Session 22 March 2014

c.a. said:
miguel said:
A: They have "advisors" and "interpretors" of such things.
Q: (Pierre) So the advisors said if they go on with the attack, and with lying and manipulating... (L) I don't think they would say that. (Perceval) They wouldn't spell it out. (L) I don't think that they would talk to them in those terms. (Pierre) What would they say? (L) Probably say something like, I dunno... Maybe they have some advisors and interpreters who say, "We did that, and if you don't back down, we're gonna do more!" Ya know, like threatening rather than explaining to them how to be good boys.
I guess "advisors" and "interpretors" is some kind of clue because of the quotations marks but besides that I think that in english you can say adviser & advisor but you cannot say interpretor, just interpreter. What do you think about it?

I would think that "advisors" and "interpretors" would be at the highest levels of communication, to STS agenda, being beyond Third density. I think i once read that there are certain beings (on the plants now), that have reincarnated, with clear memory's of past life's (sts profile), with "Superior Knowledge" whom are an interracial part of the coming take over plans. But i do not have link, or read to that though, at the moment.

So that my indicate that these elements are perhaps, the Super Hybrids, (so to speak), having the capacity to move freely between 3Density and fourth Density, as the agents of the Reptilians. With the Zionist at the head of the pact (as shared).

Obviously infiltration of the Zio (MOSSAD) movements are clearly quite evident within the infrastructure of the intelligent agency's, pharmaceuticals, money handlers, media moguls, (especially Hollywood), MIC, and USA political law makers, (which are at best held captive by there corruption, greed, personal sociopath, and psychopathic mentality) making them excellent sub agents (with no hybrid ability) for the current agenda we are experiencing.

"Soon" coming to the climax, on so many fronts.

Session: January 27, 2011

Q: (L) Okay, now we have a couple of questions we want to get to here. You said before that OP's were originally intended as a bridge between second and third densities and that they were used. Is Mouravieff right about the potential for OP's to advance being dependent upon souled beings advancement to STO at the end of this cycle?
A: Humans were once "bi-density." And some may be again in the natural way. Those of 4D STS "manufacture" are similar. Just think of them as a type of OP with souped up engines......
Session: July 08, 2012
Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid little plans to make money and try to control the world?
A: Yes. Greed is a sickness
Session: September 14, 2001
Q: (A) What is the most probable scenario. There were infiltrators, they had some knowledge, and they communicated this knowledge to some part of Intelligence, but this part of Intelligence did not press to communicate it to the higher parties?
A: Yes. And it was not known plan.
Q: So the infiltrator did not know the specific plan. So, they overstepped. Hubris. (A) Which part of Israel government was behind it? (L) Probably some deep level orthodox bunch like Kochav.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) But they killed a lot of Jews. (L) They don't care. Jews killed a lot of Jews in WW II. Hubris.
A: Greed.

Session 24 August 2002

A: At those levels, there is only one "Master."
Q: (L) Those levels? What levels?
A: Levels that can hand down orders to bury or suppress.
Q: (L) So you're saying that even, for example French, Russian, Chinese satellites that might have noticed something, that there is some level of control that can order such information to be buried or suppressed...(A) And the order will be respected? Why?
A: Those who are at that level have been bought and paid for by both giving knowledge of upcoming cataclysmic vents, and promised survival and positions of power after. It is not difficult to realize the there is a body of such types in positions of power already. Power is not only attractive to such types, they are the kind most easily corrupted by it.

But i could only be near the ball park on the above, as it's just my 2-cents on your question.

Thank you very much for your reply and for gathering those sessions excerpts. They are always fascinating.
c.a. said:
I would think that "advisors" and "interpretors" would be at the highest levels of communication, to STS agenda, being beyond Third density. I think i once read that there are certain beings (on the plants now), that have reincarnated, with clear memory's of past life's (sts profile), with "Superior Knowledge" whom are an interracial part of the coming take over plans. But i do not have link, or read to that though, at the moment.

I think you may be referring to this excerpt:

January 11, 1995
A: No. The "antichrist" is not an individual, but consortium.
Q: (B) Who is the Consortium?
A: Term refers to idea of large body of individuals.
Q: (L) Who specifically? (F) Human beings?
A: Yes and others.
Q: (B) Are these beings who have lived longer than most people live
in one lifetime?
A: Confused thought patterns.
Q: (B) Are these people who have reincarnated for lifetime after
lifetime and have kept the same memory to continue the same plan?
A: Only a select few.

irjO said:
Yozilla said:
irjO said:
Do you guys think the big bankers owners are in the same level of the Mossad/CIA bosses, or a little over them or they are more powerfull and are at the level of the "STS 4D/3D interface"?? (by big bankers owners I mean the Rocketfeller, Rothschild, Morgans etc these people)

I think that they are "below" Mossad bosses - just sheep like other but - persuaded by Evil magician they are special. Their main purpose is to act as envy, hate, sadness generator - by collecting more "wealth" and further impoverishment of masses. They will be disposed off when become useless (triple bad day) - just some kind of high ranking outcuts. And the most interesting is that they probably believe that their deeds are world-saving... :thdown: Maybe "god" is speaking to them on regular basis :rolleyes:

Mmm interesting point.. There is always this thing on the "conspiracy theories" about "who control the money of the world, control the entire planet" it just seems a little vague to me, I mean they (the owners of the big banks) indeed 'control' the world at some level (very high level I guess) but I don't see them on top of everyone else, I guess the really ones on the top (who comunicate with 4D STS and have alien technology) no one really know them and don't know who they are and their faces have been seen only for a few people

Good point. At the end of the day we are talking about humans that can easily be disposed of if they are no longer useful or if they decide to stray away from their plans.

Laura said:
Session August 17, 2003

Q: (L) Wow, that rhymes! (S) So is Mossad part of that?

A: Mossad is near the apex of the 3D consortium. The lines blur at that level.

Q: (Perceval) What's the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?

A: Mossad is a "brainchild."

{Laughter at the joke - "Rothschild" "Brainchild" - Discussion mainly Perceval) wondering whether the Rothschilds are part of the apex or if they are just useful idiots that are going to be double-crossed also. C's break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval's question.}

A: The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator.

Q:(L) What is a deep level punctuator?

In relation to the Mossad, the Cs said that the lines blur at that level which makes me think that there is a network of people that is involved with all major intelligence and military agencies. I wonder if they are referring to the Consortium which has been discussed in several sessions.

The other reference to the lines blurring was made in relation to the Rothschilds. I remember doing some research about the family a few years back and found that throughout the course of the last century they basically merged with the European aristocracy even marrying into a couple of them so it could be possible that at some level there is a nucleus of families that have been intermarrying for centuries and still retain control over the establishment.
Thanks to all involved!! Another great session. It would be SO good to MH 370 come out and land somewhere in front of "lots of eyes". My heart and thoughts goes out to those "pain filled" family's :hug2:
Questions I have for Laura or any member of the team. How long does it the session take? Thinking :- Maybe the length of time sitting/doing/energy flow? My friend is very good at Reek and she has explained the energy flows "through" her and feels cleansed after a session. any info would be cherished. you go girl :love:
As for the two events { Crimea - Mh370 } I think they backed down on Crimea because the "veil" was pulled too wide too soon with the loss of MH370 as-well and they where "advised" to cool it off a bit rather than expose whats behind- [ for lack of a better description]. Maybe this "medium" [reality] they manipulate is a tricky thing to control with the planet pushing for balance, human intent positive or negative, pushing ,pulling ,swearling. Push too hard and zzzzip open she comes!!! just my latest musings -- thanks again from Down Under!!
Duke said:
Thanks to all involved!! Another great session. It would be SO good to MH 370 come out and land somewhere in front of "lots of eyes". My heart and thoughts goes out to those "pain filled" family's :hug2:
Questions I have for Laura or any member of the team. How long does it the session take? Thinking :- Maybe the length of time sitting/doing/energy flow? My friend is very good at Reek and she has explained the energy flows "through" her and feels cleansed after a session. any info would be cherished. you go girl :love:
As for the two events { Crimea - Mh370 } I think they backed down on Crimea because the "veil" was pulled too wide too soon with the loss of MH370 as-well and they where "advised" to cool it off a bit rather than expose whats behind- [ for lack of a better description]. Maybe this "medium" [reality] they manipulate is a tricky thing to control with the planet pushing for balance, human intent positive or negative, pushing ,pulling ,swearling. Push too hard and zzzzip open she comes!!! just my latest musings -- thanks again from Down Under!!

What is reek? Did you mean Reiki?
Laura said:
clerck de bonk said:
From the viewpoint of a designer this has got to be a practical joke (and of universal magnitude). Crazy indeed.
And to top it all off the chosen wallpaper color is peach!
No wonder You felt ill sleeping between those "cheeks". :shock:

Yeah. Notice how it crowds around the head of the bed and the beam right above.

We've struggled with this room since we've been here. I guess it is time to do something about it since the solution is really pretty simple: Rip out the wall and replace it with a straight one.

Yup, definitely sounds like a cure.
Anyways, Good luck with the remodeling and thanks again for a formidable session.
Emmanuel said:
Very interesting sesion indeed. Thank you very much for sharing. I never be able to express all the gratitude and appreciation that i feel for Laura and the Chateau team. Thx again for everything...

Sincerely I second what you say and extend my deep appreciation to other members of the forum also. Thanks for the session and thanks for being there! :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
davey72 said:
Quote from: Laura

There are also two big beams across the ceiling that are odd and seem to "cut" the energy.

What I've learned about beams in the ceiling is that they act as something that "cuts", so that if you are standing, seating or lying underneath them, they will cut the energy flow directly over the area they stand above. They are often associated with headaches, which is interesting considering Ark's reactions.
Whether this "cutting" action is real or not, I can't say, but it may be worth experimenting with a false ceiling that covers up the beams?

FWIW, a suspended ceiling is easy, and fairly cheap to install.

I am sorry to hear that Ark have big headaches, this is terrible. I had the same problem when new installed here, in my new room. Every morning I woke up by horrible headaches. What I did is to study why suddenly I had headaches? One thing was different: my lamp that now was beside my head (to read). The bulb was too strong, also. So I change the bulb, and I put not anymore the lamps beside my head when reading on my bed and also change the situation of my bed, changed the wall. And my headaches disappear suddenly. So maybe you bed lamp is too strong? I hope you will feel better with no more headaches. Take care.
Thank you very much for the session, it was a good one!

What do you think the C´s mean with this:

A: You are tired, but tricky. Things are unfolding as they should; you are all doing well and soon others will join your reality. Goodbye.

I think it was directly for the people in the room at the moment to understand, so if Laura or any of the team could express what they think this means, i will appreciate it.


Thanks in advance.
Wait and see!

• Wait and see! Wait and see! Wait and see! Wait and see!... But I'm reaping :P

• Vladimir Putin, he's not a psychopath. This really is a surprise, I supposed that the power level was directly proportional to the level of psychopathy.

• Q: (Perceval) What about the "five years to go" thing? GOOD question. ;D

• A: What do you mean? You is there! Do you not SEE it? Well, we have a few months to enjoy the 3D world. :cool2:
DreamGod said:
Thank you very much for the session, it was a good one!

What do you think the C´s mean with this:

A: You are tired, but tricky. Things are unfolding as they should; you are all doing well and soon others will join your reality. Goodbye.

I think it was directly for the people in the room at the moment to understand, so if Laura or any of the team could express what they think this means, i will appreciate it.


Thanks in advance.

You'll get the idea if you watch the latest knowledge and being videos, well worth watching.
Anthony said:
DreamGod said:
Thank you very much for the session, it was a good one!

What do you think the C´s mean with this:

A: You are tired, but tricky. Things are unfolding as they should; you are all doing well and soon others will join your reality. Goodbye.

I think it was directly for the people in the room at the moment to understand, so if Laura or any of the team could express what they think this means, i will appreciate it.


Thanks in advance.

You'll get the idea if you watch the latest knowledge and being videos, well worth watching.



Reading Life is Religion is also a good idea.


I second what Anthony just has said.
The C's speak to wider audiences (i.e the Forum, and at levels of reaching that we may not even be aware at the moment), so I think it was directed to anyone who is actively trying to implement the steps described in Life is Religion, and the knowledge cointained the Knowledge and Being Series.
Anthony said:
Anthony said:
DreamGod said:
Thank you very much for the session, it was a good one!

What do you think the C´s mean with this:

A: You are tired, but tricky. Things are unfolding as they should; you are all doing well and soon others will join your reality. Goodbye.

I think it was directly for the people in the room at the moment to understand, so if Laura or any of the team could express what they think this means, i will appreciate it.


Thanks in advance.

You'll get the idea if you watch the latest knowledge and being videos, well worth watching.



Reading Life is Religion is also a good idea.


I´ll take a look at them, Thanks a lot Anthony
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