The Living Force
From first mention of Trump and Quorum in this session I was thinking the same - this would have lead to massive free will violations! Regards Cosmic Law, which I think is similar to Earth's big Corporate Law - that they do NOT want to go against. The reason I started posting here about Cosmic Legal - at least year ago -, the language of lawyers / LawSpeak / Universal Law regards the fundamental Free Will. Exopolitics is about Cosmic Law, on the Quorum-level, I think! Exopolitics of other star systems, big (UN-scale) court cases of conglomerations of populated planets, Multi-Polar Intergalactic "World Order"s.(Joe) But they're aware of that as well, at the same time. So it's probably kind of high-level stuff. And it's not so simple.
(L) It's a way of thinking that we don't... we hardly can fathom.
(Joe) It's big picture thinking, you know?
Then I continued reading the session and almost exactly the C's answered what massive legal consequences (above) I was thinking about and what I thought at the beginning, that way near exactly it was, how your discussion went! :D
The mere fact the Quorum is Hyperdimensional means members have super-powered minds, I think. Remember the 1000x scale energy power up mentioned decades ago for when you graduate to 4th Density? And descriptions of super powerful Lizzie minds? (That "You cannot even begin to undestand Lizzie Math" its so complex.) So indeed the Quorum's hyperdimensional attorney generals must be aware what Inter-Galactic Governing Action = Exopolitical Decisions will lead to where and imagine the immensity of the Legal Complexity here! We are just one planet on their - I think - super busy 'Cosmic Cases Hearings Lists'!
I told you the Alien Invasion will be a massive Cosmic Legal nightmare. This meeting was just about one decision, in the flow of the Wave process on Earth, a balance argument. As seek10, I was thinking about good guys - STO - in Quorum too, thinking they were legally protesting for balance to be restored in this Hellish situation of massive abuse of humans on Earth.
But there is my Cosmic Government Workers Hypothesis = Codified and uncodified Forms of Law = Constitution of the Universe, I think:
Everybody - Evil and Good guys - do, what they do, because its their Contracted Job, that they signed and accepted and both "Good and Evil" are simply under Cosmic Contractual Obligations to DO what they do. The rest, occasional Court arguments about "there need to be balance", like now, is just normal government work, like the Russian Foreign Ministry - does and states nowadays.
What humans are not aware of - same if you are not aware of your own legal rights - they are and your are then getting abused on a massive scale! Even Big Pharma and their corporate gang does this on Earth! Then when The People realize they have rights and they lawyer-up, Big Pharma-like corporations will have to pay out billions in mass settlements!
Imagine the scale of settlements regards and against Lizzie Mega Corp! Lizzies are intergalactic! So what is money - settlements they have to pay out - on a large cosmic scale? Apparently the measure of abuse on a Cosmic level is karma = sharp Free Will violations. Gravity = Fundamental Universal Law violations.
Plus gravity and [de]-gaussing, super important elements that the Quorum Super-Minds must weigh in - in their hyperdimensionally super-complex legal thought processes, when they are measuring what they can get away with on Earth - on a mere, tiny planetary scale! Compared to - just imagine - what must be going on legally before big courts on the Intergalactic scale.
Then imagine the scale of Quorum problems if a solar system has more than one populated planets, chock full with abused, indigenous populations.. The scale of Cosmic Legal problems regards Karma / Free Will / Gravity violations increases exponentially, because more planets mean (2x 3x 4x) more souled beings per number of planets!
Last paragraph is because Earth is just a neck of the woods little planet on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. There must be way bigger [combined] solar systems - twin suns, etc.. - with more populated-abused planets, thus much more legal problems for the Quorum. So I think they KNOW, what they are dealing with, our Earth's case is just one of the many cases their Cosmic Court has to deal with "on a monthly basis", I think.
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