Session 17 August 2024

The more I have thought about it, the more I have wondered if Rothschilds are even really 'illuminati'. Didn't the Cs once say that the real controllers are people we wouldn't even recognize if they were named? Are the Rothschilds then a sort of red herring?
Funny. "Roth" means red in German. Are the "Red Children" red herrings? Meanwhile, the 'illuminati' are probably thinking... well, there's plenty of fish in the sea.... :rotfl: We just need to 'catch' some more....
A massive thank you for another amazing session :flowers:

These sessions and their information contained are really like a sturdy ship in dark stormy waters. Dont think i will be able to manage or navigate our current reality without the information form the Cs. A sincere thank you again.

I think the information about violation of mass free will is really important and trying to think deeper on how it could apply with future events could be a useful mental exercise with regards to how things may pan out.

About DiseaseX, monkeypox and any future plans they have in store for a released pathogen - this violation of mass free will could work in humanity's favour. From the last plandemic, we know that roughly 1/3 of the world didnt take the vaccines despite being under serious pressure for almost 2 years. Now with all the colossal number of mRNA vaccine injuries - i suspect the numbers that will never take a forced vaccine could be 50% or more. Hence who knows, maybe the Quorum will intervene again if they decide to run another plandemic.

With the wars in Ukraine and Middle East - i think there is enough free will support on either side of the warring parties (due to lies and propaganda) - that here they (STS) could "run with it" and make it into bigger and more destructive wars.

Global Cyber attacks, Coming economic crash - here i think most of humanity does not have significant free will positions for or against it and will most likely accept mainstream explanations. Many have bought into AI, Cybersecurity, or our economy working in boom/bust cycles as such will just "go with the flow" and hardships that follow.

About the US election - this one could be tricky. When they pull off the massive fraud in the swing states and try to claim that Kamala won, i dont really know if the American people will accept it. There was enough free will prayers and intent to prevent a Trump assignation, and the question will be now, is it enough to cause a Revolution in the face of blatant vote rigging ?

Just sharing a train of thought, and my 2 cents fwiw.

About AI - i posted previously on the AI thread a train of thought, that may be still relevant. Just referencing it below for anyone interested to read :)

I tried to book a flight to Russia for a vacation a couple of months ago. No airliner would take it and they suggested that there were processes in place to prevent it.
You can easily fly into Russia from Turkey, Dubai, Qatar, Serbia, China, etc. You just need to book separate flights - one into those countries and one into Russia from there.

The C’s have said there is already a one world government, in my view nowhere is particularly safe though some safer and less molested by the PTB than others- for now.
And as for Putin and Russia, well, I gravitate in favouritism there because the coin always has two sides required for balance and in among the insanity of the west Russia appears more stable and coherent.
I think you need to be careful about assuming that everything Russia does is part of the "required balance" against the insanity of the West. In some areas (geopolitics) Russia seems to provide the required balance, while in other areas (life in Russia) the West, Russia and China seem to be all implementing pretty much the same tight control system.

The advantage of some of the "lesser developed" countries is that they do not have the infrastructure to implement the same kind of digital control system as the West, China and Russia are working on. For example, in Paraguay half of the population does not even have bank accounts, so that phasing out cash would be very difficult in the foreseeable future. Same goes for 15-minute cities and many of the other enslavement plans.
You can easily fly into Russia from Turkey, Dubai, Qatar, Serbia, China, etc. You just need to book separate flights - one into those countries and one into Russia from there.

I think you need to be careful about assuming that everything Russia does is part of the "required balance" against the insanity of the West. In some areas (geopolitics) Russia seems to provide the required balance, while in other areas (life in Russia) the West, Russia and China seem to be all implementing pretty much the same tight control system.

The advantage of some of the "lesser developed" countries is that they do not have the infrastructure to implement the same kind of digital control system as the West, China and Russia are working on. For example, in Paraguay half of the population does not even have bank accounts, so that phasing out cash would be very difficult in the foreseeable future. Same goes for 15-minute cities and many of the other enslavement plans.
Oh don’t get me wrong, if I wasn’t clear about it I was more implying that if I had to choose, I’d choose Russia over USA, but I don’t think they’re heading in too much a different direction from each other, one of them just seems hell bent on killing and controlling while the other has a humanitarian spin on it, I agree that the hand that controls the planet controls both of these big powers just in opposite spectrums, one assuming the dark and the other the light- for balance.
If I could choose I’d prefer commune style, self sustained living on an island somewhere that wasn’t influenced by either.
A: Soul smashing anyone?

Q: (L) Hmm? What does that mean?

A: Those with souls can be "smashed". Those without simply merge back in the pool.

If I understand correctly, it's like a one-way road. You can't really turn back, or you're gonna smash yourself along with the others. And it kind of stinks if you really believe in free will. I mean, it's kind of like in the Bible: you can either go to Heaven or Hell. Maybe I misinterpreted it, but it sounds to me like I have to go to 4D unless I wanna be smashed. So it can be out of my will, but the truth is, it's the only choice.
I like that session, you sound friendly, and you question a lot in the right way, not like doubting yourself, but double-checking. You gain my trust.
It's funny that you decided to use ChatGPT all of a sudden. Maybe it's a waste of time. But so far, as extended Excel or whatever. There's something wrong with it, certainly. I think it's 4.0, while the newest was supposed to be 2.0 as far as I remember. The limitation is weird. It makes the AI kinda overrated.
They mention that help is coming since a few sessions.
They often say that 4D STS is nothing good and manipulative. But we're 3D STS. I wonder if it is ever... You kinda cling to the good guys/bad guys concept, and I don't wanna undermine it, but I wonder if it is ever helpful. From what they said so far and the experience, it seems like 'maybe, sometimes, almost never, rather the opposite'.
Saw this on X today:

The absurd emotionality over trivia all over the planet, but especially among the "Woke", is just mind-boggling. It's more than the hysteria that Lobaczewski wrote about, I think. It reminded me of what the Cs said about the Wave:

Q: (L) When was the last time a realm border crossed as far as the earth is concerned?

A: As you measure, on Earth, 309,000 years ago.

Q: (L) What does this wave consist of in terms of energy?

A: Feeling.

Q: (L) This wave is feeling? It is a wave of emotion?

A: Hyperkinetic sensate.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: All.

Q: (L) We don't understand

A: Too complex for this medium.

Q: (L) Okay. How many times has the wave come and involved the earth as we know it?

A: Infinite number.

Q: (A) So the wave that is supposed to come is NOT instantaneous. (L) Are you talking about The Wave? (A) The Wave. (L) I don't think they ever said it was a gravity wave.

A: Correct Laura.

Q: (L) If I remember correctly, they said it was a wave of 'hyperkinetic sensate.'

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What does hyperkinetic sensate mean?

A: Your being merging with hyperspatial energy.

Q: (L) Cool!

A: Matter/antimatter. One features atomic particle based matter, the other features pure energy in conscious form. Gravity is the balancing binder of it all.

(L) ...Okay, so now you say that we have taken steps towards joy. The joy of a new world.

A: The wave is coming, you are teaching people to surf it instead of being dragged under and out to stormy seas.

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"!

Q: (L) So even people who - or maybe particularly people who - engage in a great deal of what Lobaczewski called "selection and substitution", there is some part of their rational mind that knows what the truth is, but because it's not acceptable to their peer group, or their social milieu, or their background and upbringing to accept that truth, they repress and suppress it and explain things to themselves in other ways. But they still know the truth. What would it be like if you have all of this suppressed, twisted truth locked up inside you that you never allowed yourself to look at and acknowledge?

(Ark) But you see this is not a separate phenomenon because when there is this amplification, there are these fears that you said, they will also explode. So the individual will be able to... the little devil will become the big devil, so it will be easier to choose, because, you know, choices will be amplified. It's not just little dark here, little this there - it's hard to choose - but they will have to decide this time where to go, and the decision will be...

(L) Extremely painful.

(Ark) It will be painful, but on the other hand, it will be clear.

(C******) But what if you're so overwhelmed it isn't clear?

(L) What if your fear is so big that...

(C******) You're blinded?

(Ark) Well, then you are lost.

(L) I mean, people that believe lies against all evidence are the ones that really baffle me. I mean, they don't baffle me in the sense that I don't understand why they do it, because I understand the psychological and brain mechanism, and I understand that's it been thousands of years, little by little, gradually, pathologically encroaching until now we live in this world where it's just literally - everything is dirty - it's just really horrible. And I can't imagine what... I mean, what about a psychopath? What about a psychopath who doesn't have emotions? How is a hyperkinetic sensate {wave} going to affect a psychopath?

A: They do have a sort of "emotion". Hunger for darkness.

Q: (L) So what it is an amplified hunger for darkness?

(A******) More darkness.

(L) But what would it do if it were amplified in that way?

(Allen) Ravenous!

(L) They'd devour themselves, wouldn't they?

A: More or less. What do you do when at your center there is a big empty hole?

Q: (Ark) But I can see how it's gonna happen. You see separately, there are these psychopaths. At the same time, there are a lot of people who are becoming very unstable. There are a lot of people who go completely crazy, that psychopaths can see something is happening - new opportunity, right? So, new victims. "They're mine!" "No, they're MINE!" And so psychopaths will start to fight with each other.

(L) Because they're more and more hungry. And then their masks will fall away, and people will see them for what they are.

A: Yes

Q: (L) It's gonna be ugly. But, we are embarked upon a new world. Okay, somebody else's turn to ask questions.


Q: (L) Alright. Anything else?

(Data) I have one more. The C's once described the Wave as hyperkinetic sensate. I would like to know when a person does work on himself, facing one's own mechanical nature and the mechanical nature of others, that also creates sensations that I thought could be hyperkinetic too. Are these two things comparable? Would a person that works on himself, is that comparable to hyperkinetic sensate that the Wave was described as?

A: It can be. A person who struggles with intense emotion and masters it is somewhat inoculated.

Q: (L) So if you experience these hyperkinetic sensate experiences incrementally or gradually inside yourself by working with yourself, and you deal with them, then you are not subject to being blown apart by the hyperkinetic sensate Wave that comes later? Well, I mean, come on! It looks to me like we're already experiencing it. Look how all these people are acting all over the planet. If that's not a hyperkinetic sensate... I mean, you see those so-called Social Justice Warriors? When I saw the screaming woman with the glasses on after Trump's election, I mean... And the rest of them? They're just acting freakin' CRAZY! So I would say that hyperkinetic sensate is partly involved with the disintegration and the soul smashing. It's like insane. Am I right there?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) It could also be related to the shooters, the Florida face eater man.

(Data) These sensations are certainly unpleasant.

(L) No kidding!

(Data) Are people ever going to ask for help, or seek out help from someone who knows how to help them?

A: Eventually the suffering will separate the wheat from the chaff.
A powerful session.

Q: (L) Oh, that's much better. Okay. I wanna talk about this alleged Illuminati insider. His name is S_ S__, but he introduced himself as “The Ruiner” by writing a blog.

Q: (L) So you're saying part of his mission is to distort and mislead or even to directly contradict what the C's said?
A follow-up question:

Is it possible here that "The Ruiner", an alleged Illuminati insider writing a blog, is setting up the stage for other "alleged insiders" to come out of the woodworks and further muddy the waters with distortions, partial truths and contradictions (to the C's and so on)?
Thank you for the wonderful session.
(Joe) Did Crooks (the guy who allegedly shot at Trump) actually shoot at Trump? Was he the one shooting at Trump? Shooting a bullet at Trump…?

A: He shot, yes.

Q: (Joe) And he shot all of the eight bullets attributed to him.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was his the bullet that hit Trump?

(Joe) Yeah. Did one of his bullets hit Trump's ear?

A: Yes.
Interesting. what happened to those muzzle flashes from the bottom windows? Probably they edited the video for "fun" and make people go in circles.
(Joe) Way faster than any drone you can buy, even the top end, the best of them. And what was this purpose? Was it there to just monitor? Did it have any purpose other than monitoring the situation?

A: Mind control signals.

Q: (Joe) On Crooks?

A: Yes.
It is interesting how effective these drone mind control signals to the deadly "manchurian" subjects became. The same thing happened to Iranian President Raisi's killing.
After having read the session and thinking about it for awhile, I think that the reason they intervened with Trump was because allowing Kamala et al to run unopposed would've led to some kind of extinction event followed by a complete enslavement or scrambling of those who remained. Only the people wholly consumed by nihilism would've wanted that, and things would've gotten so bad that it would be a dead end with no way to mitigate or rehabilitate that timeline for people who were not onboard with it. So post intervention it looks like the collapse still happens, but enough resistance arises that neither side really "wins" and some element of meaningful choice is preserved.

I don't think the concept of freewill is a magic cure all that protects one from predation, we have more freewill than 2D and 4D has more freewill than us, and it is certainly within the purview of my freewill to violate yours. 4D STS is certainly concerned with economizing energy, a slave camp where everyone believes they're there for the greater good is certainly preferable to having to build a prison with strong walls, lots of guards and enforcement, and constantly having to harden and improve your system to prevent escape, but it is really no matter to them if they have to crack a lot of skulls to get to that state. The line in the sand seems to occur when the enslavement becomes sacrosanct and impossible to escape, thereby rendering freewill meaningless.
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Thank you all @the chateau and all zoomies for this "rosy" session... As almost always I have the strong urge to read it again, this time it resonnated a bit darkly with me, although I cannot pin it down to from where this dark feeling exactely came from... Thanks for sharing and all your work!
Yet another thought-provoking session. When I research the different topics here on the forum and those that come up in the sessions, I find that my learning deepens as one subject morphs into another and then another, another, etc. I've learned more about life and humans in the past two years than I've learned in many, many decades. Thank you for all you do for us, Laura, the Chateau, and those of you in the FOTCM and the forum for guiding me by your thoughts and words. I'm very grateful. :flowers:
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