I just realized Laura starts this by saying “I feel a Pink Floyd moment coming on”. Very specific precognition there with the Floyd.
I sure never thought of "Floyd" being significant when I spoke it. But before this session began, I was making an extra effort to "tune in" because I knew we needed a good connection. Things are just so crazy these days. The ending of the Dec 28 session pretty much said it all, but we had no idea how immediate and accurate it was going to turn out to be.
The ending in
Session 28 december, 2019 was this statement:
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.
Considering the possibility that the Floyd coincidence, besides being an expression of Laura being tuned in to what is coming, may have a symbolic aspect in relation to mass consciousness, I will quote some excerpts that together show how mass consciousness and related terms are used in the transcripts, because surely with "[m]any searching for answers" mass consciousness is involved, also when one day many for one reason or another will choose to oppose the lies:
Session 9 May, 2020
Q: (Ark) I have a question. I have a certain vision and I would like to know if this is my wishful thinking, or a good thing that I have envisioned. My vision is the following: As a response to pollution and industrialization and so on, we have this emergence of the "Green Parties". Now, my vision is that there will be very soon the beginning of a social movement like Green Peace but AGAINST all these lies. This will explode. People will go into parties fighting against these lies, okay? And it will lead even to social unrest and I see it not in the distant future. Now, is it my wishful thinking, or something like this is going to happen?
A: Expect it.
Q: (L) So in other words, it's like Łobaczewski said: psychopaths always think that they can impose their distorted way of thinking on normal human beings, and it may work under tactics of terror for a period of time. But eventually the terror will wear off, and the anger will replace it. It's going to be basically the villagers with the pitchforks and firebrands.
(Pierre) The trigger of the Yellow Vest movement was a "green" measure. So we already have a taste of that.
(Joe) In terms of populations' reactions to this, it seems to be kinda split. You have a lot of the authoritarian follower types who say to wear your mask and they call the police on people they see walking outside twice a day. And then there are quite a number of other people who maybe normally would be "authoritarian follower" types who seem to be calling BS on this situation because it's SO blatant. So, I was just wondering if a majority of people can actually see through the lies?
A: Not yet. Wait for it!
Q: (Andromeda) Any minute...
If a majority of people can see through the lies, how might that begin? The following session mentions
that mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking:
Session 20 June, 2009
Q: (Ark) In fact I was thinking about this today because yesterday there was three strange event. Namely, today I look at statistics on my blog, and like normally I have like, you know like, 600 or 700, you see? Unique visitors. And then, three days ago there was 1500. Two days ago there was like 1700, and yesterday it was 4000. (A**) Really? (L) So it was like telling you something? (Ark) Yes, so it was like quantum jump. It started to grow, grow, grow. It was not just one day, you know? It started growing, growing, growing, and then BOOM to 4000 yesterday. (L) Can you explain the exponential growth of Ark's readership on his blog?
A: Mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking from many quarters.
Arks blog can be found here:
Arkadiusz Jadczyk -- Official Web Site "Many quarters" could be many places on the planet, but also include different subjects of knowledge, and "Mass consciousness" "driving seeking"might mean that mass consciousness can stimulate some individual people to seek answers. The PTB is probably aware of such mechanisms and one tool of control is through mass programming. This may explain why a subject like Earth changes mentioned in the following session have not yet gone mainstream apart from being known as a topic for movies and a very remote possibility in popular science progames.
Session 23 March, 1995
A: Now, for the remainder of this session, we wish to address the so called earth changes for your benefit, as you are stuck here. Those present need to be equi... [Sound anomaly on tape begins here, on second side.] ...pped to stop buying into popular deceptions once and for all! Reread Bramley.
Q: (L) Funny I took him off the shelf today... (V) What's Bramley about? (L) Well, hold on. Do you want me to read it right now?
A: No.
Q: (L) Ok, address the subject.
A: All such changes are caused by three things and three things only! 1) Human endeavors. 2) Cosmic objects falling upon or too near earth. 3) Planetary orbital aberrations.
Q: (L) All right, carry on.
A: Don't believe any of the nonsense you hear from other sources. It is designed to facilitate mass programming and deception.
Q: (L) Ok, okay.
A: Just as your bible says; "You will know not the day, nor the hour." This means there is no warning. None. No clue. No prophecy. And these events... [anomaly starts again here, briefly.] are of the "past" as well. [and ends here.]
Q: (V) What events of the past, as well?
A: Cosmic and "man made" cataclysms.
Q: (L) Well, since you put 'man-made' at the top of the list, am I to infer that perhaps some of the activities of the consortium, the secret government, are going to precipitate some of these events?
A: No.
”Bramley” Refers to
The Gods of Eden mentioned in numerous places of the forum. This book has many details about the less taught pages of World history, and asks questions one can ponder or research further. Perhaps mass consciousness will warm up to the idea of earth changes. The expression "human endeavors" mentioned above may refer to "human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part" mentioned further on.
Mass consciousness is one concept; there is also mass unconsciousness. The topic appears in the following excerpt at the end of a rather long discussion of the timeline outlook from
Session 3 December 1994 which has a list of predictions.
Session 6 February, 2016 there is:
Q: (Pierre) Okay, so the second question... Obviously, between the timeline described in 1994 and the timeline we're in right now, there are slight differences. Interestingly, for some of the events that were announced in this parallel timeline, which did not occur, nonetheless in the media a few days ago there were articles that were mentioning the possibility of these non-occurring events. The list has “Memphis feels tremors”. It didn't occur yet, but in January there was an article mentioning it might occur. Or, about Queen Elizabeth's serious illness: On February 3rd, there was a tweet that had a million hits or likes announcing that Queen Elizabeth was dead. About Mt. Shasta erupting, it didn't happen yet; but in January there was an article announcing the imminent eruption of Shasta. Are somehow those parallel timeline events kind of porous and there's a resonance...
(L) Like a bleedthrough?
(Pierre) Correct.
A: Or mass unconsciousness perceives something in advance.
Q: (Pierre) So it may yet be in store.
"[M]ass unconsciousness perceives something in advance." would mean that if one can tune into the mass unconsciousness that perceives something in advance, then one can also pick signs of what is coming for the collective, just like Laura did. The above expression [p]erceives something in advance" also relates to "Mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking from many quarters." used to describe why the number of views went up on Ark's blog, because the subtle perception that there is something to be known precedes the activities that are the outer signs of seeking.
A difference between mass unconsciousness and mass consciousness could be that the former is more subtle aspect, like the subconscious mind is in relation to the conscious mind.
Mass consciousness and the actions of humans, appear to be interactive. Interactive is a the expression used in the next excerpt about the "collective mind" in relation to a small group, but the principle may also have meaning for larger groups and populations:
Session 26 November, 1994
A: Thank you for altering the board. {We had installed more punctuation marks} We worked on your psyches to get you to do that.
Q: (L) Well, you didn't have to work on our psyches to get us to do it. It makes things faster for us too. We wanted to do it.
A: Everything is interactive when it comes to the "collective mind."
We now have concepts like mass consciousness, collective mind and mass unconscious. The next two excerpts are examples of the principle that
"Everything is interactive"
Example 1: California is no longer "paradise"
Session 1 December, 2018
(Joe) Was there something at a mass consciousness level being expressed in the fact that this fire almost completely burned down a town called Paradise in California?
A: Yes. California is no longer "paradise" and will shortly look more like hell.
The point with mentioning the above is not the prediction, but the example of how the signalling to mass consciousness may take place through "coincidences" and symbols.
Example 2: The burning of Notre Dame de Paris:
Even if the following event was not fully natural one can consider the signal value with a "20-20" hindsight:
Session 18 May, 2019
Q: (Pierre) Now, a lot of conspiracy theories are about this massive real estate project, making money, etc. What was the fundamental motive of this arson at Notre Dame?
A: Destruction of symbol: Our Lady Mother, i.e. Earth.
Q: (Pierre) I noticed often in those false flag operations they have prepared in advance a conspiracy theory for the mass audience. Here the conspiracy theory is money. It's about getting oil, getting fancy buildings. But really, behind that, the real perpetrators are working on deeper things like symbols, ideologies, feelings.
(L) Symbols are so important. It's like the movie V for Vendetta. He was talking about Parliament as a symbol.
(Chu) It's the collective unconscious. And how did they do it? Was it thermite or what?
A: Normal fire elements. It didn't take more than that.
If '[e]verything is interactive when it comes to the "collective mind."' then
a part of the interactive relation between mass consciousness and the masses is what the masses do or don't do. This is brought out in the following excerpt:
Session 21 December, 2012
A: Today was not the end of the world in case you didn't notice, however an "end" of sorts will certainly come as we have been suggesting for many years. Time is never definite. Things also happen in steps and stages. The major steps include things like assassinations that are accepted by the masses. When such is not objected to, then the next stage is prepared.
Things like assassinations might include the murders of JFK, RFK, MLK, or perhaps the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Lady Diana and Yassir Arafat that are mentioned as markers.
https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/session-9-january-2005.20997/']Session 9 January 2005[/URL]
Q: Was there any symbolic meaning to the death of Arafat at Percy Hospital, with the number 11 appearing at the time
A: Like Diana, a marker.
A marker may signify the beginning of a new phase. Whether that means "the next step is prepared" in so far, as few objected to the manner in which they died, or if there are othere subtleties among the markers, I don't know. Perhaps there is, John F Kennedy was a president and named after St. John. Lady Diana was hugely popular, and
her name represented a symbol too:
Diana (from lat.
[1]) is a feminine personal name derived from the
goddess Diana, who in
ancient Roman mythology was considered the goddess of the
moon and
hunting (in
ancient Greek mythology Diana was matched by
In Persian, it means " messenger of health and benevolence»
If the previous interactive relations were connected to human affairs, the following excerpt illustrates
an interactive relation between human mass consciousness and its environment:
https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/session-9-january-2005.20997/']Session 9 January 2005[/URL]
Q: (L) Regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami, there is a huge buzz on the net that this was not a natural phenomenon. Some say it could have been a meteor; others say it was a US nuke; others say it was India and Israel playing around in deep sea trenches. Then there is the speculation on an EM weapon of some description. The New agers are saying it was the start of the final 'Earth Changes". So what really caused this earthquake that happened one year minus one hour after the earthquake in Iran?
A: Pressure in earth. Not any of the proferred suggestions. But remember that the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.
Q: In what way does mass consciousness play a part?
A: When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".
The above example of what Earth does and what happens to humanity relates to the following recommendation:
Session 9 May, 2020
A: Nature will also intervene. Watch for it!
It turns out that what expresses itself on Earth in mass human behavior is a reflection of cosmic conditions
Session May 18, 2019
A: We once pointed out that mass human behavior was a reflection of cosmic conditions. Now is the time when all must be extra vigilant. We also pointed out that STS forces are fully aware of prophetic patterns and will change and twist in order to discourage and put those to sleep who are slack in vigilance. Note the human environment and try to imagine what it represents above!!!
While there are individual lessons, there are also collective lessons. As such the expression above: "the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part" can relate to the expression in the following session concerning lessons: URL='https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/session-16-november-1994.28379/']Session 16 November 1994[/URL]
A: There is no time as you know it; its all just lessons for the collective consciousness.
A few month later, there was more elaboration on the subject of the collective consciousness in relation to lessons. One can tune into the collective consciousness:
https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/session-21-january-1995.22372/']Session 21 January, 1995[/URL]
Q: (L) Are you wondering something? Ask. (C) How truthful the source is?
A: Up to you to decide
Q: (T) They only provide the information. They want us to make the decisions as to what we do with it, interpret it, what happens with it. I'm sure we all look at it slightly differently. We all have a different way of perceiving things, so we all perceive it differently. (D) Is the information gathered from the collective consciousness? A collection of all lessons learned by all humans?
A: Yes, and other sources as well.
Q: (D) Does this include the Lizzies?
A: Yes.
Q: (D) That includes you, also?
A: Yes.
Q: (D) Okay, can we tune into the collective consciousness?
A: Of course.
Q: (D) Okay, then, are there certain abilities needed to do this connection into the collective consciousness?
A: You all have all you need.
Q: (D) Well then, if this.. (T) By sitting here, we tap into them and they tap into us. (D) If this collective consciousness is a collection, haven't all lessons been learned by someone at some time?
A: Yes.
Q: (D) Then can we tune into the collective consciousness to find how our same lessons have been solved before?
A: Yes. But what is "before?"
Q: (D) Before? No, I didn't ask... (J) Before, during, after, these are all time concepts. (D) Oh, yeah.
A: Yes.
Q: (D) Well, my real question is if all the answers are there, and we can get there, why are we going through the lessons again? I mean, why do we have to go through these lessons if the solutions are already there?
A: Its all just lessons.
Q: (D) I know, that's what made me ask... I just.. I can't understand this.. we already have the answers, and we're going through the lessons again... (T) Not all of us have learned all the answers, that's why we're all going through the lessons again.... (D) But, you see, all the answers are there...
A: Who said "again" ?
Q: (J) Is it more like "still" ? (D) But if all the answers are there...
A: You are still thinking at 3rd level.
Q: (D) Yeah, but I'm still trying to understand.. Sorry, guys
A: Don't "try" so much, just go with it.
Q: (T) It's like Master Yoda said in Star Wars, "Don't try, do" .... Just do it.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) See, I knew Star Wars had a redeeming social value. (J) So did Relationships. The how is to do it. (D) But if the answers are there, and we can find the answers, to our lessons... (T) We don't have to find the answers, we have the answers. The answers are within all of us. (D) It seems so redundant... (T) Most of the lessons are to find the right answers... (D)...to actually go through the doing of the lessons....
A: No. Not correct idea.
Q: (T) Where were we going with this? (D) Oh, it was just a wonder of mine, it's just like, if we have the answers, I didn't understand why we do it. (J) We're not supposed to know. (T) Well, if we have all the answers, they're all in us, and we all know the correct solutions to the lessons, we should always be able to do it right, but we're doing it wrong, that means we haven't learned it right yet.
A: Retrieval.
Q: (L) I know what she's hanging up on here - what's the point? (D) Yeah! (L) That's the whole question, what's the point? And I guess the point is, is that it's just...
A: Lessons.
If one selects some expressions, one may with slight editing and some ordering say that:
1) Mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking from many quarters
2) mass unconsciousness perceives something in advance
3) Everything is interactive when it comes to the "collective mind."
4) the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.
5) mass human behavior is a reflection of cosmic conditions
6) its all just lessons for the collective consciousness
7) It is possible to tune into the collective consciousness.
Finally we are back to: "I feel a Pink Floyd moment coming on"