Session 21 March 2020

Thanks for the session, there's so much in there that I know I'll read it over again :flowers:

The image being used in the media for the flattened curve reminded me that the C's had used the phrase 'levelling the playing field' in a few sessions and the imagery is kind of similar:

22 JUNE 1996

14TH JULY 1996

29 DECEMBER 2009

Jones, thank you for sharing the Sessions above, really insightful and related to the most recent one! I'm still in awe after reading the last session and some of the replies and connections shared here. Amazing work and amazing possibilities, as always!
What is becoming more and more clear to me is the "split of realitities", in the sense that views of what is going on can be so diametrically opposed, that they are harder and harder to reconcile. There used to be a time when we could explain something, and had actual proof. Say 911. But how can we explain this to people out there? Carl's meme says it all. It's not something that we can explain easily unless people are willing to listen, and are asking. But we MUST be here for that, for those who may look for actual answers. Of course, we are speculating to a great extent, but what other explanation makes more sense than what the Cs said? I can think of none.

Maybe the best approach is building the case of what the virus could possibility be doing to influence a person's DNA or at the very least explaining that people that get the virus and survive are having their DNA changed.

Like explaining this bolded piece of information from the session:
L) Well if there are certain sets of genes that make people less controllable, they go in and they have the virus that'll cut 'em out. There are personality characteristics that people have that make them open to experience. Read your 23andMe analysis. You're open to experience, you're creative, you don't follow the crowd, or you like coffee. They know all that stuff.

(Artemis) And that's just what they share with the public. They probably know a LOT more.

Combined with this:

"Chinese scientists desperately researching coronavirus discover that it shares human cell binding site with HIV, Ebola"


"Hemo is not the only protein with such an alien origin: Our DNA contains roughly 100,000 pieces of viral DNA. Altogether, they make up about 8 percent of the human genome. And scientists are only starting to figure out what this viral DNA is doing to us. (...)

Some of our ancient viruses may be protecting us from disease; others may be raising our risks for cancer, among other conditions. “It’s not an either-or — are these things good or bad? It’s a lot more complicated than that,” Dr. Katzourakis said in an interview. “We’re barely at the beginning of this research.”

Most of our viral DNA comes from one group in particular: retroviruses, a group that includes HIV. A retrovirus invades a host cell and inserts its genes into that cell’s DNA. These viral genes co-opt the cell’s machinery, using it to make new viruses that escape to infect more cells."

And say:

It is likely that all the people that get this corona virus and survive are having their DNA changed by it... then the question is what exactly is it changing?

So just planting the seed and then if people want to water it themselves to see it grow, then there is information such as here that they may find their way to. FWIW.
The year 0 that the C's had mentioned in a session, I wonder if it's not the year when the STO interventions started, if it was to mean that the equilibrium point can finally be reversed. I don't know if we can talk about quantum leap but it's just an idea
Maybe the best approach is building the case of what the virus could possibility be doing to influence a person's DNA or at the very least explaining that people that get the virus and survive are having their DNA changed.
Yep. Also good way might be first to explain how expose to certain bacterias are important and beneficial, instead of being in a more sterile environment, where our immune system doesn't get the "sparring" needed to build it's strength, leading more likely to allergies and other health problems.

Then viruses could have similar role and place in our natural world, so it's important to see how some things that may look at first glance only harmful and detrimental may have benefits that we're not fully understanding yet.

Basically trying to expand the point of view from existential fear to more wider and uniting perspective.
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@Jones, thanks for posting this session, it's like Cs were foretelling this current situation/period we are living through...

29 DECEMBER 2009

A: Hello people of the future.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Knoriha of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay… Ark was saying he was reading some predictions that there's going to be a bloody future for the US and not a very good future for France either. We'll have to find the article.
{Article located at: 2010, The Saga Continues }

A: Didn't we say "5D city on a hill"?

Q: (L) Yes... Okay, well, the thing that occurs to me as I observe all of this insanity is that this drive for control results only in destruction. The destruction is of everything that one would think the psychopaths would... I mean, if you wA*** have power over something, what good does it do to have any power if everything's dead and there's nobody there to have power over? They're killing everything! They'll end up in total control of everything, but there'll be nothing there but ashes. It's just insane!

A: Psychopathy is characterized by a supreme lack of insight.

Q: (L) So in other words, when Lobaczewski said that it's like the germs in the body that do not realize that they will be burned in the ground with the corpse...

{Quote from Political Ponerology that is referenced above:

“The following questions thus suggest themselves: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon. Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest... They do not understand that a catastrophe {will} ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

“If such and many managerial positions are assumed by individuals deprived of sufficient abilities to feel and understand most other people, and who also betray deficiencies in technical imagination and practical skills—(faculties indispensable for governing economic and political matters) this must result in an exceptionally serious crisis in all areas, both within the country in question and with regard to international relations. Within, the situation shall become unbearable even for those citizens who were able to feather their nest into a relatively comfortable modus vivendi. Outside, other societies start to feel the pathological quality of the phenomenon quite distinctly. Such a state of affairs cannot last long.”}

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the unfortunate thing is that the masses of people do not realize that they are the body that is being killed by these germs, and they're really, REALLY, not waking up.

A: Don't lose hope for your groups. They will do well if they will follow the STO way set out for them.

Q: (L) Well, first we have some revelations, and you start feeling a little hope about the Climategate thing. Then, you have this obviously transparent "false flag" terrorism attack on an airplane which then results in crackdowns that make everybody miserable. It's so ridiculous as to be beyond comprehension.

A: We once said that 4D STS will become desperate for control as the changes approach. They perceive that control is being undermined thus making them more desperate.

Q: (L) What's undermining their control?

A: Why you, yes! Collectively, that is.

Q: (Allen) So we do it by things that we're publishing, or just by being who we're being and working on things for ourselves?

A: All and more coming down the creativity pipeline.

Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?

A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner.

Q: (L) So the more positive things we do, and the more creative we become, the more it drives them to try to suppress and repress things in indirect ways to try to suppress and repress us without suppressing and repressing us directly - because that would be too obvious - and by so doing, they show their hand so to speak?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's what happens with guerrilla warfare, ya know?

(L) It's the damnedest thing I've ever seen.

(Ark) What what?

(L) The whole thing, the way the energy moves back and forth. We get going, and then everything out there gets going, and then we make a move, and then get pushed back when they make a move... But it's all a psychic, mental thing.

(Joe) It's about being aware of all the reality of the situation because I can't think of any other way that it can happen because our reach is really limited. If we are having some effect, I can only assume it's a mental and psychic thing. And the more that each individual perceives the situation more clearly, and the real truth about it the situation, then that has a greater effect. There are a lot of people out there in the conspiracy...

A: The more who see, the more that can see! And didn't we once say that it is not where you are but rather WHO you are and what you SEE!!

Q: (Ark) I just wanted to say that it seems to me that what is important is not that there is really such relation between what we or someone similar is doing, but what is important is to try, so to say, new tricks. Because old tricks are already known and taken into account and so on. The only thing that can change things and cause this butterfly effect is a new trick. So, we have to work and PC is one new trick, but we should not stop with inventing new tricks.

(L) Yeah, I've thought of some things lately. I have thought that we ought to make a project of the Fellowship - openly. It should begin to incline itself toward reporting the news with an open PC slant.

(Ark) You mean something like this Sorcha Faal?

(L) Well, Sorcha Faal is just complete disinformation. I'm thinking more like if it's a project of PaleoChristianity, we could write commentary from the point of view of philosophy and stop trying to be so politically neutral.

(Anart) Open the flood gates.

(L) Yeah, open the flood gates on that, and also I was thinking for awhile that we ought to keep the C's completely separate from PC. Now I'm wondering if...

A: No that will not do!

Q: (Ark) That will not do for the simple reason that...

(L) The C's are the inspiration for PC. They're the 10% inspiration. We have to include that 10%. I mean, I was thinking I should write an article and say that okay, I'm the founder, and the group and I came to the idea to found this organization because of this inspiration and this research which led to the study of Christianity. I've always been obsessed with studying it deeply, trying to find out what's the real story. So here it is! This is what we've found.

(A***) I think it would save a lot of energy to be able to say anything we want on all of our sites instead of being careful and picking and choosing how to frame things. We could use that energy doing something else.

(Joe) What was, "No that will not do" in reference to?

(L) That was in reference to what I just said, so no it's not a good idea to keep the C's separate.

A: Exactly. All religions that are based on truth have the true shamanic element at the core.

Q: (Ark) You said that you want to make SOTT part of PC essentially?

(L) Mm-hmm.

(Ark) I don't think it's a good idea.

(L) Why?

(Ark) I think it's a better idea to give a special place on SOTT for PC news so there will be recording... because otherwise the PC will be instantly attacked.

(L) Well, let me tell you what I had in mind. The reason I was thinking this is because they're already attacking any group that stands alone and says anything "conspiratorial". I was reading psychological papers today about how they're trying to make anybody who sees any kind of pattern or conspiracy going on as somebody who is mentally ill.

(Ark) Okay, we can respond to this. On a scientific basis.

(L) Even scientists who do that are now mentally ill! The point I'm trying to make is that if the ideas we present on SOTT are part of our religion, they can't attack them. Because they have passed so many laws to protect religions that were designed to protect the Jews that those same laws can be used to protect us.

(Ark) For this we are not at the forefront of the opposition or alternative news.

(A***) Actually, thinking about it, I think that PC would lend SOTT a little bit of protection because you could talk more about stuff freely. But SOTT may put PC people in danger because anybody that's a member of PC can be related to "radical views".

(Joe) I kind of had the impression that PC was for people who weren't interested in politics and the whole conspiracy theory things. That it was another avenue for them.

(L) Alright, so maybe I'll write...

(A***) We should think about it.

A: Wait and see how things go.

Q: (Joe) That argument that people who see conspiracies are mentally ill, you can't even back that up. Among the general population, if you cite the recent Iraq war business, it's very clear that those people who a few years ago were anti-Iraq War, now it's out in the public and it's been written in all the newspapers. So people who make that claim, no rational person would accept it.

(Ark) But then there will be new things coming out...

(Joe) You can't take anyone seriously who makes that argument. And I don't think any rational person would take them seriously.

(L) Okay…

(Anart) Is it a specific city that will be a "5D city on a hill"? Can we know?

A: Think big!

Q: (Joe) A big city?

(P*****) Big Apple? New York?

(A***) Capital city?

(Allen) Or more than just a city!

(Joe) Well, the US is the City on the Hill. Are we talking cosmic catastrophe here?

A: Eventually, yes.

Q: (L to Joe) Oh, you just looked too please with that thought! (laughter)

(Joe) No, it's just that I know if I asked any more, I'd get "No dice!"

(Ark) By the way, this is probably not so much relevant, but in the Russian news, there was the new Putin Doctrine. They are NOT going to develop anti-missile systems at all. In response to US anti-missile things, they will develop very fast and strong offensive weapons.

(L) No more defensive...

(Ark) No.

(L) Oh, they're just trying to keep us going. That's part of the play.

(Joe) What about the missile test earlier this month that was allegedly by the Russian navy that was seen over Norway. Was it a missile?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) A normal, run of the mill, standard missile?

A: Yes. What was not normal was the atmosphere.

Q: (Anart) That's from dust from incoming rocks or debris.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What about the triangular UFO over Moscow, was it real?

(Allen) Fake!

A: No

Q: (C**) It's the last session of this year!

(A***) Should we ask about the weather, or...?

(Anart) Are they eventually going to just shut down international travel?

A: Yes

Q: (A***) How soon?

A: 8 months possible.

Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport!

(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

Q: (L) You said that before... years ago! (laughter)

A: Build it...

Q: (Joe) ...and they will come!

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it was up to us to take steps to make it possible for help to come. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So there has to be a matching frequency.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see.

(Scottie) And we don't have very long to do it.

A: There is no "time"!

Q: (laughter) (Scottie) Yeah, yeah...

(L) We've heard that, too! (laughter)

(Scottie) 5D city on a hill, 8 months until international travel stops... oh, and there's no time!!

A: It will not be total shutdown and it will not be long lasting either.

Q: (L) So in other words, they'll do it. They'll try it, and something will happen and there'll be a reaction.

(P*****) Why they will shut down the airports?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) You thought you were gonna be sneaky and slide that in there! You know better than that. You know they're not gonna make a prediction! (laughter)

[tape stops] (laughter)

(L) Well, I'd say that's it! Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.

Considering that STO only helps to those who asks given the directive of free will, means that enough people must have asked for help. As we know from before, it does not necessarily mean number of people but 'weight' of people. Perhaps this network was part of what made this call be answered by the STO forces, by us collectively sending a message out.

Sounds very plausible
I sure hope that that's the case... but sometimes I wonder if it's not just "fake" for too many people. They want to feel that they are helping the elderly and all that, but do they actually care? A close member of my family said the other day, "I care! That's why I think everyone should be locked down, because there is always somebody stupid walking down the street and potentially spreading the virus, so the authorities NEED to make them obey." How messed up is that, allegedly caring, yet loving it when rights are removed from the people the claim to care about?

And if that wasn't enough, the PTB are actually telling people to stay isolated, which is NOT the best way to help one another. How many people who live alone will die, for example?
Very much agree!

Like @Jefferson also mentioned mentioned with isolation of older people. My mother who is 88 has been isolated for almost 2 weeks and many like her are in their final phase of life and will be dying without their close family around them to help the transition. Something that is important for both parties. Now they just die and the close family will get a letter that their mother/father/uncle/etc. has died and that they for safety reasons will be burned and with no funeral as it could threaten lives. How messed up is that and cruel! For many people not least old people, is the personal contact more important than food and they wither away without it. In some cases skype is possible and can help somewhat but is still a poor substitute. The social distancing is making people suspicious of others if not downright afraid, which only leave them even more vulnerable to become avid followers of the authorities.

I think that according to international conventions then collective punishments is a war crime. So when we hear the politicians saying that because too many people are still not keeping the social distancing restrictions, then the restrictions on everybody will be increased. That therefore is collective punishment and a war crime! Sadly many are cheering the rulers on to enact these draconian measures :rolleyes:
Yep. Also good way might be first to explain how expose to certain bacterias are important and beneficial, instead of being in a more sterile environment, where our immune system doesn't get the "sparring" needed to build it's strength, leading more likely to allergies other health problems.

Then viruses could have similar role and place in our natural world, so it's important to see how some things that may look at first glance only harmful and detrimental may have benefits that we're not fully understanding yet.

Few weeks ago this was posted on SOTT: Why The Only Thing Influenza May Kill is Germ Theory (Corona Virus-Related) --
When we start to look at viruses through the lens of their overlap with exosomes, which as carriers of RNAs are essential for regulating the expression of the vast majority of the human genome, we start to understand how their function could be considered neutral as "information carriers," if not beneficial. Both exosomes and viruses may actually be responsible for inter-species or cross-kingdom communication and regulation within the biosphere, given the way they are able to facilitate and mediate horizontal information transfer between organisms. Even eating a piece of fruit containing these exosomes can alter the expression of vitally important genes within our body.
The remarkably recent discovery of the host-dependent nature of the influenza virus' virion composition is really just the tip of an intellectual iceberg that has yet to fully emerge into the light of day, but is already "sinking" ships; paradigm ships, if you will.

One such paradigm is that germs are enemy combatants, and that viruses serve no fundamental role in our health, and should be eradicated from the earth with drugs and vaccines, if possible.

This belief, however, is untenable. With the discovery of the indispensable role of the microbiome, and the subpopulation of viruses within it - the virome - we have entered into an entirely new, ecologically-based view of the body and its environs that are fundamentally inseparable.

I think that according to international conventions then collective punishments is a war crime. So when we hear the politicians saying that because too many people are still not keeping the social distancing restrictions, then the restrictions on everybody will be increased. That therefore is collective punishment and a war crime! Sadly many are cheering the rulers on to enact these draconian measures :rolleyes:
Palestine on steroids?:-(
Btw, from the same article I posted above:

There's also the significant problem presented by flu vaccine production. Presently, human flu vaccine antigen is produced via insects and chicken eggs. This means that the virus particles extracted from these hosts would contain foreign proteins, and would therefore produce different and/or unpredictable immunological responses in humans than would be expected from human influenza viral particles. One possibility is that the dozens of foreign proteins found within avian influenza could theoretically produce antigens in humans that cross-react with self-structures resulting in autoimmunity. Safety testing, presently, does not test for these cross reactions. Clearly, this discovery opens up a pandora's box of potential problems that have never sufficiently been analyzed, since it was never understood until now that "influenza" is so thoroughly dependent upon a host for its transmissability and immunogenecity.

Would that be what went wrong in their master plan?
WOW, ridiculously interesting ! ! !

I take it that there shouldn't be anything to be afraid of as long as you're prepared in the upcoming months/years. These microorganisms we call viruses are really smart/cunning, which ever way you look at their mechanism as to how they alter DNA.

On social media, I am observing many people showing their "darkside", as it were. Expressing their weird wishful thinking by fronting on how they've been prepping for this doomsday situation. I get the feeling some people want chaos to ensue. These same people are the ones who are sipping up all that the mainstream news is serving, along with promoting the tribalistic "STAY HOME" movement/meme/nonsense BS.

Thank you to Cassiopaea and all those of you communicating.
There's actually more to it than that: I was faced with 15 pages of questions, many of which would be made irrelevant and the Cs clearly took pity on the fact that I was prepared to go through them all even if I was totally exhausted by it.

Well, thank the Universe for small miracles! lol The session was long enough as it was. I'm glad you didn't have to answer every single question. Talk about giving until it hurts!
I decided to post here rather than the Coronavirus thread.

My ex wife gave me a warning about taking Elderberry if it is Coronavirus you are experiencing. She said that it could cause a cytokine reaction and at the least it would increase mucus production. I quit taking the Elderberry extract 3 days ago. Since then the mucus is now hardly flowing and my breathing seems less restricted.

I have also come to think that this virus has been working on me for at least 2 years. I went from 2008 to 2018 without any of the usual flu's that have been a part of my life since birth. My mom said that when I was a baby, I got so sick that she thought she would lose me. She spent a few sleepless nights caring for me.

Over the past couple of years, I have had several times where something has been working on me. Dry cough, sore throat and etc. however I would never seem to be taken down like usual. Of course, I would increase the Iodine dosage which seemed to help.

Also my posture, aches and pains from old injuries and many issues related to my age have been mitigating, seemingly.

Just a few observations from my experience so far.
we continue to collect information (taking advantage of quarantine)
this is the instruccion of the test pack of Sars-Cov-2 of FDA
I put the link of the PDF below

One interesting thing is this part: "Negative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis.
For treatment or other patient management decision. Negative result must be convined with clinical observation, patient history and epidemiological information."

And, this is the "Whaaaaaats" moment:


And about the positives:

So, maybe te "original" Cov have 2 nucleic acid but diferents of the "new" and for that some people are asymptomatic and in the test have positive or false positive or negative or invalid etc etc, because this new reactive in the kits "have" problems to discover this signal of the nucleic acid.
Something strange....the director of the only hospital who are do it the test are "replace" and there is a new guy in the position.
P.D: tomorrow my sister start work in the hospital (she are in """""vacations"""""") only can do it 4 test per day and takes 3 hours each one.....information gathering !!!!
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