Session 16 April 2016

Hello Pashalis,
you wrote:
"You might want to check out the diet and heath section of the forum, since it could be that besides the foot poisoning, it isn't the only issue there. Gluten for example is poisonous stuff for your gut which effects you through causing inflammation in the gut. It not only effects the body though, but also the brain function because it basically behaves and functions like opium in the brain.

Sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. Take it slowly and give yourself time to process that loss and if you want you can share it, as Hesper suggested, by opening a thread about "

Yes, I will read more on the subject of diet and heath. This area for me is a working process but it seems as time goes on my body's reaction to unfavorable elements in food and water, is sometimes alarming, it enforces me to pause and take a closer look and try to pinpoint to a main cause. Gluten is also one of them. Even tho, I'm aware of the list of potential causes (GMO, MSG, Gluten ,aspartame, etc.) I still find myself tempted to go back to old habits. Trying to create a more controlled environment has been a challenging feat especially when you're not the only person in the house hold. They still think organic means it's just expensive and it tastes bad. But the planting of the 'seed of knowledge' to them , they have become less resistance than before. "yippee"
Yes, losing a love one is hard and it's even harder when it happens suddenly and violently. Perhaps, "The valley of the Shadow" could have it's own topic started? I'm sure I'm not the only member whose going through or have gone through very difficult times. *hugs thank you for your support.
Merci à tous pour votre aide... Grâce à Juliana, je suis arrivée à faire ce qu'il fallait...J'espère que tout ira bien...
Prenez votre temps Laura, j'imagine que c'est un gros travail, les cristaux arriveront quand ce sera le bon moment...
Merci encore à toute l'équipe pour votre beau travail et votre dévouement...

Thanks to all for your help... Thanks to Juliana, I arrived to do what it took... I hope that everything will go well...
Take your time Laura, I imagine that it is a big job, the crystals will arrive when it is the right time...
Thanks again to all the team for your beautiful work and dedication...
Just in case it's important, about 15 of you haven't sent us your birth date. Hopefully each of you know who didn't send it, because for some people I wouldn't know who you are on the forum. So, if you haven't sent it, you can send it to info@paleochristianity. I don't know how important that is, but Laura and Andromeda will. :D
Laura said:
This is not the place to request a crystal. As noted, please make every effort to donate enough to cover shipping costs at least. You can put your request for a crystal on the donation comment form along with your shipping address.

I have just donated 2 transactions with comments on each FYI.

Such a fascinating process to prepare the crystals, I'm so looking forward to receiving mine whenever that may be.

Thank you so much Laura for all the hard work you do, it is greatly appreciated.
Chu said:
The "PC addy" is This morning we had emails about the crystals on five different addresses, and it makes it really hard NOT to miss any of you, and Laura may not get those. So PLEASE, use ONLY that one (unless, like Laura said "If you cannot make a donation to cover even shipping, send your request to laura(at)").



Yes, but it would actually be better to donate from the Paleochristianity site, not sott.

I have made a donation via PayPal on the Paleochristianity site, and sent an email to the address as above, with all my details-name, date of birth, PayPal transaction ID, and shipping address.

Thank you so much for this labour of love. I am really looking forward to feeling more connected with the rest of our tribe.

Thanks for sharing pictures of the process! It's so, so cool, and exciting! The last picture of the spring looks so refreshing, I just want to jump in!
Ok, not sure if I stuffed up but I made a donation to the US site on the Paleochristianity page, and then made another donation to the French site, when I realized my error. In any case, I really appreciate the huge effort and will contribute more when I can.

Sincere thanks to you all, and thanks for the pictures of the crystals in the spring. Looking forward to receiving mine!
First, many , many thanks for your work . Especially Laura , whose work for all of us is invaluable.
I have a few question about the crystals .
Is it possible to acquire crystals for the family members ? If you express the desire to which the crystals are needed ( healing, protection ) ? If so, should we express this through an email ?
Thank you very much
Thank you very much for this session.
I'm a bit lost about these points :
- The grounding device. The metallic wire should be put in an outlet? or I can let it just touch the floor?
- What is the valley of shadows? Is it the same thing as Platon's cave?
- For donation to Laura's work, can I send a cheque? (a french one) If yes, which adress?
nature said:
Thank you very much for this session.
I'm a bit lost about these points :
- The grounding device. The metallic wire should be put in an outlet? or I can let it just touch the floor?
- What is the valley of shadows? Is it the same thing as Platon's cave?
- For donation to Laura's work, can I send a cheque? (a french one) If yes, which adress?

1) Read the 7th May session also. The wire goes to ground on an outlet. And please don't go experimenting with wires in outlets without the basic knowledge..
2) It struck me as a a metaphor for struggling through dark times in the hope of something better.
3) - The details here might help, but not sure fully.
Laura said:
As far as cost goes, I'm not going to refuse a crystal to anyone who asks, but I would ask that everyone try to donate ten or 20 euros to cover costs. If you can donate more, please do and that will cover my time and effort. I suspect that it is kind of like the widow's mite: if a person gives a little, but it is a LOT to that person, they will receive a lot in the way of energy. Same for those who have more, I think you will receive according to what you give. Plus you will make it possible for me to send crystals to those who have no extra money at all.

So, please don't let financial issues stop you from asking if you have a need!

Thank you very much Laura :love:
Chu said:
Just in case it's important, about 15 of you haven't sent us your birth date. Hopefully each of you know who didn't send it, because for some people I wouldn't know who you are on the forum. So, if you haven't sent it, you can send it to info@paleochristianity. I don't know how important that is, but Laura and Andromeda will. :D

Thank you Chu.I already have sent all the information you have asked to

Muchas gracias por todo.
Thanks in advance, just donated via Paypal at the paleochristianity site, with my details :cool2:
nature said:
Thank you very much for this session.
I'm a bit lost about these points :
- The grounding device. The metallic wire should be put in an outlet? or I can let it just touch the floor?

As Carl said, you need to have the basic knowlege about the electric suckets at your place, otherwise you will end up potentially getting a leathal electric shock!

Here are the basic suckets used around the world:

You need to find out which sockets are at your place and where the "grounding" connection is located on it.

nature said:
- What is the valley of shadows? Is it the same thing as Platon's cave?

If you follow the advise Carl gave you, you will see (by reading the discussion after the C's transript) that what exactly "the valley of shadows" is, is not yet sure. Many possibilities there.

nature said:
- For donation to Laura's work, can I send a cheque? (a french one) If yes, which adress?

See here:

or here:

or here, where also a check option is listed:
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