Session 13 May 2017

Alada said:
[...]And, by putting energy back into the network in the form of participation, as best we can, as another way to help balance for what has been received.[...]

Indeed! Helping out in that way, as best as possible, is also a good form of giving back. The more we help in those processes the less stress Laura has to endure since we can take part of the heavy load.
Alada said:
Martina said:
Sorry, no I have debt so I can't use any accounts until I pay all I owe, we have such law in our country. I only operate with cash like mobster :)

That being the case, maybe it would be better to use what funds you have for your own needs?

For those of us who don’t have a great deal of "energy" in the form of money, we can still lend our support by sending our energy as love, prayer, protective thought. And, by putting energy back into the network in the form of participation, as best we can, as another way to help balance for what has been received. It all helps I think, perhaps more than we know. And remember the C’s "help is on the way!" comments? Well, maybe that’s all of us...

Indeed, there are so many ways to help. And also, remember this parable:

The Widow’s Offering
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

It's not the amount of money anyone can give that is important, but the energy and intent behind the giving (in whatever form). OSIT.
About the voting, the more than 100%. I read at Fotm that Hillary had set up extra make-believe voting stations, and directed her followers, logged into her campaign site, to go there. She used the thus collected voting forms, to switch those with Bernie votes at an official station. The thrown away Bernie votes would make the objective total count go over 100%. The voting attendance at the stations that were targeted sinks under what was expected, but the official head-count is unaffected. Maybe the same scheme was used in France?
I'm currently reading Women Who Run With the Wolves, and at the beginning, there is a strong mythology about bones, that you've gather the old bones and sing over them to make them living again. It's like gathering little bits of lost knowledge, discovering the scheme with this pieces and singing a new song to make them live again. It sounds like what the P's said when they talk about the Original Planners and their intent to create a new DNA, a new song, for the entire universe regarding what's happening on earth now.

Guess how many pair of ribs there is in the human rib cage ? 12. And the stem technology is based on sound and ligth, it make me think of stonehenge, as the group said, and the bones are what is the more tough and hard as the rock of this megalith. There is stem cell in the back bone, and for me the rib cage looks like the bow of a shi/ ark... But we can go forever like this.


IronFloyd said:
Miguel Ángel said:
I come a bit late but as they say: better late than never! ;)

First of all, as I usual write, thank you very much to Andromeda, Galatea, Laura, the C's and all the chateau's people for sharing the session so quickly.

Second, Laura, if I may suggest this: I'd wish you will ASK more often. You don't need to be ashamed, osit.

Some of us (at least me) are living in a kind of fairy world where our life goes more or less happily, without big issues, having all our needs covered, surrounded by friends and/or family and/or job's opportunities and so on. I am thinking that it might happen that the "sheet" is not going to hit the fan and that we will live on happily... (people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark). FWIW last weekend I had a relative's communion, in November I will have to assist a wedding, and so on.

What I mean is: in my daily routines, I always FORGET you are giving us/the world constantly & suffering for it. [...]


The truth is that I felt very identified with his post [...]

I think it's something to remember there and it has some significance as we human have this tendancy to fall into complacency, especially after a suffering and reliving period.
I just made a modest donation: 30B66089MR556213K. Hopefully I will be able to donate much more in July. I will know more about my financial situation in the beginning of June.

Here's to you, Laura, I will be keeping you in my thoughts. And thank you Ark for taking such good care of her.
Dear Laura and friends, Have you heard about Anthony William , the Medical Medium? He is helping thousands of people with their health. Some very severe health conditions have been greatly improved or eliminated by applying the wisdom that he receives from Spirit. I follow his advice every day with my diet and, at 67, have seen a reversal of my symptoms of ill health.
He provides a lot of information on the web at and in his books.
All the very best wishes to all.
Thank you for this new session and all my wishes for this incoming treatment. It is heart-warming to notice such a rapid and large mobilization from all. :flowers: My Gratitude, blessings and protection to you Laura.
Good healing, unlocking and rejuvenating.

I took the time to read all the comments and it helped me to mitigate my point of view regarding the elections. I've been pretty absorbed by it all and the feeling Ant22 described is one I've been subjected to.
It's been such a disgusting show to notice and it really affected me, just as MK Scarlett in the French Presidential Election thread. Your statement, Laura, is one I have to stick to :
(L) Well, I have to say that for a long time, the idea that nothing we did would make any difference in the processes going on here on the planet politically and socially and earth-change wise: intellectually, I've understood that. But I guess it's only been in the last six months to a year that I've come to viscerally understand that we do what we do simply because it's the right thing to do. I don't see any hope for changing the juggernaut that's marching across the planet.

Sometimes it is hard to keep the faith and I just want to give it all up. It sure was an emotional rollercoaster.

The fact that it was rigged was blatantly sure but 29% for Asselineau ?

How so ? I've been having hard times processing it as it doesn't relate to my direct experience: In my family, friends, on Facebook, while giving leaflets in the street, or even from the "French Presidential Election" thread on the forum, we're far from that score. The related experiences of UPR assessors have not seen much ballots for Asselineau.

I've not noticed much awareness on Asselineau's candidacy among the population. Most people on the street had no clue who I was referring to. We had meetings of 1000 peoples around France, full, of course, but what about Mélenchon who had such a huge dynamic, hard to even compare the two ?

Maybe it is all due to some bias, priming and a lack of objectivity, again. I'm really trying to be critical here and I bring my direct experience into the bigger picture.
The bigger picture could be indeed so far from my experience, I have no doubt it was all rigged. But I would have loved having met those 29% percent while handing leaflets. :umm:

Maybe it is a way for the Cs to protect the crew. That is what I consider to be the most probable. From 61% to 50% there's a little margin which indicates a clue regarding the accuracy intended. Anyway if it's true, I'm eager to have political conversations with way more people thant I would have thought. :lol:
Я присоединяюсь ко всем словам благодарности за работу всей команде и ко всем пожеланиям здоровья Лауре. Мыслями и молитвами я с тобой.
Я нахожусь в Москве и если вдруг понадобится какая-то помощь, то я готов сделать все что смогу.

I join all the words of gratitude for the work of the entire team and to all wishes of good health to Laura. Thoughts and prayers go out to you.
I am in Moscow and if you need some help, I am ready to do everything that I can.
Starshine said:
The fact that it was rigged was blatantly sure but 29% for Asselineau ?
I do not know if this is correct (regarding results) but there is no 100% accurate channeling. And the goal is not to leave our minds, to throw our brains and as children to depend on the Cassiopaeans. The goal is to grow, develop.
So, regard to things that are not clear, I advise to wait until they become clear.
If Ra and Cassiopaean material have a high percentage of accuracy, this is still not 100%. And even if it is, it is impossible to explain the full truth. We need to use it as a stimulus for research and the idea.

"...since the Ra material is considered to be a kind of primer to the Cassiopaean material, could you give us a percentage on the accuracy of this material?
A: 63 ",34941.msg496949.html#msg496949
Q: (L) What is the percentage of accuracy of the information given in the Vedas? Overall?
A: Accurate at what level?
Q: (L) Third Density.
A: Accurate to what extent and in what way?
Q: (L) Well, in a general sense, as a way of living one's life and perceiving the universe.
A: That's an extremely difficult question to answer as accuracy in determining such things as perceiving the universe and living one's life is entirely open to interpretation as anyone can resolve accuracy by relating to the parallel universe which is appropriate for the information given. And, as we have stated in the past, it is possible to create parallel universes through thought energy, and once they are created naturally, they correspond naturally to the interpretation given for them.,34875.msg495806.html#msg495806

Q: (L) I would like to address the issue of accuracy. How can we increase or determine or work on accuracy?
A: Accuracy is 3rd level concept.
Q: (L) Well, you do understand that at this level we determine whether information is correct or good by whether it happens or comes true, particularly in terms of prognostications.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And if a source misses on a prognostication, very often people lose faith in that source. Is that an unrealistic expectation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is that because accuracy is an impossible task because of variability of reality?
A: If it were possible there would be no existence. The universe is nothing more than a learning laboratory.,28382.msg353162.html#msg353162

As for the hope that the world will change this way or the other, it is childish. We will soon die. We will not be here for long. It is in essence irrelevant what will be with Earth. It will be what it should be. And we'll go further. We are what we are. The sun shines and throws light at all: from flower to feces. So, whatever will be, we should be what we want to be. There is no happy ending. But the journey continues.
attunga said:
Dear Laura and friends, Have you heard about Anthony William , the Medical Medium? He is helping thousands of people with their health. Some very severe health conditions have been greatly improved or eliminated by applying the wisdom that he receives from Spirit. I follow his advice every day with my diet and, at 67, have seen a reversal of my symptoms of ill health.
He provides a lot of information on the web at and in his books.
All the very best wishes to all.

Hi Attunga,

Since this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the news page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc. You can read some introductions in that section to get an idea.

Welcome to the Forum :)
Starshine said:
The fact that it was rigged was blatantly sure but 29% for Asselineau ?

How so ? I've been having hard times processing it as it doesn't relate to my direct experience: In my family, friends, on Facebook, while giving leaflets in the street, or even from the "French Presidential Election" thread on the forum, we're far from that score. The related experiences of UPR assessors have not seen much ballots for Asselineau.

I've not noticed much awareness on Asselineau's candidacy among the population. Most people on the street had no clue who I was referring to. We had meetings of 1000 peoples around France, full, of course, but what about Mélenchon who had such a huge dynamic, hard to even compare the two ?

Maybe it is all due to some bias, priming and a lack of objectivity, again. I'm really trying to be critical here and I bring my direct experience into the bigger picture.
The bigger picture could be indeed so far from my experience, I have no doubt it was all rigged. But I would have loved having met those 29% percent while handing leaflets. :umm:

Maybe it is a way for the Cs to protect the crew. That is what I consider to be the most probable. From 61% to 50% there's a little margin which indicates a clue regarding the accuracy intended. Anyway if it's true, I'm eager to have political conversations with way more people thant I would have thought. :lol:

In the session, they said these are rough approximation.
Maybe, the 29 % for Asselineau represents the percentage of people having him in their heart but haven't voted him because of the stupid "vote utile"? or haven't voted at all because elections are just a theater spectacle? (remember the high rate - 25% - of people not voting).
As for Lepen 61% 1st round maybe includes people who were not allowed to vote, in regions who trationnally vote for "front national" ie Lepen? example here
I've just made a small donation (5JT09516N19246945).

Hopefully all will go well and Laura's health and well-being will be restored as soon as possible, with our participation and support here in the group. These are my daily prayers to Laura and the crew in gratitude for all we've been offered, for all the divine cosmic mind offers always to us.
nature said:
Starshine said:
The fact that it was rigged was blatantly sure but 29% for Asselineau ?

How so ? I've been having hard times processing it as it doesn't relate to my direct experience: In my family, friends, on Facebook, while giving leaflets in the street, or even from the "French Presidential Election" thread on the forum, we're far from that score. The related experiences of UPR assessors have not seen much ballots for Asselineau.

I've not noticed much awareness on Asselineau's candidacy among the population. Most people on the street had no clue who I was referring to. We had meetings of 1000 peoples around France, full, of course, but what about Mélenchon who had such a huge dynamic, hard to even compare the two ?

Maybe it is all due to some bias, priming and a lack of objectivity, again. I'm really trying to be critical here and I bring my direct experience into the bigger picture.
The bigger picture could be indeed so far from my experience, I have no doubt it was all rigged. But I would have loved having met those 29% percent while handing leaflets. :umm:

Maybe it is a way for the Cs to protect the crew. That is what I consider to be the most probable. From 61% to 50% there's a little margin which indicates a clue regarding the accuracy intended. Anyway if it's true, I'm eager to have political conversations with way more people thant I would have thought. :lol:

In the session, they said these are rough approximation.
Maybe, the 29 % for Asselineau represents the percentage of people having him in their heart but haven't voted him because of the stupid "vote utile"? or haven't voted at all because elections are just a theater spectacle? (remember the high rate - 25% - of people not voting).
As for Lepen 61% 1st round maybe includes people who were not allowed to vote, in regions who trationnally vote for "front national" ie Lepen? example here

maybe the lack of understanding comes from what we mean by "real" results. If I didn't understood the figures given by the Cs (I've totally had the first same reaction than Chu and Pierre in the session), because for me "real" means : ignore the rigged vote. After thought, I think also that it is possible than Le Pen's votes for the first round were upleveled because it would be more manageable for the second round.

As a side note, today I can say "I've found someone who voted for Macron in the first round", it's my parisian uncle. Why always Paris ? And it has surprised me because when he was younger, I remember him of someone who was very anarchist.

As for the rest of the family (and in my neighborhood) it was Melenchon all over the place. And for all the forumites who didn't understand the incredulity of french people, maybe it will be good to remind all the competing candidates :

Nathalie Arthaud (Lutte ouvrière)
François Asselineau (Union populaire républicaine)
Jacques Cheminade (Solidarité et progrès)
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France)
François Fillon (Les Républicains)
Benoît Hamon (Parti socialiste)
Jean Lassalle (Résistons !)
Marine Le Pen (Front national)
Emmanuel Macron (En marche !)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France insoumise)
Philippe Poutou (Nouveau parti anticapitaliste)

And in this list, just let you know that the big ones was Fillon, Melenchon and Le Pen. And with the figures given, 2 big ones just all disappear, so yes, the french can't understand. It's jut to give more context. But I thank Scottie and some others who gived some good insights regarding this matter, specially some more context which we can't be aware of.
Thank you for the session! I Just made a donation via PayPal to the Mothers Day Fund (0X8612466G6558327).

Laura, I'm so sorry to hear about your continued health issues. I watched my mother suffer through chronic pain for most of her life and it broke my heart. I truly hope that the treatment goes smoothly and provides you the relief and healing you are searching for. Wishing you a safe journey and a very speedy recovery! :hug2:

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