I am thankful for this session, however gloomy it might sound in places. I
love that even when Laura is freaking out she can still make me laugh, despite the heaviness of some subjects.
I too have been feeling much of what has been described by the group, everything has been SO weird... well it’s been weird for ages, but it’s pretty darn freaky these days and clearly the intensity is still building up.
I am so hugely grateful to this entire group collective, but special mention to the core team who have been so brave, so resilient and so incredibly dedicated to this path; who have held their ground despite phenomenal challenges and attacks. I see them as powerful
beacons of light for so many who have found their way here, and for others yet to arrive.
Without this group and the forum collective, I would have been like a ‘deer in headlights’ trying to deal with the dynamics we find ourselves in. But honestly, some days I still am that little deer, rooted to the spot, ears twitching, eyes wide open, every nerve and fibre stretched to its limit, attempting to intuit/become fully aware of what is coming, because even if I can’t SEE it - I sure can feel it.
Sometimes it feels like im dreaming a long crazy dream where I am
witnessing a massive slow motion car wreck, and all I can do is stay centred (like many, I’m struggling at times!), pray for the highest outcome with all my heart, do my best to see and hear (without fear!) and find a way through it all, whilst genuinely supporting others as much as I can. And then there’s that thing about ‘enjoying the show’. Some days that’s very hard. But there are some utterly ridiculous moments of hilarity and many forum members help me see things in a lighter way, so I thank you deeply for that.
The statement the C’s made about
eyes and
ears and
SEEing reminded me of when I was in a car accident (passenger) about 12 years ago when the car ‘aquaplaned’ off the road, went completely out of control and started spinning, smashing into several trees. While we were ‘spinning’,
I saw the car fill with golden light and felt ‘someone’ take my hand. I looked down and there was no hand in mine (thought it was my son who was in the back seat but couldn’t understand how he had been able to reach me). I felt like I was mostly out of my body. Then I
heard a voice saying calmly and clearly: “you’re all going to be alright, you’re all going to be alright” so I just started repeating calmly “we’re all going to be alright” over and over. The car smashed against a tree, ricocheted off and another tree somehow ripped my front passenger door clean off, at the same time the back passenger tinted window behind me folded inwards like a giant blade, it was millimeters from decapitating my son, who was sitting directly behind me. Due to what I can only call Divine Grace, my son ended up only with a scratch on his neck and his arm, and my daughter in her car seat woke up at the end of the accident thinking we just went over a big bump! All the damage and impact was sustained on the passenger side of the car, yet apart from whiplash and some scratches, we were completely protected. We survived that ordeal deeply shaken and so very grateful to be alive. I
never forgot the energetic experience I had, or the profound comfort of the presence of that Being who was holding my hand, gently and calmly reassuring me. It was a deeply humbling and emotional experience. It was not my first and not my last, but each has affected me profoundly.
The main reason I am sharing this info is: during the accident when I was in what seemed like a state of ‘suspended animation’,
I was able to see and hear in a way I had not before. During the experience, I was in a completely different vibrational state, I guess one might call it a ‘heightened’ state. I’m not even sure if energetically I was fully on the ‘earth plane’.
Upon reflection, I feel the
energetic response I had to this experience allowed me to see, hear and experience things in a way
not normally accessible to me. I suspect the
trauma of the event was part of what catapulted me into that state of ‘heightened awareness’ of something beyond what most consider ‘normal’ boundaries.
I wonder if that is what is/has been happening for many members of the group... possibly some are not fully aware of this. My daughter and I have been for years experiencing energetic ‘tremors’ where we cannot stop ‘quivering’ internally (sometimes externally) I liken this to the instincts of a wild animal that knows something is coming and must prepare to protect itself as best it can. I am also hearing some very weird sounds as I have mentioned in other posts. I feel some other forum members in this thread seem to be reflecting similar experiences.
My interpretation of “Just keep eyes and ears open and SEE!” offered by the C’s in this session : it might be a bit obvious stating this but I see it as an extension of reminders from the C’s in previous sessions indicating that increasingly, many more are going to start seeing, hearing and experiencing things they have been unable to before, as part of the Wave/3D/4D bleedthrough. Part of what is
facilitating this is IMHO, because of the deep dedication many within this group collective have made to this path, along with the application of genuine knowledge, and the way they have actively applied themselves to the Work, it is clear the FRV of many dedicated souls is raising - but also
because the frequency of the group is raising collectively, so perhaps this also is part of what is enabling more to SEE and HEAR in ways they might not have previously.
From what I have observed/experienced, as we become more aware and informed and pieces of the ‘puzzle’ connect, our comprehension, awareness and ways of ‘being’ expand on multiple levels. I guess the ‘potential experience’ within the ‘expanding now’ that many are feeling intensely
is an extension of that awareness.
As I write, I keep hearing:
acuity = the ability to hear, see, or think accurately and clearly
Part of being able to
increase your acuity is to remain calm, centred and somewhat detached, which is not always easy! We are humans, being human! Sometimes I try to think of what is unfolding as a film I am watching. I am an observer... there are so many things that can capture my attention if I allow myself to be immersed in the film,
but if I remain objective and detached, my observations are more astute and everything becomes so much clearer - I can clearly see the structure and potential direction/s of the plot, rather than energetically getting caught in the emotions and manipulation. From such a viewpoint, it is generally pretty easy to predict, see what is coming, and SEE (and even hear) ways one might navigate differently for a different outcome.

waves of love...