Session 22 March 2014

Thank you people for sharing the news, as always they're exciting and especially this time around with the PM of Malaysia has just announced that MH 370 is 'officially' announced lost on the Southern Indian Ocean off Western Australia, and all passenger's lives lost!
source :

Would love to hear what the PTB will come up with as proof, considering it is lost through the bleedthrough.

Putin being sane and conscientious is not as surprising information as the MH370 being in the same position as Flight 19, because of all the insanities going on in the US and its cronies.

thank you again.
Thanks for the Session very interesting, there were so many question about the plane and Putin so it is good to know. I was thinking about the Edgar Cayce prophesies that Laura put on April Drop Date and the relation of Rusia and the Gurdjieff philosophy that came from Russia too...

This part took my attention:

If something exists at all in your realm, it derives from a "higher" realm of information.....
. That´s what Laura talked about in the videos so it is interesting they bring up to a collation....
Thank you for sharing the latest session!
If as the C's say that infringing on free will and all the chaos that the PTB are responsible for only increases the manifestation of the "Twilight Zone" then we're in for some very interesting times. No turning back now! Best to prepare and learn to ride shirtless on a bear or a shark like Putin. :P It is going to be one heckuva ride!
Thank you for the session. I always enjoy these and there is always pertinent info to my own lessons. I can't help feel that the opening up is also affecting individuals as I see a lot more health issues cropping up in myself and the people around me. There has always been health problems related to our own blind spots but is the wave accelerating this process? What are others experiencing at this time?
Thank you people for the great work and settling a lingering question to many. For me this section right here puts a lot of things into perspective, I could see the connection between the US and Israel but never why the US acted like the servant of Israel and the inability to shed off that role.

Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014

Q: (Perceval) So their whole thing is all about control... nuclear or global war, and that's the end of it. They've always wanted to control things and squeeze the people even tighter. (L) Well, the only thing that ever scares or stops a psychopath is a bigger psychopath. Um, I just have the feeling that somehow MOSSAD is involved in all of this business, like maybe even this plane thing. It's just too, um...

A: Maybe they live up to their motto?

Q: (L) "By way of deception, thou shalt do war." So that would suggest that, at some level, MOSSAD is involved with these advisors or interpreters, or somehow... (Perceval) They've said in the past that MOSSAD is near the top of the hierarchy. (L) So, at the top of MOSSAD, there's the interface with the hyperdimensional STS beings, more or less.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So... (Perceval) The Israelis are the chosen people! Who else would be chosen for such a job? (L) I see. Okay. So, that's the plane. Oh, I want to ask about the phones. How come the phones were still ringing three days after the plane was missing?
Wow! Great session, thank you for sharing :flowers:

We are living in interesting times indeed!
Michael Martin said:
Thank you for sharing the latest session!
If as the C's say that infringing on free will and all the chaos that the PTB are responsible for only increases the manifestation of the "Twilight Zone" then we're in for some very interesting times. No turning back now! Best to prepare and learn to ride shirtless on a bear or a shark like Putin. :P It is going to be one heckuva ride!

The ptb in this world have infringed, or rather, flagrantly violated, the essence and letter of every free will law or rule there is, and they continue to push the boundaries in that respect. Thankfully, there seems to be a "higher power" or "law" that will respond in a very 'natural' way when they get a little too big for their britches, and it seems that the result would not be positive for them and their plan to keep humanity ignorant and unaware.

It's an interesting idea, because the whole theory of life as it is and always has been on 3D planet earth is that it is through suffering, mostly, that human beings learn the truth. Most of that suffering is a product of someone infringing someone elses free will, like someone attempting to impose their will on another in some way. There is a lot of scope for that to happen on a relatively small scale on this planet, but if it gets to a point where the free will of a large number of people, or humanity as a whole, is being abrogated, then there seems to be a natural response from the 'universe' that seeks to balance it out.

So if we consider that, at the deepest level, the goal of the ptb (here and elsewhere) is to prevent humanity from evolving, and true evolution for human beings is an understanding of the true nature of reality and "hyperdimensions" then if the ptb go too far in their suppression of that evolutionary potential, what they risk provoking is a sudden and dramatic unveiling of that very same hidden truth for all the world to see!

Gotta be really careful when playing that particular game, it seems it can very easily all go spectacularly wrong...even at the very last minute.
Hard to say, but there was reference made in previous sessions to a breakaway group of humans that have high tech, possibly "alien" tech, that are the interface between 3D and 4Dsts. I assumed that this was the group that was responsible for shooting down the Columbia shuttle as a message to the Bush govt. Such a group would probably have a crossover with "hyperdimensional" forces engaged in "blackmail". That doesn't necessarily mean these are the "advisors" but maybe someone connected to them that has connections to the overt 3D ptb.

There was no "hyperdimensional blackmail" in a true sense of that word, more in a sense of how US PTB interpreted it, thanks for clarification.

I was thinking also about that Columbia episode when posting about it so I wondered about connection, but the answer is obvious if you look how high tech they have that is like Cs said 3D/4D technology and if they have it it seems 4d sts really trusts them to give it to them to keep the lid so basicaly on that level they are one. It also confirms that psychopaths are not really in charge even on 3d because this world would have ended up in ashes many times since the beginning of cold war if it were to them. That entities are souled with sts orientation and have all the advantages of psychopaths without some of their weaknesses which makes them more dangerous.

So if we consider that, at the deepest level, the goal of the ptb (here and elsewhere) is to prevent humanity from evolving, and true evolution for human beings is an understanding of the true nature of reality and "hyperdimensions" then if the ptb go too far in their suppression of that evolutionary potential, what they risk provoking is a sudden and dramatic unveiling of that very same hidden truth for all the world to see!

Maybe that is why they said if Laura would be assaisinated it would bring havoc to them and to all because balance was breached, so they have to play by the rules and it seems rules are detremined based on the polarity of planet, which is mixed, so there must be balance unlike on those planets that decided to become dark stars, they are probably balanced by other planets becoming fully sto in a way.

But when you look at it it seems people are becoming aware of US hypocrisy so they have to use more force because deception does not work anymore and it did not abridge free will before because people accepted lies consciously or not, but now it seems they will have rough times ahead because all of their cards are becoming more and more known so they use more and more force to control causing more cataclysms and windows which brings only more chaos until having complete freak show here when ice age and economic collapse comes, and those higher sts forces can not stop it, only delay what is inevitable even if they think they can control people WTSHTF because that technology for mind control they are working with that should make transition invisible is apparently not working because it seems windows are beginning to pop out.
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