Session 22 March 2014

Great session - thank you so much for posting so soon. It was quite a nice surprise!

The way we were thinking about it was that the "bleedthrough" was a natural result of the flagrant infringing of free will that the US was perhaps planning in response to Russian actions in Crimea. That perhaps there is some mechanism where if the overt PTB push their psychopathic agenda too far that it destabilizes our reality and leads to such bleedthroughs. The overt ptb have "advisors' that are aware of a 'higher power' to some extent and what they can do and are afraid of it. The plane event was interpreted by the advisors as being a signal that their plans were too aggressive and that they better back off or they could lose control of things. It's not that they knew exactly what it meant or if it was done on purpose, but that as a general rule, when something like that happens, its a good idea to err on the side of caution.

Does this mean that due to the approach of the realm border, that the PTB's lies and manipulation will cause more havoc in terms of bleedthrough, than would have done so in other times? I mean they have been at their shenanigans for a long time, so I am assuming that is what makes things different now. The PTB have been acting with impunity for quite some time. Although I suppose we don’t really know whether there have been other instances where certain actions were prevented only to keep the control system intact. Nor do we really know how their actions have affected our reality in directly causing high-strangeness in recent times that I am aware of (excluding comets and weather anomalies).

When they said that soon others will be joining your reality, I took that to mean that due to the increasing strangeness on the planet, more people are likely to start waking up, thus joining our reality. Also - that it’s highly likely that with the planet opening up, more hyperdimensional entities will be joining our reality as well. :huh:

What was said about Putin, gave me hope. I watched the two videos about him and also listened to his speech that was carried on SOTT. He appears very serious and seems to have true concern for the Russian people. His demeanor is so far removed from the glib and offhand manner of most Western politicians. He may not be perfect, but it is refreshing to know that there is at least one conscious politician that has the power to stand up to the Western pathocrats FWIW.:thup:
This was an amazing session, thank you guys, the fixing the room and making room changes were indeed refreshing for us when we did them a month ago. My brother in fact changed the room again yesterday! :P
Thanks guys !!
First of all THANKS COMRADES for this excellent, unexpected (i swear :-[) session!

Perceval said:
The way we were thinking about it was that the "bleedthrough" was a natural result of the flagrant infringing of free will that the US was perhaps planning in response to Russian actions in Crimea. That perhaps there is some mechanism where if the overt PTB push their psychopathic agenda too far that it destabilizes our reality and leads to such bleedthroughs. The overt ptb have "advisors' that are aware of a 'higher power' to some extent and what they can do and are afraid of it. The plane event was interpreted by the advisors as being a signal that their plans were too aggressive and that they better back off or they could lose control of things. It's not that they knew exactly what it meant or if it was done on purpose, but that as a general rule, when something like that happens, its a good idea to err on the side of caution.

I am calculating on this. there is formed a stable hard core of truthers that counter fights hitherto unchallenged information distortion that had terrible impact on our reality. So patterning of that poll is giving different guidelines to "school board" which passes down instructions to "advisors" who "influence" PTB. To be accepted in masons or illuminati or whatever, one has to commit some horrible acts which, later, can be used for blackmailing... So it is a kind of school reform in process... Maybe 200 are "higher power"? FWIW


I would like to add my thanks her also.

Coincidentally, I saw Sheldan Nidle made this statement about the disappearance of flight 370 the day after this last session was posted:

"Sheldan Nidle Comments on Flight 370

Here is another perspective on the missing flight 370. Today during Sheldan's Webinar 49 he answered a question about this event.
His comments were without details...but he said it would be covered in this week's update. (Tue)
He said the plane entered a riff into another dimension...and is now in 5th of inner earth."

See _

Laura, are you sure you are not channeling Sheldon Nidel? :lol: :lol: :P ;)
Perceval said:
psychegram said:
What did kind of surprise me was the Malaysian airlines bit. I was talking with some friends about Crimea the other day, and an interesting suggestion came up: that the intelligence agencies essentially staged the entire thing, specifically to draw media attention away from Crimea.

This kind of thing has been done in the past, but in this situation having attention drawn away from Crimea wasn't necessarily a good thing for them because they were not in a position to actually do anything about Russia's response and instead had to resort to all manner of lies and propaganda, most of which were for public consumption, yet the missing plane diverted people's attention away from that.

That's a really good point. I was thinking that with things not going their way, they wanted to draw attention away from it ... but it wasn't very successful at doing that, was it?

Regarding 2300 BC, when I googled '2300 BC event' I found this webpage:

Here's the summary of the book:

This book presents a story of a devastation that the Earth experienced at about 2300 BC. If one was inclined to issue dramatic statements, it could be said that the event was the most significant in all of man’s history -- and that the course of history might have been changed. All advanced civilizations at that time were terminated, and did not recover for hundreds of years.

The advanced cultures were located in Anatolia (Turkey), Greece, Egypt, the Middle East, India and Central Asia. Two geophysical events happened at 2300 BC – 1) most settlements were violently destroyed by earthquake; and 2) the climate became abruptly dry in these regions, inhibiting agricultural activity that was essential for survival. Journal papers have been written on the event and symposia have been held – without answers.

Analogous conditions occurred for all regions of less sophisticated cultures – Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, the Arctic, the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. Strong climatic and geological transients at this time were noted in all regions. Previous cultures disappeared at this point, and new cultures appeared. Sites over wide areas were destroyed or abandoned.

The causal event for the earthquake destruction and climatic changes was the encounter of the Earth with a dense clustering of space debris, the early Southern/Northern Taurid meteoroid stream. There is general acceptance in the astronomical community ot the likelihood of a giant comet entering the Solar System within the past ten to twenty thousand years. The comet very likely fragmented, and one of the pieces was the progenitor of the major meteoroid stream existing at 2300 BC.

The important effect of this stream was to inject dust over the Arctic region, and trigger it into a stable ice-covered configuration which severely changed climatic conditions over the globe. Glacial growth and corresponding load changes over both land and ocean areas resulted in crustal stresses, surface movements and the destructive earthquakes.

The immediate experienced effect of the encounter was an intense fall of meteoroids, some of them sufficiently large to cause surface damage. Simultaneously with the meteoroid fall was a downpouring of water from ice particles in the stream, causing flash flooding. As expected, there was loss of life. An astonishing aspect of the event was the formation of a ring surrounding the Earth, reflecting sunlight during the day, hiding some stars at night, and moving around the sky through a 24-hour period, as the earth rotated beneath it. The experience was commemorated even up to the present time in terms of fire and the remembrance of the dead.

New religions in response to the event appeared at 2300 BC in all regions. The mythologies embedded in the religions have survived for four thousand years, and form the preponderance of the mythologies that we know today. The religions and associated mythologies described the experienced event – strangely, even though the texts describe the bombardment and flooding, the dominant aspect was the observance of the ring surrounding the Earth.

The evidence for the event exists in a tapestry of interwoven information, comprising patterns in the fields of archaeology, geophysics, astrophysics, and the study of ancient traditions and early mythology.
Mr. Premise said:
seek10 said:
Q: (Pierre) And how many descendants of Caesar are in this room? (L) Oh, that's a tricky question!
A: All of you! Caesar "got around!"
Did you guys do any genealogy testing or some thing like that?. Not sure of this "got around" and exclamations in this response.
Regular genealogy or testing wouldn't determine anything like that at this point. Which is why I think they asked the Cs. "Getting around" is a colloquialism for having sex with a lot of people. :D

If all the males present had their Y chromosome analyzed, assuming no cuckholdry (and of they are direct descendants there wouldn't be any) they could determine roughly how long ago they had a common ancestor. Though, the limited number of test subjects would probably lead to a high margin of error. Even in that case though, a 2000 +\- 1500 would still stand out against a racial Adam, which could trace back as far as 200,000 years.
Thank you Laura and crew for the eye-opener! So the Raja Bomoh (royal shaman) at the very start of the investigations was clued in...he said the plane was either still flying or it went into the sea. Yet, all these smart aleck locals responded with ridicule, insisting the authorities had embarrassed the nation with supertitious mumbo-jumbo and the real answers can only be gotten with the help of CIA/FBI, that kinda crap.

One wonders which is more saddening ...239 humans who gave up their lives to maintain some balance in our topsy-turvy world or the millions who finally have the opportunity to learn about reality for what it is but refuse to accept it.
Thank you very much for this new session! Viva Cassiopaea! Without this network I would be very lost. :hug2:

Leonarda said:
Thank you very much for the session. I felt nervous while reading it!

Approaching Infinity said:
Also makes me wonder: if Putin is simply the best on the market, is it even possible for someone better to be in a similar set of circumstances (i.e., some kind of world leader)? Or is he also the best option possible, given the current state of the world and possible conditions hindering another Caesar getting things done?

I was wondering the same when the C's said "He is not perfect".
But maybe he is good enough. He have discipline and selfcontrol. Some thought that he was cold, and me too, but that changed at the last conference that provided on the issue of Crimea. He was really touched! So I think he is really smart and creative. He has learned to be measured and hide his essence, knowing (perhaps instinctively) how to move in a minefield of psychopaths as high politics, the military, intelligence agencies and mega-corporations. Because in high politics have a conscience they make you pay dearly.
That a player in that position has a soul is something that gives hope.

Leonarda said:
One question: If the passengers of the flight are locked in space/time, can they get out of it by the natural process of dying-going to 5th dimension? I remember reading something like that in the Wave (suspended animation I think?)
That is a possibility. Another possibility is that the plane reappear in this reality! That would surpass science fiction for ever. Paraphrasing Gurdjieff, If we have access (even a little) to the real world there is no longer necessary to go to the movies. I hope that something might happen, something to calm the suffering of the passengers and their families.
For reference, here is what the C's have said about flight 19:,28428.msg353847.html#msg353847

Session 18 March 1995 said:
Q: (L) What happened to the infamous Flight 19? (T) They went to Philadelphia.

A: They are still trying to get their bearings.

Q: (L) Ooooh! (J) Oh! My God! Oh, how horrible! They are still out there trying to get back. (T) They are in a parallel reality... (L) Where time doesn't exist... (T) They are in a reality that holds them in frozen space/time over the ocean, am I getting this right?

A: In their thought reference, like being "lost souls."

Q: (L) Oooh, bummer! Does this mean that they are "stuck" in time? (J) You got it!

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) Is there any possibility that they could fly out of this place that they are stuck in and back into our reality?

A: Absolutely, remember, the wave is approaching, and as it gets "nearer", more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example.
Thanks for another great session....things are definitely interesting here on the big blue marble! Interesting times indeed!
Thank you Laura and crew for a very interesting and informative session (and for posting the transcript so quickly).

mkrnhr said:
For reference, here is what the C's have said about flight 19:,28428.msg353847.html#msg353847

Session 18 March 1995 said:
Q: (L) What happened to the infamous Flight 19? (T) They went to Philadelphia.

A: They are still trying to get their bearings.

Q: (L) Ooooh! (J) Oh! My God! Oh, how horrible! They are still out there trying to get back. (T) They are in a parallel reality... (L) Where time doesn't exist... (T) They are in a reality that holds them in frozen space/time over the ocean, am I getting this right?

A: In their thought reference, like being "lost souls."

Q: (L) Oooh, bummer! Does this mean that they are "stuck" in time? (J) You got it!

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) Is there any possibility that they could fly out of this place that they are stuck in and back into our reality?

A: Absolutely, remember, the wave is approaching, and as it gets "nearer", more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example.

So there is a slim chance that the missing planes and their passengers may just pop back into our reality. Wouldn't that cause a stir! Imagine the PTB trying to explain that one.
James Henry said:
Thank you for sharing the session.

Approaching Infinity said:
Also, in order to actualize the "best possibilities" available, it seems to me that you would have to be so placed as to have a wide sphere of influence, i.e., in politics. Caesar had the constitution (intelligence, conscience, will) and the right conditions to make him ideally suited to get things done. Looks like Putin has similar possibilities available to him, even if he might not be as ideally suited as Caesar was. Also makes me wonder: if Putin is simply the best on the market, is it even possible for someone better to be in a similar set of circumstances (i.e., some kind of world leader)? Or is he also the best option possible, given the current state of the world and possible conditions hindering another Caesar getting things done?

Perhaps Putin is here on earth to pave the way and show by example (You can stand up to psychopaths at a global scale.) for the next 'perfect' Caesar.

Or to inspire any normal human being to do the same at a local scale. :)

Q: (Mr. Scott) Awesome! (Perceval) Any chance of the Pentagon just going missing?

A: It has a different destiny!

Wait, wait . . . Its here . . . I'm seeing it: A GIANT SINKHOLE! ;D :lol:

Thanks for the session. :flowers:
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