Session 22 February 2020

The shooting down of the Ukrainian plane was the final element, but this was most likely a 'wild card', thrown in by elements within the Israeli intelligence establishment to highlight the fact that they were not fooled by the whole spectacle and perhaps as a warning to the US and Iranian players of what they can do. As I wrote at the time, someone very likely 'messed' with either the plane or the missile system to provoke the shoot down. Given all of this, it's no surprise that the Iranian government took responsibility for the downing of that plane, and quickly made it go away.

Thanks for your post Joe. As ever highly illuminating. The above obviously rings bells with the likely events of 9-11 and the direct intrusion into plan A of Israel's unknown plan B. Chimes with events going back as far as say the killing of Oswald by Ruby... that even if and when they appear to be in the mix somewhere, the 'Mossad/Zionists' are always there at the end with a sting in the tail - like a scorpion - to make sure they shock even they're partners in darkness with another extra raising of the stakes... that they take every opportunity to remind that no matter how devious things are they are willing and capable of going to a whole level further again than anyone else in the loop. That 'reminder' every few years keeps everyone in line and guessing who's next on the chopping block. One of those unknown-unknowns that even 'they'all fear...
Although my opinion on Jordan Peterson’s work is quite high, I do have my own questions about it. but I would like to ask, as the group seemed pretty confident that there was a particular mistake that he made. Can some one tell us what that was?

He took a very suspect anti-depressant that he obviously didn't know was so suspect. You could also say that he is slightly off the mark in his perhaps overly depressive view of life, which may have contributed to his depression that led to the anti-depressant use. I'm not judging or criticizing him, just pointing out what seems to have happened.
Thanks for your post Joe. As ever highly illuminating. The above obviously rings bells with the likely events of 9-11 and the direct intrusion into plan A of Israel's unknown plan B. Chimes with events going back as far as say the killing of Oswald by Ruby... that even if and when they appear to be in the mix somewhere, the 'Mossad/Zionists' are always there at the end with a sting in the tail - like a scorpion - to make sure they shock even they're partners in darkness with another extra raising of the stakes... that they take every opportunity to remind that no matter how devious things are they are willing and capable of going to a whole level further again than anyone else in the loop. That 'reminder' every few years keeps everyone in line and guessing who's next on the chopping block. One of those unknown-unknowns that even 'they'all fear...

Can't help it. Very well said again! ;-)
I found this reference to a portal over the M.E. in the 4 October 1997 session:

I left in that subsequent part about the symbolism of the (Christian) cross because, 23 years later, in the current session published above, Laura just answered her own question...

Laura-in-the-future (our present) has answered Laura-in-the-past!

What is utterly bizarre is that the two items appear in that previous session adjacent.

Reading that just gave me goosebumps.
Thank you all so much for bringing us this fascinating session!

(L:) So it's not faith IN Jesus as Ashworth points out. It's faith OF Jesus that sets the example. And the example was put in a metaphor of the story of this crucifixion or death, but the metaphor represents basically the crucifixion of every person. They're crucified inside and outside because they are faced with this reality that rejects their consciousness, their more or less divine connection, their spiritual connection. They say that everything is just random mutations and random evolution, and that's wrong. That's the Big Lie.

This reminds me of some of what the guys in Stainton Moses' "Spirit Teachings" had to say:

Jesus, when He lived amongst men, was a grand and magnificent instance of the highest self-abnegation and earnestness of purpose. He lived with you a life of pure self-denial and practical earnest work, and He died a death of self-sacrifice for truth. In Him you have the purest picture that history records of man’s possibilities. They who since have purged the world from error, and have shed on it the beams of truth, have been one and all men of self-denial and earnest devotion to a work which they knew to be that for which they were set apart.

Socrates and Plato, John and Paul, the pioneers of truth, the heralds of progress, all have been unselfish souls—souls who knew naught of self-seeking, of proud aggrandisement, of boastful arrogance. To them earnestness and singleness of purpose, devotion to their appointed work, forgetfulness of self and its interests, were given in a high degree. Without that they could not have effected what they did.

Selfishness would have eaten out the heart of their success. Humility, sincerity, and earnestness bore them on.

This is the character we seek. Loving and earnest, self-denying and receptive to truth; with single eye to God’s work, and with forgetfulness of earthly aims. Rare it is, rare as it is beautiful. Seek, friend, the mind of the philosopher, calm, reliant, truthful, and earnest! Seek the spirit of the philanthropist, loving, tolerant, ready to help, quick to give the needed aid. Add the self-abnegation of the servant of God who does his work and seeks no reward. For such a character, work, high, holy, noble, is possible. Such we guard and watch with jealous care. On such the angels of the Father smile, and tend and protect them from injury.

SM: But you have described a perfect character.

Ah no! You have no conception of what the perfect spirit is. You cannot know; you cannot even picture it. Nor can you know how the faithful soul drinks in the spirit-teaching and grows liker and liker to its teacher. You see not as we see the gradual growth of the seed, which it has cost us so much labour to plant and tend. You only know that the soul grows in kindly graces, and becomes more lovely and more lovable. The character we have faintly pictured in such terms as are intelligible to you is not perfect, nor aught but a vague and distant resemblance of that which it shall become. With you is no perfectness.

Hereafter is progression and constant development and growth. What you call perfect is blotted and blurred with faults to spirit vision.

SM: Yes, surely. But very few such are to be found.

Few, few: and none save in the germ. There is the capability on which we work with thankfulness. We seek not for perfection; we do but desire sincerity and earnest desire for improvement: a mind free and receptive; a spirit pure and good. Wait in patience. Impatience is a dire fault. Avoid over-carefulness and anxiety as to causes which are beyond your control. Leave that to us. In patience and seclusion ponder what we say.

SM: I suppose a secluded life is favourable for your influence, rather than the busy whirl of town?

[Here the writing suddenly changed from the minute and the very clear writing of Doctor to a most peculiar archaic writing, almost indecipherable, and signed Prudens.]

The busy world is ever averse from the things of spirit life. Men become absorbed in the material, that which they can see, and grasp, and hoard up, and they forget that there is a future and spirit life. They become so earthly that they are impervious to our influence; so material that we cannot come near them; so full of earthly interests that there is no room for that which shall endure when they have passed away.

More than this, the constant preoccupation leaves no time for contemplation, and the spirit is wasted for lack of sustenance. The spiritual state is weak: the body is worn and weary with weight of work and anxious care, and the spirit is well-nigh inaccessible. The whole air, moreover, is heavy with conflicting passions, with heart-burnings, and jealousies, and contentions, and all that is inimical to us. Round the busy city, with its myriad haunts and vice, its detestable allurements, its votaries of folly and sin, hover the legions of the opposing spirits, who watch for opportunity to lure the wavering to their ruin. They urge on many to their grief hereafter, and cause us many sorrows and much anxious care.

The life of contemplation is that which most suits communion with us. It is not indeed to supersede the life of action, but may be in some sort combined with it. It is most readily practised where distracting cares come not in, and where excessive toil weakens not the bodily powers. But the desire must be inherent in the soul; and where that is, neither distracting cares nor worldly allurements avail to prevent the recognition of a spirit world, and of communion with it. The heart must be prepared. But it is easier for us to make our presence felt when the surroundings are pure and-peaceful.
Thank you for this great session!

My fear was that the Deep State might have been able to hit Soleimani while putting the blame on Trump.
I'm somewhat relieved that Trump is still making decisions on his own.

There have been many youth and student protests in Iran for some time.
Maybe the Iranian establishment feared that Soleimani might be the future hero of these people...

Here's a report from Jan 2, 2020 - six days before Soleimanis murder:

CBS: Deadly Protests across Iran

Such is the discontent and pent up anger in Iran, reports Palmer, that in just five days the uprisings have spread to at least 50 cities. In the capital city of Tehran crowds vandalized one of the main shopping avenues, and in city after city crowds have come out to protest, jeer, and in some cases throw stones at the police.

Anyone knowing of the Bio-weapons lab near Wuhan could have been able to draw a connection to the ongoing virus outbreak, but instead of the conspiracy expected something just went wrong...
(As for "total safety" - anything that could go wrong eventually will!)
When you read Ashworth's interpretation on what Paul was teaching, you just know it's the right one. I mean it finally makes sense! All the other interpretations never felt right to me. And so now the C's have confirmed it. So there you go!

Thanks for the session. It was a good one!

When I read Ashworth's interpretation of the death of Christ, it felt incomplete to me too. What Laura said makes perfect sense though!!

Interesting is, well known, saying: "See the unseen." Is it mean that this is perception of the reality that contain the idea of seeing from the 4D perspective the 3D things as the 3D being? Perspective set partly because of the spiritual knowledge, partly the choice and decision that this is correct view on things, which open to the new unseen reality.

Kind of like de Salzmann's "First Initiation" that remains a good map for the "only exact measure" to which objectively see and which is quoted here.

Thank you Laura for another absolutely fascinating session. I'm relieved that the coronavirus isn't the big killer some of us feared, though I was sceptical of the scaremongering personally.

I'm reading 2 books by Laurent Guyenot at the mo, on Judaism and 9-11, so this session has given me something else to think about. The Mossad are so successful in their espionage because they're so insidious in how they operate. Most of my friends and family have no clue about how things really work in our reality. Maybe one person has a clue. I've gotta admit, I'm glued to reading at the moment, it just seems there's so much to keep abreast of. Can't wait for the new book too, for related reasons. Thanks again.
Thank you for this great session - as every session :-) Reading latest sessions gives me the link to the Job from Book of Job, somehow it's seems like people in near future would be like Job, we will meet a lot of suffer and pain in way that we couldn't turn our heads away and in that moment if in those points of despair we could still belive in good things, our trial would end - that's the idea which is in my head from a while. If that's the point that would be hard, even now, in the day after day reality i manage to see my emotions like "why my life now is like I couldn't rest even for a while, that's becouse of that bad people and bla bla bla" and in that moment I'm realizing that my mind and emotions are like mind and emotions of man that I never wanted to be. I know that is becouse of exhausting but only thanks to "conciusness" and "knowledge" and those lates sessions I could realize this in this state and in that moment I'm saying to myself "Shit, this state of mind again" :-D
He took a very suspect anti-depressant that he obviously didn't know was so suspect. You could also say that he is slightly off the mark in his perhaps overly depressive view of life, which may have contributed to his depression that led to the anti-depressant use. I'm not judging or criticizing him, just pointing out what seems to have happened.

I think his daughter told us that J.P. was put on benzodiazepines for an extended period of time. That's what I couldn't understand. You would think that anyone in his business (psychiatry, psychology) knows of the danger that benzos present. Instead of being actual anti-depressants that can be taken for years, benzodiazepines are actually tranquilizers that can easily create addiction and which must not be taken for more than three or four weeks.

I'm still wondering about the wisdom of his doctor and Peterson's as well to take a new medication without looking things up on the internet. (No offense intended, just wondering...)
He took a very suspect anti-depressant that he obviously didn't know was so suspect. You could also say that he is slightly off the mark in his perhaps overly depressive view of life, which may have contributed to his depression that led to the anti-depressant use. I'm not judging or criticizing him, just pointing out what seems to have happened.

It was a benzodiazepine whose likelihood of creating physical dependency increases exponentially after about 7 weeks of continual use. It is given for anxiety, depression with an anxious undertone and as a hypnotic/sleep inducing pill that actually disrupts natural sleeping cycles and causes memory problems to name but a few of the most common and less serious side effects. It is completely normalized in mainstream medicine even though they're very damaging. He took it for years, before he was moved to a more powerful benzo after his wife got sick. It is extremely difficult to get off from benzos, often it is impossible. And there are integral addiction clinics in the U.S. that help with benzos withdrawal. In order to find such alternative clinics, you can't be too trusting of medical authorities under Big Pharma though.
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