Session 15 October 2016

Thank you for sharing the session - so much information, as usual!

So sorry to hear about your puppy, Timótheos and Alana. :hug2: I hope you don't give up completely on finding a companion. Perhaps when you are ready, the perfect dog will just appear. I have seen it happen many times that often a new one will just arrive, seemingly out of the blue, when the time is right.

I thought it very interesting what Andromeda mentioned about the very intense memories. One day last week I experienced a series of very intense recalls – it wasn’t like memories, per se, but I kept seeing a series of snapshots of myself at different periods of time. They seemed to be completely random and in no particular order. What was strange is that I was so strongly present in the experiences, yet none of them seemed to be necessarily important memories but it was just like reliving them again. I haven’t had the experience since then and had almost forgotten.

I have also had memories cropping up about things in my past that seem to need healing on some level. I have been remembering times when certain events transpired with friends and acquaintances that I wish I had handled more gracefully and I have been asking for forgiveness; feels like it's time to completely heal many old wounds.

bjorn said:
I mean, let's also consider the possible upcoming economic depression in this picture. I never saw Hillary capable of directing all that anger and hate away from their ivory towers. (Status Quo) And many people will be angry when they lose their jobs, income, pensions, pride etc

Trump with his rallies and inciting violence always seemed like the perfect guy to direct all that anger and hate. Blame the immigrants, blame Muslims. Blame whatever. (We all know who will get the blame if those nukes go off)

No matter how how you look at it, he has proven to be the man capable of carrying and directing all that hate.

I think that full totalitarianism and fascism was always on the agenda for the USA. Maybe it's the right time to usher it in?

Lots of folks are definitely angry on the establishment, the PTB just have to direct that anger away from the Establishment by someone who is supposedly their Anti-Establishment warrior while he blames immigrants and Muslims for everything.

Yes, unfortunately, that seems entirely plausible. I have been having a very uneasy sense that events are going to escalate rapidly after the election.
Cipro! I hope you've gotten off it - or that you can, soon. You can youtube pages of dramatic testimonials out there. For one thing, it does something to the liver that makes it amplify the effect of caffiene, I heard by tenfold -and then the half-life gets extended way out there, too.

Also - fluoroquinolone! Another fluoride!
It is black-boxed for attacking joints & tendons

And, apparently a person's joints & tendons are at risk for ~year after you take it. I repeatedly re-injured an MCL that had actually healed up before I went down that dastardly road. I was prescribed a 10-day course but felt terribly off (as those three cups of coffee turned into 30!) and stopped day 2. I just couldn't believe my doctor didn't even mention that to me.

So go with great care...pretty sure that forays into paleo, fasting, mineral supplementation & iodine/boron/selenium have bolstered healing response.
[quote author= Turgon]Well, the world stage has changed, so there are few countries who could produce a force like the Nazis. America being one of them. But back in the 30's, members of the German Gov't and elite thought that Hitler was an idiot and easily controlled, until he got into power. Trump is also good at galvanizing strong emotions in the American public, inciting major xenophobia. I do find it interesting that forum members (myself included) started coming to a conclusion that Trump wasn't so bad as originally thought. Because in some strange way he does seem like a huge change from what's been commonplace in American politics.[/quote]

He is deffinetly not a great person or up to no great, in some way he is less crazy and less mentally unreasonable than hillary, i think Trump will find these "surprises" surprising, i mean he has no knowledge on millitary affairs and i believe he is not thinking about the Powers that Be as such.

He cexpressed he wanted to bomb ISIS, and they are the direct result of Muslims hating our freedoms, in his line of thinking, but what if he is looking at this issue as the terrorist being a separate organization instead of another extention of US millitary through the secret gvt? His foreign policy ideas will be challenged then.

If he realizes all the workings at play many things will be surprising.

Simply because he doesn't think of himself as the puppet he is likely to become, he is a narcissist keep in mind.

I believe he is looking at this as a fix through money, fixing the economy will just make everything great while keeping some billions for himself, he is not looking at it in terms of new world order, or religion, or full control and domination of the planet, secret technology or secret government etc etc . which is what the big fish wants.
Hillary on the other hand has all this awareness and has a clear agenda.

People are all but united in their opinions about Trump, Hillary and the election in itself, so it is understandable when the C's say there are many variables.
Divide By Zero said:
First of all, thanks for the session!

PerfectCircle said:
Anybody has idea how could tattoos attract entities?

It's probably the energetic signature of the symbol the tattoo is showing, i.e. what does the image represent, which would then somehow attract corresponding 'critters'.

Divide by Zero said:
I was also thinking that tattoos create a psychological feedback loop. Let's say you have a highly visible tattoo. In interacting with people, they might act differently towards you, which makes you act different (as we are social beings). In turn your personality fits how you were treated.

Since there are lots of reasons people get tattoos and also lots of possible interactions with other people because of these tattoos, this idea may be relevant in many cases. It does not answer the question which was asked, which was "how could tattoos attract entities?"

It's just that using the terms entities, etc, seem too hard to verify and might be some sort of C's codeword for subconscious programs.

We have been told that the Spirit World is a Jungle. That it contains dangers that make our Earthly jungles pale in comparison. Why would the C's be using 'codewords' for subconscious programs when they could simply tell us it is that? For sure, it is pretty difficult to 'verify' that there are indeed malignant entities in the Spirit World, and of course, the materialist view is that such things are totally impossible. In the materialist view of the world the C's themselves are impossible. Yet, we get messages from them, and they tell us there are many things we can not usually see or be aware of.

Granted, there is no "proof" of the existence of 'entities', but most of us here are keeping an open mind regarding things like this.
Turgon said:
And it's the first time I've seen something like that in American politics. So it's setting a precedence for something. And is that opening the door to accepted overt fascism in the States. It seems like Trump was allowed to enter the Republican race as a sideshow and that him winning surprised everyone. Was that, at some level by design? He was already a popular figure and the American public worship celebrities. So he would have a distinct advantage over any other candidate simply because of that. As Franklin Roosevelt said "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Although that might be giving too much credit to the PTB.

Yes, it more and more looks like this I think. Let's keep in mind though that if all this is by 4D STS design, most 'players' in this whole drama are probably unaware - from their perspective, they just do what they do: the media rallying behind Clinton because their 'liberal bias', illusions and power interests, Trump reacting to everything based on his Narcissism, people in Clinton's camp going off script because they were bullied for years etc. I think the STS pyramid doesn't work like a grand conspiracy, but more on a 'need to know' basis and an understanding of human reactions, so all that is needed from the very top level are a few 'nudges' to stir the whole ship. But there are many possibilities and variables, so it's hard to tell.

One thing I noticed is Trump's almost mesmerizing voice, he has something hypnotic about him. Hitler too was said to be a brilliant speaker who could really capture the masses, and at the time, the elites thought they could 'contain' him, and then just rallied behind him. The parallels are really interesting.
Merci pour cette nouvelle transcription si passionnante...
Si désolée pour votre chiot, Timotheos et Alana, j'espère que vous allez très vite trouvé le petit chien qui vous conviendra parfaitement... Mes deux petits Yorks actuels m'apportent tant de réconfort et amour... Je dois dire que j'ai toujours eu beaucoup de chance avec mes petits amours d'animaux, Yorks et Chats vivants et ceux décédés...
J'espère que les américains feront le bon choix pour la prochaine élection...
Quant à celle qui se prépare en France, quel dilemme !... Aucune idée pour la prochaine présidentielle....

Thank you for this new exciting if transcription. . .
So sorry for your puppy, Timotheos and Alana, I hope you'll quickly found the little dog that suits you perfectly. . . My two little current Yorks bring me so much comfort and love. . . I must say I've always been very lucky with my little loves animals, Yorks and Cats living and those dead. . .
I hope the US will make the right choice for the next election. . .
As for that which is prepared by France, the dilemma!. . . No idea for the next presidential election. . . .
Another thought occurred to me regarding Killary/Trump:

Maybe what we are seeing in Turkey is parallel to all that, i.e. the population being manipulated into accepting the STS agenda, initial fear giving way to worship and admiration? I mean, Erdogan seems a bit similar to Trump in his Narcissism. And his clamp-down/'cleaning' operation could be seen as an installation of full-fledged fascism. Yes, it seems he is clamping down on the right folks, the US fifth column/Gladio etc., and he is demonized in the Western media. But what if this is part of the deception to make people accept and even cheer for a fascist dictator? Is the plan to implement something like this globally? Witness the rise of the far-right parties in Europe, the president of the Philipines getting away with calling names etc.

Also, the Cs said that the PTB didn't anticipate Putin - that may very well be, but I think we should be careful not to engage in wishful thinking here. If we are dealing with 4D STS, we shouldn't underestimate them. Maybe what we are seeing here is a modified plan that takes into account the new Putin timeline - basically using the hopes of many people for their own Putin to install dictators all over the place and make people love them - even if this means 'wounding' the beast temporarily?

Just some thoughts.
bjorn said:
I mean, the way how the MSM has been treating Trump is just ridiculous. And especially their censorhip on Hillary. In fact, if they really wanted Hillary as president. How come most of what they did seemed counterproductive? They only made Trump more popular through their way of biased reporting. Or so I think.

Well well... take a look at this from back on August 1st!!!

NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence

On Aaron Klein’s Sunday radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” (broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM), US government whistleblower William Binney threw his hat into the DNC hack ring by stating that the Democratic National Committee’s server was not hacked by Russia but by a disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker.

The motivation of the hacker…concern over Hillary Clinton’s disregard of national security secrets when she used a personal email and consistently lied about it.

Binney was just getting started with revelations we are sure no mainstream media news site will dare to cover. The “Putin did it” fairytale is just too easy for the sheep to follow.

Binney also proclaimed that the NSA has all of Clinton’s deleted emails, and the FBI could gain access to them if they so wished. No need for Trump to ask the Russians for those emails, he can just call on the FBI or NSA to hand them over.

That's getting real close to "Clinton insiders". For all we know, there is someone from NSA and/or CIA inside the Clinton camp. In fact, it is very likely in both camps.

~melissa said:
Cipro! I hope you've gotten off it - or that you can, soon. You can youtube pages of dramatic testimonials out there. For one thing, it does something to the liver that makes it amplify the effect of caffiene, I heard by tenfold -and then the half-life gets extended way out there, too.

Also - fluoroquinolone! Another fluoride!
It is black-boxed for attacking joints & tendons

And, apparently a person's joints & tendons are at risk for ~year after you take it. I repeatedly re-injured an MCL that had actually healed up before I went down that dastardly road. I was prescribed a 10-day course but felt terribly off (as those three cups of coffee turned into 30!) and stopped day 2. I just couldn't believe my doctor didn't even mention that to me.

So go with great care...pretty sure that forays into paleo, fasting, mineral supplementation & iodine/boron/selenium have bolstered healing response.

Yeah. I learned that too late. My legs are now so fragile I have to walk with two canes and extreme care. And yes I am totally engaged in detoxing the stuff. The hamstring injury seems to be healed, but the lower extremities are definitely not in a good state and I have to be super careful to not injure something else or re-injure!
Richard S said:
Divide By Zero said:
First of all, thanks for the session!

PerfectCircle said:
Anybody has idea how could tattoos attract entities?

It's probably the energetic signature of the symbol the tattoo is showing, i.e. what does the image represent, which would then somehow attract corresponding 'critters'.

Divide by Zero said:
I was also thinking that tattoos create a psychological feedback loop. Let's say you have a highly visible tattoo. In interacting with people, they might act differently towards you, which makes you act different (as we are social beings). In turn your personality fits how you were treated.

Since there are lots of reasons people get tattoos and also lots of possible interactions with other people because of these tattoos, this idea may be relevant in many cases. It does not answer the question which was asked, which was "how could tattoos attract entities?"

It's just that using the terms entities, etc, seem too hard to verify and might be some sort of C's codeword for subconscious programs.

We have been told that the Spirit World is a Jungle. That it contains dangers that make our Earthly jungles pale in comparison. Why would the C's be using 'codewords' for subconscious programs when they could simply tell us it is that? For sure, it is pretty difficult to 'verify' that there are indeed malignant entities in the Spirit World, and of course, the materialist view is that such things are totally impossible. In the materialist view of the world the C's themselves are impossible. Yet, we get messages from them, and they tell us there are many things we can not usually see or be aware of.

Granted, there is no "proof" of the existence of 'entities', but most of us here are keeping an open mind regarding things like this.

I still think that the key here is what means accepting a permanent mark (which already may not erase) on the physical body who is our most direct physical reflection of the soul. Doing so that violates own freewill in the future, because has been accepted the anchor mark and the subject that represents to himself, without possibility of free options of eliminating it (permanent tattoo).

Javi said:
Thanks so much for this new session :)
I wish that Laura leg recovers completely.

On the subject of tattoos: I always had an intuitive strong rejection to the idea of accepting a tattoo in my body. It was a feeling of that I exposed to a danger or something that violates my being if I accept that.

After analyzing this intuition in my mind I came to the following conclusion:
firstly, if someone accepts a permanent mark himself he is violating his own freewill in the future. Even if he is applying his present freewill, he are denying his future freedom to remove tattoo and all it represents. Move to be a slave of the subject that represents the tattoo. In second place, a tattoo is the result of not accept and love his own body as is, as the expression more pure possible in the physical world of his own soul. By what means denying himself and accept permanently a brand, and the energy that the brand represents, to invade his own being and submit to it, at least in the specific aspect that represents the tattoo.

While tattoos fashion has been sold as an expression of freedom, I rather see it as a denial of self freedom.

It would can explain why tattoos can anchor attachments.
Quote from Laura
Yeah. I learned that too late. My legs are now so fragile I have to walk with two canes and extreme care. And yes I am totally engaged in detoxing the stuff. The hamstring injury seems to be healed, but the lower extremities are definitely not in a good state and I have to be super careful to not injure something else or re-injure!

Jeez, you must have the patience of a saint. I hoped you were already able to walk without the help of the cane, or at least for a while, after the accident, which happened already five months ago. The med who first "took care" of you is upsetting me now, even when remembering the advice "always expect attack". Easy to say, but when one is put up with great physical pain it´s a damn huge challenge. If this helps you somewhat, know at least that for me you´re being a great example of courage and resistance. I wish your lower extremeties get better soon, or I´ll ask C's to install an elevator in your house :)
Thank you for sharing another session and for all the effort involved.

With Gurdjieff's warning against identification in mind, on one level a tattoo could be a static limiting idea of self as in 'I am my tattoo', or 'this tattoo is me'. Ordinary life seems to condition us to pin one-dimensional limiting static labels (virtual tattoos) onto ourselves and onto each other. 'I am a Catholic', 'she is a Republican', etc.
mkrnhr said:
The information about the mismatch of energy profiles is intriguing. It has been discussed within the framework of a 2D creature living closely with humans making "progress". I wonder whether it may be extended to people to a certain extent.

I wondered about that too. Maybe there are even more variables involved when it comes to humans, but it made me think of children born from couples that could not conceive naturally, but forced it (in vitro, etc.), only to die at a very young age, for example. Or interpersonal relationships that can affect some people so badly that it may speak of a "frequency mismatch" and attachments too, not just your usual "incompatibility" issues, or one person exerting a "bad influence" on someone else. Just a possibility, I guess. But whatever the case may be, one more reason to try to be as aware in all areas of life, and of the people we hang out with, the music we listen to, the impressions we absorb, etc.

Javi said:
firstly, if someone accepts a permanent mark himself he is violating his own freewill in the future. Even if he is applying his present freewill, he are denying his future freedom to remove tattoo and all it represents. Move to be a slave of the subject that represents the tattoo. In second place, a tattoo is the result of not accept and love his own body as is, as the expression more pure possible in the physical world of his own soul. By what means denying himself and accept permanently a brand, and the energy that the brand represents, to invade his own being and submit to it, at least in the specific aspect that represents the tattoo.

While tattoos fashion has been sold as an expression of freedom, I rather see it as a denial of self freedom.

It would can explain why tattoos can anchor attachments.

I think you made some really good points there Javi. Perhaps, tattoos are not just a door open to entities, attachments, certain types of information that violate one's will, but also, a door closed towards becoming Oneself in the future. It's like choosing a path, and closing the door to change later? Well, I suppose later on, and with nowadays' technologies, one CAN revert the situation by removing the tattoos and working on the self. But not many people do. So, as with many other things, what gets started and done as a fun thing to do or without much real thought put into it beforehand, for fashion purposes, to rebel or belong to a specific group, etc., contains a lot more risks than those visible to the eye. To a lesser extent (because it doesn't have to be "permanent"), the same could be said about PokemonGo and other things that might seem quite innocuous at first, I think.
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