could not be applied to our immediate future).
For a rational reason I tend to think that those of us who do not speak english language nowadays have to make a greater effort to learn it and our children learn it too.
However (I have some skill with the pendulum), whenever I have asked the pendulum for this, or when I am in a meditative state, I always get the same answer that I can not believe: "learn it will not make a difference from a perspective applied to the future. If you are going to learn a new language it may even be more interesting to learn another one like Russian or Chinese".
This could be the message of "myself in the future," but it could also be originated by a non-rational subconscious desire that dominates the pendulum movement or meditation ... I do not know. Thoughts?.
I donated as well, didn't know about the Mothers Day Fund at the time, put a note that said Laura's Stem Cell Fund.
Laura said:
Session Date: May 13th 2017


(Ark) I'm not sure if I'm right. But I think that this kind of therapy is somewhat like the ideas of Benveniste which worked if there wasn't a red-haired woman nearby! So what counts is not so much the theory, but the success rate. In some labs, the same protocol will work, but the same protocol somewhere else with a little different vibration or whatever will not work. I'm not sure, but I have this impression.

A: Good point.


(Chu) Is that similar to what the ancients used to do with light and sound? Were they achieving similar results?

A: Very close.

A point of attention arises here for me, knowing that the work of Benveniste has been continued in some medical circles within France. And they are precisely in the use of remedies that act in some way trough light and sound. These remedies (at its current level of development) are available to anyone requesting them, for research and free (since some time ago I was provided with an access password on request and sometimes I use them, with relative success).

You can have a look here:

http: / / w w
http: / / w w

Of course now the first thing for Laura is go to Russia (by the moment there is no other best option). But this could perhaps be a medium-term research way ¿?.
Angelburst29 and Ant22
angelburst29 said:
Laura said:
Session Date: May 13th 2017

[...] [...] [...]

(L) Okay, there's something on my mind. I've been looking at this idea of going to a clinic for stem cell therapy because I've lost my mojo, and I have pain all through my body a lot of the time. I don't know if it's worth it though. If it works, is it worth it?

A: Consider what would happen to all your group without you.

Q: (L) Well, the thing is we've been doing all this work and all this research, and we've been trying all these different things, trying to find ways for different people to get through these trying times that are so full of pollutions and evil things that...

A: What have we told you about knowledge?

Q: (L) That knowledge protects.

(Niall) If applied.

A: How many things have you solved with application of this principle?

Q: (L) Just about anything that comes our way - to the point where we hardly need to talk to the C's anymore...

A: [Letters come quickly] Well, you and many others will very much need to communicate with us in the times of turmoil bearing down on your realm. So best if you use the knowledge gathered to prepare yourself to be available and ready. The task you and your group have undertaken is of world changing significance and commensurate forces have ranged against you to prevent your success. The relentless nature of the attacks has sapped you. There are methods revealed by knowledge to counter the effects. Use them!!!


(Pierre) My thinking was that we have stem cells. They are this raw material that depending on the needs of our body, we can use to build any kind of tissue: neurons, muscle, etc. So, why do we need to get our stem cells in our blood although we already have stem cells in our body - especially in our bone marrow? Maybe we can ask a simple question first. When you are too sick, you are not able to properly use your stem cells, is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Okay, the mechanism is blocked. So this therapy helps you to overcome this blockage?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) And to mobilize the stem cells, because in the bone marrow they're kind of dormant...

A: And part of the attack from 4D STS is aimed at exactly that.

Many Thanks for the new session. It's also good to learn that Laura will be proceeding with the stem cell therapy!

After reading the above, especially the bolded part, a strange thought went through my mind.

By God - she found the key - the key to unlocking - THE LOCKS!

I wasn't sure what it meant, so went searching and found what (I think) might pertain to the message?,34907.msg496251.html#msg496251 (April 1996)

Q: (L) I was analyzing some of the material regarding the recent episode with SV and her mother. To this point, she still has done none of the things that you advised her to do in response to her requests for advice. I told her that I was very angry that she took so much of my time and energy and still did none of the things advised, resulting in EVERYONE being upset. Now, I had someone call me and tell me that SV was involved in some sort of coven or very dark organization. I just have a very difficult time believing this. How can she speak so disparagingly of such things and then, be a part of such? Yet, the source of the information knew things that "clicked" and could not possibly have been said unless this was true. Is it possible that SV could have multiple personalities and one of her other "selves" is doing this? As in Greenbaum?

A: Sure!

Q: (L) Is it possible for either Frank or I to be involved in such and not be aware of it?

A: Yes, but it is not that.

Q: (L) Does that mean that there IS some other thing that we are involved in, in some other aspects of our selves, that we are not aware of?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is this something that happens in altered states or in sleep states?

A: Not happens, happened.

Q: (L) Something that happened in the past?

A: Laura, you need to consult a powerful, practiced, effective hypnotherapist to unlock these questions for you.

Q: (L) Is this something I could do for Frank in the meantime? Obviously Frank could have a big piece of the puzzle locked up in there...

A: Both of you and others. The locks have been installed in such a way that it is literally impossible for you to unlock them, as they were installed with full knowledge of present circumstances.

Q: (L) Who installed these locks?

A: Supremely powerful STS consortium!!

Q: (L) And what circumstances were they aware of, as you have mentioned, when they installed these locks?

A: All.

[...] [...] [...]

Q: (L) And you are telling us that we have locks on knowledge installed in us, installed by supremely powerful STS consortium. Can we not, in our conscious state, reject this programming, and ask you to inform us of this information?

A: Not possible!

Q: (L) What is not possible?

A: What you just asked.

Q: (L) You mean we can't change our minds, or you can't inform us?

A: Incorrect analysis.

Q: (L) Give me the correct analysis.

A: You cannot unlock, and we cannot tell you details of what, or why.

Q: (L) Why can you not tell us?

A: Free will violation, and endangerment of you if done thusly.

Q: (L) Is there some way to do it that does not endanger us?

A: We have told you.

Q: (L) Is it a danger to us to NOT unlock these things?

A: In a sense.

Q: (L) When I was kidnapped at the age of 3 or 4 in Jacksonville, how many days was I missing. My mother simply has a blank about it, which amazes her.

A: 12 days.

Q: (L) Who was it that kidnapped me?

A: Jan.

Q: (L) Who was Jan?

A: Corps member.

Q: (L) What corps is this?

A: Select division of economic legion under control of G5.

Q: (L) Economic legion? What is G5?

A: Intel.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of this kidnapping?

A: To install self-destruct programming.

Q: (L) So, this Jan was known to us as "Cecil Brien."

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And he more or less overwhelmed my mother and persuaded her to marry him just to get at me? I find this to be incredible!

A: It was easy at the time. She was vulnerable.

Q: (L) So, I have a "self-destruct" program. And Frank has one also?

A: Similar, but not an exact copy so as to mask.

[...] [...] [...]

Q: (L) Well, I thought I had basically done with that when I asked [ex] for divorce? What am I angry about?

A: Much, but especially dark past occurrences, some locked, some not.

Q: (L) What past occurrences?

A: What was done to you.

Q: (L) You mean the kidnapping and possible alien interference?

A: And other.

Q: (L) Do you mean [my ex]?

A: Not mainly.

Q: (L) Well, can I ask this: did [my ex] ever, at any point in our marriage, care for me at all?

A: The way he does.

Q: (L) That says it all. But, what are they talking about? What was done to me?

A: Violations.

Q: (L) In the process of programming me to destroy myself, was I physically and sexually violated? I have absolutely NO memory of ANY of that. Are you talking about when I was a child?

A: Yes. And other.

Q: (L) Can you tell me what ages?

A: 2,4,7,10,17,22,44

Q: (L) When I was 2, I was abducted?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And when I was 4? I was kidnapped and programmed?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And when I was 7 I was abducted?

A: Yes, and...

Q: (L) I was programmed then, too?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When I was 10... Abducted?

A: Yes...

Q: (L) Well, I am just going to have to think about all this... Looks like a good lotto number!

also Ant22

Ant22 said:
That's a really interesting observation angelburst29, you may in fact be on to something!! Note also that the stem cell therapy lasts 12 days, just like the duration of time Laura was apparently kidnapped for when she was little.

angelburst29 said:
(...) By God - she found the key - the key to unlocking - THE LOCKS!

I wasn't sure what it meant, so went searching and found what (I think) might pertain to the message?,34907.msg496251.html#msg496251 (April 1996)

angelburst29 said:
Laura said:
(...) Q: (L) When I was kidnapped at the age of 3 or 4 in Jacksonville, how many days was I missing. My mother simply has a blank about it, which amazes her.

A: 12 days.

I will add more

Three or four days ago I started to read again "Bringers of the Dawn"
and in chapter 5
they mention that there is twelve helixes
and also twelve chakras.

I search the forum and found post"In vitro fertilization",14596.msg114900.html#msg114900

with interesting deliberation of E and Evolutionary, where E quote "Bringers of the Dawn" and
Evolutionary adding his thoughts
"Just yesterday some friends and I were discussing the Human Genome Project, and the possible uncovering of the true potential of so-called "junk DNA," unused brain matter, and the implications of such regarding potential evolution. This coincidence--amongst so many these days--added to the significance of the idea of the Earth as a living library.

I am particularly intrigued by the references to the number 12 and did a search that pointed out the recurrence of this theme in the Bible, which can be seen here:

And, of course, there is the recommended grouping of sets of 12 for pipe breath :), the signs of the zodiac, months in a year, the "dozen," the 12 days of Christmas, 12 to a jury, the 12 hours of a day (twice a day, of course)... and I happened to be born on the 12th of June :P

Maybe number twelve!"12" really could mean something

Laura said:
I'll keep everyone posted about it as I am able. Obviously, I'm not looking forward to having a chunk of my fat sucked out or some bone in my body probed and the marrow withdrawn, but one does what one must. I've heard that it hurts for awhile afterward so I'm hoping that they give some pain meds for that. Anyway, a short bit of serious pain that goes away is worth it to get rid of the constant, daily grind of pain and exhaustion from pain. Yeah, I have good days, but not so many lately!
Maybe a good idea is to take with you natural meds (plants, essential oils) against pain in order to avoid these toxics? I'll have a look to analgesic natural herbs and let you know.
All my encouragments for this health adventure :)
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