Session 17 August 2024

Please don't be offended but you guys do need to ask deeper questions sometimes!
It's not so easy to think of "deeper questions" that are in response to answers given in real time. By its very nature, a deeper question is something that takes time to think about and formulate. There have been plenty of questions that circled back to answers from previous sessions. A bit more patience and understanding of what it's like to be on the board on your end would go a long way.
(Chu) So if these "nanobots", as they are called, exist, what is their main purpose? Mind control or health deterioration or something else?

A: Either/or.

Q: (Joe) Can they be shed? Can you contract them from people who have had them in the batches of vaccines…?

A: Cut them up.

Q: (Joe) What was that?

(Niall) Cut them up.

(Joe) Huh?

A: Chemical cleaving.

Q: (Gaby) Like detox?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) What would you use for that?

(L) Like serrapeptase. Doesn't serrapeptase digest stuff like that?

(Gaby) Yeah. The protocols we discussed. Bromelain, nattokinase, ivermectin...

(Joe) So it is possible for them to be shed, and contracted by other people.

(L) Well, you have to cut them up and get rid of them out of your body.

(Joe) But my question was, people who have had them injected into them via the vaccine, and who have these nanobots in them... Are they "sheddable"?

A: Under some circumstances.

Q: (L) Well, I guess sex, or sharing body fluids of some sort, or...

(Gaby) Blood transfusions.

(L) Yeah, things like that.

(Joe) Yeah. But not just coughed in your face.

(Andromeda) Not like a germ.

(Joe) Not like the way you can shed the spike protein. You can't contract it the same way.
I don't know how accurate this is, and back in the Covid days somewhere on the forum La Quinta Columna might have been called into question if I remember right, but the first tweet has a video of nicotine supposedly destroying nanotechnology under the microscope.

The second tweet says that they are going to start testing nicotine on the Pfizer death jab.

If it is true, then it adds another level to why they are so against smoking and nicotine to the point of continually pushing toward trying to ban it outright in some western countries, like Australia. This would be in addition to 'aliens' not liking to eat smokers, the way smokers fared much better with Covid, and the other positive things, and benefits we know about related to smoking in general in terms of the brain and thinking.


We do not want with this discovery to encourage smoking in the population, only to show the evidence that nicotine, as we already suspected, apparently interacts negatively with what has been introduced to millions of people around the world.

Yeah right, smok'em if you got em! :cool2:... the nanotech?!:phaser:

Imagine you're at the casino, because you chose to be there because you like gambling. When the casino operator uses all sorts of manipulative incentives and ploys to keep you there (which they do), is he infringing your free will?
Sorry, Joe, because although that question wasn't for me, I can answer it. The person who entered the casino may have consented to what it means to gamble, unless they were taken against their will to a casino.
But since this 3 density reality is, it means that everything that is allowed in 3 density already makes you responsible or includes you by general law to things like a casino, whether by will or not.
since there are traps in 3 density
Imagine you're at the casino, because you chose to be there because you like gambling. When the casino operator uses all sorts of manipulative incentives and ploys to keep you there (which they do), is he infringing your free will?
Well, I see this is. Your allowing to be manipulated same for reading or watching the news. Its their free will to do whatever they can. Its also our free will not to be sucked in and taking in by their manipulative incentives. Its when I start to question when does it stop being free will. If beings outside of us on a higher plane start to manipulated things on a grand scale to benefit them in some way or another. I do see this as infringing on people free will. But I can't really say what the whole scheme of things are and how it will play out, as their are so many levels to look out.
I don't know how accurate this is, and back in the Covid days somewhere on the forum La Quinta Columna might have been called into question if I remember right, but the first tweet has a video of nicotine supposedly destroying nanotechnology under the microscope.

The second tweet says that they are going to start testing nicotine on the Pfizer death jab.

If it is true, then it adds another level to why they are so against smoking and nicotine to the point of continually pushing toward trying to ban it outright in some western countries, like Australia. This would be in addition to 'aliens' not liking to eat smokers, the way smokers fared much better with Covid, and the other positive things, and benefits we know about related to smoking in general in terms of the brain and thinking.


Yeah right, smok'em if you got em! :cool2:... the nanotech?!:phaser:

A: Chemical cleaving.
If correct - as you mentioned - then the clip, maybe for the first time (?), capture the chemical cleaving of nano tech.

Some MD´s already recommend nicotine (patches) for post vacc symptoms, probably not yet being aware of this connection.
And unfortunately dental anesthetics are also to be chosen carefully, as well as the base of IV solutions (NaCl).

The findings in the clips might have the potential to shift some medical and public views on nicotine as a very effective substance of a different kind. :cool2:
I think the Quorum gave the planned assassination the green flag, for it to occur originally, but then realized about the will of many people and for that, that the program needed to be change, and let the divine intervention to happen. Perhaps their “reunion” was about realizing the error that was going to occur and to plan the best way to approach this change!
It sounds simplistic and maybe is way more complex than that, but that’s how I see it.
I think in most parts you can be right. The only thing that bother me is that you assume that divine intervention can be controlled by the Quorum. Or allow it to happen. But maybe I just misunderstood.
To me divine intervention means that there are greater and bigger things in the Universe on the play and that you can "influence" certain events only from the position of your level of understanding of the laws of DCM.
I don't think that anyone no matter how advanced they are can have a full understanding of the complexity of all the forces playing this game of life...
Even the C's said that the DCM is aware of herself/himself and not at the same time.
Anyway, learning is fun...
I don't think we can make assumptions about things anymore. It's all too chaotic! Really my concern was that European and North American countires are rapidly filling up with people and it might be helpful for those forum members who happen to be stuck in those places to have more information about the motives of dark forces sending people there. Are they really a migrant army? Are all white people going to be genocided? Are they being herded into a future death-zone for depopulation purposes? Have the Zionists decided to destroy those countries they control so the populations in them don't turn on them? (Yes all silly but I'm trying to make a point.) The session about this was in 2017. Alot has changed since then. Knowedge protects right? I really am shocked no-one asked why there were such huge numbers. You're in France and must be affected by this. Surely you're worried about this too! Please don't be offended but you guys do need to ask deeper questions sometimes!
my cent of comment I think that the session had to be like that since the Cs often only give clues, say things in codes and promote the investigation although they also do not answer all the questions (some of them risky) to protect the group or the integrity of all of the Cs experiment.
Laura sometimes asks very simple questions like about animals or similar things, but that's what it is, and there's a reason they're all there as part of a great work that expands beyond the forum.
Thank you for another mega-session.

Here is how I understand this:
The Quorum decides to change the program and eliminate Trump. Then they realize that that action will make a mass violation of free will. They can't allow that. Too many people's free will will be violated. Since the program change was started, Trump's higher self made ( or it was allowed) to make that minimal head movement( divine intervention) so he survives. Balance is kept and no mass free will violation is allowed.
OK, but the "Quorum" allegedly had not met for many years before the assasination attempt.
To me divine intervention means that there are greater and bigger things in the Universe on the play and that you can "influence" certain events only from the position of your level of understanding of the laws of DCM.
I don't think that anyone no matter how advanced they are can have a full understanding of the complexity of all the forces playing this game of life...

We can’t assume how higher realms works. To me, it seems that a Divine intervention it’s just an STO intervention from any of the higher densities to maintain balance either by protecting the mission of one person or many persons, or an event. Remember that the only rule of the universe besides free will is to maintain a balance. Nobody is “special”. But someone can be key or have an effect of the lives of many.
The Quorum is 4D and like I mentioned before, time it’s an illusion, they could see all future, present and past events, so they have more power to know the best way to always keep the balance or try to do so. If they saw that there was a higher self intervention to save Trump, they would simple help to prevent some things that could have stop it for it to happen without any problem to keep that balance.
Star Trek and the Prime Directive. Our freewill was violated long ago.

'maybe we can do this ourselves- we must tell all these manipulators, 'leave us alone!'
if its not the flesh they want, then it is the soul!
it its not the mind they want , then its now your Digital YOU -! Is the ultimate stolen prize!
(seems we are someone else's property(they want everything about us); and that contract needs to be invalidated, by us.
we have got to help ourselves out of this bad sci-fi movie, we have got to !

From nanotech injectables to all this unbeliebable , out of this world comic book evil characters, walking around in the here and now. We cant wait for help to arrive, we will be dried up ol'skeletons waiting on the prime directive to kick in. /smile

Hilarious and terrifying! Thanks for the wonderful session and the big family feel in this one!

Aloha Chateau'
thanx again
We can’t assume how higher realms works. To me, it seems that a Divine intervention it’s just an STO intervention from any of the higher densities to maintain balance either by protecting the mission of one person or many persons, or an event. Remember that the only rule of the universe besides free will is to maintain a balance. Nobody is “special”. But someone can be key or have an effect of the lives of many.
The Quorum is 4D and like I mentioned before, time it’s an illusion, they could see all future, present and past events, so they have more power to know the best way to always keep the balance or try to do so. If they saw that there was a higher self intervention to save Trump, they would simple help to prevent some things that could have stop it for it to happen without any problem to keep that balance.
I see your point.
But as you said, the Quorum is 4D and the C's are 6D, so we know that the higher density you occupy, the more potential "futures" you can see and probably are closer to the universal truth.
So that said, I don't think that 4 D forces of any kind being STS or STO can "see" intervention from higher self in advance. They can maybe speculate or wishfully thinking about some event but that’s all that is I think because they can see only from the level of density they occupy down.
Remember, the C's explained that the Quorum was surprised how much energetic support through the prayers of the people Trump has, so maybe this is one of the reasons that we can not predict the future because nothing is permanently fixed and the "future" is always in motion and things change constantly.
But as you said, the Quorum is 4D and the C's are 6D, so we know that the higher density you occupy, the more potential "futures" you can see and probably are closer to the universal truth.

“Higher self” can be yourself in 4D, 5D or 6D, divine intervention doesn’t necessarily equals to 6D higher self intervention. A higher self is just that, a higher version of yourself. And from what I have read from different sources (although I can’t never assume that is 100% accurate) the most common “higher self intervention” happens from 5D realm.

So that said, I don't think that 4 D forces of any kind being STS or STO can "see" intervention from higher self in advance.

Didn’t we see a divine intervention happening when they tried to kill Trump? And we are in 3D… that’s the point, we have an illusion of time, there is not such in 4D, so most likely they saw one of the possible futures, that scenario happening, and made sure that “future” scenario is the one happening, perhaps their original plan was to let the future where Trump does get killed to happen but then realized that could be an error and it’s just better for the sake of balance, the one where a divine intervention occurs, the Cs also said that they (the Quorum) keep in communication regularly with them too, so there could be knowledge or information shared somehow.

And lastly, because they are in 4D, they have waaay more knowledge than we do, and their perception on how everything works is bigger than ours. So they could understand things more than we do. You see what I mean?
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