Session 17 August 2024

Yes, the C’s can certainly be confusing at times, but remember that nothing is “fixed in stone”, and this is the reason that the C’s always talk in probabilities, and why many prophets are really only talking about possibilities. What’s really interesting is the power of prayer! IMO human beings have always intuitively known how to pray, and when prayers are “open” and in support of hope for a better future for all, they have amazing results.
I agree about the power of prayer. So perhaps we should discuss what prayer is.
I tried to book a flight to Russia for a vacation a couple of months ago. No airliner would take it and they suggested that there were processes in place to prevent it.

Perhaps I am on one of those lists.

You can always kayak from Alaska to Russia. :wow::scared:

You could always fly to China, then cross from there? You can cross by train from Beijing to Moscow, which I thought would be a super cool way to see the world. This guy has a good website that covers many, many details:

I used to be a renegade international travel agent. There are plenty of ways to skin a cat. It depends on time and cost as to the options. As is often the case, you can’t get there from here; you have to go down to the corner. Go to any place where there is a cheap flight that intersects the Aeroflot route map. Get a visa from that country. But wait…

Are Americans actually restricted now? Try Turkish Air, or any of the east coast departures on foreign carriers. They’ll have an add-on from Hawaii.

Or take a Mexico vacation and then blast over via Cuba. Plenty of ways. But Trans Siberian idea takes forever and is not the droid you are looking for.

It’s a grand on Hawaiian/ China eastern with a one night layover in Tokyo. And I didn’t even try that hard.
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Are we even going to be able to understand how this works?
:lol: Yeah, it's kind of hard to understand and we are left with speculating on the 'why'. It implies some sort of self awareness by 4D sts and they are not known for self awareness. Self interest, yes, but not self awareness. Maybe they feel too 'exposed'? Maybe they are worried about the impact of the final destination of Free Will? They are not known for 'seeing the unseen' because they are sts. Maybe they are worried about 'being seen' by others?

Things have certainly reached a crisis point where they might feel they need to 'change the script'.... or write a worse one, I suppose. :lol:
I considered moving to Russia too, but decided against it, even though I speak Russian fluently and am sort of originally from there. The main problem I see at this point is that Russia seems to be implementing the same kind of digital enslavement system as the West or China.

The Russian central bank is also still a part of the Western IMF and BIS systems and is already bringing out a CBDC, even ahead of the West. Catherine Austin-Fitts thinks that "who owns the Russian central bank" is one of the most important open questions and she suspects that it is Western oligarchs or Illuminati (she calls them "Mr. Global"). There are in fact some in Russia who call for the nationalization of the central bank - which I think would be an actual declaration of war on the West.

There is also the issue that Russia would be involved in any kind of major war between the West and the BRICS. And as the C's mentioned, a limited use of nuclear weapons is possible.

I chose Paraguay instead am happy with that choice. Lots of pluses and not many minuses.
The C’s have said there is already a one world government, in my view nowhere is particularly safe though some safer and less molested by the PTB than others- for now.
And as for Putin and Russia, well, I gravitate in favouritism there because the coin always has two sides required for balance and in among the insanity of the west Russia appears more stable and coherent. But I only see it as necessary at this point for that balance, to give people the opportunity to have a choice, or notice that there is a choice.
I see the world headed in the same direction no matter who is ‘in charge’ because it’s not those in charge that really make up the difference. It’s the people united or divided that steer the planet one way or another. And like it’s been said, because we won’t unite in love, the we have to unite in fear.
Sorry, Joe, because although that question wasn't for me, I can answer it. The person who entered the casino may have consented to what it means to gamble, unless they were taken against their will to a casino.
But since this 3 density reality is, it means that everything that is allowed in 3 density already makes you responsible or includes you by general law to things like a casino, whether by will or not.
since there are traps in 3 density
Going to the casino is giving consent to be tempted to get addicted, blow all your money, get really drunk, may be pick up a hooker or two and then lose your wallet and have to walk the long walk home. But once we’ve done that a few times (few hundred times?) we begin to realise that we can go to the casino and just watch and learn how to play without losing a thing, in fact we might even get a job there and gain some benefits if we are a good worker.

Anyone who feels ripped off by their experience on 3D earth really hasn’t understood just yet what they’re looking a or dealing with.
Going to the casino is giving consent to be tempted to get addicted, blow all your money, get really drunk, may be pick up a hooker or two and then lose your wallet and have to walk the long walk home. But once we’ve done that a few times (few hundred times?) we begin to realise that we can go to the casino and just watch and learn how to play without losing a thing, in fact we might even get a job there and gain some benefits if we are a good worker.

Anyone who feels ripped off by their experience on 3D earth really hasn’t understood just yet what they’re looking a or dealing with.
Thank you, this reminded me of the issue of covid, let's say that people were forced to get vaccinated and those who did not want to do it for the very fact of being in a civilized place in a city or town already make them responsible for having to assume that it is something that you have to do to be inserted in the system to have an identity unless you are in an inaccessible place outside of civilization... I mean it's a trap! In my case, I bought a certificate with the doses they requested and so to all the questions I was (officially vaccinated) but in reality I was not.
What will STS eat in a world without hate, suffering, sorrow, pain and other low emotions?
Nothing, it would starve. Therefore, it has to create it's meal. Or that's how I think. There's always someone around to create a negative situation. The problem then becomes how to avoid being a meal... To do that, a person would have to have knowledge and insight.
You could always fly to China, then cross from there? You can cross by train from Beijing to Moscow, which I thought would be a super cool way to see the world. This guy has a good website that covers many, many details:

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Hmmm . . . Maybe!
I am a 65-year-old Venezuelan citizen, currently residing in Venezuela. I am not among the 8 to 10 million human beings of this nation who were forced to emigrate because of the barbarism and tyrannical authoritarianism that was imposed here 25 years ago. I have suffered and continue to suffer firsthand the effects of the systematic destruction, carried out with premeditation and treachery in all aspects of national life by the criminal organization that has hijacked the Venezuelan State. Well, I made that brief introduction to clarify to potential readers that I am writing these lines with knowledge of the facts, and not from an unfounded perspective based on information received through different sources.
While reading this session, I looked with horror when it was stated that Maduro obtained 63% of the votes in the last elections. Wow! That statement, from my perspective, takes away credibility from this channeled material. And this is not because I have a preference or political inclination towards the supposed opposing side, which is also a deception, but because this statement does not match the reality seen on the ground. Any small survey, carried out on my own, among the population of the different social strata, reflects the deep rejection of the current system of government. Their support is, at first glance, a minority that in the best of cases is around 30%.
The issue of Venezuela is very complex, because the entire system is based on deception. Nothing is really what it seems to be. First of all, there is no such thing as an opposing and antagonistic political side, but rather, the regime and its political-party opposition have been operating as a tandem for these 25 years, to lead us to this authoritarian system in a “democratic” manner, through fraudulent elections. This deception constitutes the fundamental pillar of the system, and until now, all attempts to awaken the majority of the illusion that we have a liberating political force that fights to come to power have been unsuccessful.
And on the other hand, the Venezuelan regime presents itself as an enemy of the elite of financial capitalism, but it raised Venezuela's external debt by issuing bonds on Wall Street to some 70 billion dollars, and in April of this year, it hired Rothschild & Co. as a financial advisor to provide an overview of its debt obligations. Doesn't that seem suspicious to you? And that is just one example, because there are many more that indicate that they are not as much of an enemy as they claim to be. Among those examples we can mention the network of corruption and drug trafficking and the money laundering from those criminal activities carried out by the internal power factors, made up of civil, military and paramilitary mafia clans. Do you have any idea where all that huge mass of money ends up? I think the time has come for many people to start thinking that the Venezuelan regime is not really an enemy of the "deep state" of the North American empire, but that they are allies. I am not used to writing in forums, nor am I one of those incontinent people who express their opinion in every possible space on the internet, but on this occasion, I thought it pertinent. First, because I have been giving credibility to almost everything I have read in this space, and second, because I am tired of seeing how the deception continues to spread, and many sources place the criminals who took over the Venezuelan State on the pedestal of “the good guys in the movie.” If those are the good guys, well: don’t help me, buddy!
As I explained before, this topic is very complex, and a long and serious investigation is required to properly understand what I am trying to explain in these few lines. And once it is done, it can be concluded that what is happening in Venezuela is part of the great plan that the owners of international financial capital have for Western civilization.
I don't know where in Venezuela you live, but you certainly sound like people in the opposition living in an ivory tower away from real life. I am Venezuelan, and although things are not perfect I have witnessed the most progress ever since Chavez won the first elections. People have become aware of the role we play in the world, we are more informed and participative, and this has caused our society to reach better living conditions because knowledge is protecting us. I am from the barrio, I kicked the streets, and I can tell you that even nowadays people heavily support Maduro. Interestingly, being able to improve the economy with such heavy sanctions has given people more hope. It has shown that we can sustain and care for ourselves to escape the abysm. To some extent, you are right in that what is happening in Venezuela is part of the great plan, the plan being to cause great chaos and put a puppet such as Maria Corina Machado to put the country and its riches at the hands of the PTB. Hopefully, Venezuelans will continue fighting for their right to sovereignty. I invite you to get out of your "urbanización" and start mingling with people in the barrios. Understand their problems and see how much they participate in shaping our society, open your mind to a world otherwise.
Great session thank you! Interesting comment about the drones being used to send signals. Taking the C’s comment as correct, and that Crooks was using iron sights, that means the PTB HAVE reached a point where they can program someone to ‘switch on’ to be an expert marksman? Or otherwise to suddenly obtain skills they don’t consciously have when exposed to a signal. All it takes is a high speed drone passing by… scary to think about.
From what I have gleaned (who knows if it is accurate) he spent a great deal of time training at a local gun range prior to the assasination attempt. So in spite of being kicked off the high school air rifle team, it appears that he got some serious training. The gun seems to have had a 1X optical sight which isn't much better than iron sights but at that short distance with enough training it would do fine. The rounds were super/hyper sonic also which helps with the aim.

Don't ask me to do something like that. I cannot see someone that clearly at 150 yards.
Killing Trump would not have been a violation of his free will, but a violation of the tens of millions of people who did not want him assassinated and support him.

How many people support the Palestinians in the way many Americans support Trump?
That's a good question. Could I rephrase it and ask: How many people support the assassination of one person versus the genocide of many? My goodness what a messed up world we live in! I get so sick of it sometimes. The question you posed (and answer) is so often a reflection of the 'politics' of the person asked (perhaps even their programming) rather than the facts.
Trump may also simply be yet to play an important part in whatever program "they" have in store. It's not like he's actually gonna turn the ship around or save anyone, as has been said many times.

On the other hand, it seems likely to me that, on a soul level, the Palestinians chose to make this incredible sacrifice in front of all the world's eyes, in order to help wake people up. And although their suffering is brutal and terrible, it's really just par for the course of the human experience every time there is a war or genocide, which happen with extreme regularity.

As for free will/balance, it seems to me that a very high portion of the western world has had their minds twisted to hate Muslims in general, and to believe that the Palestinians deserve it. Plus let's not forget, there is plenty of good old fashioned racism.

For the rest of the world, including the BRICs etc., maybe there's not the same hatred towards browns/muslims, but do they really care? Maybe you could say a good portion of Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Malaysia care. Nobody in other surrounding countries cares. By and large, people are busy with their own struggles.

We shouldn't look at this like there are 'good guys' up there trying to save us and stop our suffering through divine intervention. Things are only gonna get worse generally, and our only hope is to bring some light to ourselves and the people around us, and maybe, graduate from this purgatory realm.
Perhaps there is the prayer issue. What exactly is prayer?
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