Session 14 April 2018


Well, this is not exactly just related to this thread but since so many seem almost enamored with the Cs remarks about the "Dionysius syndrome activated" and forget the reading list Laura has given on the Dionysius subject, I think the chaos coming may not be quite as rosy as some are thinking.

Goyacobol thank you for your remark, but I am not thinking at all that the chaos that is coming is rosy, that is just your thinking of what I am thinking, and thank you to pint taht out to helo me to see how other understand me, but form my perspective it is based on quite subjective thinking on yours understanding of the music in general ... If we don't expres depresion and pain we feel, it dosn't mena we don't see it around us ... I don't see it rosy, as it is not rosy at all in the words of this song, and I was thinking to post just words, but I thought that also listening to the tune of original can give a certain clue ...

C's mentioning all the time how there is many ways how cosmic mind comunicate with us on earth, and from our discernment depend how we are able to "decode" all that comunication models to understand the traps of the Matrix.

I can't find it now, but there is also a session where they point out how music and dancing can be some of the "languages" that we can look at for our understandings and answers to our questions. Music and dancing are quite related to Dionisius cult.

Also if we consider that we are just machines, and all goes through us, it is in that regard also useful to share things that are not maybe direct "logical answer" for many, but from our discernment developed through learning and work, we can share that to point out to one more puzzle to connect the dost. For example one of that kid of non standard information share we have a case here on this Forum that is more "unusual" for "ordinary" world than just a song, that is actualy a direct chaneling, but due to our knowledge and understanding of objective reality, we don't question that as a useful thing at all, and thanks to that I learned that the goal for each individual will be to work on it self, to be able to connect with mind form the future on permanent basis.

Maybe I have totaly wrong understanding, as all this what is presented on this forum I understand as a tool that will eventualy lead us to that point of connection with our mind form the future, that will enable us to see objective truth more clearly. And in that case many "answers" probabbly will not be "hidden" within usual matrix comunication models, like books and "official" explanations etc, but will be spread all around thorugh diferent and unushual means of connectivity, that wishfull thinking and STS oriented minds can't even wish to see it or decode it ... and in that regards, those "alternative coded language" can be a safe zone to make certain conclusions that are disolving one more matrix stone in our mind, and as it is so out of matrix, that kind of discernment can also save us from attacks ect ...
Maybe I have totaly wrong understanding, as all this what is presented on this forum I understand as a tool that will eventualy lead us to that point of connection with our mind form the future, that will enable us to see objective truth more clearly. ...

I think you have totally wrongly understood what the Cs present and what we try to implement. It's about NETWORKING so as to be able to get enough perspective on things so as to approach something like objectivity. Will networking lead anyone to connecting with themselves in the future? I guess it depends on whether there is any future for that person. As the Cs say:

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past". People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future".

That "paying strict attention to objective reality" in the present, REQUIRES a NETWORK because no one can do it alone.
I think you have totally wrongly understood what the Cs present and what we try to implement. It's about NETWORKING so as to be able to get enough perspective on things so as to approach something like objectivity. Will networking lead anyone to connecting with themselves in the future? I guess it depends on whether there is any future for that person. As the Cs say:

That "paying strict attention to objective reality" in the present, REQUIRES a NETWORK because no one can do it alone.

yes sure ... thank you ... so I will continue to network ... :)
Notes on Neurofeedback during the session:
Her baseline (the initial measurement taken with eyes open for 15 seconds, then eyes closed for 15 more), started off at 324. It went up just a tiny bit in the beginning (375, and then, all throughout the session it remained between 190 and 220) Very steady! But as soon as the session stopped, the measurement showed 1513. That’s quite a big jump.

I didn't dig neither climb enough on the subjet, so take the following "parallel" as a simple idea coming in mind that i wanted to share.
What is diving reflex to start?
Diving Reflex:
The diving reflex, also known as the diving response and mammalian diving reflex is a set of physiological responses to immersion that overrides the basic homeostatic reflexes, which is found in all air-breathing vertebrates. It optimizes respiration by preferentially distributing oxygen stores to the heart and brain which allows staying underwater for extended periods of time. It is exhibited strongly in aquatic mammals (seals,[3] otters, dolphins, muskrats), but exists in other mammals, including humans, in particular babies up to 6 months old (see Infant swimming). Diving birds, such as penguins, have a similar diving reflex. It may be the evolutionary development of a more primitive response to hypoxia exhibited by fishes. The diving reflex is triggered specifically by chilling the face and breath-hold. The most noticeable effects are on the cardiovascular system, which displays peripheral vasoconstriction, slowed pulse rate, redirection of blood to the vital organs to conserve oxygen, release of red blood cells stored in the spleen, and, in humans, heart rhythm irregularities.

Although aquatic animals have evolved profound physiological adaptations to conserve oxygen during submersion, the apnea and breath-holding duration, bradycardia, vasoconstriction, and redistribution of cardiac output occur also in terrestrial animals as a neural response, but the effects are more profound in natural divers.

Physiological response
When the face is submerged, receptors that are sensitive to cold within the nasal cavity and other areas of the face supplied by the fifth (V) cranial nerve (the trigeminal nerve) relay the information to the brain and then innervate the tenth (X) cranial nerve, (the vagus nerve), which is part of the autonomic nervous system. This causes bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction. Blood is diverted from the limbs and all organs but the heart and the brain (and lungs), concentrating flow in a heart–brain circuit and allowing the animal to conserve oxygen.

In humans, the diving reflex is not induced when limbs are introduced to cold water. Mild bradycardia is caused by subjects holding their breath without submerging the face in water. When breathing with face submerged the reflex strength increases proportionally to decreasing water temperature. However the greatest bradycardia effect is induced when the subject is holding breath with face submerged. Both apnea and facial cooling are triggers of this reflex, but actual water contact with the face appears to be unimportant.

Blood shift
Blood shift is a term used when blood flow to the extremities is redistributed to the head and torso during a breathhold dive. Peripheral vasoconstriction occurs during submersion by resistance vessels limiting blood flow to muscles, skin, and viscera, regions which are "hypoxia-tolerant", thereby preserving oxygenated blood for the heart, lungs, and brain. The increased resistance to peripheral blood flow raises the blood pressure, which is compensated by bradycardia, conditions which are accentuated by cold water. Aquatic mammals have blood volume that is some three times larger per mass than in humans, a difference augmented by considerably more oxygen bound to hemoglobin and myoglobin of diving mammals, enabling prolongation of submersion after capillary blood flow in peripheral organs is minimized
Diving reflex - Wikipedia

And a passage of a speech of G.Néry a french freediving talking about this natural reflex.
He explains the graph he obtained during a free dive with a cardio frequency meter.
There's no subtitles, here my home made translation of this passage:

The big curve at the bottom is the variation of my heart rate at the surface between 50 and 70 beats per minute.
And then I take my last aspiration, it goes up a little, and then at the moment when the apnea begins, I am gifts in movement, there is a muscular effort.
The heart rate drops in a few seconds and I arrive at about thirty beats per minute, while I am in full effort.
During the whole duration of apnea the heart rate is extremely low, to save oxygen.
During the apnea, there were many exchanges that continued to take place (CO2, lactic acid)
As soon as I reach the surface, where I can finally ventilate calmly, the heart rises in arrow to ensure drainage and circulation to restore a form of balance.

He gives some examples of diving reflex, like the sperm whales which dive to 2500 m depth, which hold 1h30 in apnea while continuing to swim and hunt, or like the sea lions which in 2 to 3 seconds go from 90 beats per minute to only 8.
Thank you for the session and NO pictures. :-)
Well, from what you are saying, it looks to me that channeling C's is more powerful neurofeedback that NeurOptimal! I wonder if it would be possible to somehow "download" C's frequency through Laura and use it in a neurofeedback session?

I'm still surprised that NeurOptimal works at all! If you compare chanelling to NO, it's like having a mechanic from 6D fixing your car, versus a mechanic in 3D. I doubt you could replicate 6D effects easily. That said, there doesn't seem to be very much information about the algorithms that make NO work. Both are still quite a mystery, to me at least.

At one level, there is a conflict between nationalism and globalism. But where is sprituality? It is the development of cosmic consciousness, which is not globalism, but closer to it. Indeed, spirituality is not globalism which political elite wants. But spirituality united with nationalism? This is also problematic. Because nationalism is not the same as spirituality, it is an expanded ego to the level of a nation, and the boundary between "my nation" and "others" creates distortion in perception. For a spiritual person, it's too low a level. The pitfalls of this unification have been seen in practice. So there is a challenge to cultivate spirituality in relation to the two groups, nationalists and globalists. I think this should be the third way.

I think that nationalistic feelings can coexist with spirituality. Putin is a great example of that. Think of it as layers on an onion. The deeper you go, the closer you get to what that person is connected to in terms of his values. Some people have nothing beyond nationalism or globalism, and that is fine, as long as they don't cause harm to others. Some of us are searching for more. In my example, I did used to think that spirituality should be about being completely pure and devoid of other attachments.

Yes, it is a challenge to reconcile these elements to into a coherent personality, but if people have role models like Putin (I would include Jordan Peterson too), that gives them a good head start. I think that a true nationalistic spirit (which is essentially love of country, and man) can't exist without a concomitant love of God. A nationalist who is motivated by any other type of "love", for example, an ideology which closes his mind to any outside influences, is essentially destructive and a nihilist. Just some thoughts.

Forgot to add :-[: THANK YOU Laura and the Chateau crew for the informative session! :thup::grad: The NeurOptimal graphs were interesting indeed, and gives one an idea of what to look out for when doing their own sessions.

Goyacobol thank you for your remark, but I am not thinking at all that the chaos that is coming is rosy, that is just your thinking of what I am thinking, and thank you to pint taht out to helo me to see how other understand me, but form my perspective it is based on quite subjective thinking on yours understanding of the music in general ...

I may have not understood your view on the Dionysius syndrome and in that respect my thinking was subjective. The lyrics and music you posted seems overall to be upbeat and positive and I was having trouble linking it to "chaos".

In the session Laura's reaction seemed to be a gut reaction summed up as "chaos" being to main characteristic of Diionysius.

(Pierre) What are they referring to specifically?

A: Dionysius syndrome activated! Earth reacting! All on track!

Q: (Pierre) Dionysus is usually about hedonism, isn't it?

(L) Not exactly, it was about frenzied... just chaos. Chaos!

(Pierre) About parties, orgies, and pleasure?

(L) No. It was about death and destruction and even cannibalism. They would find a victim and cut him in pieces and eat him! Ok, so I suppose that you are specifically referring to the political behavior of the US, the UK, and France and their attack on Syria?

A: Yes and so much more.

I guess it may be subjective but a "liquid spirit" or water for the soul song doesn't seem to express Dionysus syndrome activated "in a contemporary sense" to me keeping in mind what the session talks about.

Also, I noticed you either did not see earlier responses to your remarks to Ant22 or did not think they needed any response.

I posted some of the responses given by Beau, Mikey and Timótheos to your post that seemed to be condescending remarks directed at Ant22.

It just seems you are not making sense to me. Of course maybe I have it all wrong.
Though I can't find the passage per se, there is a mention (if i remember the details properly) of the murderous frenzy connected to the followers of Dionysus in one of the Secret History tomes. It involves going mad and beheadings.
From the Wave books there is this quote from the first volume:

It is said that when Dionysus invaded Thrace, Orpheus did not see fit to honor him but instead preached the evils of sacrificial murder to the men of Thrace. He taught “other sacred mysteries” having to do with Apollo, whom he believed to be the greatest of all gods. Dionysus became so enraged; he set the Maenads on Orpheus at Apollo’s temple where Orpheus was a priest. They burst in, murdered their husbands who were assembled to hear Orpheus speak, tore Orpheus limb from limb, and threw his head into the river Hebrus where it floated downstream still singing.

The "moderns" have been trained into a certain animality through an "intoxication" of hedonism, narcissism, and entitlement. Given the prevalent emptiness we see around, and with the right stimulus, propaganda, and beaming at a given moment, who knows what atrocities can be unleashed.
It is said that when Dionysus invaded Thrace, Orpheus did not see fit to honor him but instead preached the evils of sacrificial murder to the men of Thrace. He taught “other sacred mysteries” having to do with Apollo, whom he believed to be the greatest of all gods. Dionysus became so enraged; he set the Maenads on Orpheus at Apollo’s temple where Orpheus was a priest. They burst in, murdered their husbands who were assembled to hear Orpheus speak, tore Orpheus limb from limb, and threw his head into the river Hebrus where it floated downstream still singing.

Thanks for that mkrnhr. Knowing what we know about history, ponerology, catastrophism, eschatology related to same, and propitiations I found that quote from the wave to be incredibly disturbing. :shock:
Also, I noticed you either did not see earlier responses to your remarks to Ant22 or did not think they needed any response.

I posted some of the responses given by Beau, Mikey and Timótheos to your post that seemed to be condescending remarks directed at Ant22.

Yes Goyacobol, I didn't find it wisely to respond to their writings, what should I write to them on that? I didn't understood that it is important to respond at every post, as my writings and questions usually get unnoticed and no one ever give any remarks for years, unless someone figure out some "emotinal" "tone" that in them build a needs to be analyzed by the networking ... but this my posts on other places and all that, it is relaly not at all topic for Dyonisius syndrome and this session, so I feel uncomfortable to use space here to disrupt flow of networking on that subject, and I am glad to folow and read others remarks on that subjects .. quite interesting, though! and if my post disrupted that, it wasn't my intention at all, and I am sorry for that ... and good morning to all .... and have a nice weekend ... :)
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