Session 13 May 2017

IronFloyd said:
I want to tell you that of course your image will be next to my home protection cristal, along with of many more to join forces pro of her recovery.

I think that is a very good way to give back, IronFloyd. :)
Coste said:
I would give money for Laurino's treatment. How to apply for a donation? I have PayPal accaunt. I am from Zagreb, Croatia. Thank you

That's very nice Coste, welcome to the forum! Since this is your first post would you please post an introduction on the Newbies thread, where you can tell us a little bit about how you found us, what books of Laura's you've read, etc.

You will find the link to support the Fellowship here. Beau posted some advice about how to donate here:

Beau said:
Laurentien said:
Just contributed trough the quantum future group, I passed trough sott,net hope it ok.

We always appreciate the help, but that's not FOTCM you donated to, it's QFG. They are two separate non-profits, with two separate "missions."

So, for those who are unsure where to donate or otherwise need instruction, here's the best method for donating:

If you live in the US, you can either donate to US FOTCM through Paypal here: or by clicking the donate button in the top right corner of the forum. Or you can mail a check, as long as it's drawn on a US bank, money order or US Dollars to:

Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind
295 Scratch Branch Rd
Otto, NC 28763

If you live outside the US, the same above applies except for sending checks/money orders/cash. The two best ways send funds internationally is either through PayPal or bank transfer. If you are donating through PayPal, please donate in US Dollars, not euros. Donating in euros is fine, but the way PayPal calculates currency exchanges is a little sketchy, so it's best to avoid their exchange rates altogether. If you are interested in doing a bank transfer, please send me a PM and we can go from there.

Thank you to all who are supporting us!!

If you run into any issues, please let us know.
Welcome Coste! Usually it's customary for people who are new to the forum to post a thread in the Newbies Forum section, to share a small bit of information about themselves and how they found the forum. Your support of FOTCM is appreciated. :)
whitecoast said:
Welcome Coste! Usually it's customary for people who are new to the forum to post a thread in the Newbies Forum section, to share a small bit of information about themselves and how they found the forum. Your support of FOTCM is appreciated. :)

Yeah Coste! Come say 'hi'! It's so nice that hearing about Laura's health prompted you to write your first post, we'd like to know more about your journey to the forum! :thup:
Martina said:
This is the most important thing in the world, so can I send you a card today in an old fashion way? through mail, on your french FOTCM address? Western Union would take provision.

I'm not sure if mailing is working. Do you have a paypal account? That would be an option. Another option would be a bank transfer to the US-Front. See here.
Sorry, no I have debt so I can't use any accounts until I pay all I owe, we have such law in our country. I only operate with cash like mobster :)
Thank You All as always!!! I've sent what I can to help... I hope you feel better Laura!

Thank You Chateau Crew!!!!

I'm thinking what more we can do for Laura.Maybe when we sing to crystals at 8 PM,we can devote that singing to Laura.That would be
like sound therapy.Of course if Laura agree with that.
Laura said:
Session Date: May 13th 2017

Q: (Joe) The funny thing is that one of the major ways that they attempt to achieve this is through rigging elections. That's basically a really bad idea because eventually they'll push it too far. Even the people who have no clue are gonna go, "Really?!" It happened already in Scotland. The vast majority of Scottish people are highly suspicious about that last referendum. Everyone was saying "Yes independence, yes independence!" and then the result was "NO"?! And then they go around and ask each other, and it's like, "I can't find anybody who voted no..." Eventually, the cat's gonna come out of the bag. You can't keep rigging elections in a way that puts someone in power that NOBODY voted for. You can't do that forever and not expect people to eventually go...

(Niall) They're gonna try the UK next. That's coming up. It'll be interesting. Nobody wants to vote for the Tories.

(Pierre) After the French elections, there was a French journalist who went around to interview who voted for Macron - to understand why. He didn't find anybody!

A little slice of my life : today, when I was in the little supermarket near my home, the cashier said to me, without I said absolutely nothing, "Macron is a totally mad one, it's scary, he will kill us all. I was not for Le Pen but this guy is totally insane. I consider to live the country. And all the clients tell me the same, he's crazy"

It's just my little testimony from a provincial town !

Yes, I managed to find people who voted for Macron in the 2nd round (a special dedication to my chief who voted Fillon in the second round because she kept one ballot paper in order to do it - and that made me laugh), but in the first, sorry, I know no-one to this day. Of course, it's just my little environment of little people...
And 'pushing it too far' might mean waking people up... I remember a quote in Faust by Mephistopheles that Laura used once, which seems apt here "Part of that power which would do evil constantly and constantly does good"... representing evil, is yet an unconscious force for good.... perhaps that applies in all of these electoral situations as well as most all others? interactive reality, shared space, quantum intanglement, no? they simply can't help it... doing one means the other can interact as well... that balance the C's and Ra mentioned.
Thank you for the session and for sharing the situation that you are in Laura! We certainly want to step up and do whatever we can.

My contribution was sent through paypal - Confirmation number: 1AB71365S6507950H, and I put in message "Mother's day Fund".

It sure looks like this is the best thing to do at this point and you will be in my thoughts through all of this!
Martina said:
Sorry, no I have debt so I can't use any accounts until I pay all I owe, we have such law in our country. I only operate with cash like mobster :)

That being the case, maybe it would be better to use what funds you have for your own needs?

For those of us who don’t have a great deal of "energy" in the form of money, we can still lend our support by sending our energy as love, prayer, protective thought. And, by putting energy back into the network in the form of participation, as best we can, as another way to help balance for what has been received. It all helps I think, perhaps more than we know. And remember the C’s "help is on the way!" comments? Well, maybe that’s all of us...
Here is my donation Confirmation number: 7XG15003FY567590V.

With all my love and prayers to you Laura, get well soon. Safe travels and a swift recovery. :hug:

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