Session 14 October 2017

what a deliberated session ... and at the end of the day we got to understand that you see how G. is actually a "bad" guy .. interesting point ... it is really interesting to watch at last few months how everything, but everything have two sides visible at once :) ..
Hello! Thanks for the session. I thought it was like a team of 5-6 shooters in LV, exaggerating again. For Gurdjieff I have to say that he was too mystical not to be selfish, and I fell into such trap often unfortunately, and there is a difference between Mouravieff and him IMO because M. talks about forming what he calls the new elite which is more like a network, but I don't like word elite it also sounds closed and selfish.
Hey I'm really happy because I got awesome job, thanks to singing crystals and all of you.
solarmind said:
what a deliberated session ... and at the end of the day we got to understand that you see how G. is actually a "bad" guy .. interesting point ... it is really interesting to watch at last few months how everything, but everything have two sides visible at once :) ..

I don't think that the conclusion is that Gurdjieff is a "bad guy" and that is certainly not what I have gotten out of all of the recent research. What we are interested in is finding out how things really are, how they really work, and what is appropriate and optimal for any of us to do or be; to decode our existence. I think we are much further along in this project that Gurdjieff, but it is also clear that this was one of the things that drove him and we can be thankful that he at least debunked a lot of New Agey type nonsense at the time.

Reading the set of books I have mentioned as a sort of course of work is extremely helpful. The Adrian Raine books give a much better background for understanding what G was observing and trying to describe (not to mention the ancient Stoics) in terms of human behavior. They also could pull the rug out from under any cosmological ideas that humans have. However, the Collingwood books serve as a counterweight to the hard science and put that into better perspective.
Laura, Hspérides, Zack et Loreta, merci pour vos réponses et liens, j'ai bien trouvé les deux livres sur Amazon, ils seront dans ma prochaine commande...

Laura, Hsperides, Zack and Loreta, thanks for your answers and links, I have found the two books on Amazon, they will be in my next order ...
Laura said:
solarmind said:
what a deliberated session ... and at the end of the day we got to understand that you see how G. is actually a "bad" guy .. interesting point ... it is really interesting to watch at last few months how everything, but everything have two sides visible at once :) ..

I don't think that the conclusion is that Gurdjieff is a "bad guy" and that is certainly not what I have gotten out of all of the recent research. What we are interested in is finding out how things really are, how they really work, and what is appropriate and optimal for any of us to do or be; to decode our existence. I think we are much further along in this project that Gurdjieff, but it is also clear that this was one of the things that drove him and we can be thankful that he at least debunked a lot of New Agey type nonsense at the time.

Reading the set of books I have mentioned as a sort of course of work is extremely helpful. The Adrian Raine books give a much better background for understanding what G was observing and trying to describe (not to mention the ancient Stoics) in terms of human behavior. They also could pull the rug out from under any cosmological ideas that humans have. However, the Collingwood books serve as a counterweight to the hard science and put that into better perspective.

I agree. As Collingwood points out in the The Idea of History, if you want to get closer to the truth (and properly and truly historically speaking, that always involves and includes knowing of one self) we always have to take into consideration the particular period of time and try to relive the trains of thought and circumstances people had at that time. Gurdjieff lived in a period of time where people thought that they can approach history and philosophy (or: the science of human nature) through the analogy of natural sciences. Collingwood writes:

There remains a third explanation: that the "science of human nature" broke down because its method was distorted by the analogy of natural sciences. This I believe to be the right one.

So it seems that Gurdjieff was very well informed and directed by those current ways of seeing things at the time. As far as I remember, he wrote in one of his books that at a certain time he pretty much had read all and every book on history and other topics he could find. This ""breaking of science of human nature" because its method was distorted by the analogy of natural sciences", as it seems now, is exactly what effected Gurdjeff and his approach. It seems now, that that is the reason he went astray at some point and we can't really blame him for that because it was probably the best he could come up with at that point in time and with his understanding of things.

He had no access to a lot of things we take for granted now; like the internet. His search was limited by the period and thought patterns he lived in. Considering that, he did a pretty amazing job IMO and found out quite a number of things, especially in the psychology section, that were far ahead of his time.
Pashalis said:
Laura said:
Reading the set of books I have mentioned as a sort of course of work is extremely helpful. The Adrian Raine books give a much better background for understanding what G was observing and trying to describe (not to mention the ancient Stoics) in terms of human behavior. They also could pull the rug out from under any cosmological ideas that humans have. However, the Collingwood books serve as a counterweight to the hard science and put that into better perspective.


So it seems that Gurdjieff was very well informed and directed by those current ways of seeing things at the time. As far as I remember, he wrote in one of his books that at a certain time he pretty much had read all and every book on history and other topics he could find. This ""breaking of science of human nature" because its method was distorted by the analogy of natural sciences", as it seems now, is exactly what effected Gurdjeff and his approach. It seems now, that that is the reason he went astray at some point and we can't really blame him for that because it was probably the best he could come up with at that point in time and with his understanding of things.

He had no access to a lot of things we take for granted now; like the internet. His search was limited by the period and thought patterns he lived in. Considering that, he did a pretty amazing job IMO and found out quite a number of things, especially in the psychology section, that were far ahead of his time.

Exactly so. And that is precisely why I saw that it was very "fortuitous" that I had read the books in the particular order I did - guided by my nose - and why I think that others could have the same experience of grokking/understanding things more objectively. Without the context, you can't understand Gurdjieff. He was certainly not what many think he was, nor what he presented himself to be, but he was still the best of his time and context in terms of what he was trying to do.

On the other hand, Collingwood was even better but he didn't have the "moving center" energy that Gurdjieff had which could have driven him to interact with people as Gurdjieff did.
All the good stuff in everything has to be combined into a mosaic, so it seems to me. I was thinking the great work you are doing should be put into some form of education program like an alternative choice for the kids. Not like some indoctrination, but as helping guide not to astray to early for the ones who are fit.(I'm not saying I'm fit just I wanted to shaolin monk as a kid, my son wanted to be a jeddy). I'm not a worshiper type of person but it was important for me to find Gurdjieff because it broke the corridor to find forum. There is a reason for everything, right? :)
Martina said:
All the good stuff in everything has to be combined into a mosaic, so it seems to me. I was thinking the great work you are doing should be put into some form of education program like an alternative choice for the kids. Not like some indoctrination, but as helping guide not to astray to early for the ones who are fit.(I'm not saying I'm fit just I wanted to shaolin monk as a kid, my son wanted to be a jeddy). I'm not a worshiper type of person but it was important for me to find Gurdjieff because it broke the corridor to find forum. There is a reason for everything, right? :)

So true.

The Cs have said that our best protection is a continuous knowledge input. Some people have thought that just going out and reading anything is "knowledge input". But the Cs also said that false information was worse than no information at all. So, for example, those peeps who are "searching, searching, searching" and stumble on the flat earthers, or the chemtrail believers, are NOT in the process of constant knowledge input, they are consuming, instead, the equivalent of brain junk food. I think that this can be deadly to the brain. There does seem to be a need for some sort of guidance, or yardstick.
Laura said:
Martina said:
All the good stuff in everything has to be combined into a mosaic, so it seems to me. I was thinking the great work you are doing should be put into some form of education program like an alternative choice for the kids. Not like some indoctrination, but as helping guide not to astray to early for the ones who are fit.(I'm not saying I'm fit just I wanted to shaolin monk as a kid, my son wanted to be a jeddy). I'm not a worshiper type of person but it was important for me to find Gurdjieff because it broke the corridor to find forum. There is a reason for everything, right? :)

So true.

The Cs have said that our best protection is a continuous knowledge input. Some people have thought that just going out and reading anything is "knowledge input". But the Cs also said that false information was worse than no information at all. So, for example, those peeps who are "searching, searching, searching" and stumble on the flat earthers, or the chemtrail believers, are NOT in the process of constant knowledge input, they are consuming, instead, the equivalent of brain junk food. I think that this can be deadly to the brain. There does seem to be a need for some sort of guidance, or yardstick.

Which brings us back to the idea of the 'magnetic center' which I personally like a lot and find very useful.
Laura said:
solarmind said:
what a deliberated session ... and at the end of the day we got to understand that you see how G. is actually a "bad" guy .. interesting point ... it is really interesting to watch at last few months how everything, but everything have two sides visible at once :) ..

I don't think that the conclusion is that Gurdjieff is a "bad guy" and that is certainly not what I have gotten out of all of the recent research. What we are interested in is finding out how things really are, how they really work, and what is appropriate and optimal for any of us to do or be; to decode our existence. I think we are much further along in this project that Gurdjieff, but it is also clear that this was one of the things that drove him and we can be thankful that he at least debunked a lot of New Agey type nonsense at the time.

Reading the set of books I have mentioned as a sort of course of work is extremely helpful. The Adrian Raine books give a much better background for understanding what G was observing and trying to describe (not to mention the ancient Stoics) in terms of human behavior. They also could pull the rug out from under any cosmological ideas that humans have. However, the Collingwood books serve as a counterweight to the hard science and put that into better perspective.

So far what I found out about G. work is that he did put the very important foundation for any one who wants to do more, and yes, I can also say that I feel that you extended that even more further, and putting some other things into perspective that G. maybe didn't have interest in ... and on a way that is good example of how through the time our body continuing the knowledge quest through longer period of time. I am not sure if I am willing to read all the books you are mentioning, that is the way how you approach the access to the "Knowledge" but any way I think that in this time it is at least for me very important to stay focused on the moment, and as well as to be able to see and discernment things without any attachments ... so that I can see for my self good and bad things form G. as well as from you as well as from Tesla and as well as from me ...

Speaking about G. schools, that you say they are barren .. I don't know for that, maybe yes maybe no, same happened to many "schools" after the main "teacher" died ... there must be than something in the "body" of the teacher that actually is creating the "School" ...

but what I see as a pattern is that any kind of building the "school" at the real building ending up some how not to be quite good ... also if we think about this multidimensional nature of everything and of our being and essence, we don't learn and teach just by the books and talks and lectures, same as we can't get spiritually developed just by meditation, etc ... it is far complex journey called life and most of the time, when we came to certain point that we read enough books and meet enough "teachers" that triggered our learning potential, we simply see how we are "radiating" knowledge on many ways, and how that makes changes that are unpredictable simply because that is hitting the essence of a person that that persons don't really know ... so many times we see our efforts get "wasted" in that particular moment, but our presence with that person was essential to trigger something more a bit later ... and that is actually how school of life work - we are activating others who has potential to open the path to the knowledge in them self and than thanx to magnetic centers we some how finding the teachers, and than also as we are growing more and more "students" are finding us etc ... etc ... so speaking in that manner I think G. did tremendous job, but he was basically alone in his journey, I don't feel that he made up all, I think at some point of multi dimensional reality it is all real and objective, I don't think he lied at all, he was living his life with his machine filled with scripts form above trying to reach and close the circle wth below ... some things get distorted or presented in this dimension differently, in different times and spaces ...

and at the same time, when we want to structure things, we have to deal with many people, what means we get vulnerable to be hacked through all those people that serve as a portals of attack on us ... so he maybe was triggered and a bit more hacked by 4D STS in a direction of forming a structured esoteric school, he was thinking that it might be solution, or from my point of view I see that he did just because some how he needed to continue on a more "western" manner and that is to make school ... so creating a real building - school - maybe he got "hacked" to build a building, thinking that he is making a school, but actually plan was different - plan form 4DSTS forces was to have him at one place where his frequencies can be better monitored and controlled ...

so form that thinking I came to conclusion maybe the real objective "teacher" has to be totally out of any materialistic "control", in constant movement ... like a Jesus ... as even a teacher is just always a student ...
Martina said:
All the good stuff in everything has to be combined into a mosaic, so it seems to me. I was thinking the great work you are doing should be put into some form of education program like an alternative choice for the kids. Not like some indoctrination, but as helping guide not to astray to early for the ones who are fit.(I'm not saying I'm fit just I wanted to shaolin monk as a kid, my son wanted to be a jeddy). I'm not a worshiper type of person but it was important for me to find Gurdjieff because it broke the corridor to find forum. There is a reason for everything, right? :)

I concur

I think this session caused a small short circuit or discontinuity in me when Laura commented on Collingwood 's work on Gurdijeff: "essentially, nothing has ever written - for example in Meetings with Remarkable Men, or things I have told people about his past - could possibly have been true ...I found that extremely distressing Laura said.

One of my sacred cows staggered, perhaps the same happened to riclapaz but he did not get over it, he did not overcome the shock. In my case, my ego said something like this: "see, see, you're wasting my time!"

Then the C's commented: "Even lies have a bit of truth. Gurdjieff used his imagination and mediums to construct his system. In a project of that sort, it is not unusual to get some truth ... " The C´s on other occasions mentioned something about the value of all the teachings. So my ego kept silent and continued reading and without the intervention of my ego I saw how the participants in the session objectively criticized one of the sacred cows of the forum: Mr. Gurdjieff.

Laura said: "Well, his way of working on the self is not dynamic. It's very static and mechanical... I mean, O__ went around and hooked up with different groups around the world, and questioned them. None of them seemed to be remotely aware of hyperdimensional realities"

The Ra material and Marciniak gave us a little, but Laura has deepened. "aware of hyperdimensional realities" is the improvement that Laura has made to the systems of Gurdjieff and Castaneda. I think her thinking and work along with these systems have combined to give us an improvement. The people that I know still talk about ETs, they do not know anything about densities and they are terrified to know that we are food, humans in human coops, humaneros.

Personally -perhaps because of my idiosyncrasy- I lean towards a combination Laura-Castaneda and I take the best of Gurdjieff that works for me. Castaneda may be too "shamanistic" for some but I think he planted in me a seed on the hyperdimensional realities when he talked about non-ordinary reality states- although he used drugs to alter his state- I find that his system is dynamic as well as the system of Laura that is dynamic but above all seeks the application of knowledge this is a system for the 21st century... a "post-CAT system".

Yes, some are Warriors, others are Gurdjieffnites ... and other Jedi. But we have a common path.

Thanks to Laura and friends for giving us this.
Leonel said:
Martina said:
All the good stuff in everything has to be combined into a mosaic, so it seems to me. I was thinking the great work you are doing should be put into some form of education program like an alternative choice for the kids. Not like some indoctrination, but as helping guide not to astray to early for the ones who are fit.(I'm not saying I'm fit just I wanted to shaolin monk as a kid, my son wanted to be a jeddy). I'm not a worshiper type of person but it was important for me to find Gurdjieff because it broke the corridor to find forum. There is a reason for everything, right? :)

I concur

I think this session caused a small short circuit or discontinuity in me when Laura commented on Collingwood 's work on Gurdijeff: "essentially, nothing has ever written - for example in Meetings with Remarkable Men, or things I have told people about his past - could possibly have been true ...I found that extremely distressing Laura said.

One of my sacred cows staggered, perhaps the same happened to riclapaz but he did not get over it, he did not overcome the shock. In my case, my ego said something like this: "see, see, you're wasting my time!"

Then the C's commented: "Even lies have a bit of truth. Gurdjieff used his imagination and mediums to construct his system. In a project of that sort, it is not unusual to get some truth ... " The C´s on other occasions mentioned something about the value of all the teachings. So my ego kept silent and continued reading and without the intervention of my ego I saw how the participants in the session objectively criticized one of the sacred cows of the forum: Mr. Gurdjieff.

Laura said: "Well, his way of working on the self is not dynamic. It's very static and mechanical... I mean, O__ went around and hooked up with different groups around the world, and questioned them. None of them seemed to be remotely aware of hyperdimensional realities"

The Ra material and Marciniak gave us a little, but Laura has deepened. "aware of hyperdimensional realities" is the improvement that Laura has made to the systems of Gurdjieff and Castaneda. I think her thinking and work along with these systems have combined to give us an improvement. The people that I know still talk about ETs, they do not know anything about densities and they are terrified to know that we are food, humans in human coops, humaneros.

Personally -perhaps because of my idiosyncrasy- I lean towards a combination Laura-Castaneda and I take the best of Gurdjieff that works for me. Castaneda may be too "shamanistic" for some but I think he planted in me a seed on the hyperdimensional realities when he talked about non-ordinary reality states- although he used drugs to alter his state- I find that his system is dynamic as well as the system of Laura that is dynamic but above all seeks the application of knowledge this is a system for the 21st century... a "post-CAT system".

Yes, some are Warriors, others are Gurdjieffnites ... and other Jedi. But we have a common path.

Thanks to Laura and friends for giving us this.

From a Warrior's perspective, well said!

Thanks for the session and all of the following discussions.
Thinkingfingers said:
Turgon said:
JGeropoulas said:
I definitely think that children should not be exposed to things that are beyond their capacity to bear emotionally or to rationally process cognitively--which are the essence of trauma. So young boys taken to a gay pride parade might become confused about some things (e.g. appropriate public vs private behaviors which might set them up to be more easily exploited by pedophiles) but I don't think that it would derail their sexual orientation, which seems to be so hardwired by such an early age that it's proven impossible to change even with extreme therapies.

I don't know about that. With gender dysphoria all of a sudden on the rise where teenagers are one day waking up and believing themselves to be the opposite sex, or no gender at all, is very alarming and shows how susceptible human beings are to pernicious programming and manipulation of their sexual identity, which is safe to say more embedded in our hard-wiring and physiology than sexual orientation or preference. To add to it, the Gay Pride Movement seems to be the main vehicle to spread this sort of sexual hedonism "anything goes" kind of attitude where this pathological perception of sex is spreading, osit. And it is being pushed and has become very 'in your face' in today's media.

I'm not an expert but I think that sexual preferences of a partner shouldn't be affected by the normalization of gender dysphoria but what would be changed is the social interactions between the sexes. Who you are attracted to should not change but how you interact with people can since courtship and social interactions are learnt from the environment. So if the environment becomes warped in terms of sexual/social interaction then the learnt interactions of the next generation will act in accordance with their environment. Monkey see monkey do?

Sexual preference is "programmed" very early on and changing these programs is not a very simple thing to do. So I think what may change the social behaviour and sexual interactions of people is influenced by what becomes socially acceptable/normal, if everyone is romping with everyone else(let alone pedo/bestiality/rape replacing homosexuality/transsexuality in terms of variance from the norm) then the norm is to romp everyone. Homosexual/Transexual/Cissexual? acts wouldn't become such a big deal, especially when gender dysphoria blurs the "gender" lines in the post modernist mindsets. But then this is assuming that gender dysphoria will become normalized(which is the direction it's going sadly) and I'm not sure about the effect this normalization will have on different people; OP vs Souled. Or it may have an effect similar to what egalitarian societies have on gender expression, i.e. females became more feminine and vice versa.

Am I making sense?

If I'm understanding you correctly then what you're saying is the outward manifestation of sexuality will be based on society's dictates, so "anything goes" and it's good to experiment so therefore those that are young and impressionable will do it because it's what's almost expected of them but that kind of societal programming won't necessarily reach the deeper core of their inherent nature of who or what they are? Monkey see, monkey do like you said. If that is what you mean then it's similar to my thoughts on it. Although I might not have been clear in expressing that.
Laura said:
Martina said:
All the good stuff in everything has to be combined into a mosaic, so it seems to me. I was thinking the great work you are doing should be put into some form of education program like an alternative choice for the kids. Not like some indoctrination, but as helping guide not to astray to early for the ones who are fit.(I'm not saying I'm fit just I wanted to shaolin monk as a kid, my son wanted to be a jeddy). I'm not a worshiper type of person but it was important for me to find Gurdjieff because it broke the corridor to find forum. There is a reason for everything, right? :)

So true.

The Cs have said that our best protection is a continuous knowledge input. Some people have thought that just going out and reading anything is "knowledge input". But the Cs also said that false information was worse than no information at all. So, for example, those peeps who are "searching, searching, searching" and stumble on the flat earthers, or the chemtrail believers, are NOT in the process of constant knowledge input, they are consuming, instead, the equivalent of brain junk food. I think that this can be deadly to the brain. There does seem to be a need for some sort of guidance, or yardstick.

In the past I was on facebook talking to former members who became flat earth fans. I didn't believe in it, but was open to the ideas as long as they could be logical. But all of the reasons that prove their belief were easily explained by basic science and observation. It's like they forgot to think for themselves and are actually a form of authoritarian followers that follow "alternative authority".

I remember a while before I stumbled upon gnosticism and the C's, I was into the Illuminati/NWO forums. It would have been easier to just ride that out, everything is framed by some simplistic explanation from the eyes of people such as Alex Jones and other people who were "so sure of things". But, as many of us felt, there was something missing because just having "consensus" and alternative authorities saying this- did not make it true (or false). Instead of consuming the answer, we want to know the 5 w's. Where, what, who, when, and why... Being open minded and doubtful of mainstream authority without critical thinking is a big problem! No wonder why Alex Jones and the other shills (flat earthers, etc) have so much rabid support! The same mechanical behavior, just with a different flair.
JGeropoulas said:
I definitely think that children should not be exposed to things that are beyond their capacity to bear emotionally or to rationally process cognitively--which are the essence of trauma. So young boys taken to a gay pride parade might become confused about some things (e.g. appropriate public vs private behaviors which might set them up to be more easily exploited by pedophiles) but I don't think that it would derail their sexual orientation, which seems to be so hardwired by such an early age that it's proven impossible to change even with extreme therapies.
I tend to agree in the sense that it is not a healthy environment to neither kids NOR gay adults, or pretty much anyone, such environments are the excuse to express repressed behavior IN ALL forms, not just homosexuality.

Gay pride parade originated as a series of protests, that homosexuals have the right to exists without persecution and the hate against them is based on social indoctrination that was irrational to begin with, so it was a counter-force to a hostile attitude to their very existence(But this is fishy because that is NOT the case right now), then the idea that people have the right to be happy, then marriage etc.... but then what is happening now cannot be looked at without the nature of the human condition into account, the reasons for homosexuality, the current state of affairs etc etc..

The problem with the theory that people just turn gay upon going to a parade is something I would agree and disagree, as I said, it is the opportunity to uninhibited behavior and in such environmental context it would be considered "normal" (which is whole other topic) in a toxic environment, HOWEVER, if one is to take the opposite example of a gay male growing up surrounded by , man/woman, music, movies, dramas, rules, norms etc etc(such as the case of many people prior to this stage of the movement) , if there is gayness he does not become straight under such constant bombardment, What I am saying is that hardwired, implies a reproductive biological response to people of the same gender. Not psychological states of transitory nature.

Now if you are to subject people to a definite form of conditioning for a considerable amount of time and during periods of development, that is another thing.(which is part of the problem now, it is being normalized the association of homosexual = uninhabited forms of sexual expression, and that is NOT what homosexuality is, nevertheless people are being bombarded not into a new form of conditioning)

The problem with the parade as a vehicle and promotion machine is that now we are surrounded by all forms of media, ONE event can be replicated many times in the internet without you being there , that is, an is idea be propagated when it has already passed, a form of gay propaganda if you will, just abusing the meaning of freedom in postmodernist ways. it used to be that you had to go to concerts before for example, not you don't need to to hear a tune, the media and current technological conditions are key factors here.

Turgon said:
I don't know about that. With gender dysphoria all of a sudden on the rise where teenagers are one day waking up and believing themselves to be the opposite sex, or no gender at all, is very alarming and shows how susceptible human beings are to pernicious programming and manipulation of their sexual identity, which is safe to say more embedded in our hard-wiring and physiology than sexual orientation or preference. To add to it, the Gay Pride Movement seems to be the main vehicle to spread this sort of sexual hedonism "anything goes" kind of attitude where this pathological perception of sex is spreading, osit. And it is being pushed and has become very 'in your face' in today's media.

This is my theory, this is a generation syndrome, and the current laws and ethics prevent looking at sexual orientation as a mental disorder HOWEVER, just because someone is able to articulate the words "I feel like I'm the wrong body" does not strictly mean that, people can say a number of things under different states, so alot of times there IS a psychological imbalance in the cases of "out of the blue gender dysphoria" which has a strong basis in biological problems and psychological problems also.
So I think we have to examine the factors closely to not miss the central factors affecting not only those promoting it but those accepting it , it is a situation of multiple angles.

There are a number of gay closeted people who have: a marriage, a wife, kids, grandsons etc. who under social pressure opted to express they sexual orientation with a double life or repress it, they would not give it this part out, and takes alot of repression to hold such posture for a long time, creating naturally other problems, but those who live a double life may see nothing wrong with it.
so if someone comes out, it is important to understand , they did not "turn" gay, they always were, and that is when out preconceptions and constructs and theirs that enter in dissonance, and no one knows what is going on.

There are a number of drag queens who have done shows for years, but when asked if they are to undergo a transition they HAVE the awareness of what they want, many if not MOST would not want to let "it" go, and what that tells me is that they are adults who completed their developing stages, who have a defined personality, who are sure of what they want and who they are and actually oppose such possibility on base of a defined personality., knowledge and understanding of the consequences

There are the gray areas, there are people who "Come out out of the blue" but here is my problem with the whole preconception
NOTHING is out of the blue, there MUST be a reason for every phenomena, and there is.

This situation is very serious, they are targeting kids and reproducing the same story a million times of "how cool it is that you can switch sex" if we read that we find it ridiculous, but mind you, this is targeted at young developing brains and critical psychological stages, who don't know anything about anything, if they read it they will be more open to actually CONSIDER it as it reads literally in their minds.

Hindsight Man said:
Perhaps under ordinary circumstances you would be correct,but the constant assault via chemicals in food,vaccines and water as well as pesticides and psychological programming and is it surprising that such a focus regarding lgbtq has come about? I know alex jones is basically a joke yelling ''they're turning the freaking frogs gay'',yet that statement has some truth to it.Frogs change gender when exposed to the pesticide atrazine and with the gender change,obviously came about a change in sexual orientation.
People don't "turn" gay, in fact my guess is that all those non gay transgenders coming out now, will sadly have a very dificult path going forward, because they will ACTUALLY be in the wrong body.
People don't "turn" gay, they may express homosexual conduct and curiosity but they don't "turn" they are or are not, so keep in mind that such simplistic statements from Alex Jones are impressionistic and are missing the CENTRAL factor in all of this, as I said, I think is a generation syndrome,
people didn't have such access to internet in any other time in history, so these new conditions (ALL) bring new problems, the unregulated and unrestricted access kids have to internet and all that comes from it, the awful parenting and laziness in actually growing your kids, the social pressure, the toxicity in all its forms etc etc, are all more global factors affecting ALL areas of society and as a result , creating all these symptoms. That is why I think is important that those who can preserve the common sense do so, because those will be the voice of reason and "history" of those who don't know it.

Most parents now, are in a nanny mentality, in a always pleasing mode, in "support" , all these postmodernist ideas are fostered over a conservative society. They are both wrong approaches, because the rules of both imply that there is a person or group allways in need of hate and one is the result of another.
While reading The Idea Of History, this idea made total sense, he explains that Tacitus (If I remember correctly)regarded Rome as a whole, unchangeable and infinite "substance, as if Rome was created whole and underwent not processes of change, and his view was tinted with the biases of a natural enemy of Rome always and everywhere, this mentality is not historical.
Also that the Greeks and Hellenistic views attributed all problems of human will and consequence to Gods, everything was put on them as the reason for historical events.
and we carry all these forms of thought and perceptions via implicit indoctrination of religion, ethics, values , norms of behavior in our current society.

The idea for bringing that up is that this same mentality was applied to ethical rules and if gay is to be made unethical is, blinding oneself to a real potential phenomenon all people have because of the inherent possibilities of having a human brain and biology, an as a result of denying this possibility as a possibility, this is a form of neglect that grew onto shame.

It always made me think why does a gay person need to be Proud? It never fit completely until I read Aleta Edward's book,The Fear of the Abyss that it is promoting narcissist values inherently as a philosophical base, rather than acceptance and tolerance, a big pride-shame-perfectionsm constellation. Even though gay people come out in a vulnerable state in every case, that vulnerability is the window for many things to happen, and in many cases unfortunate things happen.

One last thought Gay people throughout history didn't need to wear rainbows to be gay, what I mean is that the gay people you see now are unique to these times and conditions..

EDIT: typos
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