Q: (L) So, they degrade. Next:
(primeaddict) Which nation will be the first to rise up against the government and attack the politicians and health advisers?
(L) You should know better than to ask that question!
(Andromeda) That's a good one! [laughter]
(Niall) The nation of Texas!
A: Might be spontaneous in several places at once. But not yet imminent in any serious way.
Couldn't one make the argument that it's already happening to some degree? As for example the recent violent protests in the Netherlands, Belgium, or the fact that in Russia Q-code controllers are being beat up by the population? Or are the violent protests mostly due to infiltrated government agents?
Also: would such an uprising not trigger an even more aggressive counter-measures by the governments? After all, it seems they have already calculated into their plans the opposition and protests.