Session 22 March 2014

Thanks so much for the session, and thanks Perceval and others for the very insightful comments.

Perceval said:
Corvinus said:
But when you look at it it seems people are becoming aware of US hypocrisy so they have to use more force because deception does not work anymore and it did not abridge free will before because people accepted lies consciously or not, but now it seems they will have rough times ahead because all of their cards are becoming more and more known so they use more and more force to control causing more cataclysms and windows which brings only more chaos until having complete freak show here when ice age and economic collapse comes, and those higher sts forces can not stop it, only delay what is inevitable even if they think they can control people WTSHTF because that technology for mind control they are working with that should make transition invisible is apparently not working because it seems windows are beginning to pop out.

Pretty much, it's obviously a very bad choice to follow that sts 'dominate and control everything' path. It ultimately simply cannot succeed.

My line of (speculative) thinking when reading the session was: The STS pyramid hierarchy is based on force, suppression, lies and manipulation, where members of the different levels just know what they need to know and are ultimately duped. So I think there is more awareness the higher you go up in the control system. But the wishful thinking part exists on all levels, namely that they can ultimately control everything using extreme force and are somehow "above the cosmic law". So maybe the higher levels of the control system need to "remind" (blackmail) the lower levels from time to time to not exagerate, since they can see a bit further, as in "if you start that war, people will wake up, and you will loose control, and so do we, so we cannot allow this". The higher levels may be aware of the power of some of the cosmic laws that the lower levels are not. However, even these higher levels cannot see beyond a certain point due to wishful thinking, and so, they are ultimately doomed, which they just cannot see. This includes the Lizzies, as the C's have said in previous sessions. Maybe at the highest levels of the STS hierarchy (Orion STS?), there is enough awareness so that some can see that the only way out is to change frequency and transition to the STO path.

I think many of the problems with understanding the STS hierarchy come from the fact that we always think "they" think like us on an operational level - that they form secret societies for mutual benefit, cooperate in order to find the best solutions for their goals etc. But the study of psychopathy shows that this is not the case - they are irrational, act like angry children and cannot see beyond immediate satisfaction of low-level needs. That's probably why the STS control system can only function with blackmail, endless lies, manipulation, and raw force - on all levels. FWIW
Jefferson said:
Thank you for transcribing this session so quickly!

I've been reading about Putin and had a few dreams where I was chatting with him - personally I haven't seen any evidence of psychopathy, and I'm glad you brought the question to the Cs. A lot of anti-Russian sentiment in the country where I live, and one colleague called him 'Putler': I just asked for proof of that but then realized to back off and not go there, better to talk about the weather or nothing much at all.

that's very funny and at the same time strange - i've had a very similar dream! dreamt Putin and I were sitting across a table talking about world geopolitics and crimea. and then all of a sudden he says 'why dont you move to Russia it's wonderful place! that dream stuck me as odd - perhaps we should check the merits of relocating our HQ to Russia :D
moksha said:
then all of a sudden he says 'why dont you move to Russia it's wonderful place! that dream stuck me as odd - perhaps we should check the merits of relocating our HQ to Russia :D
You are welcome! But Russia is not a wonderland. There are a lot of problems here ad well.
First impression would be - it's dirty!
Thank you for a very informative session!

So if we should be ready to come face-to-face with more interdimensional events, it means that PTB won't stop going too far...
I wonder what kind of interdimensional events we are going to watch (hopefully not experience - I mean getting stuck somewhere between in a well of time and space...) - maybe entire towns populations disappearance or similar..., we will see
Kasia said:
So if we should be ready to come face-to-face with more interdimensional events, it means that PTB won't stop going too far...
I wonder what kind of interdimensional events we are going to watch (hopefully not experience - I mean getting stuck somewhere between in a well of time and space...) - maybe entire towns populations disappearance or similar..., we will see

This concern reminds me (tangentially) of an account by shamanic author Alberto Villodo about boarding a flight (in Latin/South America I think) in which he had a very strong perception of the weakness of the life force of his fellow passengers - the power of this perception scared him, and later in the flight he became convinced that the plane was not going to make it safely. He attributed this to the collective life force weakness of the passengers. [His presence may have been the reason that the plane actually landed safely]

An individual that I had worked with professionally (in the NE US) was a passenger on one of the A/C that (supposedly) hit the WTC. While working with him, I had very much the same perception as described by Villodo - at the time, I translated this perception as very little life force in this individual - not just incompetence.

What I'm suggesting in this is that real dedication to knowledge/truth/awareness is very protective and very likely will prevent you from falling into disastrous circumstances - the interdimensional as well. Knowledge Protects.
moksha said:
Jefferson said:
Thank you for transcribing this session so quickly!

I've been reading about Putin and had a few dreams where I was chatting with him - personally I haven't seen any evidence of psychopathy, and I'm glad you brought the question to the Cs. A lot of anti-Russian sentiment in the country where I live, and one colleague called him 'Putler': I just asked for proof of that but then realized to back off and not go there, better to talk about the weather or nothing much at all.

that's very funny and at the same time strange - i've had a very similar dream! dreamt Putin and I were sitting across a table talking about world geopolitics and crimea. and then all of a sudden he says 'why dont you move to Russia it's wonderful place! that dream stuck me as odd - perhaps we should check the merits of relocating our HQ to Russia :D

Although I haven't had any dreams with Putin, I have had a number of dreams about Russia/Ukraine starting a week or two prior to the Crimean referendum. This is unusual for me since I don't recall having dreams about political situations in the past. Maybe these dreams are in someway connected to the information field that brought about the bleedthrough?

I visited Russia in 2005 for a month and I just fell in love with it's people and culture. It was such a contrast to American culture, and it's hard for me to explain but it felt relieving in some way. The best I can describe is that it felt like there is a common pretense in American way of life that just wasn't a part of the people there. What you saw was what you got. Although some I was traveling with felt Russians were 'cold' I thought overall there was a common sense of sincerity and it was comforting. The attraction I felt was pretty strong (it felt like a yearning) and I had also speculated that I may have had a past life in Russia.
LQB said:
What I'm suggesting in this is that real dedication to knowledge/truth/awareness is very protective and very likely will prevent you from falling into disastrous circumstances - the interdimensional as well. Knowledge Protects.

This really resonates ... thank you LQB - thank you Kasia :flowers: :hug2: x 2
Renaissance said:
moksha said:
Jefferson said:
Thank you for transcribing this session so quickly!

I've been reading about Putin and had a few dreams where I was chatting with him - personally I haven't seen any evidence of psychopathy, and I'm glad you brought the question to the Cs. A lot of anti-Russian sentiment in the country where I live, and one colleague called him 'Putler': I just asked for proof of that but then realized to back off and not go there, better to talk about the weather or nothing much at all.

that's very funny and at the same time strange - i've had a very similar dream! dreamt Putin and I were sitting across a table talking about world geopolitics and crimea. and then all of a sudden he says 'why dont you move to Russia it's wonderful place! that dream stuck me as odd - perhaps we should check the merits of relocating our HQ to Russia :D

Although I haven't had any dreams with Putin, I have had a number of dreams about Russia/Ukraine starting a week or two prior to the Crimean referendum. This is unusual for me since I don't recall having dreams about political situations in the past. Maybe these dreams are in someway connected to the information field that brought about the bleedthrough?

This reminded me of a dream I had about Putin over 5 years ago.,9680.msg77303.html#msg77303
manitoban said:
Well, fwiw, I had a very brief but interesting dream recently. In the dream I was inside a huge casino, looked like one of those huge Vegas type casinos. This huge room was packed with people, and I noticed that many of them were world leaders, politicians, bankers, big business types, and all were milling about, gambling, talking etc. This went on for a while and then I saw that one of them sort of detached from the main group and I saw that it was Putin. Putin and a few aides then walked towards the elevators and stepped into the one that lead straight up to the penthouse! It was a glass elevator so I could see them rising above the casino towards the top floor penthouse. The rest of the group stayed in the casino part and continued gambling etc. and at that point I woke up.

An interpretation of an elevator in dreams:
To dream that you are ascending in an elevator represents a rise to status and wealth. You may have risen to a higher level of consciousness and are looking at the world from an elevated viewpoint.

Thanks for the fascinating session!
Laura said:
There are also two big beams across the ceiling that are odd and seem to "cut" the energy.

What I've learned about beams in the ceiling is that they act as something that "cuts", so that if you are standing, seating or lying underneath them, they will cut the energy flow directly over the area they stand above. They are often associated with headaches, which is interesting considering Ark's reactions.
Whether this "cutting" action is real or not, I can't say, but it may be worth experimenting with a false ceiling that covers up the beams?

luke wilson said:
My bedroom came with curved walls - the ceiling is all curved into the shape of a semi circle...

I sleep like a baby.. :huh:

Different people, different reactions and degrees of sensitivity?
Leòmhann said:
LQB said:
What I'm suggesting in this is that real dedication to knowledge/truth/awareness is very protective and very likely will prevent you from falling into disastrous circumstances - the interdimensional as well. Knowledge Protects.

This really resonates ... thank you LQB - thank you Kasia :flowers: :hug2: x 2

I wonder how much one although being dedicated to the Knowledge is exposed to interdimensional negative events when one lives on a daily basis with someone who maybe is not totally closed to the Truth, but inclines towards doubting about everything that goes beyond "normalcy" - actually mainly lies...
luke wilson said:
My bedroom came with curved walls - the ceiling is all curved into the shape of a semi circle...

I sleep like a baby.. :huh:

That sounds like an "enclosing curve". The two in my bedroom are "expelling" curves. Here is a photo of the room before we moved in. The bed in the photo is a regular double, I have a queen which fills the space completely with no room for a night table.


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miguel said:
A: They have "advisors" and "interpretors" of such things.
Q: (Pierre) So the advisors said if they go on with the attack, and with lying and manipulating... (L) I don't think they would say that. (Perceval) They wouldn't spell it out. (L) I don't think that they would talk to them in those terms. (Pierre) What would they say? (L) Probably say something like, I dunno... Maybe they have some advisors and interpreters who say, "We did that, and if you don't back down, we're gonna do more!" Ya know, like threatening rather than explaining to them how to be good boys.
I guess "advisors" and "interpretors" is some kind of clue because of the quotations marks but besides that I think that in english you can say adviser & advisor but you cannot say interpretor, just interpreter. What do you think about it?

I would think that "advisors" and "interpretors" would be at the highest levels of communication, to STS agenda, being beyond Third density. I think i once read that there are certain beings (on the plants now), that have reincarnated, with clear memory's of past life's (sts profile), with "Superior Knowledge" whom are an interracial part of the coming take over plans. But i do not have link, or read to that though, at the moment.

So that my indicate that these elements are perhaps, the Super Hybrids, (so to speak), having the capacity to move freely between 3Density and fourth Density, as the agents of the Reptilians. With the Zionist at the head of the pact (as shared).

Obviously infiltration of the Zio (MOSSAD) movements are clearly quite evident within the infrastructure of the intelligent agency's, pharmaceuticals, money handlers, media moguls, (especially Hollywood), MIC, and USA political law makers, (which are at best held captive by there corruption, greed, personal sociopath, and psychopathic mentality) making them excellent sub agents (with no hybrid ability) for the current agenda we are experiencing.

"Soon" coming to the climax, on so many fronts.

Session: January 27, 2011

Q: (L) Okay, now we have a couple of questions we want to get to here. You said before that OP's were originally intended as a bridge between second and third densities and that they were used. Is Mouravieff right about the potential for OP's to advance being dependent upon souled beings advancement to STO at the end of this cycle?
A: Humans were once "bi-density." And some may be again in the natural way. Those of 4D STS "manufacture" are similar. Just think of them as a type of OP with souped up engines......
Session: July 08, 2012
Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid little plans to make money and try to control the world?
A: Yes. Greed is a sickness
Session: September 14, 2001
Q: (A) What is the most probable scenario. There were infiltrators, they had some knowledge, and they communicated this knowledge to some part of Intelligence, but this part of Intelligence did not press to communicate it to the higher parties?
A: Yes. And it was not known plan.
Q: So the infiltrator did not know the specific plan. So, they overstepped. Hubris. (A) Which part of Israel government was behind it? (L) Probably some deep level orthodox bunch like Kochav.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) But they killed a lot of Jews. (L) They don't care. Jews killed a lot of Jews in WW II. Hubris.
A: Greed.

Session 24 August 2002

A: At those levels, there is only one "Master."
Q: (L) Those levels? What levels?
A: Levels that can hand down orders to bury or suppress.
Q: (L) So you're saying that even, for example French, Russian, Chinese satellites that might have noticed something, that there is some level of control that can order such information to be buried or suppressed...(A) And the order will be respected? Why?
A: Those who are at that level have been bought and paid for by both giving knowledge of upcoming cataclysmic vents, and promised survival and positions of power after. It is not difficult to realize the there is a body of such types in positions of power already. Power is not only attractive to such types, they are the kind most easily corrupted by it.

But i could only be near the ball park on the above, as it's just my 2-cents on your question.


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Laura said:
luke wilson said:
My bedroom came with curved walls - the ceiling is all curved into the shape of a semi circle...

I sleep like a baby.. :huh:

That sounds like an "enclosing curve". The two in my bedroom are "expelling" curves. Here is a photo of the room before we moved in. The bed in the photo is a regular double, I have a queen which fills the space completely with no room for a night table.

I am unable to take a photo but found a picture online that better illustrates the design.

The floor starts right at the bottom of the curve in my room so the whole thing looks like a barrel or cylinder sliced in half or maybe a sort of tunnel.
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