Session 22 February 2010

Laura said:
...That's my point. On the one hand, there are experts saying that Asperger's is just a mild form of psychopathy (same about Autism) and on the other hand, there are people with this "diagnosis" who are clearly NOT psychopathic. So, my guess is that it is a deliberate blurring of the lines kind of like mixing up the diagnoses of ASPD and psychopathy. They are all just relying on external behaviors, NOT on what is inside. There can be VASTLY different reasons for external behaviors and this mode of diagnosing people is just Medieval! A person falls on the floor foaming at the mouth and they are diagnosed as demon possessed. In fact, they could be having 1) an epileptic seizure; 2) a stroke; 3) hydrophobia; 4) anything else.

So, basically, I would rather reject the Autism/Asperger's diagnoses unless and until some work is done on figuring out what is going on inside the person. Otherwise, they are going to take this label and do some very ugly things with it.
I very much agree. I can see huge differences from one person diagnosed with a high-functioning form of Autism to the next, and the DSM-5 proposal seeks to "blur" things even more. I would call that "deliberate."

The thing I have noticed the most is the lack of "experiencers" among those doing the diagnosing. I mentioned before that I had a friend my age, for years, that was HFA and far more impaired than I. I spent months learning to communicate with him (he was almost incomprehensible to the untrained ear) before I could have any clear idea of what his strengths and limitations were. I don't think anyone else ever did that.

It was a sad situation where I found that he had much potential for development relative to where he was, and he very much wanted to develop, but he was still living at home (in his 50s) and his parents stood in the way of his doing almost anything. THEY had diagnosed him as "hopeless" and were determined to be right, I guess.

In the transsexual (TS) community to which I also belong the story is a little different because there are significant numbers of TSs that are MDs. With the autistic spectrum, the obstacles to to doing that are higher. For me, getting my B.S. degree was so frustrating (it took 10 years) that I never wanted to go back to school again.

Ultimately, though, the problem is that the medical system is not especially concerned about finding the root causes. It's about making money.
Megan said:
Then there is Disorder Disorder:

Disorder Disorder is a condition characterized by a need for the subject to classify every human condition he/she doesn't understand as a "disorder."

[This is my own definition, copied from a post of mine on an AS-related forum.]


There is a whole range of normal human behavior, but all "normal" humans have one thing in common: the potential to seat a soul and a conscience that is either nascent or well developed or anything in between. They have the ability to "hurt for another" at least in potential.

Some human behavior is absolutely abnormal in that it is harmful to society. There ARE mental illnesses, psychoses, and anti-social persons who have been damaged or broken and cannot be fixed. When you get to this section of the spectrum, there are a number of points where there is a lateral diversion. These are characteropaths, in Lobaczewski's nomenclature, and there are a number of types.

That is one spectrum.

Right alongside it, parallel to it, but never part of it, is the OP spectrum. It is populated by individuals who never, ever, can, will or do have an individuated soul OR a conscience OR any ability to hurt for another, EVER. MOST of them live normal lives, look just like you and me, have jobs, marry, have kids, play music, go to church, and can be exemplary citizens to the outside view, but they always have dark secrets behind their mask, some more or less serious, but definitely not human.

Then, there are others on this spectrum who arrive with genetic glitches that exacerbate or amplify or twist their natures so that they have ambitions beyond their real abilities: these are the psychopaths and they are distributed along this spectrum in a variety of types.

So, what happens when a low-functioning, ambulatory psychopath gets diagnosed as Autistic or having Asperger's and is placed right alongside someone who has at least a nascent conscience with the same diagnosis?
Laura said:
And that, dear friends, is how Autism and Asperger's became the new fad disorder label that got stuck on anybody and everybody who was the tiniest bit disinclined to buy into the cheap, plastic, shallow reality sold on American Idol.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Just because someone gave me a "Barbi" and I thought it made a great doorstop does not mean I have a disorder!
Just because someone gave me a "Barbi" and I thought it made a great doorstop does not mean I have a disorder!

I think that is the PERFECT use of a barbie!
Laura said:
Right alongside it, parallel to it, but never part of it, is the OP spectrum. It is populated by individuals who never, ever, can, will or do have an individuated soul OR a conscience OR any ability to hurt for another, EVER. MOST of them live normal lives, look just like you and me, have jobs, marry, have kids, play music, go to church, and can be exemplary citizens to the outside view, but they always have dark secrets behind their mask, some more or less serious, but definitely not human.

I think(some?) animals can recognize them right off the bat. When my dog takes an instant dislike to someone, I pay attention.
Lauranimal said:
I think that is the PERFECT use of a barbie!

I thought so too! It was a perfect wedge, right up to those ridiculous tipi tatas. Looking back, I think taking its head and arms off was what really got everyone upset. Oh noooo I "mutilated Barbi" For crying out just fit better that way....easier to kick under the door.

To me, it was just a hunk of freak'in plastic laying around I could use to hold the door open, but to the "normal" people it was a "symptom of disordered thinking." This is about when I started to realize that I didn't want to be normal. I also remember being astounded by the fact that it took them months to even notice I was using the barbi as a doorstop.
Lauranimal said:
Just because someone gave me a "Barbi" and I thought it made a great doorstop does not mean I have a disorder!

I think that is the PERFECT use of a barbie!

I thought barbies were for cookin' steaks?
Right alongside it, parallel to it, but never part of it, is the OP spectrum. It is populated by individuals who never, ever, can, will or do have an individuated soul OR a conscience OR any ability to hurt for another, EVER. MOST of them live normal lives, look just like you and me, have jobs, marry, have kids, play music, go to church, and can be exemplary citizens to the outside view, but they always have dark secrets behind their mask, some more or less serious, but definitely not human.

The Transcript:
A: Sue is not a conscious agent, but is hostess to the tools of the "trade".
Q: (L) What do you mean by, "tools of the trade"?

A: Energies that vector as well as transmit and receive.

Q: (L) Is this like a physical implant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was she planted in Bob’s life just to come and spy on us?

A: Not so much you as Bob.]Q: (L) So are you suggesting that Bob also has an implant to watch the people around him, or is it that she learns about them through him, like at a remove?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So why didn't they just put an implant in him?

A: Strong willed.

Q: (L) But obviously, being strong willed doesn't mean that you can't be gotten to through your emotions. Oh, yeah. That’s why Sue...

A: Exactly. It should be a lesson to many; it is also a tale as old as time.

I haven't been able to find an exact reference to this in the discussions here, but I'm thinking that what's being said here is that Sue is an OP? The hints are several, but the greatest to me is that "It's a tale as old as time."

There are other transcripts that talk about mind programming and how that's done primarily to o.p.'s. Then there's this remark as well, which is the functional definition of an op o.s.i.t. , from transcript:
Q: (L) It boggles the mind that Bob thought he could find a wife through an online dating service and NOT take that risk! Okay, I had this dream about a plane crashing and burning the second night they were here. Was my dream related in any way to Sue, or was it related to the plane crash that then actually did happen {that very day} where the guy flew into the IRS building?

A: Why not both? The same signaling method can produce multiple responses.

Q: (L) So Sue' behavior was influenced by signals?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, ya know, that's a really bad situation because if a person is basically kind of innocent, and say they've been implanted for some nefarious purpose, and then they fall in love with someone, and there is a lot of emotional involvement all around, it's like that person has been innocently duped and used. It's really more of a tragedy than any fault of their own that they're being used as an unwitting agent.

A: How come Sue "fell for" Bob?

Q: (L) Well, I dunno. How come?

A: Programming, not real emotion.

Not trying to place judgment, just trying to figure it out. For all I know, I could be an op.

Or have I got this all backwards, and they don't need technology (implants) of any sort for an OP and they can take a potentially souled person and abuse them--destroy their will-- at an early age and make them ripe for use as "functional op's" with the addition of technology?

It seems that in this 3d sts world, that everybody gets abused to a greater or lesser degree.
Session 22 February 2010 said:
A: Sue is not a conscious agent, but is hostess to the tools of the "trade".

Q: (L) What do you mean by, "tools of the trade"?

A: Energies that vector as well as transmit and receive.

Q: (L) Is this like a physical implant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was she planted in Bob’s life just to come and spy on us?

A: Not so much you as Bob.]Q: (L) So are you suggesting that Bob also has an implant to watch the people around him, or is it that she learns about them through him, like at a remove?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So why didn't they just put an implant in him?

A: Strong willed.

Q: (L) But obviously, being strong willed doesn't mean that you can't be gotten to through your emotions. Oh, yeah. That’s why Sue...

A: Exactly. It should be a lesson to many; it is also a tale as old as time.

Is the implant a miniature receiver-transmitter made of transistors or is the implant the software of mind control or is the implant a human being placed in a persons life?
go2 said:
Is the implant a miniature receiver-transmitter made of transistors or is the implant the software of mind control or is the implant a human being placed in a persons life?

If I am not mistaken, implants are usually 4th density constructs.
First my deepest thanks for posting this session. All the hardship that you all had to go through, in the end has produced great insight. Hope all are feeling much better by now.

It has taken me a long time to get through this thread on many levels. Having experienced energy vampires quite a bit, and have also tried to point out the discrepancies of these people to themselves and others. It has been at times like banging my head against the wall. Been called lots of names because I have a tendency to call a spade a spade on occasion. People just don't usually like it. Just glad it has passed for you at the chateau. At least on a person to person basis. We do not know how far Bob and co. will take this. So much has been said of the whole issue that there really is not much more to say except I hope that one day Bob & his family see the light in their reflections and can grow from it.

The implant knowledge was well, humbling to say the least. Made me understand that we are all vulnerable to all kinds of manipulation. Wonder if Ark and the other scientists here on the forum can invent some kinda machine we can defuse these implants... ;)

One last thing, does anyone really know what it is to be "normal"? Halfway through reading Ultramind Solution and the more I read the more I see that most of us have damaged brains. Yes we are fixing them, here, each person as best they can. With all of this potential for manipulation 3d,4d is it any wonder why there is disorder disorder. Why do we need to have labels anyway...fwiw
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