Session 15 October 2016

Dave_posse said:
About the tattoos I'm a little puzzled. As a tattoo artist, I have many tattoos, the vast majority are Celtic designs or viking symbols, and as such, I am in contact with people who want to get a tattoo and the truth that the reasons are varied, are those who do with a very emotional meaning, and others who make them just for fashion, to belong to the "group" or be part of a stereotype. Yet I am aware that most who get a tattoo (myself included) is basically to try to "prove" something, a thought, an idea, etc, as if it were a "calling card" which is not need to use words to publicize certain emotions (maybe some kind of attachments before the tattoo and was solidified after). Maybe some kind of ego was involved there. I am also aware that we are putting on our skin ink (although the approved specifically for tattooing) are not 100% sure what it contains. For the moment I will continue researching this topic.

Your might want to read up on the tattoo ink, if you haven't already. For example:

And really research the topic, in particular regarding the psychological issues around it. Then, you can decide what you deem is best, based on a greater amount of information.
I didn't expect session because all of your work but surely I was happy when I saw that you managed to do it. Thank you!

Also, I don't know is it that just my impression or every session brings some kind of infusion on the forum but it looks for me like forum become more alive ;D.

I had a cat before couple of years before and she made quite of mess in my life. Even I search help from vet nobody could tell me what is wrong with her. On the end she became so aggressive that I was afraid to be near her.

Tattoos was never my thing, I always fought that is wrong to put something on my body what should expose me in some ways, like shows my believes.

This study claims that you even can get cancer because of tattoo: Nanoparticles in Tattoos May Cause Cancer


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aleana said:
Thank you for sharing the session - so much information, as usual!

So sorry to hear about your puppy, Timótheos and Alana. :hug2: I hope you don't give up completely on finding a companion. Perhaps when you are ready, the perfect dog will just appear. I have seen it happen many times that often a new one will just arrive, seemingly out of the blue, when the time is right.

This is a good approach, and kinda along the lines of what I was thinking of as well. While we haven't completely given up on the idea of another dog, we're just not actively looking for one at the moment. Maybe part of the problem when we first got Buddy was that we were already quite engaged in a search for a new dog or puppy, on account of the recent addition of a new kitty to our family. We figured get them together while they're both young and they will have an easier time socializing with each other.

So, perhaps because the decision was forced or rushed in a way, we didn't really have the time to understand what kind of dog was best suited to us nor did we allow the opportunity for the universe to present our next dog when the time was right. My first dog Pepe came to me in this way, even though I wasn't even considering a dog at that time, and he worked out to be the best pet I ever had!

So we'll wait and see what happens. :)
Chu said:
Dave_posse said:
About the tattoos I'm a little puzzled. As a tattoo artist, I have many tattoos, the vast majority are Celtic designs or viking symbols, and as such, I am in contact with people who want to get a tattoo and the truth that the reasons are varied, are those who do with a very emotional meaning, and others who make them just for fashion, to belong to the "group" or be part of a stereotype. Yet I am aware that most who get a tattoo (myself included) is basically to try to "prove" something, a thought, an idea, etc, as if it were a "calling card" which is not need to use words to publicize certain emotions (maybe some kind of attachments before the tattoo and was solidified after). Maybe some kind of ego was involved there. I am also aware that we are putting on our skin ink (although the approved specifically for tattooing) are not 100% sure what it contains. For the moment I will continue researching this topic.

Your might want to read up on the tattoo ink, if you haven't already. For example:

And really research the topic, in particular regarding the psychological issues around it. Then, you can decide what you deem is best, based on a greater amount of information.

Thank Chu! Yes, for now I'll keep finding more information, for the moment I do not want to draw any hasty conclusion, but from what I understood, the fact of leaving "marked" a certain situation or emotional state in the skin, could eventually produce a kind of "jam" but if one is aware of it and comes to understand certain way the nature of our mind is in constant expansion of information (and even more if objective information), could not be this beneficial to the increase? for example, it is only a hypothesis, it would be as if in childhood i cut my finger, in the future that mark remains on my skin and learn to be careful with knives, that way is a reminder for me in the future but remains in me learn that lesson or continue cutting myself the fingers. On the other hand if we decide to get out a tattoo for example with laser, the tattoo does not go away 100% also is a brand, which, to put it in some way, we mentally know that was there that tattoo, it would be a scar of a scar. Probably i´m not giving in the spot.
Laura said:
bjorn said:
I mean, the way how the MSM has been treating Trump is just ridiculous. And especially their censorhip on Hillary. In fact, if they really wanted Hillary as president. How come most of what they did seemed counterproductive? They only made Trump more popular through their way of biased reporting. Or so I think.

Well well... take a look at this from back on August 1st!!!

NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence

On Aaron Klein’s Sunday radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” (broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM), US government whistleblower William Binney threw his hat into the DNC hack ring by stating that the Democratic National Committee’s server was not hacked by Russia but by a disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker.

The motivation of the hacker…concern over Hillary Clinton’s disregard of national security secrets when she used a personal email and consistently lied about it.

Binney was just getting started with revelations we are sure no mainstream media news site will dare to cover. The “Putin did it” fairytale is just too easy for the sheep to follow.

Binney also proclaimed that the NSA has all of Clinton’s deleted emails, and the FBI could gain access to them if they so wished. No need for Trump to ask the Russians for those emails, he can just call on the FBI or NSA to hand them over.

That's getting real close to "Clinton insiders". For all we know, there is someone from NSA and/or CIA inside the Clinton camp. In fact, it is very likely in both camps.

I'm not sure about Binney because a month earlier he thought the Russians probably did hack the DNC servers:

Binney acknowledged Russia probably did hack the DNC, but was there a check on others who may have hacked in through the gaping hole where their cyber security should have been. Incompetent, negligent and corrupt are the words that spring to mind when thinking of Clinton and her minions. Binney continued on with the inconvenient truth of evidence and logic, asking if there is evidence that Russia downloaded and subsequently sent the emails to Wikileaks. So far, nope.
Thanks for the new session!
Am also sorry to hear about the loss of your new puppy Tim and Alana. :hug:

Gandalf said:
mkrnhr said:
Condolences for the loss and sorry for the horrible experience.
The information about the mismatch of energy profiles is intriguing. It has been discussed within the framework of a 2D creature living closely with humans making "progress". I wonder whether it may be extended to people to a certain extent.

I would think so.

Didn't the C's said somewhere that we have to be careful with "our relations" and the music/tv.. that we are listening/watching?

Session 9 April 2011
Q: (Burma Jones) What do they mean by “psychic hygiene”?

A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on

Q: (Ark) So, uh, I will tell a story about this “using all your senses”. A few days ago, I went out and I almost had an accident. I was driving on the interior peripherique - on the lane that was closest to the middle. There are three lanes. There was a guy behind me who was very unhappy that I was driving only 90kmh. He was swaying from left to right, trying to get past me and I could see it in the rear-view mirror. I looked to the right and realized I cannot do anything, because there was a car. I could see it.

So, I stayed. After about two minutes, you know, the one behind me again starts to act impatient behind me. But then, I look in the mirror again and the car to the right is gone. So I figure he must have moved somewhere else. Then I started to do {Ark makes descriptive hand gestures showing his driving maneuver} – only the car was there exactly in the right angle [to be in the blind spot.] But, uh, he was a young guy and he was fast. He steps on the brakes – and nothing happened, you see? I usually do not do such things. I was thinking very fast and that he must be gone, but I was not 100% sure. So, I should have waited until I was 100% sure. So, of course nothing happened, he just got upset.

A: We have more in mind. Take care with interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well that’s kinda like creating your own reality, isn’t it?

A: Not what we mean… Keep your guard up and do not allow negative energies to slip by… such as believing lies… listening to negative music while thinking it is positive…watching negative movies and thinking it is negligible. It is extremely important to not lie to the self. One can listen or watch many things as long as the truth of the orientation is known, acknowledged, and understood. Clear?

Q: (L) So, in other words: awareness. Calling a spade a spade and not allowing something negative to enter you and believing it is positive. You can see it, perceive it and acknowledge it but not allow it to influence you. Because obviously, you cannot shut off your perceptions of the world, but you can control how it affects you. So, don’t let it inside, thinking it’s something that it’s not.

(Belibaste) So, see it as it is. If it is negative, see it as negative.

(L) Yeah, and they’re saying to focus on truth in order for changes to manifest in you that are positive. That is, “positive” can mean acknowledging that something is negative because it is truth.

Q: (Galatea) Choose the seeds you wish to water.

(L) Is that basically what we’re talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say that everybody needs a panoramic retro-mirror.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) because that stuff sneaks up behind you and it gets in your blind spot.

Session 13 June 2015 also asks questions about music along the lines above, and Personal environments; stuff, clutter, negative energies and Feng Shui certainly has an impact on psychic hygiene.

Laura said:
[..]As for the Hillary/Trump thing, it seems hard to grok any rational purpose to bringing Hillary down from inside her own organization; or that it would be permitted by the war hawks or media which are obviously totally behind her. Well, I was thinking back over some things the Cs said and some things that Ra said a long time ago. Cs basically said that the turmoil that was coming was designed to get people to accept totalitarian dominance. Ra said something about it being necessary for the masses to CHOOSE and that the STS have to manipulate acceptance to come out openly. Something along that line, anyway. Maybe somebody can find the passage. So, what if Trump is that totalitarian ruler that the masses have to choose en masse? What if it is Hillary who is the "really bad choice" that is being put up next to Trump to make him look good? Rather than Trump being put next to Hillary to maker HER look good?

I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.

Couldn't find the C's session here, it's from September 14, 1996.

Q: (TM) Or any two people who have had the programming?
A: The programming is mainly intended to produce erratic behavior, for the
purpose of “spooking” the population so that they will welcome, and even demand, a totalitarian government.

Did find this which may be useful, given the discussion about frequency missmatches, attachment of negative entities through tattoos, and the above session:
The writer above suggests that Dee's assigned task was to "trigger the apocalypse." Current day Enochians who believe that they are the reincarnation of Dee are not the first. Crowley imagined the same for himself at a couple of points. Designating himself as the "Beast," his "highest" aim was to discover the "working" of the keys to open the gates of the four Watchtowers to release the so-called "hordes of hell" into this dimension.

How does this bear on the present situation? Well, it is a very interesting question since it involves cycles of not only planetary experiences, but also human experiences. It is extremely likely that, no matter what they may think they are doing, the individuals who are issuing these "calls" are multiplying the energy that is supposed to open the door to an invasion of our reality by hordes of beings who, historically, during other cyclical periods of planetary transition, were enabled to invade and take control in a similar manner. And they are programmed to do so, whether they are conscious of the agenda of those who instructed Dee and Kelley or not.

Very often, in these matters, the name of Andrija Puharich is bruited about in terms of "mind control" programs. I am becoming more and more convinced that this is, at least partly, a red herring. Blame it on the government, and that way, no one will be looking at the "alien agenda" or the "enochian agenda." In fact, if everything is blamed on the government, the aliens and the "angels" of Dr. Dee will seem like saviors, now won't they?

I investigated this matter of "programs" at some length during the time I was working with abductees. One victim of numerous abductions, some of which were even screened from her memory as military abductions[1] described the programming project in the following terms:

A: Umm... it's almost like... putting receivers on a stereo and then all of a sudden turning the stereo on... like speakers of a stereo... it's like you spent all this time putting all these speakers all over and then you turn the stereo on, and it's almost like, I see when you turn the stereo on I see the energy go to the receivers…
Q: How many people on this planet have these speakers?
A: Umm... lot of em...

The Cassiopaeans have commented on this as well:

Q: (T) OK, the question is, is the fellow that just shot three professors in San Diego, I think it was, the University, before they read his thesis, because he was afraid they would throw his thesis away, and make it look bad, and flunk him. Was he a Greenbaum victim?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Why did they turn him 'on' at that point?
A: Not correct concept. What if: those programmed in the so called "Greenbaum" projects are preprogrammed to "go off" all at once, and some "malfunction," and go off early? [...] The programming is mainly intended to produce erratic behavior, for the purpose of “spooking” the population so that they will welcome, and even demand, a totalitarian government.

And we certainly see a great deal of this taking place at the present time. The WTC attack is a plain example of what the Cassiopaeans were talking about. And the results were exactly as predicted in this session from 1995. What is more interesting is the fact that the Enochian magicians seem to have been hard at it in the past few years, jumping for joy with every solar flare that manifests, reading it as proof that the gods of fire and destruction are listening and answering. We have to wonder if their efforts are related to the WTC events as suggested by Dr. Sauder? Are they programmed to open the doors to these kinds of energies and, just as my hypnosis subject said: once all the speakers are connected, they turn the power on? Have we just witnessed such an event with programmed pilots flying big jetliners full of people directly into fully occupied skyscrapers at the start of the business day? Is that why the Enochian magicians are crowing with glee and joy at the ringing voice of their goddess, Sekhmet?

Q: (L) So, the programming is designed to, in other words, when the people are just being erratic...
A: Think of the persons who have inexplicably entered various public and private domains, and shot large numbers of people...
Q: (L) Are there also implanted triggers designed o activate at a certain point in future time, to create a mass chaos, in the public domain?
A: Better to discover that one on your own.

And we know now that it is true... but how deep, how far and wide it goes, we do not yet know. But the following will certainly give us some clues:

A: Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo... the SS, which was experiment influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual reintroduction of the nephalim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth. And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society, which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all-time mind programmed figurehead. Now, in modern times, you have seen, but so far, on a lesser scale: Oswald, Ruby, Demorenschildt, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray, Arthur Bremer, Farakahan, Menendez, Bundy, Ramirez, Dahmer, etc... you must know that Oswald was programmed to be the “patsy” so that he would say many contradictory things. Demorenschildt was both a programmer and programmed. Ruby was hypnoticaly programmed to shoot Oswald. With an audio prompt, that being the sound of a car horn.
Q: (L) The question has been brought up, is there some way or means that one can distinguish or discern a victim of Greenbaum or other mind programming by some clues?
A: Not until it is too late. […]What is important is the subject has been programmed to lead a life designed to "open the wrong doors." And when this transpires, with one of these target subjects, if they don't get help, or more importantly, do not listen to the guidelines, they are destroyed as part of a grand plan.

Interesting that the Cassiopaeans used the term "open the wrong doors" in this remark. It could very well apply to those who are attempting to use magickal means to "open the gates of the watch towers." How might this operate? Well, the following may give us a clue:

A: We wish to review some things first. The concept of a "master race" put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a "trial run" for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.
Q: (L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a "vehicle" in 3rd density, so to speak?
A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.
Q: (L) So, that is why they are programming and experimenting? And all these folks running around who some think are "programmed," could be individuals who are raising their nastiness levels high enough to accommodate the truly negative STS 4th density - sort of like walk-ins or something, only not nice ones?
A: You do not have very many of those present yet, but that was, and still is, the plan of some of the 4th density STS types.

Did you get that last bit? That means that super-duper NASTY 4D STS types are planning, and have already, just "moved into" certain humans who have achieved the correct FRV. And we suspect that some of these are doing "workings," calling on the aethyrs to open the gates of Hell. In fact, we suspect that we have directly interacted with a couple of them, if not more. They certainly bring new levels of meaning to the term "lowlife."

Chu said:
Javi said:
firstly, if someone accepts a permanent mark himself he is violating his own freewill in the future. Even if he is applying his present freewill, he are denying his future freedom to remove tattoo and all it represents. Move to be a slave of the subject that represents the tattoo. In second place, a tattoo is the result of not accept and love his own body as is, as the expression more pure possible in the physical world of his own soul. By what means denying himself and accept permanently a brand, and the energy that the brand represents, to invade his own being and submit to it, at least in the specific aspect that represents the tattoo.

While tattoos fashion has been sold as an expression of freedom, I rather see it as a denial of self freedom.

It would can explain why tattoos can anchor attachments.

I think you made some really good points there Javi. Perhaps, tattoos are not just a door open to entities, attachments, certain types of information that violate one's will, but also, a door closed towards becoming Oneself in the future. It's like choosing a path, and closing the door to change later? Well, I suppose later on, and with nowadays' technologies, one CAN revert the situation by removing the tattoos and working on the self. But not many people do. So, as with many other things, what gets started and done as a fun thing to do or without much real thought put into it beforehand, for fashion purposes, to rebel or belong to a specific group, etc., contains a lot more risks than those visible to the eye. To a lesser extent (because it doesn't have to be "permanent"), the same could be said about PokemonGo and other things that might seem quite innocuous at first, I think.
Laura said:
Eboard10 said:
Laura said:
As for the Hillary/Trump thing, it seems hard to grok any rational purpose to bringing Hillary down from inside her own organization; or that it would be permitted by the war hawks or media which are obviously totally behind her. Well, I was thinking back over some things the Cs said and some things that Ra said a long time ago. Cs basically said that the turmoil that was coming was designed to get people to accept totalitarian dominance. Ra said something about it being necessary for the masses to CHOOSE and that the STS have to manipulate acceptance to come out openly. Something along that line, anyway. Maybe somebody can find the passage. So, what if Trump is that totalitarian ruler that the masses have to choose en masse? What if it is Hillary who is the "really bad choice" that is being put up next to Trump to make him look good? Rather than Trump being put next to Hillary to maker HER look good?

I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.

Yes, it's hard to see it that way when the mainstream media keeps on demonising Trump so much. The only way I see them supporting Trump is that his overt personality and straightforward talk about "delicate" topics will drive a lot of media attention which can add to all the current distractions and let the players behind the scenes continue with their imperialistic plans, or so they think. Maybe the war hawks still prefer Hillary to win but think that if Trump were to become the next President they can keep him in line by blackmailing him if necessary. Just a thought.

Well, I thought about that awhile and since the whole country is pretty disgusted with the PTB, maybe this is the way that 4D STS has planned it? Maybe it's like Protocol 12 about the press, only here about politics: they create the opposition that appears in all ways to be legit, but in fact, is just as controlled as the ones we know about.

I don't know if I made that entirely clear, I just don't think that Trump is as much of a thorn in their flesh as they make him out to be. And if the masses, of their own free will, elect him, knowing everything about him that we know, they they have ASKED for whatever comes afterward: blatant fascism, possibly rule by fiat.

I also get that feeling. I think what it comes down to is what Pierre posted here. It is a battle for our minds, or more explicitly for our sanity. I mean the situation has gotton so bad in the US (and the rest of the western world, at least), that we are on a point now where people actually start to rally and believe in a guy like Trump (although there is plenty of evidence that points to a quite pathological person) because they think that this is a good decision in order that Killary doesn't get (s)elected.

Although that might be partly true, since the empire can be more easily exposed by a guy like Trump "on top", I think it is fairly dangerous to watch his speeches, debates and actions without a detached point of view, since you start to find yourself getting pushed to root for a guy like that.

I personally would never in good conscience vote for Trump, let alone support anything he says, since it seems to me that this election is designed (from 4D maybe) for people to excuse and support pathology on a mass scale, and/or as you suggested above, support the totalitarian rule.

Just look at "his" vice president "choice" Mike Pence. He is obviously a typical neocon type person, like Dick Cheney. That says a lot IMO.

If it is essentially a battle for our minds and sanity (which it very much looks like), we should IMO be very careful on what we actually "support", excuse or root for there. It might even be a big soul/energy hunt we witness there, that is designed to lure people into a pathological mindset, that is best described by Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology".

So from my standpoint, the best approach is to watch that election show from a position, as detached as possible from the outside, as a sort of experience or experiment of mass indoctrination of people and to make sure that I don't fall for it as well, since in the end what is at stake probably is my conscience, sanity and soul. Probably also the lives of many innocent people are at stake as well. So I really can't and won't support, or get lured into, that trap.
Thanks Laura and team for this interesting new session!

I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your puppy, Timótheos and Alana.
As others has said before, one next day might be the good one to invite a new dog to share your lifes. :hug2:

Laura, I hope that your knee will heal soon and that the pain will go away with time. :flowers:

About Killary/Trump, I guess that the future is open. Wait & See.
Laura said:
As for the Hillary/Trump thing, it seems hard to grok any rational purpose to bringing Hillary down from inside her own organization; or that it would be permitted by the war hawks or media which are obviously totally behind her. Well, I was thinking back over some things the Cs said and some things that Ra said a long time ago. Cs basically said that the turmoil that was coming was designed to get people to accept totalitarian dominance. Ra said something about it being necessary for the masses to CHOOSE and that the STS have to manipulate acceptance to come out openly. Something along that line, anyway. Maybe somebody can find the passage. So, what if Trump is that totalitarian ruler that the masses have to choose en masse? What if it is Hillary who is the "really bad choice" that is being put up next to Trump to make him look good? Rather than Trump being put next to Hillary to maker HER look good?

I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.

I agree, I think it is all a setup for something truly evil. It is really scary, at least it scares me.

Thank you all for the session. Very interesting and informative as always.
Thanks for sharing this new session with us.

I'm sorry for your loss, Timótheos and Alana. As a kid, we always had a dog at home, and since I moved where I live now, I'm longing for the moment where I could finally afford to move in a house again, with a garden, so I can have my own pupper at last. This sad misfortune was, at least, the occasion to bring to our awareness that there is more than meets the eye regarding our relations with our 2D friends, in a way that I never really considered until now. Big hugs to both of you :hug2:
Btw I also heard a strange screeching noise last year in the night while camping on the Oregon coast. This is the post I created about it: Strange/frightening animal sound while camping. Was similar to the otherworldly noise I heard near my skylight one night, the year before that I think. Both sounded similar to the screech that a barn owl makes but not fluctuated in pitch more. Anyway, could you have heard a barn owl or screech owl?

I just heard similar two nights ago whilst I was sitting on my balcony. I don't hear owls there normally, though it could have been one, EXCEPT that it FELT to me so not right! It was that strange and odd feeling that I was internally having all the while I was straining to listen.

I too had my name definitely called out just before sleeping in 2005. I was still very low about the loss of my son and also had been attending OBE technique and energy studies. I felt someone brushing my cheek in bed first - my feelings were that it was my son or my dad. However, I did get up out of bed to open the window to hear where the sound came from as it was 'other worldly' voice ie none I could recognize as to who it was. But it was definitely to get my attention.

That blasted pharma and Cypro – I did take some but only a couple of times. I am really sad to hear that it has totally weakened your legs Laura, making you not only need two sticks but the sheer pain you have been through. From one attack to another – pulling the chair away from you so thudding the floor with force directly on to your tailbone and also breaking the pelvis? I have never known anyone have so many accidents/attacks even though we know why. But the constant pain as well as having to do all the work you do under same pain is just unimaginable to me. Far more than 'conscious suffering'.
Other than the poor guy who kept getting hit by lightening – but for different reasons.

Again the sessions touches on things I was thinking about a few days prior. In particular the closeness I have with my Sienna. How people are forever commenting on what a lovely and well behaved dog – you are both so alike! Anyway I will be adding further updates this week to my thread and will cover the 'synchronicities' there. I posted the first one a few days ago.

Alana and Timotheus my heart is with you and 'yes' I certainly was shocked to hear such concerning entities causing a poor puppy to direct destruction. So all that session will stick in my awareness now. Especially as I am able to advise many people here on the dogs they adopt from the street and animal rescue.

I still recall the C's saying that we give the opportunity for 2D friends to possibly recycle as humans next time. So that was really important to me as my dog is so human and telepathic.
More so since the crystals are here. Plus they mentioned about dogs/pets having human names. All my dogs have had human names! And yes – sadly I did take 3 dogs back to the kennels:
1. A jack russell I was 'persuaded' to have by the kennel against my better judgement as I am not keen on terriers. They said try the pup for 24 hours. He kept biting our noses. So was back within 48 hours.
2. My lovely German Shepherd – Sophie. My youngest daughter was only 1 year old and I could not un-train/stop the dog from bounding downstairs or from wherever whenever the doorbell went. I had visions of her sweeping Amelia down the stairs with her at speed – or even the other children too. Plus was unable to exercise her as much as I wished to though I did have a large garden. It was when we found out that she had hip problems that was the final straw – at roughly the same time. The kids used to ride on her, clip her fur but now she could be in pain. So she went to become a 'security' dog where she was able to have one owner and be a working dog. I still miss her though.
3. The third dog was a labrador called Purdie. Really my boyfriend's dog who walked her every day. However, we broke up after 5 years and our circumstances changed. He could not take her and I was out working all day. I discussed the situation with the same kennel owner who co-incidently had had an enquiry for a mature dog by a police woman. Who she assured me was over the moon if she could have Purdie. So again it was very distressing saying goodbye to part of my family. But I knew she would be loved and would be working. Later I had to move to London, so the future proved it was fairer on the dogs at the time.

Plus both Sophie and Purdie were brilliant with children. And I pray I helped them by giving them a secure and loving 'childhood' and basic training.

Not able to have pets as a child as connected with the services, I craved to have a menagerie! But especially a dog – and a horse! Sienna will always be a priority in my life and is my best friend. We are inseparable and luckily a friend has kennels where she was happy whilst I was away. She is my shadow and I am sure I need her more than she needs me!

Thanks so much for the session everybody. :-)
Thank you for another interesting session with much to ponder. Sorry to hear about your loss Timotheos and Alana.

Laura said:
Session Date: October 15th 2016

(Fabric) What happened when I heard somebody call my name twice when I woke up? It wasn't anybody in the house.

(L) When was that?

(Fabric) About three weeks ago.

A: Expanding awareness.

Q: (Galatea) So that was his higher self in a sense?

(L) Well, I dunno... Was it his higher self?

A: No

Q: (L) So expanding awareness is like walking between two worlds, being aware of alternate realities or something?

A: Yes

We had an interesting experience yesterday during EE. During the warrior breaths, we normally are aware of each sequence and especially of paying attention to the last sequence where it can be a little hard to hear Laura's voice regarding the last warrior breath. In this case we both remarked on this as we (Ysus and I) felt as if being somewhere else, but still almost automatically followed the warriors breath without missing a beep and stopping in time. It was just an odd feeling and consulting the pendulum, it 'pointed to' that it was an experience of fluid time and expanded awareness. Without reading too much into it, it was still an interesting observation (which btw. has happened several times before during EE) and in the next stage of EE, new insights into a possible move and change in direction came to me that will have to be explored.

(L) Thank god it wasn't chupacabras. And the night that I thought that my dog jumped up on my bed, was that Sebastian?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what was he doing?

A: Protecting from ethereal stalkers.

Interesting that Sebastien is still helping from the other side if that was what was meant by this. As Thorbiorn said, sweet.

(L) You heard howling? Where?

(Galatea) The howling outside. Remember I told you about it?

(L) Oh yeah. Scottie heard it?

(Possibility of Being) I heard it the other night. It started with barking, and then changed to howling.

(Galatea) That wasn't what we heard.

(Scottie) I only heard howling.

(Galatea) So what caused the howling?

A: Small mothman type creature.

Q: (Galatea) A baby mothman! [laughter]

(Data) It's so cute!!

(Scottie) So when I decided NOT to go outside and investigate with a flashlight, that was probably the right decision.

(Galatea) I wanted to go out and look, but I was like, "Nooo..."

(L) So it's in the trees, not on the ground?

(Galatea) That scratching noise I heard?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) It was scratching with its claws on the tree?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Were they long and talon-like?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) OH MY GOD!! [laughter]

Q (Andromeda) Did it have red eyes?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Is it still there?

A: No. Intermittent.

Q: (Joe) Where did you hear it?

(Galatea) On that big tree outside the upstairs girls' bathroom window.

(Scottie) No, no, what I heard was outside the white bathroom window, and the far side of the house.

(Galatea) Was there more than one, or just one?

A: One.

Q: (L) And what has attracted this thing to our location?

(Galatea) OH MY GOD!

A: Just passing "through".

Q: (L) Just passing through densities, I imagine.
I think it is very good to have these reminders of the hyperdimensional reality that we inhabit. Especially since the veil appears to be thinning as Laura mentioned. One could say that it mirrors how on 3D the man behind the curtain is slowly getting exposed and the emperor is seen as being naked. The Hollywood veneer coating the world's big bully is starting to wear off. A balancing is taking place and the playing ground is being levelled as the C's have alluded to, even if it perhaps was in the context of a 4D world.

(Windmill knight) Is the situation in Syria going to escalate to a third world war as some people think?

A: No. But there may be a terrorist dirty nuke or two!

Q: (L) And when you say, "terrorist", we assume that that should be in quotes?

A: Yes

It might be worth remembering that a dirty nuke is not a nuclear explosion, but rather the explosion of conventional explosives along with radioactive material. Thus it spreads radioactive material within a small area, and leads to limited deaths and increased radioactive levels for the nearby population. See wikipedia: _

The biggest reason I think for using it would be as a PR propaganda and for blaming the Government and Russia, just like with the crude chemical attack that almost caused US intervention in Syria. And it will most likely backfire as usual.

In contexts of what America has done with the use of depleted uranium in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, which was on a huge scale, then one or two dirty nukes is comparatibly minor and is not going to destroy Syria. At least I doubt it. It is evil, disgusting and abhorrent, but what else to expect from a loosing psychpathic emperial bully who is cornered and desparate.
mkrnhr said:
Laura said:
I don't know if I made that entirely clear, I just don't think that Trump is as much of a thorn in their flesh as they make him out to be. And if the masses, of their own free will, elect him, knowing everything about him that we know, they they have ASKED for whatever comes afterward: blatant fascism, possibly rule by fiat.
This reminds me of mini-Trump in the UK: _
Following his appointment as British Foreign Secretary British politician Boris Johnson has without explanation transformed from a supporter of cooperation with Bashar Al-Assad, the Syrian government and Russia in the fight against Jihadi terrorism into a supporter alongside Saudi Arabia of regime change in Syria.
People will have nothing to say because they got what they asked for, Trump, regardless of what they imagine he would do. That's the essence of "democracy": voting for persons with no say on policies.
Mkrnhr, I have in recent days thought the same about Trump and how he could be like Boris Johnson and change afterwards.In any case, most elected presidents have undoubtedly had a rude awakening once in office after realising that their power amounted to not much more than choosing the wine at dinner and whether to play 9 holes or 18 holes of golf. They are just puppets as we again recently saw when minister for war, Ash Carter overrode the Obama administration without an uproar from the people.

So the choice between two pathological deviants with a pathocracy pulling the strings in the background is not much of a real choice, but it might be enough of a choice for the 4D STS forces to claim that they respected the free will of the 3D denizens. It is a forced choice and regardless humanity looses.
Dave_posse said:
Thanks for the new session, really interesting!!!

About the tattoos I'm a little puzzled. As a tattoo artist, I have many tattoos, the vast majority are Celtic designs or viking symbols, and as such, I am in contact with people who want to get a tattoo and the truth that the reasons are varied, are those who do with a very emotional meaning, and others who make them just for fashion, to belong to the "group" or be part of a stereotype. Yet I am aware that most who get a tattoo (myself included) is basically to try to "prove" something, a thought, an idea, etc, as if it were a "calling card" which is not need to use words to publicize certain emotions (maybe some kind of attachments before the tattoo and was solidified after). Maybe some kind of ego was involved there. I am also aware that we are putting on our skin ink (although the approved specifically for tattooing) are not 100% sure what it contains. For the moment I will continue researching this topic.

I can see that it must be a real problem if you are a tattoo artist. It might be hard to change what has already been done, but a way forward using your artist skills in your choosen profession, could be to be an expert in henna tattoos. In that way it is not long lasting, it does not affect your health or that of your clients, I think, and you will have repeat customers ;)
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