Session 23 May 2020

As you are a specialist in Clifford algebra, did you not notice and I see that it is for the Calabi-yau manifolds, that it is for the symmetry Mirror that it is always algebraic geometry.

Mirror symmetry relates to T-duality and Planck pivot structures which certainly relates to Kaluza-Klein-like structures in general. I like this conformal structure's fit with the Standard Model Yang-Mills structure (for me it also fits with bimetric gravity ideas Ark is working on):

Just came across a video talking about Rh Negative blood (Atlantians/bloodlines, european royal families/TPTB ...etc), and thought about blood type and covid, there seems to be a few links on google linking blood types and the virus such as here. Then came across someone called Tau Tia L. Douglass talking about how blood types correlates to personality types.
An example of how electrical discharges could make spherical boulders:

Hi Jones, I am sorry, but I can't watch the fb-vid you posted. The troubleshooting site linked to the message that I cannot watch it is strange, because none of the factors that could come into play are given here. Is there another source of the vid that is not over fb? Maybe yt?
Hi Jones, I am sorry, but I can't watch the fb-vid you posted. The troubleshooting site linked to the message that I cannot watch it is strange, because none of the factors that could come into play are given here. Is there another source of the vid that is not over fb? Maybe yt?

Mmmm - I can't find a copy on youtube and a general search doesn't turn up anything. This is the page that I found it on if that helps. The man in the video is applying electrical discharge machining to a rock.
An example of how electrical discharges could make spherical boulders:

Wow that was neat! It reminded me of these that are found all over the world. A preview of what is to come when the current starts to flow?

I wonder if maybe not only electrical discharges, but also maybe sound plays some role in the creation of these spherical boulders occasionally...or not and it is just electrical discharges for this type of event. I was looking at these video a few weeks ago and wondering. Well, it is currently beyond my current level of understandings, but it is amazing to look at to try to at least understand...something. lol

Amazing Resonance Experiment!

Geometry of sound, and life...

These videos bring this particular session to mind, and I think for probably many here as well, and I wouldn't be least suprised if this session was posted elsewhere in the forum in one manner or the other:

June 15, 1996
Frank, Laura, SV
Q: (L) As you know, I have been studying the Sufi teachings, and I am discovering so many similarities in these Sufi "unveilings" to what we have been receiving through this source, that I am really quite amazed, to say the least. So, my question is: could what we are doing here be considered an ongoing, incremental, "unveiling," as they call it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Now, from what I am reading, in the process of unveiling, at certain points, when the knowledge base has been sufficiently expanded, inner unveilings then begin to occur. Is this part of the present process?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) My experience has been, over the past couple of years, that whenever there is a significant increase in knowledge, that it is sort of cyclical - I go through a depression before I can assimilate - and it is like an inner transformation from one level to another. Is there something we can do, and if so, is it desirable, to increase or facilitate this process in some way?

A: It is a natural process, let it be.

Q: (L) One of the things that Al-Arabi writes about is the ontological level of being. Concentric circles, so to speak, of states of being. And, each state merely defines relationships. At each higher level you are closer to a direct relationship with the core of existence, and on the outer edges, you are in closer relationship with matter. This accurately explicates the 7 densities you have described for us. He also talks about the "outraying" and the "inward moving" toward knowledge. My thought was that certain beings, such as 4th density STS, and other STS beings of 3rd density, who think that they are creating a situation where they will accrue power to themselves, may, in fact, be part of the "outraying" or dispersion into matter. Is this a correct perception?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Al-Arabi says, and this echoes what you have said, that you can stay in the illusion where you are, you can move downward or upward. Is this, in part, whichever direction you choose, a function of your position on the cycle?

A: It is more complex than that.

Q: (L) Well, I am sure of that. Al-Arabi presents a very complex analysis and he probably didn't know it all either... Nevertheless, it almost word-for-word reflects things that have been given directly to us through this communication.

A: Now, learn, read, research all you can about unstable gravity waves.

Q: (L) Okay. Unstable gravity waves. I'll see what I can find. Is there something more about this?

A: Meditate too!

Q: (L) Yes. Well, they have been telling us to meditate. Have you been meditating, Frank? (F) Not lately.

A: We mean for you, Laura, to meditate about unstable gravity waves as part of research.

Q: (L) Okay. Would it be alright to ask a few more questions about the Sufis?

A: Not unless you wish to get off the track.

Q: (L) That would be off the track from the way we are moving at present?

A: Not until you have memorized Sufi teachings to the extent that you can cross reference with Bible and similar works.

Q: (L) Okay. So, we are onto something with the Sufi teachings. But, we don't need to get off the track. I guess that they did with the Koran what some other mystics have done with the Bible. It is clear that there is something under the surface of it, but it is corrupted and twisted. And, I was convinced by seeing this underlying pattern that it was possible to penetrate the veil, and that gave me the impetus to push for a breakthrough.

A: Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.

Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since no bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be a property of matter. Is that correct?

A: And....

Q: (L) And hmmmm....

A: And antimatter!

Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter "antigravity?" Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?

A: Binder.

Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of matter?

A: And...

Q: (L) Is gravity a property of light?

A: Not the issue.

Q: (L) What is the issue? Can you help me out here, Frank?

A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!

Q: (L) Is antimatter ethereal existence?

A: Pathway to.

Q: (L) Okay.

A: Doorway to.

Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves... no, hold everything... do unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?

A: Throughout.

Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?

A: That is just the point, there is none.

Q: (L) There are no unstable gravity waves?

A: Wrong...

Q: (L) There is no emanation point?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?

A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!

Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?

A: Everything.

Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?

A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.

Q: (L) Okay, what kind of a device would collect and disperse gravity waves? Is this what spirals do?

A: On the way to.

Q: (L) So, if were to focus on collecting unstable gravity waves...

A: When you wrote "Noah" where did you place gravity?

Q: (L) I thought that gravity was an indicator of the consumption of electricity; that gravity was a byproduct of a continuous flow of electrical energy...

A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence!

Q: (L) I was evaluating by electric flow and consumption... and I was thinking that electricity was evidence of some sort of consciousness, and that gravity was evidence that a planet that had it, had life...

A: We have told you before that planets and stars are windows. And where does it go?

Q: (L) The windows?

A: The gravity.

Q: (L) Oh. Gravity must go into the ethereal dimensions or densities. I mean, you have my head going in so many different directions that I feel like I have popcorn in there.

A: Good!

Q: (L) Well, where does gravity go. The sun is a window. Even our planet must be a window!

A: You have it too!!

Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in a bowl of soup.

A: Gravity is all there is.

Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is light?

A: Gravity.

Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear forces?

A: Gravity is "God."

Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?

A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity.

Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis call it: the Source.

A: Please name something that is not gravity.

Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?

A: A mere thought.

Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?

A: Yes, there is.

Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations involved?

A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates gravity.

Q: (L) Now, did the fellow who built the Coral Castle spin in his airplane seat while thinking his manipulations into place?

A: No. He spun when gravity chose to manipulate him to spin in order to manipulate gravity.

Q: (L) Does gravity have consciousness?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it ever possible for the individual to do the choosing, or is it gravity that IS him that chose?

A: The gravity that was inside him was all the gravity in existence.

Q: (L) Well, I thought the Sufis were tough! (F) Well, it's probably because of your studies that this door opened. (L) Good grief! What have I done! Alright. I am confused.

A: No you are not.

Q: (L) Then, just put it this way: I am befuddled and overloaded.

A: Befuddling is fun!

Q: (L) Well, I guess that if any of this is going to be of particular significance to us, then we will certainly find out the details as we go along.

A: How many times do we have to tell you?!?!

Q: (L) Learning is fun! Right!

A: The entire sum total of all existence exists within each of you, and vice versa.

Q: (L) Then what is the explanation for the "manyness" that we perceive?

A: Perception of 3rd density.

Q: (L) So, the entire universe is inside me... okay, that's... I understand. Oddly enough, I do. The problem is accessing it, stripping away the veils.

A: That is the fun part.

Q: (L) So, the fellow who built the Coral Castle was able to access this. Consistently or only intermittently?

A: Partially.

Q: (L) According to what I understand, at the speed of light, there is no mass, no time, and no gravity. How can this be?

A: No mass, no time, but yes, gravity.

Q: (L) A photon has gravity?

A: Gravity supersedes light speed.

Q: (L) Gravity waves are faster than light?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What would make a gravity wave unstable?

A: Utilization.

Q: (L) I feel like I am missing a really big point here...

A: You are, but you can only find it at your own pace.

Q: (L) Well, I think I need to do some reading and research so that I can come back to this.

A: And, on that note, good night.

Well I really should probably pickup that book sitting on my shelf about the Sufi Path of Knowledge for over 16-18 years or so over there at some point in this life just for starters. I think I have only read passages from it from the Wave series and some posts from others here and there. Then just maybe I can also at least get a better intellectual stepping stone to a much more enlightened understanding of all this gravity, electromagnetic spectrum, sound, light, and thought business, or not. And if so, probably nowhere near close to Arc's, Laura's, and other members various actual scientific understandings of all the subjects related to gravity mentioned in this session on the forum, but it is a start at least, and that is OK too. :boat:

But you know, and this is it "it" being cheeky in complaining a bit, what I really mean is, I look at some of the posts in this thread about all this stuff with much more advanced mathematical jargons and whatnot being used very casually, then try to image these concepts in my mind in relation to what is being said, and fail due to I don't understanding the details of what the jargons mean. Then I am like OK no problem, I will just look it up, yep no problem, yes no problem at all, and then I will look it up it leads to more and more jargons :wow: :headbash:and this event of looking it up usually leaves me feeling feeble in my previous attempts in trying to understand all this intellectually, and when I keep trying to, hours later, tired and overwhelmed by how much I have to study to just to understand one or two complex jargon mentioned here and there, I just want to go to sleep right after sometimes. :violin:hahahaha. OK I am done complaining through the laziness of my predator mind. :whistle:
I wonder if maybe not only electrical discharges, but also maybe sound plays some role in the creation of these spherical boulders occasionally...or not and it is just electrical discharges for this type of event. I was looking at these video a few weeks ago and wondering. Well, it is currently beyond my current level of understandings, but it is amazing to look at to try to at least understand...something. lol

Amazing Resonance Experiment!

Geometry of sound, and life...

These videos bring this particular session to mind, and I think for probably many here as well, and I wouldn't be least suprised if this session was posted elsewhere in the forum in one manner or the other:

Well I really should probably pickup that book sitting on my shelf about the Sufi Path of Knowledge for over 16-18 years or so over there at some point in this life just for starters. I think I have only read passages from it from the Wave series and some posts from others here and there. Then just maybe I can also at least get a better intellectual stepping stone to a much more enlightened understanding of all this gravity, electromagnetic spectrum, sound, light, and thought business, or not. And if so, probably nowhere near close to Arc's, Laura's, and other members various actual scientific understandings of all the subjects related to gravity mentioned in this session on the forum, but it is a start at least, and that is OK too. :boat:

But you know, and this is it "it" being cheeky in complaining a bit, what I really mean is, I look at some of the posts in this thread about all this stuff with much more advanced mathematical jargons and whatnot being used very casually, then try to image these concepts in my mind in relation to what is being said, and fail due to I don't understanding the details of what the jargons mean. Then I am like OK no problem, I will just look it up, yep no problem, yes no problem at all, and then I will look it up it leads to more and more jargons :wow: :headbash:and this event of looking it up usually leaves me feeling feeble in my previous attempts in trying to understand all this intellectually, and when I keep trying to, hours later, tired and overwhelmed by how much I have to study to just to understand one or two complex jargon mentioned here and there, I just want to go to sleep right after sometimes. :violin:hahahaha. OK I am done complaining through the laziness of my predator mind. :whistle:

Don't worry Saman, you are not alone in this. I find such discussions well above my understanding too. I could never really grok science subjects at school and was much more of an 'arts' student although I did enjoy maths. We all have our own path in life and part to play in this great life business of God/7D experiencing itself through us. Just do what you can and try. I think that's what counts. Oh and give yourself a break while you do it :hug2:.
Don't worry Saman, you are not alone in this. I find such discussions well above my understanding too. I could never really grok science subjects at school and was much more of an 'arts' student although I did enjoy maths. We all have our own path in life and part to play in this great life business of God/7D experiencing itself through us. Just do what you can and try. I think that's what counts. Oh and give yourself a break while you do it :hug2:.

Yeah I think it is good practice to strive to expand our brain and our "receivership capability" even in subjects beyond our earlier life paths of training. If I could start this current life all over again, I would most probably want to go into both physics and music at the same time and be able to making a living that way and focus the majority of my time and energy on it, but I am just another student of Life and not the higher level conscious Beings from "above" who are the arthitects of this 3D school. and so I just have to learn to pay attention to the lessons that I need learning and retrieving. I am where I am because that is where I currently fit in Life's lessons, regardless of whether I like it or not, but I always have the choice to strive to change and expand my Being here and there to hopefully progress towards a more balanced 3D level of englightement, and this very much includes the spiritual path of science, even if just little by little for whatever time is remaining in this short cycle. Thank you Matthew. Man hug and fist pump :-) 🚬
In addition to a planetary alignment starting on the 4th of July 2020, a full Moon combined with a penumbral lunar eclipse should happen on the 4th to 5th of July night.
In summary on the 4th of July, we will witness a planetary alignment and a Sun-Moon-Earth alignment in an unprecedented (in modern History) weak geomagnetic context.
Well, a lot of ingredients are present for a Solar discharge to occur and for it to reach our planet.

The Sun has been exceptionally quiet those past months because it's experiencing a Solar minimum (between cycle 24 and cycle 25). However, on July 8th, two coronal mass ejections (CME) were observed:

Space weather forecast: 'Canyon of FIRE' ERUPTS on the Sun
A 'CANYON of fire' has been spotted on the Sun which could blast an array of solar particles towards Earth, researchers have warned.

By Sean Martin PUBLISHED: 11:42, Fri, Jul 10, 2020

Astronomers have spotted a huge eruption of magnetic filament on the Sun, which has become unstable and blasted out into the solar system. Researchers described this coronal mass ejection (CME) - large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field - as a 'canyon of fire' and are wary the ensuing blast of particles could hit Earth. Astronomy site Space Weather said: "During the late hours of July 8, a magnetic filament on the sun became unstable and snapped.

"The eruption cut a 'canyon of fire' in the sun's atmosphere and hurled a faint coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. NOAA analysts are modelling the CME now to see if it might hit Earth's magnetic field in the days ahead."

An intense stream of solar particles has the potential to cause auroras on Earth. Auroras, which include northern lights – aurora borealis – and southern lights – aurora australis, are caused when solar particles hit the atmosphere.

As the magnetosphere gets bombarded by solar winds, stunning blue lights can appear as that layer of the atmosphere deflects the particles.

However, researchers also note the consequences of a solar storm and space weather can extend beyond northern or southern lights.
For the most part, the Earth’s magnetic field protects humans from the barrage of radiation which comes from sunspots, but solar storms can affect satellite-based technology. Solar winds can heat the Earth’s outer atmosphere, causing it to expand. This can affect satellites in orbit, potentially leading to a lack of GPS navigation, mobile phone signal and satellite TV such as Sky.

Additionally, a surge of particles can lead to high currents in the magnetosphere, which can lead to higher than normal electricity in power lines, resulting in electrical transformers and power stations blowouts and a loss of power. Rarely does an event such as this happen, with the biggest technology-crippling solar storm coming in 1859, when a surge in electricity during what is now known as the Carrington Event, was so strong that telegraph systems went down across Europe. There are also reports that some buildings set on fire as a result of the electrical surge.

However, a recent study has found these solar storms should happen every 25 years on average, meaning we are well overdue. Research from the University of Warwick and the British Antarctic Survey analysed the last 14 solar cycles, dating back 150 years.

The analysis showed that ‘severe’ magnetic storms occurred in 42 out of the last 150 years, and ‘great’ super-storms occurred in 6 years out of 150. The researchers said if it had hit Earth, it could have downed technology on our planet.

Lead author Professor Sandra Chapman, from the University of Warwick’s Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, said: “These super-storms are rare events. "But estimating their chance of occurrence is an important part of planning the level of mitigation needed to protect critical national infrastructure. This research proposes a new method to approach historical data, to provide a better picture of the chance of occurrence of super-storms and what super-storm activity we are likely to see in the future.”

Don't be lured by the sensationalistic title of the article above, astronomers just reported two faint CMEs.

The cause is difficult to establish. It might be the planetary alignment mentioned previously in this thread, it might be the recent penumbral lunar eclipse, it might Comet Neowise or any combination of those three factors.

Now, CMEs and Solar flares are both Solar eruptions but CMEs occur on a much larger scale. In addition our magnetosphere is weak, making Earth more vulnerable to Solar eruptions.

The two CMEs having occurred on the last hours of July 8th, they should reach Earth on July 13th. So, it will be interesting to see in the following days if there is any increase in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other phenomena related to Solar outbursts.
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The Sun has been exceptionally quiet those past months because it's experiencing a Solar minimum (between cycle 24 and cycle 25). However, on July 8th, two coronal mass ejections (CME) were observed:

Don't be lured by the sensationalistic title of the article above, astronomers just reported two faint CMEs.

The cause is difficult to establish. It might be the planetary alignment mentioned previously in this thread, it might be the recent penumbral lunar eclipse, it might Comet Neowise or any combination of those three factors.

Now, CMEs and Solar flares are both Solar eruptions but CMEs occur on a much larger scale. In addition our magnetosphere is weak, making Earth more vulnerable to Solar eruptions.

The two CMEs having occurred on the last hours of July 8th, they should reach Earth on July 13th. So, it will be interesting to see in the following days if there is any increase in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other phenomena related to Solar outbursts.
Thanks for all this information. We will be aware!
We hypothesize that the supernova in 1181 (and possibly 1054 and 1006) had some kind of positive effect on people.

Are we now in the repeat of the history?
More synchronicities?

The history seems to always repeat itself :lol:. And maybe it is doing that because it is all just lessons. I suppose that once humanity would actually learn and correct its future conduct towards its enviroment we could move on and see some new exciting stuff...
I immediately found this because its in the comments on SOTT and from a known SOTT user who has these readings of specific cosmological events.

The worldview underlying astrology sees all of reality as symbolic in nature. To the symbolist, the heavenly bodies are threads within a great tapestry of affinities and correspondences. Elwell has defined the term multicongruence as the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level.
The supernova SN2019yvq [1] aligns with the Owl Nebula among other entities. About this Nebula, Nick Fiorenza writes:
The Owl Nebula is one of the largest planetary nebulas. It has a faint central star and two dark recessed regions that give the nebula its name. Nebulas in general create a type of facade or fog that colors the zodiakal theme. The Owl Nebula suggest we use wisdom and night vision to see that which is obscured by the dogmatic veils that we uphold with our existing belief structures, or those created by prominent ego-based individuals and world powers. Here lies the need to see through the existing picture of our reality, and to use creative (third-eye) vision to allow alternative realms and possibilities to emerge into our awareness. Only then can we step into the apparent abyss where a hidden bridge awaits--to step out upon the Path of the Lion.
The COVID-19 pandemic was announced by the Chinese government in December 2019. Does this ring a bell? Might this "plandemic" be serving some nefarious agenda? And is the discovery of the supernova hinting at the need to cut through obscuring veils to see the truth?
Session Date: May 23rd 2020

(L) Alright... Now let's go back to our intro. You said there were lots of interesting things in the last five months, and there's more to come. Last time, you said there are going to be weather issues.

A: Soon astronomical phenomena.

Q: (L) Hmm.

(Artemis) Astronomical phenomena... Didn't they recently broadcast that aliens or UFOs are now real or something like that? Is that related?

A: Yes. Clever you are!

Could that be a Supernova explosion? Betelguese?
Now, CMEs and Solar flares are both Solar eruptions but CMEs occur on a much larger scale. In addition our magnetosphere is weak, making Earth more vulnerable to Solar eruptions.

The two CMEs having occurred on the last hours of July 8th, they should reach Earth on July 13th. So, it will be interesting to see in the following days if there is any increase in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other phenomena related to Solar outbursts.

#Ovni 2020 The impressive record that occurred in the skies of #Asia

VOLCANOES IN ALERT! At 18:29 local time there was a new emission of particulate material in the volcano #Villarrica of moderate character. More information in next REAV.

Industrial Engineer Irene Quiroz
5:25 AM · Sep 26, 2020
Graphic Display:
In REGION ABSORPTION we see the X-ray pulse briefly ionize the atmosphere in the Asian region. Due to the C1.1 class flare generated by the AR2733.
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