Session 22 March 2014

Thanks for the session folks. Not really surprised about Flight 370.
Well, sort of. ;D
As well, very encouraging info about Putin.
Even though we have to treat all information from the transcripts as an experiment, I feel alot of relief after reading the C information regarding the flight. The media build-up regarding the 'search' is stressful. Cheers for the session.
Thanks so much for the session. With so many dangerous goings-on occurring, it's good to have some insight into some of it. I was surprised by the C's explanation of the fate of flight 370. More very strange and interesting stuff to come for sure. What a time to be alive!

The bit about Putin not being a psychopath was great to hear.
Thanks for the session - this puts a whole new spin on Clif High's predictions years ago about "restrictions on travel" - how about the risk of being trapped in another dimension on a routine flight to Chicago or Tokyo!?

But color me clueless, I do take issue with the interpretation that the missing flight was some how a direct warning regarding Crimea best I can see it as an unrelated, alarming event that signalled slowing down the empire-building/war-mongering in the same way that you don't climb that tree in a thunderstorm, i.e., pick your battles.

That said, what ever happened to all govts operating under one umbrella already, haven't the C's said something about this in the past...are the "bullies" in the US operating as a faction outside of this group? Is Putin, as a "better" (as opposed to "good") guy in world politics, operating under this umbrella or not...and if not, how did Russia escape it? Just how many factions are there, and if they are already operating at such cross-purposes why would a 'high-level' warning of any kind (as was similarly suggested with the Columbia Shuttle) be at all effective; hasn't the horse left the barn?
Thank you all for the session, I understand how draining they can be. It's good to have some further elucidation on Flight 370 and the Russia/Crimea situation.
Thanks for posting the session transcript! Fascinating! Seems to have confirmed some of the discussions on the forum lately and added somewhat of a "twist" on how they relate.
Thank you for transcribing this session so quickly!

I've been reading about Putin and had a few dreams where I was chatting with him - personally I haven't seen any evidence of psychopathy, and I'm glad you brought the question to the Cs. A lot of anti-Russian sentiment in the country where I live, and one colleague called him 'Putler': I just asked for proof of that but then realized to back off and not go there, better to talk about the weather or nothing much at all.
Weller said:
Thanks for the session - this puts a whole new spin on Clif High's predictions years ago about "restrictions on travel" - how about the risk of being trapped in another dimension on a routine flight to Chicago or Tokyo!?

But color me clueless, I do take issue with the interpretation that the missing flight was some how a direct warning regarding Crimea best I can see it as an unrelated, alarming event that signalled slowing down the empire-building/war-mongering in the same way that you don't climb that tree in a thunderstorm, i.e., pick your battles.

IMHO if the "Advisors" & "Interpreters" are Mossad connected to high 4d STS, then maybe they just took advantage of the plane episode to put the leash back on USA and provide a mean little dose of humiliation to Obama & Co (clutching their list of sanctioned Russians). Payback for giving Israel the cold shoulder lately?
If USA has gone so far over that they don't understand or care that a large part of the world can see their hypocrisy over Ukraine/Crimea, maybe they needed a reminder on who is really calling the shots?
Plane may have provided an opportunity not to be wasted - especially if USA vaunted spy capability has left them in the dark on this. :evil:

My hope for those on board is that the wave gets here before too long & they pop back thinking they had a bad dream. Imagine the reunion :love:
It is often surprising - and interesting - to see the various elements of a session that a given individual focuses on and/or gets tied up in knots about. It seems to me that most of this session was pretty straightforward for those who have the context, i.e. if you have read The Wave, watched the videos we made last Fall, and keep up with the Forum.

I know that the forum is big and active, but you can figure out easily what is most concerning to members by clicking the "view most recent posts" option and observing what threads are on the top over a period of days and thus have an idea of what to scan. And if you spend 15 minutes to half an hour scanning the active topics daily, you stay abreast of what is going on. Over the past weeks, the discussions about Ukraine and the Malaysian flight have been VERY active. Topics about Caesar have been very active, and our history database project has been on the "recent posts" page practically every day. Diet and smoking issues are always popular. And finally, if you read SOTT every day - even if just scanning the headlines and only opening a few articles - you'll be much better oriented for comprehending the sessions.

I notice a few Noobs in this thread who have asked some questions indicating a lack of orientation as described above so perhaps some of you who have been following developments along several lines and who are more familiar with past sessions can provide synopsized guidance.
So we still do not know what "Five years to go." means. It may be ten months or ten years, but it makes all the difference! I have already noticed that Cs have been playing cat and mouse, not giving straight answers. Sometimes they explain that the answer can violate free will but is it also the case in that particular issue? I doubt it if that could be so secret that they do not want to reveal the meaning.
alteroru486 said:
So we still do not know what "Five years to go." means. It may be ten months or ten years, but it makes all the difference! I have already noticed that Cs have been playing cat and mouse, not giving straight answers. Sometimes they explain that the answer can violate free will but is it also the case in that particular issue? I doubt it if that could be so secret that they do not want to reveal the meaning.

As I understand it, "5 years to go." refers to the current period in which we find ourselves living, as the origin of of that quote is from a 2009 session. And the C's tend to encourage individual learning as a means of self-growth and exploration, and tend not to spoon feed direct answers if it can be avoided. If it is something we as a network can answer, they will encourage us to do so, providing hints where necessary.
Felipe4 said:
This was an amazing session, thank you guys, the fixing the room and making room changes were indeed refreshing for us when we did them a month ago. My brother in fact changed the room again yesterday! :P


I was surprised to see that part of the session because, on Saturday morning, I cleaned out and changed my bedroom after so many years. It was an "on the spur of the moment" kind of thing. I was sick during the week and this work took me all day to do. And, afterwards, I felt better, refreshed, and cleaned. I'm also going to take a look into Feng Shui.
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