Session 22 March 2014

Woot! Thanks chateaux crew for yet another great session. :flowers:

Your spirits seem to be high and you deal with attacks by now almost incidentally in a seasoned/experienced manner it seems? :cool2:
Perceval said:
silos said:
Psalehesost said:
It sounds like the idea is that it happened naturally, but the "advisors" took credit for it and issued threats.

Thanks, Psalehesost. If you have more thoughts about it, please share.

Q: (L) You mean they had plans to be more aggressive and “in-their-faces”, and they... (Perceval) Why would the disappearance of the plane make them scared or make them back down? Was it "comedown", was that what was said? Like a retreat. So, basically the PTB backed down on Crimea and Russia and that whole situation because the plane disappeared and they were worried about...? (Pierre) So, if you lie too much, if you create too much chaos, like unjustified war, you might increase such a bleedthrough?

A: They have "advisors" and "interpretors" of such things.

So, if you might increase such a bleedthrough with an ongoing lying and manipulation, something else could "fall in" in such a bleedthrough and that could be a bigger problem in sense of resolving such a problem for media for an average Joe?

The way we were thinking about it was that the "bleedthrough" was a natural result of the flagrant infringing of free will that the US was perhaps planning in response to Russian actions in Crimea. That perhaps there is some mechanism where if the overt PTB push their psychopathic agenda too far that it destabilizes our reality and leads to such bleedthroughs. The overt ptb have "advisors' that are aware of a 'higher power' to some extent and what they can do and are afraid of it. The plane event was interpreted by the advisors as being a signal that their plans were too aggressive and that they better back off or they could lose control of things. It's not that they knew exactly what it meant or if it was done on purpose, but that as a general rule, when something like that happens, its a good idea to err on the side of caution.

I think this session (28 May 2013) would be a good read for anyone who wants to look deeper into this subject. To sum up my thinking:

The connection between electric charge and information was discussed - how alignment with or against truth (individually and collectively) influences charge. If negative alignment (i.e. lies, entropy) attracts lightning, and - in general - electromagnetic anomalies, this can explain how reality can be destabilized. Because "bleedthrough" and anomalies in our reality seem to be connected to electromagnetic anomalies.

Basically, the idea would be that the actions of the PTB result in a charge, causing electromagnetic phenomena. In turn, this makes for high strangeness. (Changes in Earth's electrical activity may also attract comets, etc. - and cometary events may be what ultimately neutralizes the built-up charge through electrical interactions. But until that happens, the build-up of charge may result in ever-increasing anomalies.)

EDIT: And if the PTB go ahead too fast, then they may find reality spiraling out of their control. Of course, they ultimately don't have any control - as seen in the history of cometary events - but as long as the reality around them "looks" stable, they are able to think they do. And so, they try to maintain a reality which looks to them as if they are in control over it.

OSIT - my speculations.
Many people think that Putin took the Crimea... actually it is BEDS of the American mass media, in Russia precisely know that nobody took the Crimea, it voluntary came back home!
I will remind that 50 years ago, at all without having asked inhabitants of the Crimea, the leader of the party of the USSR Khrushchev presented the Crimea to Ukraine!
http://ru CA%F0%FB%EC

With love from Russia!
Approaching Infinity said:
Corvinus said:
Also makes me wonder: if Putin is simply the best on the market, is it even possible for someone better to be in a similar set of circumstances (i.e., some kind of world leader)? Or is he also the best option possible, given the current state of the world and possible conditions hindering another Caesar getting things done?

If assuming there is even someone better and would not we already know about him?

Hard to say. Dag Hammarkjold, whom I consider to be one of the the finest statesmen (and human beings) ever, was a relative 'nobody' until he was picked for SG of the UN. The major powers thought they were choosing a pushover bureaucrat, but he surprised everybody by becoming a force to be reckoned with, remarkably intelligent, politically savvy, and morally rock solid. Of course, that was in the '50s, and times have changed. (Needless to say, DH died in a 'mysterious plane accident'.)

In one of the parts of the Unknown Putin documentary it was mentioned that Eltzin chose Putin because he was essentially an unknown entity, a "dark horse". Maybe they thought that he could be controlled, etc. Maybe Putin didn't even have such high ambitions as many assume he had (the whole Putin Empire shtick). It seems to me that he basically rose to the occasion, so to say, due to his character, perhaps sense of duty and obligation. Meaning, that when he found himself in such a high position, he decided to make the best and the most of it.

Kasparov once said (translating from Russian): The main thing in chess is not how many moves ahead can you think, but how you analyze the current situation.

And I think that this is where Putin's talent lies. It's quite possible that he wasn't aware of the full extend of Western's machinations regarding Ukraine. Maybe he didn't even think that he will get Crimea any time soon. But when the time came, he, including his advisers and the rest of the team, were able to make the best out of the current situation.
Laura said:
A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

That's what I wanted to hear!

Things are unfolding as they should; you are all doing well and soon others will join your reality.

Well, that's good.

Thanks for the session.
Laura said:
It is often surprising - and interesting - to see the various elements of a session that a given individual focuses on and/or gets tied up in knots about. It seems to me that most of this session was pretty straightforward for those who have the context, i.e. if you have read The Wave, watched the videos we made last Fall, and keep up with the Forum.

I know that the forum is big and active, but you can figure out easily what is most concerning to members by clicking the "view most recent posts" option and observing what threads are on the top over a period of days and thus have an idea of what to scan. And if you spend 15 minutes to half an hour scanning the active topics daily, you stay abreast of what is going on. Over the past weeks, the discussions about Ukraine and the Malaysian flight have been VERY active. Topics about Caesar have been very active, and our history database project has been on the "recent posts" page practically every day. Diet and smoking issues are always popular. And finally, if you read SOTT every day - even if just scanning the headlines and only opening a few articles - you'll be much better oriented for comprehending the sessions.

I notice a few Noobs in this thread who have asked some questions indicating a lack of orientation as described above so perhaps some of you who have been following developments along several lines and who are more familiar with past sessions can provide synopsized guidance.

Absolutely Laura and after the plane was missing I thought about a little and short after I had a vision of the flight 19. It was so clear. Thank you so much for the session, it was hot out there(Flight 370, Crimea..., just about time to get some clues what is going on. I had lot of laugh with you reading the session. Let's see what coming next. It soon will be interesting.
wow i was SO excited to see a new session :D thank you!

just wondering about those 2 key questions:
on the missing plane, they said it was in a time lock/warp like flight 19 and more of this stuff is going to happen. i was wondering if there is anything we could do to prevent getting caught up if it happens to us? or perhaps if we do get caught up we decided to "check out" subconsciously as they said earlier.

Also, is there any possibility of the answer (time warp) being a result of anticipation? I ask because we've been talking about this for a while now in the forums.

still, its sad to realize the relatives of the missing people on the plane will never really know what happened :(

the remark of higher STS control was fascinating. combining this with their confirmation that putin is not the spawn of the devil, and edgar cayce's prophecy on russia leading the world into the 'light', i wonder if this will be enough to bring global change before it is too late. or perhaps that's not the point?

i'm gonna be thinking about this for a while :D
Shijing said:
Thanks for the session, everyone. I'm glad that you asked about Putin, and it's encouraging to see the response that was given about him. Lots of interesting stuff :)

I too was glad that you asked about Putin. I know that the question about whether or not Putin is a psychopath was asked before in an earlier session - the C's didn't answer give an answer that time.

Very interesting session indeed.

Thank you guys.
A: You are tired, but tricky. Things are unfolding as they should; you are all doing well and soon others will join your reality. Goodbye.

Thank you for this session. Hope many more will see the true reality around us.
Thank you Chateau team for the new session :D

Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014

Laura, Ark, Pierre, Perceval, Andromeda, PoB, Kniall, Chu, Data, Alana, Timotheos, Mr. Scott

Q: (L) Oh, this should be the equinox, shouldn't it? March 21st, 22nd? (Andromeda) Wasn't it yesterday? (L) Yeah. So this is Saturday, March 22nd, 2014. It's been grey and windy and rainy outside, and we've got a fire going on in here. Alright... Hello.

A: Everyone looks so healthy! Oh my goodness! The attacks are not working on you! How do they expect to harm those who do not obey their rules?

Q: (L) Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Komessias

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through or from?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: (L) So, what does the point of this little introduction about health, other than what was just said... Did they say harm? So, there are directed attacks going on against us at the present time like with some kind of EM or electronic devices or something that's supposed to harm our health?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that what's getting a little play in the swelling in my leg?

A: Yes. But you stopped it "cold".

Q: (L) Ha ha ha! [laughter because Laura was induced to start a program of saunas followed by ice-cold hip baths] Alright then. So I guess that we can pretty well answer the question in advance that other little glitches that people are having all over are part of the same thing. It just manifests in each person according to their particular vulnerability?

A: Yes.

That resonate with some of the struggle I'm having lately...
Thank you for reminding us that we are still not "there" yet and that we still need to be vigilant and keep on working on ourselves.
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