Session 20 August 2011

Thank you Laura, Andromeda, and the other Chateau members for another illuminating session offering many topics for contemplation.
I've find a page focused specially on the paleo diet, is that the diet, I mean, is that paleolitich diet the correct diet?
anart said:
François on Today at 01:30:27 AM said:
So commonly human beings are considered as omnivorous beings

Considered to be that by whom?

The easy to digest highly dependent on the alimentary canal
1) herbivores have a long one,
2) pure carnivores have a short one,
3) omnivores have a length between.

I think I belong to category 3)
François said:
anart said:
François on Today at 01:30:27 AM said:
So commonly human beings are considered as omnivorous beings

Considered to be that by whom?

The easy to digest highly dependent on the alimentary canal
1) herbivores have a long one,
2) pure carnivores have a short one,
3) omnivores have a length between.

I think I belong to category 3)

Francois you are being obstinate again. Please read the recommended reading on diet before continuing to argue a point which holds no merit.
Prometeo said:
I've find a page focused specially on the paleo diet, is that the diet, I mean, is that paleolitich diet the correct diet?

That's Dr. Loren Cordain's site. He gets a lot of respect in the paleo community because he is an academic working for the cause and has done a lot to get the paleo perspective accepted in academic circles. That said, he suffers from a bit of the "fat phobia" so prevalent in the mainstream. His approach is pretty good, but just keep in mind that we've found much higher fat percentages and lower protein percentages are more beneficial than what he suggests (you'll notice he's always talking about "lean meats". Keep your lean meats, I'll take the fatty ones!).
Thank you for sharing the session...
the content is very interesting & the responses are most interesting also.

I am new but wanted to share a view or 2.....
Mr. Premise said:
manza said:
Exterminating other lifeforms and absorbing their consciousness/energy in order to get more consciousness/energy and power for yourself sounds very 'STS' to me.

As AI suggested, 'extermination' means making the species extinct. Killing individual members is different. Plus the animals we eat are domesticated and never would even exist if people did not eat them.

I, as my forum name suggests.... am one who eats more wild food than domesticated/processed food if possible. ( including my family). It is our choice. We hunt & forage wild plants & animlas for sustenance & for medicinal purposes. Unfortunately , we are not able to do more since, at this particular time, we live in a system that requires us to have some funds to exist in the place where we live. If we could, we would try to not require those funds...
AI , I believe, is speaking generally for others, but there are some of us who should not be included in that generalization.
At the moment of the kill the animal was sincerely thanked for it`s sacrifice and a ceremony was preformed on the spot, in an effort to help aid the spirit or the (consciousness) of that animal to return to it`s origin, with thanks and blessings, and then everything, every part of that animal was used, nothing was ever wasted.

This is done by my family to this day. Out of thanks & respect.

I see that there were other posts prior to this one as I have been warned by a forum notice. I hope that my post here is not out of context, nor out of line from the previos ones.
Pardon me if this is so & feel free to delete if it is.

Most respectfully,

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes
Thanks for the session.

Very interesting info on meat and schizophrenia. I have some relatives with schizophrenia and I also work with them. It's pretty common for schizophrenics to be "religiously preoccupied" so the bit about schizophrenics being failed shamans is quite interesting. Poor diets can cause barriers to true shamanism so the schizophrenics are stuck with faulty brains that are unable to see the unseen and they are stuck with a caricature of true spirituality. Sad.
anart said:
Francois you are being obstinate again. Please read the recommended reading on diet before continuing to argue a point which holds no merit.

Let me add something in hopes that it will help you understand the general gist of the conversation and not feel that what is being said is being said for no reason. Just because a human being can eat many things does not mean that a human being should eat many things. 'The Vegetarian Myth' and 'Primal Body, Primal Mind' are two great resources to help you understand this extremely important line of thought. Hopefully you'll be open to looking into those.
anart, Sao,

I agree with what is said in the quote below.

And my current ('instinctive') way fo eating (with a kind of French orientation) is not so far of what I read in the list of foods described below.

In particular,
I like a lot : sardines (much) , lentils (yes!), olive oil (always), fresh carrot (as 'candy'), ... and others...
I filter water.
I add : I like a lot persil (salad of persil, yes indeed) (not seen in the list below...)

So all is fine...

Ultra Simple Diet | Laura reply #2 on: August 11 said:
Here is OUR version of the Ultra-Simple Meal Plan. We have this text formatted in colorful fonts and printed out and taped to the kitchen cupboards:


• Filtered water (6-8 glasses a day)
• Fish: sardines, herring, wild salmon, black cod or sable fish, sole, and cod. No tuna!!!
• Lean white meat chicken breasts.
• Fresh or frozen non-citrus fruits, ideally berries onlyh
• Fresh vegetables – (no cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts for a period - later, you introduce the cruciferous veggies)
• Fresh vegetable broth (3-4 cups a day) – make this once or twice a week. In a large pot full of filtered water, boil several carrots, 6 or so cloves of garlic, two or three onions, spinach, pumpkin or hard squash, whole head of celery. Boil gently covered for a couple of hours. Let cool and strain into a large glass jar. Drink cold or warm. Salt to taste. Later, when cruciferous veggies are included, they can be added to the broth.
• Legumes (lentils, navy beans, adzuki beans, mung beans, pinto beans…)
• Brown rice
• Ground flaxseeds
• Lemons.

If it is not listed above, don't even ask about it, it's not on the diet. No other meat than the chicken breasts (organic) and/or the fish. Fish can be fresh. You can have canned sardines, salmon or mackerel. You can eat it with a bit of olive oil and lemon juice on it.

No other condiments than lemon juice and olive oil.
François said:
anart, Sao,

I agree with what is said in the quote below.

You'll notice that the date of that quote is over 2 years ago. We have learned a LOT since then, which is covered in the Life Without Bread thread and the Vegetarian Myth thread. We have learned that a diet high in animal fat and medium in animal protein with very few vegetables and no grains, no lentils, no rice, no dairy, no sugar and no gluten is most beneficial.
Yes I did notice. I have to read more about, and I will do (even if this is 2 years late).
I think I have to understand the purpose of this last diet more selective,
(and more appropriate in the present hard time I suppose).
After reading, I will have my proper opinion, before reading I can not say amen.
François said:
Yes I did notice. I have to read more about, and I will do (even if this is 2 years late).
I think I have to understand the purpose of this last diet more selective,
(and more appropriate in the present hard time I suppose).
After reading, I will have my proper opinion, before reading I can not say amen.

Hi Francois,
There is a very great difference between knowing what is true or correct and having an "opinion". If you or anyone else really wants to know why this is, an excellent thread regarding this issue is at:,3925.0.html
It would most likely be of help to you before you come back and give us your 'opinion'. It also seems to me that Manza was operating pretty much exclusively at the 'opinion' level, which is why there was no way to communicate anything of value to him on the subject - since he had already formed this 'opinion'.
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