Session 15 August 2020

Embedded in occupational language have always been the corner stones that pit against these new inserted covid clauses. In your case, Lumiere_du_Code, fundamental in Ukraine is this that is suppose to apply ( 7.1. Workers’ Rights on OSH - the right to refuse work assignments in cases of a workplace situation which is dangerous to life or health) and other clauses, and it is the same all over the world in many places. Of course, the inserted clauses on covid tries to nullify other clauses as it is also suppose to protect life and health. For all the reasons in so many places cited on the forum, though, these masks are a clear and present danger to life and health. To evoke meaning it needs to be evidence based to counter what has no efficacy to being with, and they can't show masks as having efficacy (although they will try with 'droplets'), and they can't make argument for mask use when it is applied to a hierarchy of controls - they are choosing the lowest form of control that creates the most risk - Hypercapnia was quoted way back pages ago, and all these things can be measured while the opposite is true for their enforcement of mask use. If and when workers start to exerciser their rights, and it may not be easy, it may draw attention that other workers will see, it probably would draw attention from their families, and it might bring measures to light that can't be hidden in the press. The bigger the employer and the more employees the better. The stronger the union and worker grievances the better. Health orders by state cannot ignore (again they will try) a challenge of this type when health laws counter health laws, and the challenges are not taking place at the workplace level that can be seen yet.

The truth is that the law does not work in Ukraine, and everything that is spelled out in thousands of regulations, documents, decrees and so on are just letters on paper, nothing more. When employers or the government here tell people “you can do this or that voluntarily,” it always means the opposite. They simply give you a choice: sign their document, a commitment, do something against your will, even when this is completely outside your job responsibilities or just a desire, or quit and lose your job. And in small towns like mine in particular, you have nowhere else to work. And when the minimum salary is about $ 150 (which is almost entirely spent only on communal payments), and you have a family, children, then you simply have no choice but to obey these bastards every time. And private firms and employers simply do not listen to their employees and, with any indignation on their part, they say "if something does not suit you here, write a letter of resignation." This is their standard universal answer to everything.

If I say "no" when they force me to do something against my will, I will instantly lose my job. Alone, no one can do this, but no one can unite, because everyone is afraid for their families, because these psychopaths will simply fire everyone, even if they lose profit because of this for a while. Because if they allow you to defeat them once, they will think that you will say "no" over and over again every time they want to force you to do something again. The situation is such that people will be able to rebel only when they have lost everything, only then they will not be able to be afraid of losing something, because there will be nothing more to lose.
First, you will be forced to pay huge fines for disobedience, then you will be made "alienated" and deprived of your job, ruining your work biography.
Thank you for this session! Being an hopeless case in science, I didn't understand all of the physics talk.

I feel tired and sad sometimes when I see those mandatory masks at work, in towns... And to know there is so much suffering ahead, to watch people loose their minds... I don't manage to be involved at work as I was before, I feel I must keep my energy for what is to come. They are talking of implementing masks even in open spaces, where we are at several meters from each other😭. I may not have to make resistance for very long if there is a "2nd wave" and economic reset though...

I am glad to have started those romance books, it's a nice conter-balance to all those terrible news! And again, thanks for this forum and all its members, I would be in a dark place without it!!
Thank you very much for the session. I wasn't completely surprised by the chip vaccine thing since I had heard that rumor before, but I admit, I had hoped it wouldn't be the case. But I also remember the previous C's session where they said the vaccine will backfire, so who knows what will happen.

As for this mask BS I am not happy about it one bit- new guidelines for "close contact workers" in the UK which includes barbers, massage, beauticians, states that they must wear a mask and a visor. To hell with health and safety regulations on carbon dioxide and oxygen! They are playing their part perfectly as the dastardly supervillains in this grand drama.

I am yet to hear of a union uprising in the UK, but maybe it is underground right now... (she says hopefully :lol: ). I did send an inquiry to my massage membership body asking what their stance is on therapists who have exemptions, although I am assuming the reply will be something along the lines of - "sorry it's not safe for them to work in that case". I wonder if something like ozone therapy and additional EE could offset the damage?

More on horse mutilations from several years ago in the article below. There was reportedly a spate of attacks that happened between 1983-1993 in the UK and nobody was charged with the offenses, then reports pop up again in 2002, 2013 2014 2012, and 2016. However, this NBC article explains how the British police forces neatly solved the mystery. In one case where a pony was found mutilated, it was decided that it wasn't a ritual sacrifice, but rather a natural death and wild animals had taken the eyes and entrails... I mean, it's certainly possible, but it's also possible that it was the work of Satanists and they didn't want to cause further panic.

Thank you all for another great session. It pains me to see people walk around the streets with masks on, what can you do? Shout at them, they are lost to the propaganda, its heart wrenching to see, and makes me so mad and very sad and upset to see.
Strategic Enclosure, it stops me shouting out, but I have said to the cashier while numerous people are behind me. "its complete nonsense, Its control", maybe one will pick up?? I hope. I wear a mask, with massive holes in them, and my nose exposed, nobody so far has said anything, I have walked into shops and said, sorry forgot my mask, and they wave me by. So maybe people do see the nonsense but fear is the factor stopping them from rebelling. ??
Regarding this chip vaccine, I have no idea how to stop the onslaught of vaccine propaganda, I hear people say the vaccine will take us back to normal again, sad that people are so lost to think this way. But if my next door neighbour is a reflection of the UK, the BBC is turned on first thing, and not turned off till bedtime. 12-14 hours of bullshit nonsense pumped into peoples heads. But maybe the pyschopaths do get to stick this monstrosity in us and the litte chip too, are they relying on their super dooper satellites to enable this tech to work, what a joy it will be if they all go down, as mentioned in one of the recent sessions. Just wondering if that would be a wake up call to humanity? It would certainly send the elite into a double major panic. So I hold out that things are going to go bad, but the elites are in for a worse time (fingers crossed, double crossed and crossed again), eventually. I just cant stand to see people suffering. But maybe I have too? But one thing this scam has done, is comments on News section are turning. People maybe seeing the scam but very slowly and are now gain courage to speak.
But again a big thank your for this session and the recent ones too :-)
So far the only explanation given was that it may have been a fire started by welders (who were, coincidentally, securing the hanger because of a possible security breach) that then spread to 'fireworks' which then 'ignited the AN'. There'll likely be a lengthy 'investigation' involving the FBI and other Western intel groups, so we shouldn't expect any truth from that.
Funny how “welders” seem to be at sites where tragedies occur- Notre Dame fire comes to real good idea storing “fireworks” in a warehouse filled with tons of potentially explosive materials.
I remeber the C's said psychopaths are basically OPs not functioning properly but I had no idea they were engineered that way by 4D STS (though it is entirely plausible). Can you point me to the source please? I must have missed that.
@anka I've been looking for this quote for a bit and think that I finally found it Session 3 September 2008. Couldn't get the quote function to work:
Q: (DD) You hear stories about children of military families that are inducted into this and taken at a very early age...

A: What kind of genetics do you think you are dealing with in "military families?"

Q: (L) That leads me to my next question. You've said that psychopaths are defective OPs?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, how do they get to be defective? I'm trying to figure out how to ask this... Are they defective because they're born that way?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they defective because of something that happened in their childhood?

A: Sometimes...

Q: (A***) Were they engineered that way somewhere along the line?

A: Some are engineered especially lately. But in general it is genetics due to mutation.

Q: (L) Okay, so if it's due to a mutation, when did the original mutation occur?

A: More than one occasion, but first time was fifty thousand years ago.

Q: (L) Is it true that psychopaths... well, we know they appear in the population at a certain percentage. Do they increase at various times in history so that they grow more numerous and kind of take over the planet and create a lot of destruction, and in creating this destruction, do they destroy themselves or reduce their own numbers significantly, kind of like populations of rabbits and foxes or something like that?

A: Very similar, yes.

Q: (L) Is there anything to my idea that the present strain of psychopathy comes from a crossing between Neanderthal and Aryan types in Europe or in Asia somewhere?

A: One strain, yes. But not all psychopaths.

Q: (L) What particular strain would come from the crossing of the Neanderthal and the Aryan cross?

A: The kind with the drive to destroy.

Q: (A***) Aren't all psychopaths basically destructive? (L) I don't think so. I think for example the schizoidal psychopath, they're different. And then there's the paranoid psychopath, and then of course when you're dealing with pure psychopaths, you've got a scale... what do you call it, a spectrum. Can anybody else think of any other questions on that topic? That pretty much covers my questions.

So, psychopathy is due to a genetic mutation(s). It was definitely an assumption on my part that psychopathy was 4D STS genetic tweak perhaps transmitted through a virus. Would be a question worthy of the Cs? It is interesting to note the connection between viruses getting more virulent and psychopathy. From Session 16 August 2014:
(Puck) On the topic of Ebola, what's causing the rapid transmission of the virus?

A: Mutating and becoming more virulent.

Q: (L) So, it's becoming stronger?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Is it a contender for wiping out millions of people?

A: A lot, of course. Isn't it interesting the similarity between psychopaths as virii of the human kind, and the activation and spread of the infectious kind?

Q: (L) So, are you suggesting that this is one of those, "As above, so below" interactive things? That as psychopaths become more virulent and present in human society, so will Ebola become more virulent in the physiological realm? Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes close enough.

Q: (L) So in order to stop the progress of Ebola and any other following pathogens, human society would have to take care of the psychopathy problem? The mind virus, the Wetiko virus...

A: Yes

The combo of the Satanists ramping up their evil and COVID-1984 is a interesting one. Satanist activity is seems be a clearly a conduit of downloading 4D STS and smashing souls in a big way.
Yes, Tschai, that's right.
I thought of Notre Dame de Paris while reading the forum and then I didn't write it.

I just read an interview
I pointed this out
"And all we have to realize is that this is a lie, and we have to take back our power, and we have to realize it through the power of our consciousness and our intent, and we have to use the negativity of the world in a positive way.
It means that when you look at something like a story I saw recently, the Great Barrier Reef is dead, then you can take it and transform it.
You can say, "Wow! They say the Great Barrier Reef is dead.
I'm going to go into my consciousness, and I'm going to see it thrive and live and come back to its full glory. »
And use the power of your conscience on this.
So whenever you see something that scares you, don't run away from it.
Just realize, "Yes, it's scary, and now I'm going to turn it completely 180 degrees, and I'm going to visualize something beautiful that I want to see in its place. »

Not easy to do in the face of the horror of this chaos...
If thinking is creative, it has to work, so as much as I try...
And then, deep down, all this chaos is because they're scared.
There are a lot of us, don't forget that.
What the hell, even though I'm sometimes completely distraught, deep down inside, and despite all the dirt they're still going to bring out, I know they won't get through.
Why? I've taken my D4 ticket and I'm not letting go of it.
And I don't think I'm the only one...
tenderness for all

Translated with (free version)
Yes, Tschai, that's right.
I thought of Notre Dame de Paris while reading the forum and then I didn't write it.

I just read an interview
I pointed this out
"And all we have to realize is that this is a lie, and we have to take back our power, and we have to realize it through the power of our consciousness and our intent, and we have to use the negativity of the world in a positive way.
It means that when you look at something like a story I saw recently, the Great Barrier Reef is dead, then you can take it and transform it.
You can say, "Wow! They say the Great Barrier Reef is dead.
I'm going to go into my consciousness, and I'm going to see it thrive and live and come back to its full glory. »
And use the power of your conscience on this.
So whenever you see something that scares you, don't run away from it.
Just realize, "Yes, it's scary, and now I'm going to turn it completely 180 degrees, and I'm going to visualize something beautiful that I want to see in its place. »

Not easy to do in the face of the horror of this chaos...
If thinking is creative, it has to work, so as much as I try...
And then, deep down, all this chaos is because they're scared.
There are a lot of us, don't forget that.
What the hell, even though I'm sometimes completely distraught, deep down inside, and despite all the dirt they're still going to bring out, I know they won't get through.
Why? I've taken my D4 ticket and I'm not letting go of it.
And I don't think I'm the only one...
tenderness for all

Translated with (free version)
Yes! I was just thinking today what a powerful thing this forum has become and growing stronger by the day! The power of many minds working together as a community- that has got to be the most awesome thing ever!
I have a friend in Minsk, I talked with him on this topic after they resumed the Internet after 4 days. He said the same thing. Even if Lukashenko is really worried about his country, he chooses the wrong methods to influence people. You cannot beat and arrest everyone in a row without figuring out who is actually a provocateur and a violator, and who just being there.

Khazin was talking about this in his recent talk, and he mentioned that this may indicate that Lukashnko doesn't appear to have proper control over the law enforcement agencies, and that this is a similar situation to what was happening in Ukraine. I even read that it is possible that the unarmed demonstrator that was supposedly shot by a policeman, was actually shot by a sniper. Again, just like in Ukraine.

And thank you for this interesting session! :flowers: :wizard:
@anka I've been looking for this quote for a bit and think that I finally found it Session 3 September 2008. Couldn't get the quote function to work:
Q: (DD) You hear stories about children of military families that are inducted into this and taken at a very early age...

A: What kind of genetics do you think you are dealing with in "military families?"

Q: (L) That leads me to my next question. You've said that psychopaths are defective OPs?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, how do they get to be defective? I'm trying to figure out how to ask this... Are they defective because they're born that way?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they defective because of something that happened in their childhood?

A: Sometimes...

Q: (A***) Were they engineered that way somewhere along the line?

A: Some are engineered especially lately. But in general it is genetics due to mutation.

Q: (L) Okay, so if it's due to a mutation, when did the original mutation occur?

A: More than one occasion, but first time was fifty thousand years ago.

Q: (L) Is it true that psychopaths... well, we know they appear in the population at a certain percentage. Do they increase at various times in history so that they grow more numerous and kind of take over the planet and create a lot of destruction, and in creating this destruction, do they destroy themselves or reduce their own numbers significantly, kind of like populations of rabbits and foxes or something like that?

A: Very similar, yes.

Q: (L) Is there anything to my idea that the present strain of psychopathy comes from a crossing between Neanderthal and Aryan types in Europe or in Asia somewhere?

A: One strain, yes. But not all psychopaths.

Q: (L) What particular strain would come from the crossing of the Neanderthal and the Aryan cross?

A: The kind with the drive to destroy.

Q: (A***) Aren't all psychopaths basically destructive? (L) I don't think so. I think for example the schizoidal psychopath, they're different. And then there's the paranoid psychopath, and then of course when you're dealing with pure psychopaths, you've got a scale... what do you call it, a spectrum. Can anybody else think of any other questions on that topic? That pretty much covers my questions.

So, psychopathy is due to a genetic mutation(s). It was definitely an assumption on my part that psychopathy was 4D STS genetic tweak perhaps transmitted through a virus. Would be a question worthy of the Cs? It is interesting to note the connection between viruses getting more virulent and psychopathy. From Session 16 August 2014:

The combo of the Satanists ramping up their evil and COVID-1984 is a interesting one. Satanist activity is seems be a clearly a conduit of downloading 4D STS and smashing souls in a big way.

This is only tangentially related,but i wonder how C's identify psychopaths.Obviously they have more than one method at their disposal,but do they scan brains or genes or psychic and emotional centers or what?
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