Session 22 March 2014

Thank you very much for sharing this session, as always :flowers:

Intersting about Feng Shui, since the beginning of the year me and my husband have been living in a new house. Since our move, my husband has been waking up between 4 and 5 am nearly every day, and often can't get back to sleep. We have been looking at every possibility we can think of, his diet, the Chinese Clock, being in a new environment, all without success or any real insight.
Then we went to a Feng Shui workshop. That was 2 weeks ago and we changed a couple of things in our bedroom as a result. Since then, he has only woken up once, and he put it down to the noise of our dehydrator working trough the night on that day. Very interesting stuff.

Hope all of the bedroom works go well and without too much hassle!
Mr. Premise said:
seek10 said:
Q: (Pierre) And how many descendants of Caesar are in this room? (L) Oh, that's a tricky question!
A: All of you! Caesar "got around!"
Did you guys do any genealogy testing or some thing like that?. Not sure of this "got around" and exclamations in this response.
Regular genealogy or testing wouldn't determine anything like that at this point. Which is why I think they asked the Cs. "Getting around" is a colloquialism for having sex with a lot of people. :D

7 At the same time with these measures they passed another which most clearly indicated their disposition it gave him the right to place his tomb within the •pomerium; and the decrees regarding this matter they inscribed in golden letters on silver tablets and deposited beneath the feet of Jupiter Capitolinus, thus pointing out to him very clearly that he was a mortal. 2 When they had begun to honour him, it was with the idea, of course, that he would be reasonable; but as they went on and saw that he was delighted with what they voted, — indeed he accepted all but a very few of their decrees, — different men at different times kept proposing various extravagant honours, some in a spirit of exaggerated flattery and others by way of ridicule. 3 At any rate, some actually ventured to suggest permitting him to have intercourse with as many women as he pleased, because even at this time, though fifty years old, he still had numerous mistresses. Others, and they were the majority, followed this course because they wished to make him envied and hated as quickly as possible, that he might the sooner perish. 4 And this is precisely what happened, though Caesar was encouraged by these very measures to believe that he should never be plotted against by the men who had voted him such honours, nor, through fear of them, by any one else; and consequently he even dispensed henceforth with a body-guard. For nominally he accepted the privilege of being watched over p321by the senators and knights, and so dismissed the guard he had previously had. 8 Indeed, when once they had voted to him on a single day an unusually large number of these honours of especial importance, — which had been granted unanimously by all except Cassius and a few others, who became famous for this action, yet suffered no harm, whereby Caesar's clemency was conspicuously revealed, — they then approached him as he was sitting in the vestibule of the temple of Venus in order to announce to him in a body their decisions; 2 for they transacted such business in his absence, in order to have the appearance of doing it, not under compulsion, but voluntarily. And either by some heaven-sent fatuity or even through excess of joy he received them sitting, which aroused so great indignation among them all, not only the senators but all the rest, that it afforded his slayers one of their chief excuses for their plot against him. 3 Some who subsequently tried to defend him claimed, it is true, that owing to an attack of diarrhoea he could not control the movement of his bowels and so had remained where he was in order to avoid a flux. They were not able, however, to convince the majority, since not long afterwards he rose up and went home on foot; 4 hence most men suspected him of being inflated with pride and hated him for his haughtiness, when it was they themselves who had made him disdainful by the exaggerated character of their honours. After this occurrence, striking as it was, he increased the suspicion by permitting himself somewhat later to be chosen dictator for life.
Perceval said:
Hard to say, but there was reference made in previous sessions to a breakaway group of humans that have high tech, possibly "alien" tech, that are the interface between 3D and 4Dsts. I assumed that this was the group that was responsible for shooting down the Columbia shuttle as a message to the Bush govt. Such a group would probably have a crossover with "hyperdimensional" forces engaged in "blackmail". That doesn't necessarily mean these are the "advisors" but maybe someone connected to them that has connections to the overt 3D ptb.

Thanks for all the explanations ... even though my English is good, some things are not immediately clear and need some help to sink in...
And of course thanks for the session! :rockon:

The first thing coming to my mind reading the "You IS here" phrase was that it sounded like they addressed "us" as a budding social memory complex ... but I might be way off ...

Zadius Sky said:
Felipe4 said:
This was an amazing session, thank you guys, the fixing the room and making room changes were indeed refreshing for us when we did them a month ago. My brother in fact changed the room again yesterday! :P
I was surprised to see that part of the session because, on Saturday morning, I cleaned out and changed my bedroom after so many years. It was an "on the spur of the moment" kind of thing. I was sick during the week and this work took me all day to do. And, afterwards, I felt better, refreshed, and cleaned. I'm also going to take a look into Feng Shui.
I was thinking of this after the observing that I can work much faster at office than at my desk at house. Good reminder.
Thank you for this session. Wow. :rockon:

It will be interesting to see what happens next in the search for MH370 - whether they will back off from the current find or proceed with the charade. It well may be that the weather will intercede and the wreckage gets lost again - a cyclone is heading that way. That would be very convenient under the circumstances offered in the session...

The explanation for ringing phones is fascinating. So you could say that the phones were roaming - just in another friggin' dimension! To me, the idea that microwaves can penetrate to other realms is pretty amazing. Well, it is EM radiation after all.

Lots of interesting pieces of information - fabulous Work.
Perceval said:
Corvinus said:
Under higher power you mean higher 3d sts levels or 4D sts, or both because it seems they are at the top very colinear and from session it seemed like the word was about 4D sts because they mentioned interdimensional blackmail so it would suggest there was some kind of contact with 4D even if they were not responsible for that plane?

Hard to say, but there was reference made in previous sessions to a breakaway group of humans that have high tech, possibly "alien" tech, that are the interface between 3D and 4Dsts. I assumed that this was the group that was responsible for shooting down the Columbia shuttle as a message to the Bush govt. Such a group would probably have a crossover with "hyperdimensional" forces engaged in "blackmail". That doesn't necessarily mean these are the "advisors" but maybe someone connected to them that has connections to the overt 3D ptb.

This is probably the best explanation that I have read so far given the information that we currently have about the higher 3D hierarchy. It seems that there is a consortium of people (not necessarily a group as we would define it like the Mossad, CIA, ONI etc.) that regularly interfaces with these hyperdimensional forces and monitors worldly affairs intervening whenever the situation at the lower levels gets out of hand. This intervening would then be directed to the relevant parties in a very subtle way through the various intelligence/military organizations that we know of. Trying to label them as being part of a group or the other doesn't make much sense to me if their degree of understanding is on a different non-human level.
Thank you very much for sharing!


It's quite interesting that some of us have been feeling strange the past weeks, like emotional roller-coasters and mild depression even.

I had a strange feeling the day of Chile's earthquake. It was as if I could feel vibration inside of me and strong feeling that I could identify that weren't coming precisely from inside my own self. I felt as if I was feeling the Earth opening up or something... and then my dad told me that there was an earthquake happening, so I was pretty amazed. I wanted to post about it here to see if anyone had a similar experience this days, because it seems that, as the realms are changing we can experience some physical and psychological symptoms of it too... OSIT...

The session was fascinating and thought provoking! :)

Let's wait and see then... ;)
Thanks for the session! :rockon: All very interesting. Glad to hear that Putin is not a psychopath. That was the feeling I had, but hoping I wasn't just wishfully thinking. We will wait and see what he will do. :cool2:
Thanks for sharing the session so quickly, explains a lot, and it's good to know that Putin is not a psychopath.
Devar said:
Thanks for the session! The "sets" remark kind of reminds me of fractal sets. :huh:

A: How could there be when all is information? If something exists at all in your realm, it derives from a "higher" realm of information. How then could it be "random"? Sets.

Q: (Ark) Sets? (Perceval) Mathematical sets. That's the answer. (Pierre) Sets of what? (Ark) Seth! (L) S-E-T-S. (Ark) Seth. You don't remember about probabilities and Seth? (L) No, they said, "sets". (Ark) I know... [laughter] (Andromeda) Seth Speaks!

A: Your realm, that is 3D and time, are a "set".

Q: (Ark) A set.

A: A set is defined.

Q: (Ark) What? (Perceval) "A set is defined."

A: Delimited.

When I read this part I thought that they were indicating that 3D and time are a pair or paired together as in a direct association or connection - as in a "set" of something. I was reading Wave 1 - Riding the Wave last night where Laura provides a long quote from Ouspensky's Tertium Organum in Chapter 6 and the part about how 2D animals would see 3D objects moving in time and how it might relate to how 3D humans might view time passing. Anyway it made me think what the C's said above.

Edit added: [Delimited is defined as - To establish the limits or boundaries of; demarcate.

So maybe our view of or perception of time shows the boundary of 3D, which makes sense to me in relation to the quote below.]

Edit added 2: [If I remember right the C's in a past session or sessions said that there is a form of time in 4D, but it is different - I will search later since I have to go to work later. So maybe this has to do with perception ie 2D has a perception of 3D objects as moving in time per the quote below. We in 3D have a perception of 4D that is reflected as time or movement in space. And 4D has a perception of time in relation to their awareness in relation to 6D?]

Here is the part of the Ouspensky quote that I'm talking about:
Thus the memory of the definite properties of objects, which they have seen, helps animals to orientate in the world of phenomena. But, as a rule, when faced with new phenomena, animals are much more helpless than man.

Animals see two dimensions. They constantly sense the third dimension but do not see it. They sense it as something transient, as we sense time.

The surfaces which animals see possess for them many strange properties; these are, first of all numerous and varied movements.

It has been said already that all illusory movements must be perfectly real for them. These movements seem real to us also, but we know them to be illusory, as for instance the turning round of a house as we drive past, the springing up of a tree from round the corner, the movement of the moon among the clouds and so on.

In addition, many other movements will exist for animals, which we do not suspect. Actually a great many objects, completely motionless for us — indeed all objects — must appear to animals as moving. And it is precisely in these movements that the third dimension of solids will be manifested for them, i.e. The third dimension of solids will appear to them as motion.

Let us try to imagine how an animal perceives objects of the external world.

Let us suppose that a large disc is placed before an animal and, beside it, a large sphere of the same diameter.

Facing them directly at a certain distance, the animal will see two circles. If it starts walking round them, the animal will notice that the sphere remains a circle but the disc gradually narrows and becomes a narrow strip. As the animal continues to move round it, the strip begins to widen and gradually becomes again a circle. The sphere will not change its form as the animal moves round it, but strange phenomena will begin to occur in it as the animal draws near.

Let us try to understand how the animal will perceive the surface of the sphere as distinct from the surface of the disc.

One thing is certain — it will perceive a spherical surface differently from us. We perceive convexity or sphericity as a property common to many surfaces. Owing to the nature of its mental apparatus, the animal should perceive sphericity as an individual property of the given sphere. What should sphericity look like, taken as an individual property of a given sphere?

We can say with the utmost conviction that sphericity will appear to the animal as a movement of the surface it sees.

When the animal comes near to the sphere, in all probability what happens is something like this: the surface the animal sees springs into rapid motion; its centre projects forward, and all the other points begin to recede from the centre with a velocity proportionate to their distance from the centre (or the square of their distance from the centre).

This is the way in which the animal must sense a spherical surface. It is reminiscent of the way we sense sound. At a certain distance from the sphere the animal sees it as a plane. Approaching it and touching some point of the sphere, it sees that the relation of all the other points to that point has changed as compared with what it should be on a plane, as if all the other points have moved, have drawn aside. Touching another point it again sees all the other points withdrawing from it.

This property of the sphere will appear as its motion, as ‘vibration’. And indeed the sphere will resemble a vibrating, undulating surface. In the same way any angle of a motionless object must appear as motion to the animal.

The animal can see an angle of a three-dimensional object only if it moves past it, and in that case the object will seem to have turned — a new side has appeared, and the old side has receded or moved aside. An angle will be perceived as a turning, a movement of the object, i.e. as something transient, temporal, i.e. as a change in the state of the object. Remembering the angles met with before — which the animal has seen as the motion of bodies — it will regard them as gone, finished, vanished, belonging to the past.

Of course, the animal cannot reason thus, but it will act as though this was its reasoning.

If the animal could think of phenomena (i.e. angles and curved surfaces), which have not yet entered its life, it would no doubt represent them to itself only in time. In other words, the animal could not allow them any real existence at the present moment when they have not yet appeared. If it could express an opinion about them, it would say that these angles exist as a potentiality, that they will be, but that at present they are not.

For a horse, the corner of a house past which it runs every day, is a phenomenon, which recurs in certain circumstances, but which still takes place only in time; it is not a spatial and constant property of the house.

For the animal an angle must be a time-phenomenon, instead of being a space-phenomenon as it is for us.

Thus we see that the animal will perceive the properties of our third dimension as movements and will refer these properties to time, to the past or future, or to the present, i.e. to the moment of transition of the future into the past.

This is an extremely important point and contains the key to the understanding of our own perception of the world; consequently we must examine it in greater detail.

So far we have considered higher animals: a dog, a cat, a horse. Let us now take a lower animal — a snail for example. We know nothing about its inner life, but we may be sure that its perception is very different from ours. In all probability a snail’s sensations of its surroundings are very vague. It probably feels warmth, cold, light, darkness, hunger, and instinctively (i.e. incited by the pleasure-pain guidance) it crawls towards the uneaten edge of the leaf it sits on and draws away from a dead leaf. Its movements are governed by pleasure-pain; it always advances towards the one and retreats from the other. It always moves on one line — from the unpleasant towards the pleasant. And, in all probability, it knows and senses nothing except this line. This line constitutes the whole of its world. All the sensations entering from outside are sensed by the snail on its line of motion. And these come to it out of time — from potentiality they become actuality. For a snail the whole of our universe exists in the future and the past, i.e. in time. Only one line exists in the present; all the rest lies in time. It is more than probable that a snail is not aware of its own movements; making efforts with its whole body it moves forward towards the fresh edge of the leaf, but it seems to it that the leaf moves towards it, coming into being at that moment, appearing out of time, as the morning appears to us.

A snail is a one-dimensional being.

Higher animals — a dog, a cat, and a horse — are two-dimensional beings. To them space appears as a surface, a plane. Everything outside this plane lies for them in time.

Thus we see that a higher animal — a two-dimensional being as compared to a one-dimensional — extracts one more dimension out of time.

The world of a snail has one dimension — our second and third dimensions lie for it in time.

The world of a dog has two dimensions — our third dimension lies for it in time.

An animal may remember all the ‘phenomena’ it has observed, i.e. all the properties of three-dimensional bodies it has come into contact with, but it cannot know that that which for it is a recurring phenomenon is in reality a permanent property of a three-dimensional body — an angle, or curvature, or convexity.

This is the psychology of the perception of the world by a two-dimensional being.

For it a new sun will rise every day. Yesterday’s sun has gone and will never recur again. Tomorrow’s sun does not yet exist.

Rostand failed to understand the psychology of Chantecler. The cock could not think that he awakened the sun by his crowing. For him the sun does not go to sleep — it recedes into the past, vanishes, is annihilated, and ceases to be. Tomorrow, if it comes, there will be a new sun; just as for us there is a new spring each year. In order to be the sun cannot wake up; it must come into being, be born. An animal (if it could think without losing its characteristic psychology) could not believe in the appearance today of the same sun that was there yesterday. This is human reasoning.

For an animal a new sun rises every morning, just as for us a new morning comes every day, a new spring every year.

An animal is incapable of understanding that the sun is one and the same, whether today or yesterday — exactly as we probably cannot understand that the morning is one, and the spring is one.

The motion of objects which, for us, is not illusory but real, such as the motion of a rotating wheel or a moving carriage and so on, must, for an animal, differ greatly from the motion it sees in all objects which are motionless for us — that motion in the guise of which it sees the third dimension of bodies. This first motion (i.e. motion which is also real for us) must appear to it spontaneous, alive.

And these two kinds of motion will be incommensurable for it. An animal will be able to measure an angle or a convex surface, although it will not understand its true meaning and will regard it as motion. But it will never be able to measure real motion, i.e. motion that is real for us. To do this it is necessary to have our conception of time and measure all movements in relation to some more constant motion, i.e. compare all movements with one. As an animal has no concepts, it will not be able to do this. Therefore, movements of objects which are real for us will be incapable of measurement, and thus incommensurable with other movements which, for it, are real and capable of measurement, but for us are illusory, constituting in reality the third dimension of bodies.

The latter is inevitable. If an animal senses and measures as motion that which is not motion, it is clear that it cannot apply the same measure to that which is and that which is not motion.

But this does not mean that an animal cannot know the character of movements proceeding in our world and conform to them. On the contrary, we see that an animal orientates perfectly among the movements of objects of our three-dimensional world. In this it is helped by instinct, i.e. capacity, evolved through hundreds of centuries of selection, of performing expedient actions without consciousness of purpose. And an animal discriminates perfectly well between movements happening round it.

But, distinguishing between two kinds of phenomena — two kinds of motion — an animal is bound to explain one of them by some inner inexplicable property of objects, i.e. it will probably regard that kind of motion as the result of the animation of objects, and will regard moving objects as alive.

A kitten plays with a ball or with its own tail because the ball or the tail runs away from it.

A bear will fight with a beam until the beam throws him off the tree, because in the swinging beam he feels something alive and hostile.

A horse shies from a bush because the bush has suddenly turned round and waved a branch.

In the latter case the bush may not have moved at all — it was the horse that was running. But it appeared to move; therefore, it was alive. Probably everything that moves is alive for an animal. Why does a dog bark so furiously at a passing carriage? We do not quite understand it. We do not see how a passing carriage turns, twists and grimaces in the eyes of a dog. It is full of life — the wheels, the roof, the mudguards, the seats, and the passengers — all this is moving, turning…

Now let us summarize our deductions.

We have established that a man possesses sensations, representations and concepts; that higher animals possess sensations and representations, and lower animals only sensations. We deduced that an animal has no concepts mainly from the fact that it has no words, no speech. We have further established that, having no concepts, animals cannot comprehend the third dimension and only see the world as a surface. In other words they have no means, no instrument, for correcting their wrong sensations of the world. Then we found that, seeing the world as a surface, animals see on this surface a great many movements non-existent for us. That is, all those properties of bodies which we regard as the properties of their three-dimensionality, must appear as movements to them. Thus an angle and a spherical surface must appear to them as motion of the plane. Further, we came to the conclusion that everything that, for us, belongs to the domain of the third dimension as something constant, animals must regard as transient occurrences happening to objects — as time-phenomena.

Thus, in all its relations to the world an animal proves to be completely analogous to the unreal two-dimensional being, which we have supposed, lived on a plane. The whole of our world appears to an animal as a plane through which phenomena are passing, moving according to time or in time.

So we can say that we have established the following: that with a certain limitation of the mental apparatus which perceives the external world, for a subject possessing such an apparatus the whole aspect and all the properties of the world must change. And two subjects, living side by side but possessing different mental apparatuses, must live in different worlds — the properties of the extension of the world must be quite different for them. Moreover, we have seen conditions — not artificial and invented but actually existing in nature, i.e. the mental conditions of the life of animals — in which the world appears as a plane or even as a line.

In other words we have established that the three-dimensional extension of the world depends for us on the properties of our mental apparatus; or, that the world’s three-dimensionality is not its own property, but merely the property of our perception of the world.

To put it differently, the three-dimensionality of the world is the property of its reflection in our consciousness.

If all this is so, it is clear that we have really proved the dependence of space on space-sense. And, since we have proved the existence of a space-sense lower than ours, by this very fact we have proved the possibility of a space-sense higher than ours.

And we must admit that if a fourth unit of thinking becomes formed in us, as different from the concept as the concept is different from the representation, then, simultaneously with this, there will appear for us in the surrounding world a fourth characteristic which we may call geometrically a fourth direction or a fourth perpendicular, because this characteristic will contain properties of objects perpendicular to all properties known to us and not parallel to any of them. In other words, we shall see or feel ourselves not in a space of three, but of four dimensions, and the surrounding objects as well as our own bodies will reveal the general properties of the fourth dimension which we had not noticed before or which we had regarded as individual properties of objects (or their motion), just as animals regard the extension of objects in the third dimension as their motion.

Having seen or felt ourselves in the world of four dimensions, we shall find that the world of three dimensions has not and never had any real existence that it was a creation of our fantasy, a phantom, a spectre, a delusion, an optical illusion, anything you like, but not reality.

All this is far from being a ‘hypothesis’, a supposition; it is an exact fact, as much of a fact as the existence of infinity. For the sake of its own existence, positivism had somehow to do away with infinity or at least to call it a ‘hypothesis’, which may or may not be true. But infinity is not a hypothesis; it is a fact. And just such a fact is also the multi-dimensionality of space and all that it implies, i.e. the unreality of everything three-dimensional.
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