Session 13 May 2017

Mailing an mo today for your Stem Cell Fund (or whatever FOTCM decides to use it for) to the US address. You gotta take care of yourself Laura. You have given me so much over the past eleven years, I don't know where I'd be today without you. Your compassion and love for humanity shines like a beacon of light in the oppressing darkness of this screwed up world.
Get better sweetie. There's a lot of caring people holding up your torch, and we all love and care about you. :hug2: :perfect:
Miguel Ángel said:
I'm very happy that Laura will try the treatment. I hope it goes all perfect and I will pray for you. Crystal power! ;)

Some thoughts I am having since I've read the session and the stem cells issue...

Wasn't it curious enough that dubya a.k.a. the secret government a.k.a. 4D STS vetoed it?

In 2001, President George W. Bush restricted federal funding for research on stem cells obtained from human embryos because the technology required the destruction of human life. “At its core, this issue forces us to confront fundamental questions about the beginnings of life and the ends of science,” Bush said.

“My position on these issues is shaped by deeply held beliefs,” he said. “I also believe human life is a sacred gift from our creator.”

Bush’s ban limited government funding for research on embryonic stem cells — which have the potential of curing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and Parkinson’s — to already existing stem cell lines. Federal dollars could not be used to start any new cell lines or to conduct research on any newly derived cell lines.



Just some food for thought.

My opinion is that they may have vetoed it because it was good for humanity
but of course I am not sure and I hope it is not wishful thinking of mine.

What do you think? Have somebody research about it as for giving us some worthy link to read or video to watch?

And keeping it for them! Rockfel... lived > 100 years!
Angelburst Ant and Dragon, that was amazing ! With twelve helixes Laura will certainly dwelve into the most high. Twelve is also our hour based clock system and it shows a new beginning. I'm delighted by the rapidity of the donation campain, it's like the network is working faster and smoother, is time becoming more fluid ?
Thank you for taking the time and energy to do another session. Will make a contribution for Laura's treatment (next week). Keep well, chateau team, active and less active members, friends and relations.
Quote from the session regarding Putin and the possibility of him having had the stem cell therapy:
(L) He was getting stem cells! [laughter] Well... And he's still playing hockey for god's sake, and he's the same age as I am! He was born the same year I was born. We're the same age!

(Pierre) He's riding bears!

(L) And butterfly swimming on icy Russian rivers.

I'm totally looking forward to Laura's updates on her progress and her new hobbies! :boat: :scooter: :sewing: :lkj: :dance: :violin:

Nico said:
Angelburst Ant and Dragon, that was amazing ! With twelve helixes Laura will certainly dwelve into the most high. Twelve is also our hour based clock system and it shows a new beginning. I'm delighted by the rapidity of the donation campain, it's like the network is working faster and smoother, is time becoming more fluid ?

Well, when you think about it Nico, the end is fast approaching and after the end comes a new beginning. So you're probs quite right there! :)
I'm happy the funds have been collected so quickly too: Laura really deserves to know that she is loved and appreciated by many!

Dragon said:
I will add more

Three or four days ago I started to read again "Bringers of the Dawn"
and in chapter 5
they mention that there is twelve helixes
and also twelve chakras.

I search the forum and found post"In vitro fertilization",14596.msg114900.html#msg114900

with interesting deliberation of E and Evolutionary, where E quote "Bringers of the Dawn" and
Evolutionary adding his thoughts
"Just yesterday some friends and I were discussing the Human Genome Project, and the possible uncovering of the true potential of so-called "junk DNA," unused brain matter, and the implications of such regarding potential evolution. This coincidence--amongst so many these days--added to the significance of the idea of the Earth as a living library.

I am particularly intrigued by the references to the number 12 and did a search that pointed out the recurrence of this theme in the Bible, which can be seen here:

And, of course, there is the recommended grouping of sets of 12 for pipe breath :), the signs of the zodiac, months in a year, the "dozen," the 12 days of Christmas, 12 to a jury, the 12 hours of a day (twice a day, of course)... and I happened to be born on the 12th of June :P

Maybe number twelve!"12" really could mean something

Thanks for posting your findings Dragon! Someone once said that brainstorming is the only way in which 1+1=3 because two brains put together will produce more than two brains separately. This seems to be the case here!

I'm not sure about the 12 chakras as mentioned in the "Bringers of the Dawn" though. This was in fact discussed in the previous session:

Laura said:
(Galatea) In Bringers of the Dawn, they also say that your solar plexus, which is your power center...

(L) They said you have like 12 chakras or something.


Session July 13, 2002
Lower moving center - basal chakra
Lower emotional - sexual chakra
Lower intellectual - throat chakra
Higher emotional - heart chakra
Higher intellectual - crown chakra

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?

A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers.

[Laura's note: This would "close the circuit" in the "shepherd's crook" configuration.] (...)


Q: (L) So, then, basically, the C's gave a different description. (...)
goyacobol said:
(...) That's an amazing connection angelburst29. I immediately thought the same thing Ant22 on the 12 days parallel. I am just going to let it all sink in. I don't know if you sense anything different lately but I am seeing things seem to be "changing" for the better.

Yeah goyacobol, I must say I've been feeling a bit "weird" (for lack of a better word) over the last couple of days. I went through a period of very low mood recently, which is very much unlike me. I wouldn't call it depression, it seemed to be a very "matter-of-fact" / "it-is-what-it-is" kind of feeling with very little hopelessness behind it but a very distinctive sense of overall emotional "meh". It was uncomfortable and accompanied by a doom and gloom thought pattern that I was doing my best to control - with varying results.

But over the last couple of days it's been different, although I can't describe how exactly. It certainly has a tint of waiting for something to happen to it. Not really anticipation, more like curiosity. And it's not really a negative feeling.

I'm sorry if it's confusing, I can't find the right words to describe it better.
I'm glad that events have been developing so fast and Laura will be able to have her stem cell therapy soon.
I'm praying for her swift recovery and safe travel.

My donation (Visa receipt # 1095-3337) may have arrived a bit too late for this special purpose, but FOTCM will know what to use it for. :)
Thank you all for another enlightening session.

Made donation to Mother's Day Fund, and I am so happy that we have the opportunity to pay-it-forward to Laura, who has helped us more than she'll ever know. I'm able to financially afford a donation today because FOTCM, and the Cass forum were here 24/7 sharing their experiences, words of advice/wisdom and encouragement to others which helped my husband and I get through the Dead Marsh and onto recovery. None of us would be here, on this forum, if not for her curiosity to ask the big questions, her tenacity to find the hidden answers, her generosity for sharing and courage for passing it on.

Hope this doesn't sound too corny, but I'm reminded of a Christian Youth song my sisters and I sang for church service when we were young. Here's the stanza I recall from a song called "Pass It On"
(I think reading 24 pages of this thread has brought up some emotional stuff)

It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
and soon all those around, can warm up in it's glowing.
That's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it,
It's fresh like Spring, you want to sing, you want to pass it on.
(I may have mixed two different verses together; this is how I'm remembering it...)

You are the spark, Laura.
Hope the stem cell therapy gets your fire glowing.
You'll be in our thoughts.
Ant22 said:
goyacobol said:
(...) That's an amazing connection angelburst29. I immediately thought the same thing Ant22 on the 12 days parallel. I am just going to let it all sink in. I don't know if you sense anything different lately but I am seeing things seem to be "changing" for the better.

Yeah goyacobol, I must say I've been feeling a bit "weird" (for lack of a better word) over the last couple of days. I went through a period of very low mood recently, which is very much unlike me. I wouldn't call it depression, it seemed to be a very "matter-of-fact" / "it-is-what-it-is" kind of feeling with very little hopelessness behind it but a very distinctive sense of overall emotional "meh". It was uncomfortable and accompanied by a doom and gloom thought pattern that I was doing my best to control - with varying results.

But over the last couple of days it's been different, although I can't describe how exactly. It certainly has a tint of waiting for something to happen to it. Not really anticipation, more like curiosity. And it's not really a negative feeling.

I'm sorry if it's confusing, I can't find the right words to describe it better.


The words are difficult for me as well. I think it is mostly the sense of unity I sense among many on the forum. I don't expect that we shouldn't "expect attack" or let down our guard but just knowing others care really makes the difference I think. It's kind of a "simple understanding" but I think it may be one of the most important.



I remember that song too. I always liked that one. I agree that Laura is the spark and I hope she becomes the flame. Thanks.
Miguel Ángel said:
I come a bit late but as they say: better late than never! ;)

First of all, as I usual write, thank you very much to Andromeda, Galatea, Laura, the C's and all the chateau's people for sharing the session so quickly.

Second, Laura, if I may suggest this: I'd wish you will ASK more often. You don't need to be ashamed, osit.

Some of us (at least me) are living in a kind of fairy world where our life goes more or less happily, without big issues, having all our needs covered, surrounded by friends and/or family and/or job's opportunities and so on. I am thinking that it might happen that the "sheet" is not going to hit the fan and that we will live on happily... (people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark). FWIW last weekend I had a relative's communion, in November I will have to assist a wedding, and so on.

What I mean is: in my daily routines, I always FORGET you are giving us/the world constantly & suffering for it. Even if I have you and the people of this forum in my heart.

And I/some of us are wasting money in really worthless things if we take into account a bigger picture.

So please ASK, and you will be given. I am pretty sure because I've seen it before here, on this forum.

Thank you very much for all the people who donated and I encourage everybody to do it, if you have the means.

If you have not, don't worry either. There are many ways to give back, not just in money but in love, help, time, etc.

This is my donation confirmation number: 8EM86848S37473226


The truth is that I felt very identified with his post because I am one of those who does not have much money, and I would wholeheartedly contribute with something at least to Laura's recovery, basically because I feel so grateful for her, C's, Chu and all their team, administrators, moderators, SOTT, Spanish SOTT and the members of the forum who are in the same attempt (and even have been able to donate).

I am a member that not participates very actively in the forum, basically by the subject of the language, but he truth is that I have no words to express all the gratitude I feel for Laura and all those who support her. Personally, I received my crystals for free, having explained that I did not have money (before I had a serious problem, and I was also helped by a member of this forum M), and it was very moving for me to receive the package with the Crystals and at no cost, "curiosly" my economic situation improving a little just when the crystals were coming, at least enough to survive, and for which I am also very grateful, and although I still do not have enough to send Money.

I want to tell Laura that my heart is with you. I made a promise to myself that as soon as possible, I will try to reciprocate with what I can, although I think it will never be enough and I want to tell you that of course your image will be next to my home protection cristal, along with of many more to join forces pro of her recovery.

Infinite thanks for everything that you have given, we love you Laura :flowers:
Donation sent to Mother's Day Fund in note field.
Laura, I am praying for your safety and recovery.
This is the most important thing in the world, so can I send you a card today in an old fashion way? through mail, on your french FOTCM address? Western Union would take provision.
IronFloyd, just being thankfull as you are, having thoughts and praying for her during these 12 days is contributing :)
And about money, it's not the amount that is important but the intention ;)
So, by your words, you do a lot :hug2: . Some of us have enough money to help financially, others have not but can support spiritually. Words, spiritual presence, are very important as long they are sincere and from the bottom of the heart. :flowers:
I would give money for Laurino's treatment. How to apply for a donation? I have PayPal accaunt. I am from Zagreb, Croatia. Thank you
We are Praying for you Laura and Ark.
Heartfelt thank you for everything you have accomplished for us all so far, and to the hope of a bright future ahead for you and your familly and friends.

MissRoBee / DanleMiel
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