Session 14 August 2016

Mille mercis pour cette nouvelle connexion avec les Cassiopéens et surtout pour les explications concernant les Cristaux fracturés...
Malheureusement la traduction Google n'est pas claire comme d'habitude... J'avoue ne pas avoir compris leurs informations...
J'ai quand même saisi que ce n'était pas la peine de renvoyer de nouveaux cristaux car ceux reçus sont en adéquation avec nous...

(L) Oh! Il y a une autre question que je voulais poser. Il y a un certain nombre de personnes qui ont commenté sur les cristaux qui ont été sélectionnés pour ceux qui étaient viciées comme ils le percevaient. Et je voudrais savoir cristaux pourquoi certaines personnes obtiennent sélectionnés qui ont ces défauts perçus?

R: Ils ne sont pas "défauts". Ils sont gravés fréquence des modulateurs similaires au principe de puces d'ordinateur, et peut donc charger et transporter et transmettre des informations spécifiques.

Q: (Galatée) Donc, fondamentalement, tout le monde doit cesser d'être si peu profonde et superficielle et l'amour de leur cristal qui les aime!

(L) Eh bien, non seulement cela, mais je pense qu'ils ont besoin d'apprécier le fait que ceci est un dispositif de transmission d'énergie. Il est pas un ornement.

A: Oui

Q: (Scottie) Puis-je poser une question connexe? Je pensais qu'il était curieux que plusieurs personnes ont rapporté que leurs cristaux ont éclaté. Ils étaient sorte de prendre comme une mauvaise chose, mais je me demandais pourquoi leurs cristaux ont éclaté?

A: énergie nécessaire initial transmis et signal reçu résultant en un changement d'état ainsi la réponse de la modulation du système.

Q: (Pierre) Donc, le cristal adapte en brisant.

(L) Il a transmis quelque chose, il y avait un changement d'état dans l'individu, et le cristal puis adapté à ce nouvel état?

A: Oui

Q: (L) Donc, ce n'est pas un mauvais signe.

R: Non

Q: (Chu) Donc, ils ne devraient pas être remplacé alors?

R: Non

Q: (Galatée) Voilà pourquoi mon moonstone sauté mon collier.

(L) Je vois. Très intéressant.

(Scottie) Je pense qu'une personne leur a chuté, mais les autres étaient tout simplement transportait dans leur poche ou autre chose, et il a éclaté. Et je pensais qu'un cristal ne se brise pas en morceaux pour rien, non?

(L) D'accord, qui efface tout ce qui était dans l'esprit de tout le monde. L'état du monde est encore hellacious, mais je suis vraiment malade de demander à ce sujet parce que nous savons où il va et ce qui se passe.

(Galatea) Une dernière question: Donc, quand nous recevons tous enfin nos cristaux et faisons de notre synchronisé chant ou à la méditation, ce que ce sera en mesure de couper le mal rayonnant du mal STS gens?

A: Pour certains.

Q: (L) En d'autres termes, nous ne pouvons rien faire sur le reste du monde, mais nous pouvons le faire pour nous-mêmes.

(Galatea) Est-ce que ce que cela signifie?

A: Oui

Q: (L) D'accord. Je suppose que ça y est, nous allons donc dire ...

A: Maintenir le projet sur les rails. Il y a plus à venir une fois que les récepteurs sont prêts! L'aide est en route!!!!!! Au Revoir.

Many thanks for this new connection with the C's and above for explanation of the fractured crystals. . .
Unfortunately the Google translation is not clear as usual. . . I confess I do not understand their information. . .
I still grasped that it was not worthwhile to send new crystals as those received are in line with us. . .

(L) Oh! There is one other question I wanted to ask. There are a number of people who have commented on crystals that have been selected for them that were flawed as they perceived it. And I would like to know why do some people get selected crystals that have these perceived flaws?

A: They are not "flaws". They are etched frequency modulators similar to the principle of computer chips, and thus can load and carry and transmit specific information.

Q: (Galatea) So basically everybody needs to stop being so shallow and superficial and love their crystal that loves them!

(L) Well, not just that, but I think they need to appreciate the fact that this is an energy-transmitting device. It's not an ornament.

A: Yes

Q: (Scottie) Can I ask a related question? I thought it was curious that several people reported that their crystals broke. They were kind of taking it as a bad thing, but I was wondering why their crystals broke?

A: Initial needed energy transmitted and signal received resulting in change of state thus response of system modulation.

Q: (Pierre) So the crystal adapts by breaking.

(L) It has transmitted something, there was a change of state in the individual, and the crystal then adapted to this new state?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's not a bad sign.

A: No

Q: (Chu) So they should NOT be replaced then?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) That's why my moonstone jumped off my necklace.

(L) I see. Very interesting.

(Scottie) I think one person dropped theirs, but the others were just carrying it in their pocket or whatever, and it broke. And I was thinking that a crystal doesn't just break into pieces for nothing, right?

(L) Okay, that clears up everything that was on everybody's mind. The state of the world is still hellacious, but I'm really sick of asking about it because we know where it's going and what's happening.

(Galatea) One last question: So, when we all finally get our crystals and do our synchronized chanting or meditation, will that be able to cut off evil beaming from the evil STS people?

A: For some.

Q: (L) In other words, we can't do anything about the rest of the world, but we can do it for ourselves.

(Galatea) Is that what that means?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright. I guess that's it, so we will say...

A: Keep the project on track. There is more to come once the receivers are ready! Help is on the way!!!!!! Goodbye.
Thank you very much for this session which I found very enlightening regarding Zarathustra/Vaedas. :lkj:

Lies effect on brain is also quite interesting and I am grateful you asked C's about broken crystals. This project and its implications now and in a near futur looks pretty amazing and might even be more...
Wait & See. :knitting:
Thank you for another great session ! :)

Approaching Infinity said:
aleana said:
mkrnhr said:
Q: (L) If that's the case, how was that possible?

A: The ancient world was quite "well connected".

E. Cline calls this inter-connectedness the first Globalisation. The empires at that time where so connected, some Egyptian artefacts were found in Scandinavia. But maybe connectedness here refers to connectedness to higher densities?

I was wondering the same thing as they used the quotes both times in the responses.

It reminds me of the Tower of Babel and the spiritual unification of the masses. Perhaps such understandings were more widespread at those times because people were more unifed, thus facilitating similar understandings "at a distance".

Nancy2feathers said:
I found this session very interesting and at the same time very revealing. Thank you for sharing this session with us.

I think the Crystal Connection Project is something bigger than what we can imagine. Thank you Laura and ladies for giving not only your time but so much of yourselves into this project. A real labor of love. Thank you so very much.

Indeed ! I don’t think that we (me at least) really realize how big this project is. Beyond the material (Crystals), there are so much forces (Energy/spiritual) involve in it that most of us don’t have a full grasp of it yet !
Helps is coming says the C’s. What a wonderful thought for keeping us working on our “connectedness”. :D
voyageur said:
A: Jemxmakanbnz of Cassiopaea giving greetings.

Very interesting greeting name and a fascinating session. Thank you all so much!

Indeed, an interesting name. Awesome session, thank you so much!! Look forward to receiving the crystals :flowers:
Thanks for the latest session - very interesting, as always!

I particularly found the part about lying interesting, which made me think about lying to oneself. This doesn't only seem to be detrimental in a general sense of not being able to perform at one's best, but may also "destroy the brain" in a much more direct, maybe even pathophysiologic, way. Scary thought - another reminder to have a look at oneself in as much of a dispassionate and objective way as possible.

mkrnhr said:
Thanks for the very very very interesting session.

Q: (L) […] So, I guess the first question I want to know is: Is there any possibility that Akhenaten was influenced by Zoroastrianism? Is that a possibility?

A: Not just a possibility, but a certainty.

And that’s how my pet scenario is reduced to dust. But it makes sense that the Amarna adventure didn’t originate out of the blue. I wonder however if the raiders on cattle the “prophet” seems to condemn are the same Hapiru condemned by the other kingdoms in the region…

I'm going to quote this post in the opening post of a new thread on Zoroastrianism so we can keep that discussion separate.
Thank you Laura and Chateau for the new session. I will follow the new topic on Zoroastrianism and Zurvan with interest :lkj:
how does one go about asking for a crystal? is there a procedure?
uno said:
how does one go about asking for a crystal? is there a procedure?

Here it is:

Chu said:

It seems that a few of you might not have caught up with the last discussions on the 7 May session, so for those who are wondering if it's too late to order crystals, the answer is no, it's not too late. And here is what we need from you plus details about the crystal package:

For those of you who haven't read the Cassiopaean Session from May 7th, 2016, we invite you to do so. In there you will find out about what the purpose of these crystals is, and you can learn about the process.

After having done that, if you wish to make a request, you can write to, with:

a) Your full name
b) Your date of birth
c) Your shipping address
d) Your current location (city and country) IF different from your shipping address.
e) Any special remarks or requests you may wish to be charged into your crystals (e.g. a specific health issue)
f) Your forum name

We would also appreciate it if you could send a donation together with your request, for the amount that is comfortable to you and at least enough to cover shipping costs and the purchasing of the crystals (20.00 USD). We hope that those who are comfortable with it, can donate a little extra in order to cover for those who aren't in a financial position to help us with funds. We don't want anyone who is interested to go without crystals! So, if you are in that category, don't hesitate to request your crystals too.

For donations, you can go here and select either the French Facility or the US one (for tax-exemption if you are in the US).

We want to see that everyone gets:

- A water charging crystal which can also act for health issues.
- Personal protection crystal for carrying in pocket or pouch
- One to set on a table in a room for space protection.
- A dream stone for under the pillow.

So, the basic "package" includes four pieces. The main difference for the healing requests are that the water charging and personal protection crystals will be taken aside and additional, personal charging done with them. But please read the session thread for more details.

In the hopes that this project will strengthen our connection with each of you, and protect you and help you in your path, we would appreciate it if those of you who are interested could place their request sooner rather than later, so that we can know how many crystals are needed. The entire process takes about a month to complete.
Pete said:
Many thanks for another great session everyone!! :thup:

I am constantly blown away by all the things you guys can manage to do! :hug:

Yes, I agree muchly!! LOL I would go as far as .... Superheros!!..... But we all have that potential.

Thankyou Crew for all you are doing for the human race.....
Thank you very much for this session.

Thanks to ashu by providing the details for the order of a Crystal.
Thank you for this fascinating session.
Like always, many subjects on which to think, especially this:

A: Mutual but {Aequinox} thought she was the one in charge.

Q: (L) Are we talking about real pathology here, or just souls in struggle?

A: Genetic on Anya's side but programmed on {Aequinox's} part.

Q: (L) When you say, "programmed", what do you mean by that?

A: Lobaczewski's "characteropathy".

Q: (L) So in other words, just read the book "Character Disturbance" by George Simon, and that'll get us close to what her problems are?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But it seems to me that she's more like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I have to reread Lobaczewski and order the George Simon's book that was already on my list. It's a mini synchronicity here for me, lolll

Thank you again! :cool2:
Thanks for another really fascinating session!

So much to think about, as usual. I've been constantly running into opportunities to re-examine Zoroastrianism in the last several months - most of this year really. I'd looked into it a bit in the past, in hindsight, kinda superficially. But re-reading the first Secret History volume, then re-reading Fulcanelli, Mystery of the Catherdrals, and then a bit later Dwellings of the Philosophers (he makes a couple of mentions of Zoroaster/Zoroastrianism), running into discussions of Zoroastrianism on a blog, over and over I keep coming up on or rediscovering an important mystery connected with Zoroastrianism and its wide amount of influences, both in time and space. Also, there's a bit of a personal connection to the past and lost culture when Christianity was adapted as the state religion in 301 AD by Armenia and totally replaced Zoroastrianism and so much of the pagan temples with churches, etc. I've been suspecting that there was an ancient exact knowledge (connected also with Alchemy / true Hermeticism, etc.) that had a great deal of it preserved in Zoroastrianism (whatever its true age is), and that suspicion keeps getting stronger and stronger. So I'm really looking forward to the new thread and Laura's new book (it's even more exciting to read it in installments online)! The suspense is almost overwhelming, knowing what groundbreaking new discoveries will be disclosed.

The Crystal Connection project keeps surprising with its hard-to-estimate potential. Looking forward to what develops eventually with a new level of connectedness. Take care of yourselves at the chateau, as the powerful hyperdimensional STS forces really would not want a project such as this to succeed. So continue to be excellent to each other and watch each others' backs as you put so much effort and energy to help all others who ask, and especially the network.
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