Session 18 May 2024

Thinking more about what the C's actually said (should have done this before my previous post):

A: In some instances, nothing. But in general one does not eat one's own kind for energetic reasons. Carnivores do not eat other carnivores because it is not optimal energy source.

Q: (L) In other words, we get optimal energy from eating creatures that eat vegetables. That way, we get our vegetables. But another carnivore processes all of that so that what we would get from eating another carnivore would not be optimal nutrition?


So the information is 'assimilated' by carnivores beforehand, reducing that available to humans afterwards. So actually the whole concept is something more in line with the order of nature, or ecosystem food chains, even though it is a concept we are less familiar with.

Omnivores might require the proteins and their informational component in addition to some other elements in plants. There is a difference though - humans are not 'obligate' omnivores in the way that cats, for example, are 'obligate carnivores'. It just doesn't seem to be optimal for them to only eat meat, though that seems to be preferable to them only eating plants.

Again it must be more complex that we can understand, it seems like there are different levels to nutrition on an energetic level. Some molecules and components are essential due to their chemistry, ie. their shape and charge interactions, and some are operating on the level of pure information for overall optimum functioning.
Joe) Non. Mais on remarque qu'il y a une différence. Alors, on se demande quoi, vous savez… d'autres l'ont vécu aussi. Nous nous demandons donc s’il y a quelque chose de tangible à cela ou quelle pourrait être la source de cette perception ?

R : Abandonner les fardeaux. Votre vie implique de prendre le poids du monde et de votre groupe en particulier. Aussi, vous ressentez probablement aussi la bulle de protection et le poids de la protection.
Another session full of in-depth concepts. Since I've been working on the conscious protection of my house (in addition to the house crystal) we always feel heavier when we come back from a place where people are not at all in consciousness. What's more, nothing escapes the energy in the house, everything is felt in such a way that it's imperative to rebalance the energy by resolving the various problems exposed. Thank you for all the details about diet.

I remember in high school, a friend was a big Michael Jackson fan. During a fire drill, we got to talking and the first thing I ask to her was the pedophile angle. Her response has always stuck with me, "why does everyone still believe it?", the way she said it too. A bit disheartened and frustrated, but not angry. She said anyone that looked at the evidence presented could tell it was a flat out lie. At the time I didnt have the resources to be able to follow up (Google wasn't a search engine yet). Michael Jackson's defamation was one of the first items I revisited, and my friend was right! :lol: One of the books that came recommended for a good investigation: "Michael Jackson Conspiracy" by Aphrodite Jones. I haven't read it yet. It's reading priority got usurped by Recommended reading list :-[
Q: (Keit) Was the Altai-Sayan region part of the Atlantean civilization?

A: No
Maybe the region was part of where the adversaries (Athenians) to the Atlanteans were located...
(Ze Germans) If Russia's karmic role is an adversary of Atlantis, who was playing this role back then before the final destruction of Atlantis?

A: Same locale, different names. Read The Iliad and Odyssey for clues.

Q: (L) Well, supposedly, according to Plato, it was the Athenians against Atlantis. But there were no Athenians until late in modern history. So maybe that name was carried forward from an even more ancient history that was further north. I hope y'all are following my little excerpts from “Horns of Moses” that I've been putting on Ark's blog because I kind of talk about that a little bit. Okay.
Thank you Laura and Andromeda for your energy and to all who participated for your questions and for being there. A great session with a lot of information in particular about Bilocation, my father will like it because he can bilocate and also recognize himself, the last time he did it he was reading High Strangeness (LKJ) :thup: , So you know.
Take care everyone, shields up, this is only the beginning!!
Q: (hlat) Is bilocation one of the features of 4D or of a 4D bleedthrough?
A: Not necessarily. Abilities of the soul.
Many more trials coming in place after place. It takes a lot to awaken a dumbed down population. Many will not survive. Take care of each other
Many thanks, again for another fantastic session.
Thank you for getting the diet-related questions, along with COVID protocol ones in there!

Your interviews with Jay Campbell are a great resource as your explain the phenomena and the Work in such straightforward terms.
Warmest wishes!
Thanks for sharing the new session.

Thank you for the session! Well, that is interesting. Wouldn't the proteins (or fats) get digested and broken down into their primary components such as amino acids first before they are utilized and converted into human proteins by the body? As long as the amino acid profiles of dietary protein sources include the essential amino acids required the body to function, I would assume it shouldn't matter a lot if the protein comes from pork, cattle or poultry meat.
My thoughts also went in that direction, which took me back to my childhood and reminded me of my grandmother again. When we slaughtered our animals, she never allowed fresh meat to be consumed (cooked and baked), but it had to stand for at least 1 day (24 hours). When I asked her why(?), she replied that this should not be done and that the meat must be cooled.

What she allowed and encouraged was that the liver of the killed animal be eaten as soon as possible, so to speak while still warm (of course with a careful examination of it and establishing the fact that it is healthy for consumption), with the explanation that the liver is less edible the longer it waits for preparation.

I explained this part (with the liver) to myself back in elementary school, when I learned that the liver is the largest chemical-processing factory in the body, with the provision of some storage space for some useful things.
Now I think I understand the meat part. It was necessary to wait for the process of putrefaction or in other words the decomposition/dissolution of proteins to begin

So I wonder; How much original (undecomposed) protein is there in the meat we buy in stores, and how much does this about antennae and nutrition apply to such meat? (I know that the cold slows down the process, but it still takes several days from slaughter to consumption).

But that is the 3D understanding that seems to represent a limitation in knowledge about the subject. The Cs answer is interesting because it opens up the mind to thinking beyond the strictly material realm to take into consideration information and non-material realms.

This thought occurred to me, as well. I think it may relate to the "memory of water", such as discussed in this thread. If a sort of "information ghost" of the protein is assimilated into the body's total frequency, that could have longer lasting effects than the information received in the 2-4 hours before digestion into distinct amino acids. And if the same sort of proteins are being consumed regularly, there could be a resonance affect also.
Gaby activated, and then Ryan further encouraged me to wonder;
Would the formerly common, but now mostly forgotten, blessing of food before consumption have a beneficial (changing) influence in that immaterial part?

So then I remember the ancestors/hunters who thanked and blessed the killed animal for its sacrifice in the name of the family and the whole tribe.
Again a similar question; did it have an impact on the formation of receptors (proteins) in matter/meat, and is there a difference compared to animals that were killed in a brutal/abusive way? (regardless of the type of animal)
Thankyou for the session, but I don't mean to be negative it's just sometimes these sessions depress me.

Sometimes it seems hopeless here. I feel like whatever we try to do we can never overcome 'their' (4D sts / the elites) plans. No matter how we try we just wind up having to sit helplessly and watch ourselves get steam rolled by all these things we never had a say in and could never stop. Another virus in the works we'll just have to go through it all again and suck it up. More plots and schemes for a war we'll just have to hope we don't get nuked. Great souls and great leaders get taken out (I guess there's no way the Jordan Peterson who helped so many will ever return - will he ever graduate to 4D?) and it's like living in a reality made up of no-win situations and every option to benefit and grow being taken over and every truth corrupted. It feels so hopeless. The odds are so extremely against us as to be non existent.

I'm getting slowly angry over having to put up with this and yet - what if the Wave comes and we all go to 4D? How will we survive there? The Lizzies are already there they know how to exist there - we don't. We'll be easy prey for whatever they have planned for us there. And they will have planned something.

Sorry for being so negative. It all feels so hopeless. And makes me very angry. I have to sit and watch myself and my loved ones be manipulated and pulled around by emotions and decieved over and over again and all that is noble and true and beautiful erased and I can do nothing because there seems to be nothing that can stop them from doing what they please.

I hear you. Some days it can feel like you're walking through treacle just to try and deal with each day.
Your comment reminds me of this session from July 4, 2015:
Q: (L) Alright. Now, there's something else that's been on my mind unless something has a pressing question. What has been on my mind is the apparent futility of doing anything. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels it. Forum members, group members, FOTCM members... We're watching what's going on in the world, and we feel absolutely helpless and hopeless. It's just gotten to the point where you just sit there in absolute shock and observe events in the world and the complete decline and deterioration. It's so bad, you don't even want to go out of our house anymore. This takes the heart out of everybody, including me sometimes, to do much of anything except to try to just keep on keeping on, encouraging people and helping people as best as we can. I just don't know what else to do.

A: Recall where you were 20 years ago?

Q: (L) Yeah, I was in a very awful state. I didn't have answers. I didn't know how things worked. The thing is, knowing how things work and what's going on... In one way, it's relieving and liberating because you don't string yourself along with false hopes, but on the other hand, it's horrifying.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) How do you remain optimistic?

A: It is always darkest before dawn.

Q: (Perceval) Would it be true to say that it hasn't yet gotten as dark as it's going to get?

A: Probably. Recall that this is necessary to awaken those who are still dreaming. Those of you who see and know must be ready to guide those who stumble into the light with blinded eyes. Thus it is necessary for all who do see to remain steadfast and continue allowing their awareness to transmit cosmic energy. Think of it as similar to your activities in Praha, though on a grander scale.

Q: (L) So becoming aware is really an important... Well, lemme ask this: You mean that just being aware is the most important thing that all of us in the group can do?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And being aware includes divesting yourself of your programs and learning about...

(Perceval) The two go together. You can't be fully aware in the broadest way possible without dealing with your own prejudices, biases, programs, etc.

(L) Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, working on oneself as Gurdjieff formulated it, more or less, is the means to become transmitters of cosmic forces - even if you're not fully conscious that you're doing it?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) The problem is that the world is just descending into craziness. It's a complete and utter farce. For us, it's becoming ridiculous. It's like watching a bunch of lunatics from an asylum out in the street, taking over government buildings, and taking over countries. They're insane. And we're meant to actually, what? Comment on it? You don't comment on it. You don't analyze what they do and try to make sense of it. You just say, "They're crazy!" So that's why we feel like there's no point in even talking about this stuff anymore. But as they said, there are people who don't see that.

(L) There are people who are just stumbling out of the darkness.

(Perceval) In terms of what we do, those conditions of the world becoming ever more obviously crazy makes it easier for us to point out how crazy it is. So effectively, even though it's crazy-making for us, our job is actually easier because it's so obvious! It's easier today.

(L) More and more people are publishing articles about psychopathy, and people everywhere are talking about it. At some point, I guess it will hit critical mass.

(Perceval) These psychos will be their own undoing. Just letting them go wild means they expose themselves and what they're doing to a greater audience.

(L) Well.

(Chu) This is something that’s exercises my mind: sometimes, what feels futile, or this feeling of preaching to the choir - the same people already know, so why do they need the repetition, ya know? I wonder if sometimes we should do a version of the Work for Dummies. At the same time, there's the thing that Gurdjieff said where knowledge is NOT supposed to be spread to all people. So where is the middle ground between helping people who are barely stumbling and struggling into the light, and they don't have time to catch up with 20 years of work, and...

(Perceval) Maybe a lot more people will stumble blinded into the light in the future as things get worse. There may be a point where a lot more people will go, "What's going on?!"

I often think about the C's last bit of advice from this session:
A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.
Q: (L) [..] Why are we so afraid of hurting someone's feelings if they are hurting us?
A: Not correct concept. You do not need to "act against them," you need to act in favor of your destiny.
This is something that's resonating with me more and more - especially after having watched Laura's interview with Jay when she mentioned Mouravief's approach to emotional crystallization: When emotions start rising up, it's critical to "control" them so as to utilize the energy for your growth vs. squandering it by "blowing your top."
The thought process modification needed to grasp that concept is incredible. Thank you!
(Persej) What is the substance that Weston Price named ‘activator X’? And here's a description of the activator X: ‘He determined that neither total hours of sunshine nor temperature was the chief controlling factor' in how much activator X was present in the milk. Rather, 'the factor most potent was found to be the pasture fodder of the dairy animals. Rapidly growing grass, green or rapidly dried, was most efficient'.’ So what is this activator X?

A: Information! Note the fact that grass of a certain nature provided this. Apply that principle to foods. Studies are most often of little value because subjects are self-selecting. A truly random group is almost never seen. Weighing and measuring constituents of a substance can be indicative if the potentials of information are taken into account. This is why pork is better for advanced humans than beef or many other meats. The information of the pig is more in line with the direction of the human. The meat of the pig is composed of proteins with similar receivership capacity.

The answer from the C's surprised me because I was not thinking at all that information is involved in this "activator X" phenomenon. Or that the grass of certain nature (cereal grass) was important. Yes, Weston Price did talk that the best results he got were from animals which grazed on cereal grasses, but he thought that this is because they have a lot of minerals and vitamins in them. But the C's imply that there is something more in them.

I also couldn't understand why they started talking about pork and proteins when I asked about this factor found in milk, but then I discovered that the grass that was giving the best results had the highest amount of protein. So it seems that proteins in food are very important for our receivership capacity.

Another thing that became popular lately are collagen peptides. They are made by braking the collagen proteins into smaller parts. But the majority of them on the market are from bovine source. But people still report benefits. I wrote on the forum that my father felt better when he consumed them for his sciatica problem, but I couldn't understand why would they be good for sciatica. Perhaps it was also connected with the improvement in receivership capacity. And perhaps people would get even more benefits if they consumed them from a porcine source.

This was my first question for the C's, and I am very impressed with what I got because it led me to some unexpected revelations! Thank you all for this wonderful session full of interesting questions and answers.
Thank you for this session. I will follow Gaby's protocol, I had hoped I wouldn't have to do it, but seeing the people around me getting sick all the time, having heart palpitations, it seems necessary. I'm angry that so many have to suffer.

On the day of the auroras and the week afterward I was exhausted and had stange dreams. One was very vivid, I was talking to an acquaintance, and I was anxious to tell her everything I had to say because I knew I would forget about her existence when I would wake up.

I happy to know Joe's mother is doing well on the other side. Thank you to the crew and to the whole network. 🍀
Thank you Laura, Andromeda & all for another great session!

I like how much deeper we are going with nutrition. Considering seeds and eggs "life containers" is very intriguing idea. My own gardening changed in last 2 years from sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower to carrots, beets, radishes and rutabagas among other things.

Meat. I`ll probably post in separately. There are several problems starting with mRNA vaccines for live stock (vaccines are no longer available without the mRNA part). Importing meat from other countries is a whole another Pandora`s box. The only safe (or safer) meat on the market today is from a local farmer with small stock. For us it is worth driving an hour to get our beef and pork. I`ll probably make another post about market meat today later.

With regards to milk protein. We know casein is not good, but how about whey? Majority of quality protein powders is whey. The micro-filtered/ultra-filtered comes without lactose, but is it good? The only other type protein powder for those of us who workout regularly is egg (decent enough, but may induce allergic reactions) and then there is only plant based proteins, which downright suck.

Covid shedding. Yep, had a suspicion since my wife started teaching at school last year. She brings home such a mix of critters at a time, that bio labs would be proud of. We are on covid protocol since then, but you know, it does get expensive for the entire family.
(L) Okay, let's ask, okay, he says the third is physical abduction where the 3D body gets removed to 4D by a TDARM. Is that what happens?

A: No.

Q: (L) What happens?

A: 3D body taken to 4D.

Q: (L) And no TDARM involved. Is that it?

A: Yes
This is what made associate TDARM with Missing 411:
Q: (Perceval) The other thing about the Missing 411 book is that the people who are disappeared and found again, it usually happens near berry bushes. […] (Andromeda) Yeah, what’s the connection with berries? They’re either near berry bushes, or picking berries, or they reappear with berries. (Galatea) Why berries?
A: Convenient markers for TDARM-type technology due to sound frequency.
I suppose it's not TDARM per se, but something similar.
A: Shedding from others.

Q: (L) So, even if you don't take it, you can get the effects of it from the shedding?

A: All should undertake antivax protocol of some sort including heart support.
How do we get it from others? You can get illness from others, but effects of vaccine? Is it like some sort of a field?

(Windmill Knight) The C's have mentioned that Jordan Peterson is a great soul, yet he is also very much driven by his emotions, and therefore, has trouble coping with objective reality. Lately, he has publicly made some remarks in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that are greatly off the mark and lacking in empathy, to say the least, like encouraging Netanyahu to 'give them hell', accusing the Palestinians of playing the victim, or calling anti-genocide demonstrators 'resentful, childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination.' Several of us have the impression that the Jordan Peterson, before his medical coma for his severe benzo withdrawal symptoms, is no more. He is particularly different since befriending the likes of Bibi Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. Is it really just his emotions that are twisting his views or is there something else at play here?
Lately I've seen some roast he did publicly, I don't even remember the certain subjetct, but it was very rational and like avoiding anger yet straight on point. I was even sorry for calling him 'kinda going wrong way considering his mental condition'. I guess both is true, that he rally cares and gets mixed with emotions. While caring can be also tricky. We do not always have an influence on the course of events.

(hlat) The upcoming Wave will take us from 3D to 4D. Do the precursor waves also take us from 3D to 4D albeit temporarily?

A: Somewhat, yes. Also it is a process that is ongoing.
As it is going for a while, I mean the channelings, I'd like to ask if it's going to happen for whole Earth, like for all the humanity and other lifes, some experiencing it as death or some sort of catastrophe, some going to 4D, some to 5D (lets call it a typical death)? As from what I get, it is expected to happen during our actual lifespan?

A: Many more trials coming in place after place. It takes a lot to awaken a dumbed down population. Many will not survive. Take care of each other. Goodbye.
I wonder if they don't say it often cause they are being tactful or cause we don't really wanna hear it.

Thank you for being inquisitive. + sorry for being a little bit blurry before if anyone reads it. Thanks for another nice session. Bye
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