Session 18 September 2021

Thank you very much for the session!

As for the 'SEE' (C? :-D), I can't help but read it as 'understand'. Maybe because I'm German. When translating English into German you would often translate it that way. For example english 'Ah, I see!' would become 'Aha!' or 'Ah, yes!' or rather more clearly 'I understand!' and it would be strange to use words akin to 'eyes' or 'looking' in that context in German, it's just not how you would say it.

So they are basically saying, even if everything couldn't be stranger (as of yet), we should be able to make sense of it.
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Thank you for another informative session! There are many interesting observations and ominous remarks but the one that stood out the most for me was the following:

The scary part about the C's comment relatively controlled mayhem IMO is that whatever may come next and whenever it may happen, it will likely be outside of the elite's control even if they are aware of what's coming. And by control, or lack thereof, it may not just be about the event itself but also the reaction of the population and all that it entails. Let's hope that the information shared on the Health Protocol thread and about prepping in general will help navigate the upcoming turmoil.

Regarding the timing of Caesar and the Roman Empire, here's the time difference that was given in a previous session:

If we take the figure given by the C's and subtract the year of the session (2014), Julius Caesar would have been born around 379 AD, meaning that his death would have been circa 435 AD. This places his death about 101 calendar years before the 536 AD event recorded in ice cores and tree rings.

I think you may be referring to an earlier session about the end of times and the passage of the brown dwarf close to the Sun bringing with it the comet cluster.
Could it be year 3 & 6 instead of 6 & 3. Us being in year 1542 instead of 2021.
1542 being 10+2... Means 3?
calendar years before the 536 AD event recorded in ice cores and tree rings.
I think you may be referring to an earlier session about the end of times and the passage of the brown dwarf close to the Sun bringing with it the comet cluster.
Thank you for another informative session! There are many interesting observations and ominous remarks but the one that stood out the most for me was the following:

The scary part about the C's comment relatively controlled mayhem IMO is that whatever may come next and whenever it may happen, it will likely be outside of the elite's control even if they are aware of what's coming. And by control, or lack thereof, it may not just be about the event itself but also the reaction of the population and all that it entails. Let's hope that the information shared on the Health Protocol thread and about prepping in general will help navigate the upcoming turmoil.

Regarding the timing of Caesar and the Roman Empire, here's the time difference that was given in a previous session:

If we take the figure given by the C's and subtract the year of the session (2014), Julius Caesar would have been born around 379 AD, meaning that his death would have been circa 435 AD. This places his death about 101 calendar years before the 536 AD event recorded in ice cores and tree rings.

I think you may be referring to an earlier session about the end of times and the passage of the brown dwarf close to the Sun bringing with it the comet cluster.

Thank you for another informative session! There are many interesting observations and ominous remarks but the one that stood out the most for me was the following:

The scary part about the C's comment relatively controlled mayhem IMO is that whatever may come next and whenever it may happen, it will likely be outside of the elite's control even if they are aware of what's coming. And by control, or lack thereof, it may not just be about the event itself but also the reaction of the population and all that it entails. Let's hope that the information shared on the Health Protocol thread and about prepping in general will help navigate the upcoming turmoil.

Regarding the timing of Caesar and the Roman Empire, here's the time difference that was given in a previous session:

If we take the figure given by the C's and subtract the year of the session (2014), Julius Caesar would have been born around 379 AD, meaning that his death would have been circa 435 AD. This places his death about 101 calendar years before the 536 AD event recorded in ice cores and tree rings.

I think you may be referring to an earlier session about the end of times and the passage of the brown dwarf close to the Sun bringing with it the comet cluster.
Thank you @Eboard10 for your interesting observations and for reminding us of the Cs and team chateau conversation.
My observation is,
Could it be year 3 & 6 instead of 6 & 3. Us being in year 1542 instead of 2021 with the 479 years difference.
1542 being 10+2, means 3?
I wonder...
Many thanks for creating this new session!

I'm wondering about this Oct 15 date. Have they got reliable information from interdimensional sources?
Or do they have plans to pull the plug following that date?

If only 12% of people can see the vaccination business as evil then why is it that e.g. in Germany and France roughly a third of the population are not vaccinated. These numbers would have to change dramatically in the next four weeks, and they probably won't. Then there must be another 20% who are just stubborn, afraid and unwilling...

I honestly hope that this site will be up and running for at least some months to come. I would be interested to hear if our anti-covid meds and supplements protocol would be of any use when the plague will be coming our way.

My uncertainty about the continuity of internet services and electronic payments is just reminding me to make my bi-monthly donation immediately.

How will we be able to make our donations when credit cards are inoperative due to upheaval, power cuts and internet shutdowns? :-O
Could be way off base here, but the 12% figure is worldwide. From what I've seen, many Asian countries/cultures have completely swallowed this covid crap in a very borg-like, hive mind fashion. So it's possible that there is a slightly larger percent of free thinkers in the west.
Thank you so much for the session. I can certainly attest to the feeling of a building tension, I'm just keeping my head down and bulldozing through :ninja:.

Glad I'm not the only one who feels like they want to run off into the hills screaming though, sometimes I get tired of the strategic enclosure of agreeing with people who think the vaccine is the best and only way out of all this and won't hear otherwise.

I'm so relieved when I get the chance to talk to one of the 12% who know it's nonsense, that gives me hope. I try and remember that it gets better after it gets worse and that we just need to hold on a bit longer.

I hope all you guys are keeping your spirits up despite everything. Big hugs to you all :hug2:
(Joe) A year and a half ago, they gave a time frame of about 2 years for some kind of a REAL pandemic or viral outbreak. There's a lot of evidence that the mRNA vaccinations especially are actually suppressing people's immune systems. Is the C's time frame still correct? Those who are weakened would be very vulnerable to a real virus. Are we still on track maybe next spring for that kind of thing?

A: Close enough. Things are soon to get more dramatic. Be glad of the period of relatively controlled mayhem.

Q: (L) In other words, what we've been going through where it seems like we're just waiting, waiting, waiting to see what's gonna happen, we're gonna look back on this as a rest period?!

A: Close

Q: (Andromeda) It seems like we're waiting, waiting, waiting for something bad to happen. Well, that's what you're doing... [laughter]
Isn’t there the “April drop dead date” that is yet to be accounted for in Hits for the C’s?
A few months ago when a conversation about covid and the current madness took place among my friends I said that that the difference between us was that they were waiting for the bad times to end while I was enjoying the good times while they lasted. I was called a pessimist with conspiracy theorist tendencies. I'd have replied that he who laughs last laughs loudest if it wasn't for the fact that I knew that "didn't I say so" was going to be a bitter feeling, not a triumphant one.

Strangely enough, so far covid has been quite beneficial for me personally. My lifestyle; living conditions and money saving capacity are better than it has been in well over a decade, I ended up with a much better job than I had before and I get to work remotely from abroad. I guess the madness will sooner or later knock on my door too but I'm using the current luck to secure as soft a landing as possible.

Damn, if I was to bet I'd have totally bet on Michael ;-D
About Michael, that's old news which came in a package with Trump and Q at the time. Now knowing how things went... Lies, lies, lies to take our attention away IMO. Is it that important anyway?
Thank you very much for sharing this new session.

And thanks to the entire forum for being there sharing concerns and thoughts.

You make me not feel alone in the midst of so much tension and uncertainty.

It is a great advantage for me to have you to walk over the embers without getting burned.
Could it be that they choose the channel available to them which is less than a 1000 years otherwise the channel gets too much signal corruption. They could be much further away from us than a 1000 years. Aren't they riding the wave to meet us soon?
The capitalised SEE. I think it refers to physical eyes but more important, the mind’s eyes. It might be a speculation on my behalf, but the reason for this almost instruction is because the future being open the importance rests in everyones effort not to take events or people and their actions at face value.
I remember the Cs talking about all depends about... who you are and what you SEE ... and not be confused about all the different scenarios being presenting to us.
How are everyone’s pets these days. My cat is super clingy and becoming more vocal. I just wonder how the tension people are feeling is affecting our 2d friends?
Hello gottathink,
Yes I realized that the female dog we have is clinging and looking for reassurance looking straight to our eyes for a long period of time. She keeps eye contact as if talking to us, very unusual on her part and... she argues about us not letting her in with her (yes, she actually argues, and my daughter keeps saying where does she takes that attitude from!!) 🤣
How are everyone’s pets these days. My cat is super clingy and becoming more vocal. I just wonder how the tension people are feeling is affecting our 2d friends?
My parrot feels more afraid. He doesn't want to go inside his cage at night, He wants to climb on my shoulder and stay there. Like he is afraid to be locked inside the cage during the night.
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