John G
The Living Force
A: Gravity is all there is.
Q: (L) Alright! I get the point! I was just trying to help. (A) I would like to know if there is a separate field beyond electromagnetism and gravitation, something similar to the Sheldrake concept of a morphological field or morphogenetic field?
A: Yes, and it is very close to that. It is apparent that Sheldrake was "in tune," as are you, Arkadiusz. But you must have faith in your thoughts, as sometimes they are assisted.
So how does gravity get to be everything instead of just something that a morphogenetic/soul/information field goes beyond? First thing to keep in mind is that Ark's conformal group gravity comes from a larger math group than conventional deSitter group gravity. The extra conformal transformations allow binding to non-local as well as your local neighborhood spacetime locations. There are lattice spacetime models where the gravitons of gravity are on lattice links and matter/antimatter are on lattice vertices. Thus loosely gravitons can represent matter-antimatter pairs. Also loosely for some lattice models, photons, gluons and weak bosons can be thought of as gravitons on links of an internal space lattice.(soul/information field).
Ark is currently looking more into Clifford algebra (Clifford algebra journals/conferences have long been part of Ark's research). A Cs clue last year mentioning geometric algebra and an earlier clue hinting at free algebra relate to Clifford algebra. Clifford algebra puts things like conformal group gravity into an information theory form. Clifford algebra dimensions have a binary 2^n format i.e. the Cl(8) Clifford algebra has 2^8=256 dimensions. Loosely consciousness would be a very tight non-local binding of information that can be treated like a single particle (quasiparticle) of sorts.