Now that alone would have just been weird enough, but I looked, or rather was drawn to, a huge light in the sky off to the west. So I took two pictures, the first is with Night Shot on, so it had a longer exposure, but the second is with the plain camera, and I have not edited in any way either picture, no brightness or contrast increase, nothing.
Something was going on in the sky last night, and while I'm wholly prepared for a mundane explanation, I also just don't know what to think.
Here are the two pictures, and remember this was 1am with storm clouds and lightning still covering above, but this light was just a constant glow
Night Shot
Regular camera
If the above is some kind of lightening, then the observation may have company, as recently there was been been something about lightening on different levels. A few days ago,
@Laura posted about
a gigantic jet that had been observed. Then
@michaelrc posted a tweet, that pretended to show ball lightening. It was actually not real, but it got the ball rolling for ball lightening, and gave an idea of what it might look like. That is already three kinds of lightning within just a few days. This made me think one could also think of lightning as it appears in the Tarot and the Book of Revelation, it turns out to resonate with what is in the session about uneasy times ahead.
Lightening as a symbol in the Tarot
Among symbols that carry lightening, the
Tower card of Tarot, has lightning in some versions.
La Torre/la Maison Dieu (the Tower/the House of God) is given either as la Sagitta (the arrow), la Saetta (Lightning), la Casa del Diavolo (the House of the Devil), la Casa del Dannato (the House of the Damned), il Fouco (the Fire), or as l'inferno (Hell).
Borrowing from
The Ultimate guide to Tarot by Liz Dean, alternative names are The House of God, Fate, Lightening, and the key meanings are destruction and enlightenment. The description of the card begins with:
The Tower is aflame, struck by lightning that has thrown two figures to the ground. A crown, once atop the Tower, is blasted in to the darkness as nature asserts her power over Earth. [...]
There are various versions The
Wiki for the Sola Busca tarot, the oldest known complete set from late 15th century, has this card:
Elsewhere one finds, it is from around 1491. Why the name of the card is Olivo, I did not discover.
In fact the Wiki does not refer to the motive of this painted deck when writing:
Early printed decks that preserve all their cards do feature The Tower. In these decks the card bears a number of different names and designs. In the
Minchiate deck, the image usually shown is of two nude or scantily clad people fleeing the open door of what appears to be a burning building. In some
Belgian tarots and the 17th century tarot of
Jacques Viéville, the card is called
La Foudre or
La Fouldre, ("The Lightning") and depicts a tree being struck by lightning. In the Tarot of Paris (17th century), the image shown is of the Devil beating his drums, before what appears to be the mouth of Hell; the card still is called
La Fouldre. The
Tarot of Marseilles merges these two concepts, and depicts a burning tower being struck by lightning or fire from the sky, its top section dislodged and crumbling. Two men are depicted in freefall against a field of multicolored balls.
[3] Pamela Colman Smith's version is based on the Marseilles image, with small tongues of fire in the shape of Hebrew
yod letters replacing the balls.
The Wiki is open when writing "being struck by lightning or fire from the sky", the fire from the sky might have related to a comet, and it is still visible in a 17th century dect, t
he Tarot of Marseilles, painted by Jean Dodal. The image has changed: The prince from the Sola Busca deck is now represented by a tower. What looked like a comet in the earlier card, is moving away, out of the picture, though one can still see the core.
The comet becomes more ambiguous with time The
Queen of Tarot page for this card has a selection of images that allows you to see the development over time. In the 18th century version of the Tarot of Marseille there is no sign of a comet. The fire is there, it does not look like lightning, though the source is still from above.
Many modern versions follow the idea of this card from the
Rider-Waite-Smith deck published in 1909 which shows lightning striking a tower.
Queen of Tarot says about the deck:
Pivotal and canonical, this deck defined a new pattern that would be followed up to the present.
And that is how also I recalled this link between card number 16 and lightning. The Tower card can be a very dramatic card in its modern interpretations.
Lightning in the Book of Revelation
Another angle is the
Book of Revelation, where the vision begins in chapter four following the letters to the churches. At the beginning of of chapter four, there is lightening, if not in a literal sense, then at least symbolically.
The King James Version has:
5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
Later in chapter six on learns about the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. If the horsemen appeared early in chapter six, and the lightning early in chapter four, at what stage could the hoof beats have been heard?
(L) So, it's time for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
A: You can hear the hoof beats in the distance.
Q: (L) Oooh! [laughter]
(Andromeda) That's dramatic!
If one can think of the show as a circus and if the hooves can be heard, then horses are out of the stables,they have been fed by the groom, and the riders are already mounted in their saddles approaching the stage, while the acrobats, animal tamers, clowns, fire swallowers, juggler, knife throwers, magicians and snake charmers complete their parts. That is not so far away.
The lightning, the real, the virtual and symbolic could maybe reflect the following sections in the session:
(Gaby) Is there any reason why they have this deadline of the 15th of October to get everyone vaccinated? Is there a reason?
A: Changes are coming and they know it.
Q: (L) As in climate changes, or planetary changes, or Earth changes, or somewhere in that category?
A: Yes. Close.
Q: (Artemis) What about aliens?
A: Close
Q: (Artemis) Close to aliens and close to Earth changes, okay! Earth-changing aliens!
(L) I have to say that people who have been willingly vaccinated are probably gonna be the aliens! [laughter]
(Andromeda) Alien zombies!
(L) But for those who believe the vaccine is the solution...
(Joe) Yeah, but not for those who know what it is and took steps to protect themselves.
(Artemis) Is Cthulhu coming to smite people for their insolence?
A: Close
Q: (L) Close! Jesus... [laughter] Okay, questions?
(Joe) A year and a half ago, they gave a time frame of about 2 years for some kind of a REAL pandemic or viral outbreak. There's a lot of evidence that the mRNA vaccinations especially are actually suppressing people's immune systems. Is the C's time frame still correct? Those who are weakened would be very vulnerable to a real virus. Are we still on track maybe next spring for that kind of thing?
A: Close enough. Things are soon to get more dramatic. Be glad of the period of relatively controlled mayhem.
(Pierre) I would like to know why the 3rd dose, 4th dose, 5th dose... Is it only to...
(Joe) That's to cover up the fact that it's not working.
A: They keep hitting snags. It's not nice to try to control Mother Nature.
Q: (L) So Mother Nature... Nature is getting in the way.