Session 21 December 2012

Aiming said:
Thanks a lot, Laura and Crew, for this new session and for putting it up so fast for the rest of us to share in! 'Something in the air is putting it mildly', I'd say.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Okay, we've got this Denver UFO thing. Obviously, it's a UFO, which means it's what?

A: Hyperdimensional as we have discussed before.

Q: (L) Is this anything new, or is this something that's been going on for a long time?

A: Longer than you suspect.

Q: (L) Well, obviously it doesn't show up on cameras unless you slow the film down...

I must have missed this, but what's the Denver UFO thing that Laura is talking about here? Only thing I could find is the one from 2010. Is that it?

I think that is the UFO incident they were talking about. Indeed a pretty interesting one:
Thanks Laura and Crew for another great new session

I feel both joyful and sad. Joyful because of some positive change will come after the storm, but at the same time, sad because of things like assessinations and food shortages among other ones.

Kniall said:
A: Murky is right. By the way, 5 people includes support, not all shooters with visibility.

Does it mean some blind guys are shooting ? or hypnotized to forget ?

I understood it to mean that a team of 5 people were at or near the school that morning. They may all have been trained shooters, but only some of them actually did any shooting because the others were either serving as 'eyes and ears' for the shooters inside or they did not have schoolchildren within their sights and so could not kill anyone, or both.

There were reports of one man arrested in the woods, two more "proned out" by an officer and another "pinned down" at the firehouse. Assuming Adam Lanza was the dead shooter in the school, that gives us 5 people.

I understood the same. A couple of them shooting, and the others giving support, watching around, etc..
Thanks to the crew for sharing!

Oxajil said:
Thank you for sharing this session! :hug2: Much food for thought. Hope I'll be able to can soon, and start preparing for the worst!

emilien said:
But then the Cs talk of the cosmic mind sending a clue... in a movie ??
Can someone please clarify this...

Maybe this post by Perceval could clarify a bit more?

Perceval said:
Looking at the Batman coincidences, it seems to me that it is unlikely that someone, a couple of years ago, who was involved in the plan to carry out two massacres six months apart in different locations, would have deliberately put the word "Sandy Hook" into the Batman movie just to leave a signature. The same goes for the person who decided to locate Gotham in SW Connecticut in that animated series. More plausible, I think, is that those ideas just 'came' to the individuals 'out of the air' i.e. they were picking up on a future traumatic and 'marker' event, but had no awareness of it.

This reminded me of the movie The Matrix when interrogating Neo.
Wow, that was fast. :flowers: :headbanger: :dance:

Geologically, the state of Indiana used to be a sea bed. I'm wondering if the 'dis-charge' isn't part of a sign that it may end up a sea bed again.....

Q: (Andromeda) What about the gas leak explosion in Indiana? (L) Oh, yeah! (Perceval) What caused that? That's the question. It's as short as I can make it. [laughter]

A: It wasn't a gas leak!

Q: (Perceval) So, was it for example, caused by a fireball? A space rock?

A: Close.

Q: (Perceval) A micro fireball? (L) Well, I don't think that's it. I think probably it's more like a comet fragment? (Perceval) Was it a discharge from a comet fragment?

A: Air burst, but very low and highly charged.

Q: (Perceval) Something in the universe didn't like those two houses.

A: It wasn't the houses, it was the location.

Q: (Perceval) Something underground that attracted it?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste) What was it?

A: Charge.

Q: (Belibaste) Electric charge.

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste) But coming from an underground...

A: Opening up!
Thank YOU All at the Chateau, for the Fast transcripts...

Lets be prepared for the food chortages (I already has...)

and specyally not only Food for Us but for the others (To share when needed, and possible for Us to Help).

Happy New Year Folks at the Chateau!!! ;) :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: ;)
Perceval said:
Eboard10 said:
I found this very interesting as I thought these kind of messages were usually intentionally inserted in movies and other such media by the PTB and secret government given that these events were planned to happen.

I had considered that, but logically it seems unlikely, so I figured it was something along the lines of what Cliff High suggests with his "web bot" predictions, basically analyzing trending words on the net as a way to tap in to what the "mass mind" is predicting for the relatively near future. Like key points, major emotional events experienced by large numbers of people. Maybe it has something to do with power of the people behind such events, that when they plan them, there is a high probability that they will happen, and it is therefore pre-destined to a large extent and therefore can be picked up by human consciousness in advance. Or whatever. You get the idea.

Agree. It could be that when the movie was being produced, this event already existed in time so to speak.
Pashalis said:
I think that is the UFO incident they were talking about. Indeed a pretty interesting one:

Thanks, Pashalis!
Q: (L) Well, since we're on that subject, I'll guess we'll ask about this evidence I have come across that there is very possibly an extraordinary amount of gold buried somewhere in... The question is: Was there really 40 tons of gold taken from various temples and holy places in the area of Toulouse by someone in 106 BC?

I keep seeing nutters with shovels digging holes all over Toulouse after reading this particular excerpt. :halo:

It makes me wonder if the real 'gold' isn't the books that are being written and the training of one's mind that matters here...?

Perceval said:
Eboard10 said:
I wonder what the Cs meant by the remark about the next stage given that we are already living in a 1984 type society?

I would say "you ain't seen nothing yet".

Eboard10 said:
I found this very interesting as I thought these kind of messages were usually intentionally inserted in movies and other such media by the PTB and secret government given that these events were planned to happen.

I had considered that, but logically it seems unlikely, so I figured it was something along the lines of what Cliff High suggests with his "web bot" predictions, basically analyzing trending words on the net as a way to tap in to what the "mass mind" is predicting for the relatively near future. Like key points, major emotional events experienced by large numbers of people. Maybe it has something to do with power of the people behind such events, that when they plan them, there is a high probability that they will happen, and it is therefore pre-destined to a large extent and therefore can be picked up by human consciousness in advance. Or whatever. You get the idea.

Thank you very much for the session! Incredibly fascinating as always :D

Anyway, I had a recent experience on a micro-scale of this; I had a dream where I won the lottery and thought how I would divide the money between friends etc, a very nice dream. The next day I was been invited to a cousin of mine for coffee and carbs, when I got there it turns out she had won a very very large amount of money via lottery and had divided it and we all got a check. I was shocked and it was a big emotional blip on my recent "timeline" so to speak.

Strange coincidence if nothing else, but I think it fits with the web-bot/unconscious model.
Bastian said:
In case you intend to dig this treasure out : do you know the French law about that ? To put it into a nutshell : forget it (or be really discreet, which will be hard with such a mass of gold !).
_ (in French)

I have no intention of exerting myself in that direction. Heck, I wasn't even thinking about that sort of thing until it came up in a historical puzzle and I started pulling on various threads and realized what the implications were. IF it exists, and it seems certain that it does, the range of area over which it could be distributed is really too much. I'm pretty sure it's no longer near Toulouse. Anyway, I'll be giving the details of what I've found in the book and if anybody else wants to take it up, they are welcome to do so.
Aiming said:
Pashalis said:
I think that is the UFO incident they were talking about. Indeed a pretty interesting one:

Thanks, Pashalis!

I think I saw one of these in the Denver SW foothills about 4 years ago. I was listening to music and staring out some large south-facing windows. It shot out just above a peak maybe a mile away the straight over the house (close). I think the only reason I detected it is that I was directly in line with its movement and I was taking in the entire view. It was blindingly fast and had the same color.

Anyway, thanks for sharing! :)
That was a fascinating session, thank you for sharing it and getting it up so quickly!

So in the year ahead it seems we shall have: famine, plague, and a real intensification of the Nazi Experiment, Run Two. While at the same time experiencing an increasing frequency of catastrophic events (earthquakes, meteor showers), and Fortean phenomena. Well ... they've been warning us about this for years, haven't they? :P

When the C's made reference to a 'Shining 5th Density City Upon the Hill' ... 5th density (if I understand correctly) is essentially the afterlife, or perhaps better the interlife, the point of review and contemplation upon the previous life, in light of all previous lives, and the selection of the subsequent life. But basically it's where you go when you die. The City upon the hill typically refers to America.

What happens if America destroys itself? If the state and corporate apparatus, and the psychopathic elite that have created them, in the end go to such extremes in their pursuit of power that they end up wiping out most of the American populace, by in essence turning the populace upon itself? The sheer, towering terror of this memory would make the Nazi holocaust pale in comparison as a thin prelude to something almost infinitely worse. It would stand as an example to the rest of human history of what happens when an ideology of pure self-interest is made the core guiding philosophy of a civilization: inevitable self-destruction as the incidence of psychopathy in the population increases beyond tolerable levels.

That's just from a cultural standpoint ... from an esoteric standpoint, that is a lot of souls heading back to 5th density that will have gone through some extraordinarily traumatic events during their lives. Perhaps this would serve as a profound lesson to them, in a positive sense, one they would take with them into the next incarnation? Or maybe that's just wishful thinking and the only effect of the trauma would be to warp them further....

Q: (Perceval) They said electrical charge... (L) Then you can't tell that a charge is different from anything... (Perceval) What we heard in the office was coming from the computer amp, but... (Mr. Scott) Well, but it's like if you measure the voltage between something and the earth, if the charge of both is increased, the voltage will be the same but the total charge on both can be much higher. But you can't tell because you're using a device that can only measure the difference between two points. (L) Belibaste, what's your question about the companion star grounding that you mentioned earlier? (Belibaste) In a previous session, it was said that the companion star coming closer induced a grounding of the sun. I simply wanted to know more precisely how this grounding occurs. For example, is there some kind of electric connection between the sun and the companion star, and if so, which kind of current transits between those two celestial bodies?

A: Indeed, but that occurs "outside" the system.

Q: (Belibaste) That's what you said, Ark. That it's a kind of wormhole...

A: Wormhole is good!

Q: (Belibaste) At the level of the sun, can we say that the reason for this grounding is the reduced positive overall charge?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste) Okay, this reduced positive charge induces a reduced field that increases gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste) And this increase in gravity explains why there are less solar winds expelled from the sun although there is increased cometary activity?

A: Yes.

I'm particularly glad you asked about this topic. This concept of a connection between electric charge and gravity is a fascinating one ... now why should a reduced positive charge increase gravity? And is this something that could be measured? BTW, I believe Clif High has been talking a bit about the planet expanding/growing and gravity increasing as a result, although he is likely IMO to be exaggerating the magnitude of the effect (something he seems to do a lot, perhaps because - as he admits - he tunes the web bots to be biased towards language with high 'emotional sums') ... something along those lines is turning up in the web bot data too, I suspect. So this is very interesting.

Back to the electrical Sun and its companion ... what is this about a wormhole? Ark, could you expand on that idea? Are we talking like an actual, relativistic wormhole connecting the two bodies? Where would it be located? In their cores, or elsewhere?

When the C's answered, "Indeed, but that occurs "outside" the system.", my first reaction was to envision the solar current system as a component of the Galactic system. There is the solar current sheet, which connects the planets, but there are also (according to e.g. Donald Scott) polar currents (which we astronomers call 'jets' when they can be detected), which form a more direct connection between a star and the external electrical environment. Positive charge flows out along the current sheet, and in through the poles: we might suppose that in general this process is in equilibrium, such that the Sun (more or less) maintains its mass.

Now, the planets within the system are connected only to the solar current system: their connection to the Galaxy is through the Sun. Nemesis however, being (for most of its orbit at least) extremely distant from the Sun, and very likely outside the heliosphere, may well for that reason have an independent connection of its own to the Galaxy, it's own equatorial/polar current sheet/column system. Perhaps the close approach of this competing star drains away some charge from the Galactic current(s) upon which the Sun feeds, hence causing a depletion of positive charge within the Sun and the heliosphere. Somehow, from this effect, we must obtain an increase in gravity.
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