The Living Force
emilien512 said:...
This makes me remember a passage of the Wave (I dont remember where) where it is told how 4D STS can make you addicted to matter (whether it is primal matter, food, materialism in general). So when you know that gold is used for 4D tech and that some 3D people get addicted to gather gold for themselves, then you have slaves who are unaware of what they 'truly do'.
Gold and pursuit and hoarding of gold are associated with pathocracy, colonization, and the development of civilization as we know it. It is not the only thing that has been centrally controlled to pathological advantage, but it is curious that it has been so terribly important and so influential in history in spite of not being something that humans need to survive. It seems to me quite possible that there is something going on with gold that is not visible to the 3D eye.