Thank You All!
Many interesting comments, topics, and afterthoughts!
This session seems particularly important in order to help raising further awareness on the important topic of possessions and negative influence. I am a Christian shamanic practicioner. I only work with clients at a distance. In my line of Service To Others, I often work with exorcisms, but also the various thought forms, elementals and the other things mentioned in the session, which affects us, or we create ourselves, so much so that it may become our "reality". These influential factors, whether created within or without, are always part of the equation in the shamanic therapies when helping a client. I completely agree with us in the future that it is a jungle out there. But aren't shamans supposed to know how to find their way through a jungle...!?
Humbly one bows to learning as the tool to prune the wilderness of unchartered territories.
When Hillary Clinton, the black magic practitioner she is, in a video clip (I wish I could find it for this post, but some of you may know which one I am referring to!) in detail describes the "madness" of Putin, she is trying to make use of the mind and consciousness of the viewer, as a tool to support her in creating - and feeding! - a "thought form" which her wishful thinking aspires to use as an energetic weapon against Vladimir Putin. Just to give an example of how consciousness may be misused and misdirected. We are indeed being bombarded with this kind of impressions and thought forms every day and night! Every single one of them wishing for us to emotionally interact! It's so important to not only know yourself, but also to know about them, how they work, how not to interact, how they are used to manipulate in order to gain a desirable "upper hand" by certain powers that be.
Knowledge Protects!
I thank mkrnhr for putting this question to us in the future:
(mkrnhr) Is Yahweh an example of a 4D entity taking the role of an "egregore”?
A: Yes.
I have in (I believe) two previous forum posts mentioned my encounter - in a client exorcism a couple of years back - with the Yahweh entity mentioned in this particular session. This 4 D entity is a good example of yet another kind of manipulative force which is seeking to attract alignment with it. (BTW, for the record, what my previous posts mentioning Yahweh did not tell, is that the client already knew about this possession when getting in touch with me for help, but didn't tell me about it - hoping I'd find out. Which I did in the second distance session, where "Yahweh" introduced himself to me. Then the client affirmed my "Yahweh find", when I wrote about the encounter/exorcism after the session. Just FYI.).
May this session be an inspiration and a trigger for many to search for, and gain, more (self-)knowledge and awareness on this issue, which is an existential one!
Let Our light be in Christ! We're not allowing Ourselves to give Our light elsewhere.
See you in the Cassiopaean Crystals!