Session 22 March 2014

irjO said:
Yozilla said:
irjO said:
Do you guys think the big bankers owners are in the same level of the Mossad/CIA bosses, or a little over them or they are more powerfull and are at the level of the "STS 4D/3D interface"?? (by big bankers owners I mean the Rocketfeller, Rothschild, Morgans etc these people)

I think that they are "below" Mossad bosses - just sheep like other but - persuaded by Evil magician they are special. Their main purpose is to act as envy, hate, sadness generator - by collecting more "wealth" and further impoverishment of masses. They will be disposed off when become useless (triple bad day) - just some kind of high ranking outcuts. And the most interesting is that they probably believe that their deeds are world-saving... :thdown: Maybe "god" is speaking to them on regular basis :rolleyes:

Mmm interesting point.. There is always this thing on the "conspiracy theories" about "who control the money of the world, control the entire planet" it just seems a little vague to me, I mean they (the owners of the big banks) indeed 'control' the world at some level (very high level I guess) but I don't see them on top of everyone else, I guess the really ones on the top (who comunicate with 4D STS and have alien technology) no one really know them and don't know who they are and their faces have been seen only for a few people

FWIW, the C's had this to say about Rothchild/Mossad:

Laura said:
Session August 17, 2003

Q: (L) Wow, that rhymes! (S) So is Mossad part of that?

A: Mossad is near the apex of the 3D consortium. The lines blur at that level.

Q: (Perceval) What's the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?

A: Mossad is a "brainchild."

{Laughter at the joke - "Rothschild" "Brainchild" - Discussion mainly Perceval) wondering whether the Rothschilds are part of the apex or if they are just useful idiots that are going to be double-crossed also. C's break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval's question.}

A: The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator.

Q: (L) What is a deep level punctuator?

A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to "make a mark" on history. Don't you wonder where they come from. Think "deep."

Q: As in underground bases?

A: Well, what a concept!

Edit: bold
Laura said:
Pierre wanted to block the door to his room that goes to the hall and just use the side door that goes into another small room and then out into the hall. It would have blocked the energy flow.

In the case of my bedroom, some crazy person who owned the house in the past installed two curved walls that half-way enclose the area where the bed is supposed to be. We have had constant problems with these walls for various reasons including sound/vibration amplification and other energies that just make it impossible to sleep. It produces a feeling of claustrophobia aside from making it difficult to make the bed or have a night table. At present, we have moved the bed out from this alcove and it is now standing more or less in the middle of the room, diagonal to the room itself, with the head against one of the curves because there just isn't any other way to position it. There are also two big beams across the ceiling that are odd and seem to "cut" the energy. The idea is to tear out the curved wall and rebuild it straight. It's not a bearing wall, just a "divider", so it won't take a lot of work. Then the whole room will have to be painted because presently, it has a bland, faded, peach wallpaper that I'm sure we could never find a match for. It will mean that we have to move out of the room for the duration of the project because of dust and fumes, so I'm not looking forward to that disturbance, but right now, I really do hate the arrangement which is the only thing to do under the circumstances.

Re-building the wall straight is definitely a good idea, and as suggested in some of the posts above, perhaps look into the overhead beams and the cutting energy. There seems to be a lot of interest and knowledge in Feng Shui, would it be a good idea to start a separate post for it? I have studied Feng Shui (FS), all I can say is that some people are more sensitive than others to the spatial influences of room and furniture placement. I was also taught to adjust for southern hemisphere (FS and all its tenets and 'laws' originated in the Northern hemisphere), and energy and seasons flow differently here. For e.g, water flows counter-clockwise down the drain, we like north facing homes (so to us that's our yang or fire direction, seasons are 6 months apart). And just like trying to find the smallest particle, one can go on in seemingly infinite depth here- you can look purely at the spatial energies, and flow and the lay of the land; but then there is the FS of time (flying star Feng Shui)- so the house would have its chart, and each occupant of the house have their chart, with their lucky numbers, colours, directions elements, foods etc. I have known some people to obsess to the point of consulting an almanac for everything!

With bedrooms, the main things are having the bed head up against a solid wall, ease of access to both sides of the bed and preferably pairs of things to symbolise union for a married couple, preferably no mirrors or electronics (read digital clocks, TV etc.), and to not have the feet of the bed directly in front of the door. Too many doors/windows in a bedroom can be too yang (i.e. active energy not conducive to sleep).

Wishing you the best for the room renovation Laura, it sounds like the disruption will be worth it - think of all the books you'll be able to pile on that bed-side table! :read:
whitecoast said:
Thanks Arwenn for the comment. I've looked a bit into flying star feng shui, but it's pretty hard to wrap my head around how the time component influences the energy of terrain. Sieves was a typo, which I'm sad to relate was discovered past the modify deadline. :P

Hey whitecoast, I thought that might have been a typo. Yeah, flying star is pretty full on, but I actually don't mind all the crazy calculations :D
I think Feng Shui has its merits, and can be very in-depth, but you've got to draw the line somewhere and not be checking for sha chi (stangnant or malignant energy) every 5 minutes!!
Laura said:
Pierre wanted to block the door to his room that goes to the hall and just use the side door that goes into another small room and then out into the hall. It would have blocked the energy flow.

In the case of my bedroom, some crazy person who owned the house in the past installed two curved walls that half-way enclose the area where the bed is supposed to be. We have had constant problems with these walls for various reasons including sound/vibration amplification and other energies that just make it impossible to sleep. It produces a feeling of claustrophobia aside from making it difficult to make the bed or have a night table. At present, we have moved the bed out from this alcove and it is now standing more or less in the middle of the room, diagonal to the room itself, with the head against one of the curves because there just isn't any other way to position it. There are also two big beams across the ceiling that are odd and seem to "cut" the energy. The idea is to tear out the curved wall and rebuild it straight. It's not a bearing wall, just a "divider", so it won't take a lot of work. Then the whole room will have to be painted because presently, it has a bland, faded, peach wallpaper that I'm sure we could never find a match for. It will mean that we have to move out of the room for the duration of the project because of dust and fumes, so I'm not looking forward to that disturbance, but right now, I really do hate the arrangement which is the only thing to do under the circumstances.

From the viewpoint of a designer this has got to be a practical joke (and of universal magnitude). Crazy indeed.
And to top it all off the chosen wallpaper color is peach!
No wonder You felt ill sleeping between those "cheeks". :shock:
thanks everyone… eeek bit nervous about getting on a plane this week now. Hope I make it home :/ Take care all
Meager1 said:
(L) So, what does the point of this little introduction about health, other than what was just said... Did they say harm? So, there are directed attacks going on against us at the present time like with some kind of EM or electronic devices or something that's supposed to harm our health?

A: Yes.

One concern I have about the room and the position of the bed, is that you guys have your heads in direct contact with the electrical field, that is, the wiring behind the wall for those twin lights above the bed and it seems that the confining curved space might even enhance that.

Best thing, might be to move the bed away from any electrical wiring or currents.

If the walls have "ears" they might also have teeth. Just saying.

Good thought. I was under the impression that these attacks come from more of a directed type of energy rather than through electrical lines. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Davey72 said:
Good thought. I was under the impression that these attacks come from more of a directed type of energy rather than through electrical lines. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Maybe it does not need to be an or/either situation.

When I saw the picture, my first thought was also about the electrical lines that could be detrimental to restful sleep but it's probably because this very problem happened to me. I was sleeping with a bed without headboard against a wall which had improper wiring and there were electrical sockets on each side of the bed. I spent many sleepless nights until someone pointed it out to me. It made a world of difference to put the bed in a different spot. Getting rid of a mirror also helped. But then again, I'm a fussy sleeper (used to be an insomniac). The hubby was not as disturbed as I was by it.

I think I would have difficulty with beams and curved walls as well.
clerck de bonk said:
From the viewpoint of a designer this has got to be a practical joke (and of universal magnitude). Crazy indeed.
And to top it all off the chosen wallpaper color is peach!
No wonder You felt ill sleeping between those "cheeks". :shock:

Yeah. Notice how it crowds around the head of the bed and the beam right above.

We've struggled with this room since we've been here. I guess it is time to do something about it since the solution is really pretty simple: Rip out the wall and replace it with a straight one.
luc said:
FWIW, the C's had this to say about Rothchild/Mossad:

Laura said:
Session August 17, 2003

Q: (L) Wow, that rhymes! (S) So is Mossad part of that?

A: Mossad is near the apex of the 3D consortium. The lines blur at that level.

Q: (Perceval) What's the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?

A: Mossad is a "brainchild."

{Laughter at the joke - "Rothschild" "Brainchild" - Discussion mainly Perceval) wondering whether the Rothschilds are part of the apex or if they are just useful idiots that are going to be double-crossed also. C's break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval's question.}

A: The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator.

Q: (L) What is a deep level punctuator?

A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to "make a mark" on history. Don't you wonder where they come from. Think "deep."

Q: As in underground bases?

A: Well, what a concept!

Edit: bold

Thanks for the quote Luc.. I think I see the overall picture now, It looks more complex that it seems, but it resonate with the idea that anybody in the public area or even in the 'known' high levels have never seem or know any member of the top in the consortium directly.
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Davey72 said:
Good thought. I was under the impression that these attacks come from more of a directed type of energy rather than through electrical lines. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Maybe it does not need to be an or/either situation.

When I saw the picture, my first thought was also about the electrical lines that could be detrimental to restful sleep but it's probably because this very problem happened to me. I was sleeping with a bed without headboard against a wall which had improper wiring and there were electrical sockets on each side of the bed. I spent many sleepless nights until someone pointed it out to me. It made a world of difference to put the bed in a different spot. Getting rid of a mirror also helped. But then again, I'm a fussy sleeper (used to be an insomniac). The hubby was not as disturbed as I was by it.

I think I would have difficulty with beams and curved walls as well.

I found this video (that has been recently posted), of a fellow who did a little research of the EMF exposure he was experiencing in his home.

He applies his findings to make a number of corrections to minimize the EMF fields around him.

Some of the information would be common knowledge already shared on previous threads. ;)

Published on Jan 31, 2014
Electromagnetic Waves and Cell Towers
And a second one by Lloyd Burrel (
EMFs Around the Home - Part 2
Aug 26, 2013
Laura said:
clerck de bonk said:
From the viewpoint of a designer this has got to be a practical joke (and of universal magnitude). Crazy indeed.
And to top it all off the chosen wallpaper color is peach!
No wonder You felt ill sleeping between those "cheeks". :shock:

Yeah. Notice how it crowds around the head of the bed and the beam right above.

We've struggled with this room since we've been here. I guess it is time to do something about it since the solution is really pretty simple: Rip out the wall and replace it with a straight one.

Maybe the "buttcheek" alcove could be used to prop up the psychomantium mirror? The idea popped into my head that the curved wall energy redirection might have some interesting effects for the psychomantium.
But scrolling to your previous post, there is no other position for the bed in that room so I guess the wall's gotta go.
fisheye said:
thanks everyone… eeek bit nervous about getting on a plane this week now. Hope I make it home :/ Take care all

You will travel safely. We are all here in case you need to talk about those fears.
irjO said:
luc said:
FWIW, the C's had this to say about Rothchild/Mossad:

Laura said:
Session August 17, 2003

Q: (L) Wow, that rhymes! (S) So is Mossad part of that?

A: Mossad is near the apex of the 3D consortium. The lines blur at that level.

Q: (Perceval) What's the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?

A: Mossad is a "brainchild."

{Laughter at the joke - "Rothschild" "Brainchild" - Discussion mainly Perceval) wondering whether the Rothschilds are part of the apex or if they are just useful idiots that are going to be double-crossed also. C's break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval's question.}

A: The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator.

Q: (L) What is a deep level punctuator?

A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to "make a mark" on history. Don't you wonder where they come from. Think "deep."

Q: As in underground bases?

A: Well, what a concept!

Edit: bold

Thanks for the quote Luc.. I think I see the overall picture now, It looks more complex that it seems, but it resonate with the idea that anybody in the public area or even in the 'known' high levels have never seem or know any member of the top in the consortium directly.

Regarding the mention of Rothschild. The FOFOA blog that deals with the idea of FreeGold as articulated by Another and via FOA (Friend of Another).
It was FOFOA's recent speculation that Another could have most probably been Guy de Rothschild. Here is the link to that FOFOA post: _

The whole "history" of FreeGold articulated by Another, FOA and FOFOA strikes me as a "deep level punctuator" event. Imho.
Iron said:
fisheye said:
thanks everyone… eeek bit nervous about getting on a plane this week now. Hope I make it home :/ Take care all

You will travel safely. We are all here in case you need to talk about those fears.

Don't worry too much about it and be aware that there are thousands of flights every day without any problem. Last week I had to take 6 planes in Spain (Logroño-Madrid, Madrid-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas-Tenerife and the opposite to come back home) and there was no problem.

I must admit that I thought about the Malaysian flight but I tried not to worry. Advice: take some good books to make the journey as comfortable as possible. I started Political Ponerology in spanish ;D

Maybe doing EE the night before can help. Just my two cents.
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