Excelent session, Thanks Chateau Crew, Laura, and the C's...
This definition of Situational Awareness made by the U.S. Coast Guard is very elucidative...
Specially because it is centered in the Team role of all involved.
Situational Awareness is the ability to identify, process, and comprehend the critical elements of information about what is happening to the team with regards to the mission. More simply, it's knowing what is going on around you.
And about the Crypto clue left in the las C's sentence...
I break the word in the following way (Considering the dot at the end, it can be also a clue...?):
KLOFMD + MANELLIG + GLOOSK (a little research gives some meanings...)
KLOFMD = Genealogia :: Polskie Towarzystwo (Apparently a polish name)
MANELLIG = Herr Mannelig (also known as Herr Mannerlig) is a medieval style Swedish ballad that tells the story of a female mountain troll who proposes marriage to a knight.
GLOOSK = 1.(a monster named Gloosk - some monster her parents made up when she was kid.), 2.(How Glooskap made the Elves and Fairies, and then Man of an Ash-Tree, and last of all the Beasts, and of his Coming at the Last Day), 3.(GLOOSk'AP THE
DIVINITY - Of Now when old time. it was noised abroad that whoever besought Glooskap could obtain the desire of his heart, there
were three men who said among them-selves, " Let us seek the Master.", Glooskap, culture hero of the Wabanaki Indians)
Note: There are various spelling of the name Gluskap including Gloosk-oh, Koluskap, and Glooscap. 6. There is no agreement on the precise etymology or meaning of the name Gluskap. See among others Nicolar, Life and Traditions. Frank G. Speck "Aboriginal Conservators" Bird-Lore 40 (1938).
. = End, new start...
so my bet is this:
KLOFMD is proposed marriage by a woman, she becoming the "heroin" of all tribes who seek for a master... for a
so their end is new start
I can just be biased here, just my apologies for that.
Just my two cents...