Session 22 February 2020

I took it as an insight into how politics really works, and it more or less confirmed my take on the Soleimani assassination and the events afterwards.

Far from being arch enemies, all politicians and members of the political or 'elite' class around the world have more in common with each other than they do with their respective populations. They all share the common goal of maintaining themselves in power and keeping their potentially 'restless' populations under control and relatively happy, because it is from their populations that they derive their power (and wealth).

Soleimani had become an increasingly powerful figure in both the Iranian military and Iranian political and social life over the past few years. The political class in any country is usually very wary of military leaders accruing too much power and influence, because when they do, they tend to get ideas that they can do a better job. So it's possible that Soleimani was seen as a growing threat to the Iranian government and the Ayatollah and his coterie.

Through spying and electronic eves-dropping and direct discussions with Iranians, individuals in the Trump government may have become aware of this and came up with the idea of getting rid of him in the knowledge that the Iranians would not mind so much. The thinking behind this may have been Trump's awareness that with the recent alarming spread of Iranian influence across Iraq and into Syria and Lebanon (much of it thanks to Soleimani), the Israelis were reaching the point of no return where they might initiate a real war against Iran (and the Iranian government was likely aware of this). If such a war were to occur, Trump would be forced to side with Israel, and he was not inclined to have the US embroiled in another major ME war (his 'base' of supporters in the US would not be happy). At the same time, the Iranian government does not have a death wish, and they very likely would not win such a war (Israel has 400 nukes and the psychos to use them).

Killing Soleimani may have been seen, therefore, as a good way to stay Israel's hand, appease the Zionists by showing them that Trump was looking out for their interests, while presenting himself as a leader who was taking a 'strong stance' on Iran. Notice that, in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, Trump tweeted that he did it to "prevent a war, not start one". That was perplexing to many people since killing Soleimani appeared to be the best way to START a war between the US and Iran. But perhaps the war that Trump was preventing with this action was not primarily a war between the US and Iran but between Israel and Iran (then pulling the US in). Notice also that Trump felt he had to further justify the assassination to his base by claiming the Soleimani was a 'bad man' who had been responsible for killing US troops in Iraq.

From the Iranian perspective, killing Soleimani removed a threat to their power, but the Iranian government had to go through the motions of being 'outraged' and responding with the missile attack on 2 US bases in Iraq, an attack that was very likely signaled to the US beforehand. All of this was necessary because the Iranian people, as oblivious as the American people to the way global politics really works, demanded it as a response to the egregious murder of their beloved general by the 'great Satan'. The outpouring of grief and the multiple millions of people who attended the various funeral proceedings for Soleimani is perhaps an insight into the extent of the threat he posed to the established powers in Iran.

The shooting down of the Ukrainian plane was the final element, but this was most likely a 'wild card', thrown in by elements within the Israeli intelligence establishment to highlight the fact that they were not fooled by the whole spectacle and perhaps as a warning to the US and Iranian players of what they can do. As I wrote at the time, someone very likely 'messed' with either the plane or the missile system to provoke the shoot down. Given all of this, it's no surprise that the Iranian government took responsibility for the downing of that plane, and quickly made it go away.
You be smart! I'm sure 6th density is proud. Thanks for s'plaining.
Thank you from my soul for this session. Definitely enlivened my faith and determination to keep on going in the face of stress and lies. As someone who has prescribed (very briefly) and taken some psychiatric medications over my lifetime, my personal/professional opinion of klonopin (clonazepam is the generic name) is that: 1. it is very often over-prescribed without people knowing the risks including the prescribers; 2. feels like it will save you from shattering anxiety but can easily become a poisoned well from which you cannot stop drinking. There's a great deal of shame involved in admitting to yourself and others that you have a problem. And then there are the issues of physical dependency that Gaby pointed out. I definitely have much sympathy for JP in this regard. What I did not know about clonazepam (and most likely other types of benzodiazepines) as far as side effects are concerned, is that it can suppress one's immune system and have negative effects on the vascular system. This is not something I was taught in school. When I googled benzodiazepines and autoimmune diseases found this scholarly article about rats which is a really fun read: Differential effects of alprazolam and clonazepam on the immune system and blood vessels of non-stressed and stressed adult male albino rats
Short story seems to be that benzos have deleterious effects on rats' immune and vascular systems though I have not done the digging to see if studies have been done on humans. My guess is not. However, a very disturbing article with anecdotal accounts:

Makes me wonder if JP's autoimmune issues were triggered more and had a more difficult time with withdrawal. Pure speculation of course. Thanks mother Russia!
In line with your analogy of Adam and the original Fall and stuff, how many souls fell?

(L) With that event?

(Joe) Yeah, was it a finite number?

A: No.

Q: (L) I would say it was more like a group of them created a situation that set a trap and then began reproducing and attracting more and more into the trap. It just became like... a black hole.

(Joe) Yeah, that's what I mean, but like an original...

(L) An original group?

(Joe) Yeah. In a certain sense, flipping it around like you have a group now being a vanguard of the new reality and leading in a certain sense, or like they said in the last session about saving other people... Spreading information...

(L) So in other words, how many souls were existing at 4D STO reality who at that moment... I think they... No, they didn't. We never asked that question.

(Joe) It's probably a lot more complicated than that. I was thinking that it doesn't change, ya know what I mean? That it's...

(L) The thing is, it could actually literally have been a couple who created the...

(Joe) Started the ball rolling...

(L) Just as it could be one person who could set an example who could start the ball rolling the other way. So, even though we understand these things as metaphors, there can certainly be a very concrete reality to all of it, ya know?

(Joe) Yeah.

(L) Alright then. We'll say goodnight unless you have anything to add.

A: Keep the faith all! Goodbye.
This bit about the "fall" reminded me of of Session 22 October 1994, which was one where "Frank" was trance channeling:
This was an experimental session undertaken because Frank kept insisting on trying it this way. The information seems to be very good, and I’ve noted elsewhere that Frank was an extremely talented psychic who could look at your palm, tune into you in some way, and pull out all kinds of astonishingly accurate things – not because they came to him from some outside source, but because he extracted it in some way from the individual he was “channeling for.” This session seems to be just an enhanced version of that type of thing – that I was there with the questions and he was somehow extracting this information THROUGH me. So, as I said, the info seems to be good - though most of it is unverifiable - which I understood as a tactic of negative entities: give you good info so you get hooked, and then slowly twist and transform the messages. We could already see this process in this session. One other thing I can say is that you had to be there to understand why nobody else present liked it. It was a certain “taste” of the tone and attitude of Frank that was extremely unpleasant. We all felt somewhat invaded. Also, notice the verbosity. We all had the feeling that if this was continued, the end result would be word-salad.
Q: (L) Are human beings entrapped in physical matter?

A: By choice.

Q: (L) Why did they make this choice?

A: To experience physical sensations. It was a group mind decision.

Q: (L) Who was in charge of the group?

A: The group.

Q: (L) Does the interaction between the spirit/soul and the body physical produce some by-product that is desirable to other beings?

A: Well, all things have desirable consequences as well as undesirable consequences, but it must also be mentioned here that everything that exists in all realms of the universe can experience existence in one of only two ways. That would be defined as a long wave cycle and a short wave cycle. Going back to your previous question about why humans are "entrapped" in physical existence, which, of course, is voluntary and chosen, this was due to the desire to change from the long wave cycle experience of completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence, to the short wave cycle of what you call physical existence. The difference is that a long wave cycle involves only very gradual change in evolution in a cyclical manner. Whereas a short wave cycle involves a duality. And this is the case with souls in physical bodies as is experienced on this earth plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state for half the cycle and a physical state for the other half of the cycle. While these halves are not measured in time the way you measure time, the totality of experience is equal in each half. The necessity to form the short wave cycle was brought about through nature through the natural bounds of the universe when the group mind of souls chose to experience physicality as opposed to a completely ethereal existence.

Q: (L) Does this interaction produce a by-product?

A: It produces equal by-products of a positive and negative nature.

Q: (L) And what are these by-products?

A: Which one first?

Q: (L) Positive.

A: Positive by-product is an increase in relative energy which speeds up the learning process of the soul and all of it's one dimensional and two dimensional interactive partners. In other words, flora and fauna, minerals, etc. All experience growth and movement towards reunion at a faster rate on the cycle through this short wave cycle physical/ethereal transfer. Of a negative nature, it also produces many negative experiences for these very same entities which otherwise would not exist because being of a first level and second level nature, flora and fauna would ordinarily experience a long term or long wave cycle on the physical plane as opposed to a short wave cycle physical and ethereal, as they do now because of their interaction with the human species in its short wave ethereal/physical cycle.
From Session 7 January 1995:
: (T) Yes, you see, on 4th density... we are on 3rd density and we eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants by eating them like the Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without eating?

A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to "eat."

Q: (L) So part of the "fall" into the physical existence and part of the Edenic story of the whole business, "you shall eat by the sweat of your brow," has to do with being physical and needing to eat?

A: Lucifer, "The fallen Angel." This is you.

Q: (L) So, "falling" means going into physical existence wherein you must feed on other life, other beings, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) When plants feed on 1st level beings such as rocks and water and so forth, do the 1st density beings feel pain?

A: That is redundant. We have already covered this.

Q: (T) So when a plant absorbs nutrients.... (L) Well, a plant is the same density as minerals, so it is almost like... (T) Like two separate entities becoming one? (V) Like Jeffrey Dahmer... {laughter} (L) My bologne has a first name... (LM) Minerals dissolve in water and are then absorbed by the plant, what pain could there be in this?

A: Subjective, L__.

Q: (L) Maybe the dissolution of, say, phosphate in water, is a "death" to it...

A: Close. You limit when you perceive on 3rd level only and think that your perception is all there is.

Q: (L) So, in other words, we should be able to perceive on 1st and 2nd as well as 3rd while working on 4th level understanding?

A: No. Work on 4th, 5th and 6th.

Q: (L) Is it not also beneficial to understand the 1st and 2nd density levels as well, just simply for the exercise in understanding that which is below us?

A: Strive always to rise.

Q: (V) Haven't we already done our 1st and 2nd level work as evolving souls?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) So there is no reason to step back. (T) Who eats the Lizzies on the 4th level?

A: No one. 4th is the last density for full manifestation of STS.

Q: (T) So, beings on the 5th and 6th level exist in pure energy?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) The 4th level is the last for full STS. Does that mean that the 5th level, which you have described as the "contemmplative" level... what is the state of existence of a STS being on the 5th level?

A: Souls of 1,2,3, and 4 go to 5th.

Q: (T) So 5th level is where they go to while waiting to go back to one of the 4 for their next incarnation?

A: Exactly.

Q: (T) That is why it's called the contemplation level. You go and think about what you have done. (T) What about souls on 6th density? (L) Are there 6th density STS beings?

A: No, when you get to 6th you no longer need to recycle.

Q: (L) But still, is there an STS experience at 6th density, like the 6th density Orions?

A: These are only reflections of individuals, not unified entities. These reflections exist for balance. They are not whole entities, just thought forms.

Q: (L) Are these 6th density beings what the Bible describes as a "gathering" of angels as in the story of Job where "Lucifer" came in before the Lord...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, there are STS and STO at 6th density which balance? And they are just there, they exist?

A: Reflection for balance.

Q: (L) Is there any kind of hierarchy to this thing? Do these beings come before some kind of "Grand Council" and make plans and discuss things, and make decisions and implement them?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, how do things happen? Do things just sort of happen as a natural interaction of things and energies?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) If we are on the 3rd density and you are working with us and we are striving to make 4th density, at the same time are you, at 6th density, striving to reach 7th?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is helping us, helping you to reach 7th density? (V) Are there others at higher densities working with you as you are working with us?

A: No, we all reach 7th level together.

Q: (L) So, in other words, you guys are trying to bring us up and everbody else is coming up, and when all the pieces are back together, we then go to 7th, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So that is your purpose in helping us?

A: It's a natural process.

Q: (T) Will our function be, when we are at 6th density, to help others on 3rd, as you are doing?

A: Yes. We are you in the future.

Q: (T) When more than 50 per cent of the souls reach 6th density in preparation to go to 7th density, will all the rest of them automatically manifest into that density?

A: Not correct concept. You are using 3rd density "Brotherhood" inspired mathematical calculations and ideas.

Q: (J) So, there are no percentages involved in it. (T) So, we have to get every single soul up there. (V) I don't think it is as much that as that you can't apply 3rd density mathematics to that level. (T) Let's say a majority.

A: No. Still using 3rd density mathematics.

Q: (L) Okay, what criteria constitutes the means of this ultimate translation into 7th density?

A: The lessons completed.

Q: (J) Okay. (T) When all the souls transition to 7th density, will all the souls be integrated into one soul?

A: Close.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around "short wave" and "long wave" cycles. If humans are currently living out a short wave cycle in duality and physicality in 3D, does that mean that those souls in the non-corporeal densities such as 5th and 6th are in "long wave cycles?" Or do long and short wave cycles exist side by side so to speak?
From Session 23 1994:
(L) Where did the souls come from that entered into the bodies on the planet earth? Were they in bodies on other planets before they came here?

A: Not this group.

Q: (L) Were they just floating around in the universe somewhere?

A: In union with the One. Have you heard the Super ancient legend of Lucifer, the Fallen Angel?

Q: (L) Who is Lucifer?

A: You. The human race.

Q: (L) Are the souls of individual humans the parts of a larger soul?

A: Yes. Close. The One. All who have fallen must learn "the hard way."

Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience physical reality is the act of falling?

A: You are members of a fragmented soul unit.

Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a "fall"?

A: Pleasure for the self.
Does that mean there was a decision made on 7th to switch to a short wave cycle? Still confused after years. Please enlighten/help?
Trump seems like a crazy person quite often, but he might be trying with all the power he has to do something good, if not for the entire world, at least for the benefit of the US. And maybe he wears this crazy person mask to keep people distracted, to not get whiff of his true aims.

What you wrote reminded me about Boris Yeltsin. He ruled Russia during the 90's. It was a very turbulent and devastating period for Russia. Many, if not most people say that Yeltsin sold Russia out, and the only positive thing he did was appointing Putin as his successor.

We may never know his true reasons, and if this last act can redeem everything he did before that. But I remember reading or hearing somewhere how this choice was his final act of defiance, while being thoroughly trapped by the Western handlers. I bet they don't wonder anymore "Who is Mr. Putin?".

I have no doubt that there are all sort of backroom deals, and that what is being presented to us is mostly an orchestrated show. It is also still totally amazing how certain elements from the "little shitty country" continue to keep everyone in check. I wonder what would it take, and if it would be ever possible to deal with it. Maybe, indeed, only by playing a very long and intricate game.

And thank you very much for this super interesting session! :flowers:
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Hello it seems genetic warfare is in action. Do China retailate?
No, this wasn't done 'to' China; its 'experts' at the 'top bio-lab' in Wuhan accidentally caused this when a live virus for vaccines they were working on - presumably for the Coronavirus group of viruses - escaped the facility and then naturally mutated. Suddenly there was a 'novel' (new) Coronavirus (CoVid-19) 'in the wild', with little human immunity to it.
All the above are wild speculations of course, just reading the session made me wonder if after all, Trump is not totally :-P the crazy, out of control person I imagine him to be sometimes.
Here is one of the interview where he expressed his opinions- from 1988 ( 30 years back). He is not playing "political correctness" card over which that entire deep state built its control over the people.
Just a thought... Can the PDB opportunally utilise the fear of COV19 to, if there will be a bank, economic, food crash, blame the COV19 about it and not banksters ?? 🤔
Oh yes! I think that that has been opportunistically applied with the current outbreak. The Chinese government is probably, at least partly, genuinely motivated by fears of what CoVid-19 could do in terms of becoming a real pandemic and killing millions of people. But we can see from the overall response to it - from the WHO and from governments globally - how 'useful' such quarantine measures would be when, for example, a population is in a state of socio-political insurgency, like France was last year with the Yellow Vest movement.

The 'War on Terror' was never going to be enough to convince populations to voluntarily agree to curfews, self-quarantines, and 'reporting on fellow citizens who disobey'. Man-made 'random terror' is nowhere near as 'efficient' as nature's 'random terror'. As we've seen from the mass hysteria about this current outbreak, a fatal virus is what really terrifies people.
Just as a thought, I tell you, C’s connect us in many ways and they are always all encompassing in their speech regardless either the temporal moment or particular event in which they manifest themselves. Also, naturally, our current buildings, perceptions, and expectations frame their sage words.

Anyway, it may interest this supplemental note:

Session Date: February 22nd 2020

Well, in this Reality Transfer book we just read, he talks about these pendulums and what you are saying sounds sort of like what he describes as a pendulum. He doesn't talk about what they are, but he thinks that all pendulums are bad or evil .
A: He is wrong. Dead wrong.
Q: (L) So some of these pendulum-type attractors can be good?
A: Essential in fact. One must choose.

As I see, C’s are not only regarding predators, but also other voices. The words, "deadly wrong," in essence indeed, recall us of the afterlife. Yet clues must respect the learning directive, thus, of course a good research —such as mythologies ancient as the pyramids— is vital to accomplish such a rise of awareness. Also as I understand, a Research in which we are open enough to abandon thought-blockings, built throughout our lives, is that that hits us like a lightning. Scary may it be, but still joyful.

Session Date: February 12, 1997

A: The answers for this connection will come to you with surprising clarity, and will “unfold in front” of you with greater and greater intensity with each passing day.
Thank you for the session! :love:

I found the above very interesting and got to thinking, that there are probably way more backroom deals and communications that we can ever imagine. Especially after reading the book, JFK and the Unspeakable, that shows the secret communications between Kennedy and Khrushchev during the Cold War, and how they were trying so hard to keep the peace when the Deep States in their respective countries were vying for more conflict, war, and destruction. And it was many years later that we/anyone had a clue that this was going on.

Trump seems like a crazy person quite often, but he might be trying with all the power he has to do something good, if not for the entire world, at least for the benefit of the US. And maybe he wears this crazy person mask to keep people distracted, to not get whiff of his true aims.

Regarding Israel, just recall how Trump has been operating since he got in office... He has these warmongers working for him, and he seems that he allows them enough rope to express their true colours and intentions, and then when they cross the line (because they inevitably will, "give the devil enough rope..." and all that) he fires them and exposes them for who they are.

And now he proposes this Deal of the Century or whatever, to solve the Middle East problem. He must know that the UN and other governments are not going to accept it, right? But... it makes the Israelis cocky. Netanyahu especially is currently VERY desperate, wanting to be reelected and stay in power in order to have immunity against the fraud charges that loom above his head. So what if he is giving them rope to keep revealing more and more to the global community their psychopathic essence? And what if they ultimately do something SO stupid? I know the relationship between his son in law and other associates with Israel, but, could Trump (as a business-and-MAGA man) be happy that the US is giving these huge amounts of money to Israel every year, without him/his country getting anything back in return? What if he is doing with the Israelis what he has done to his now-fired associates?

All the above are wild speculations of course, just reading the session made me wonder if after all, Trump is not totally :-P the crazy, out of control person I imagine him to be sometimes.

Well, maybe not so wild. I know that he has sparked a lot of interest from some Constitutional/Law study peeps in the US because he mentions constitutional matters and he has taken some actions to attempt to return to a more Constitutional Govt than an Administrative one. One of those study peeps made the comment that he believes that he can see what Trump is doing - the comment was along the lines of Trump throwing out a lot of curve balls and veiled challenges, and crazy manoeuvres to test to see how the swamp people react, once he's got the swampies reacting, they show themselves and he can formulate a game plan of how to deal with them.

Given that the US study peeps want a return to a more constitutional govt, the perception could be coloured by their desires. Still it's an interesting idea to keep in mind as we watch things unfold.
From Gurdjieff: "Everyone must have an aim. If you have not an aim, you are not a man. I will tell you a very simple aim, to die an honorable death. Everyone can take this aim without any philosophizing—not to perish like a dog."

I hear what you're saying about non-anticipation of results, ie. to maintain a state of openness, but what I've read over and over is that the Work is not an end to itself. It is a means. The operative phrase is intentional suffering, right? Not just suffering. Similar to the C's saying that one needs to apply knowledge, not just gather it, right?

Yes indeed, you can't do what "it" doesn't like/struggle without an aim. And you need to follow it religiously, as Gurdjieff said, because otherwise your mind will come up with excuses and rationalizations. I guess my point was that a) the choice of the aim is in some sense arbitrary, as long as it involves struggle and of course generally aims at something that makes sense and b) that even if we don't reach the aim, or think we lost what we have gained, that the "struggle between yes and no" that is involved still makes it worthwhile.

To give a mundane example - let's say you are a somewhat chaotic person who tends to leave dishes unwashed until the next day. Then your aim could be, as a challenge, to always wash your dishes right away, for two weeks. But it could also be the reverse: if you are totally OCD about such things and can't resist the urge to tidy up everything all the time, maybe a good challenge would be to allow a little chaos into your life against your inner resistance.

Now, these actions themselves may not seem really important in the grand scheme of things; who cares whether you wash your dishes today or tomorrow? Who cares if you are a bit OCD with your things? But that's not really the point - the point is to engage in the struggle, and the conscious suffering this entails. In some sense, it could be anything - talking more, talking less, being more social, less social, spending more time online, less time online, working more, working less etc. depending on the person. It's about going against our "default mode" I guess.

But even if we slip, or we just manage to keep our promise one time, or let's say we fall back into old habits after the "2 weeks challenge", there's still value in the struggle. I think that such struggles have an immense value, and not just for the results (these can have value too of course). Engaging in such struggles is necessary IMO to become a force of good in the world - otherwise it's "good intentions with bad outcomes" at best. The funny thing though is that we normally don't see this and expect direct results from our efforts, and only much later do we realize how we have become better in completely unexpected ways in serving others as a result of our struggles/doing what "it" doesn't like. Hope I could clarify my thoughts a bit.
I think everything will be literally a full-blown apocalyptic nightmare at some point
For some, but not for others, depending on their thinking, attitude, and choices. That seems to be a key point the Cs have been making.

Given the nature of the PTB, there's pretty much no way things can go well on the 3D materialist level. Politics is all corruption and deception, bankers are robbing everyone, the media only know how to lie, the Western culture makes everyone lazy, distracted, and stupid, capitalism is all about exploiting everyone for the benefit of a few, and the materialist mindset is poisonous to the mind. Apocalyptic nightmare is the only logical conclusion.

But we don't have to be a part of that. If you can resist peer pressure and not be like everyone else and instead do what's right, you may be able to leave this train wreck before it crashes. It will be a glorious crash though, so I would kinda like to see it...

And I guess you'll need some of that faith that has been talked about lately.
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